(Friday, January 17;
The coroner's inquest increased the
tension of the situation. Ella Gunthar had spoken urgently to Vance
as soon as she arrived at the Manor that morning. She was fully
cognizant of the time and place of the inquest and determined to be
there. Vance sought to dissuade her, but finally abandoned the
effort. He realized there was some deeper reason than mere
curiosity, and arranged to take her with us in O'Leary's car.
At the bend in the roadway where it
joined the main highway O'Leary signaled sharply on his horn. The
sound found a prolonged echo in the archaic midday siren
reverberating over the estate and weirdly following us like a
mechanical nemesis as we drove on. The Lieutenant offered
assurances to Vance's unvoiced concern.
"It won't take us more than ten
minutes to get there. Brander'll wait for us."
The small room in the Town Hall at
Winewood was well filled with townspeople and workers from the
Rexon estate; but there were no guests from the Manor itself.
At one end of the room on a low
platform was a long table at which a heavy-set, red-faced man with
blinking eyes presided.
"That's John Brander," whispered
O'Leary. "A reasonable man. Local real-estate lawyer."
At the left of the table, partitioned
off by a railing, sat the jury, simple and honest men of the
conventional type one would expect to find in a country town. A
constable, with an ineffectual air of importance, stood beside the
witness stand.
Eric Gunthar was called first. He
explained briefly how he had come upon Lief Wallen's body on his
way to work, and had returned to the Gulch with Old Jed, Darrup and
Vance. Under adroit questioning, his trip to the summit of the
cliff with Vance was brought out; but when Gunthar became too
voluble regarding the blood spot, he was somewhat abruptly
dismissed, and Darrup was called. He appeared cowed and had little
to add to Gunthar's testimony. Old Jed proved a somewhat pathetic
figure on the witness stand, and Brander wasted no time on
Vance was called next. Brander's
questions elicited largely repetitions of the testimony already
given; and despite the coroner's obvious attempt at caution, the
blood stain by the scrub oak on the cliff was necessarily gone into
at considerable length. Brander seemed to attach no particular
importance to it and contrived a subtle suggestion that the blood
might have been other than human blood. I myself was conscious of a
fleeting mental image of some boy or amateur huntsman shooting a
rabbit scurrying over the snow.
"Were there footprints anywhere near
the spot?" Brander asked.
"No. No footprints," Vance answered.
"There were, however, vague impressions in the snow."
"Anything definite?"
"No." And Vance was permitted to step
Doctor Quayne was then sworn in. His
dignity and soft manner were impressive. The jury listened with
patent respect. The doctor's testimony was perfunctory and
technical. He told of the condition of the body when he first saw
it; estimated the time of death; and hastened over the findings of
the autopsy. He emphasized, however, the peculiar skull wound over
Wallen's right ear.
"Now, this skull wound, doctor," the
coroner interposed. "Just what was peculiar about it?"
"It was somewhat sharply outlined and
depressed, running from the right ear for about four inches toward
the temple—not exactly what one would expect from even violent
contact with a flat surface."
"There was snow where Wallen
"About an inch, I should say."
"Did you examine the ground under the
snow for a possible projection?"
"No. It would have been visible had it
been there."
"But there are projecting rocks on the
cliff between the upper ledge and the ground, aren't there?"
"Slight ones. Yes."
"Is it not possible, then, Wallen's
head glanced one of these rocks in falling?"
Doctor Quayne pursed his lips. He
expressed considerable doubt.
"However," persisted Brander, "you
couldn't say definitely—could you, doctor—that this particular
injury was wholly incompatible with the fall?"
"No. I couldn't say that definitely. I
merely state that the injury seemed strange in the circumstances;
one hardly to be expected."
"But still,"—Brander leaned forward
with marked courtesy—"you'll pardon me, doctor, if I insist on the
point. Such an injury would have been possible in an accidental fall from the
"Yes,"—Doctor Quayne's tone showed
annoyance—"it would have been possible."
"That will be all, doctor. Thank you
for your clarity and help."
O'Leary was then called. His
testimony, brief and businesslike, served merely to corroborate
that of preceding witnesses. As he stepped down there came an
unexpected and dramatic interlude. Guy Darrup suddenly leaped to
his feet.
"You ain't doin' fair to Lief Wallen,
Mr. Brander," he shouted righteously. "You ain't askin' for the
things where truth lies. I could tell you—"
Brander struck the table with his
gavel. "If you have evidence to give," he said with acerbity, "you
should have stated it when you were on the stand."
"You didn't ask me the right
questions, you didn't, Mr. Brander. I know plenty about poor
"Swear him in again, Constable."
"Not comfortin' for us," whispered
Vance to O'Leary.
"Brander has no choice." O'Leary, too,
was apprehensive.
Darrup took the oath a second
"Now give us your withheld evidence,
Darrup." Brander's biting tone was wasted.
"Maybe you don't know, Mr. Brander,
the queer wrong things that goes on over there at the Squire's."
Darrup spoke like a zealot aroused. "Mr. Gunthar's always
a-bullyin'. An' he drinks too much to suit the Squire. He's been
warned, he has. An' it was Lief Wallen that was gonna step in his
boots—just like he stepped in Old Jed's boots. An' Lief wanted to
marry that pretty girl of his—the one down there who looks after
Miss Joan." Ella Gunthar drew back as he pointed. "Lief had a
right. He'da made her a good honest husband. But Mr. Gunthar didn't
want it. I guess he's got his own ideas." Darrup contorted his lips
into a shrewd smile. "An' the girl didn't want it neither. She
thinks she's better than us. An' there's been plenty o' trouble
about it all—Lief wasn't a boy who'd give up easy..."
Darrup breathed noisily, and hurried
"But that ain't all, Mr. Brander—not
by a long ways. Nothing's right up there at the Squire's. There's
funny things goin' on. Deep, dark things—things you ain't taught
about in the Bible. What's the girl doin' down in the Green Glen at
night times, I'd like to know? I've seen her sneakin' to Old Jed's
hut. There's plottin'. Everybody's lyin'. Everybody's hatin'. An'
Old Jed's queer. He don't talk to nobody. But he's up to something,
always lookin' up at the trees, an' lettin' the stream water run
through his fingers, like a kid. An' then, just when young Lief's
about to step into Mr. Gunthar's job, he goes an' falls off the
cliff. Lief knew his way about the grounds better'n to do that.
Anyway, what's he doin' up there that time o' night when he's
supposed to be watchin' round the Manor?"
Brander's patience gave out. His gavel
smashed down.
"Did you come here to vent your hates,
man? That's not evidence. That's old women's talk."
evidence!" shrieked Darrup. "Then ask Mr. Gunthar's girl why
she was runnin' down the slope from the cliff at twelve o'clock
that night when Lief fell over!"
"What's that?"
"You heard me, you did, Mr. Brander. I
was workin' late in the pavilion, fixin' things for the Squire's
party. An' here she comes runnin' down the slope an' turned right
by the pavilion. An' she was cryin', too."
I looked at Ella Gunthar. Her face was
white, her lips trembled. There was a subdued commotion in the
room. Brander hesitated, looked uneasy. He rustled through some
papers before him. Then he looked angrily at Darrup.
"Your statements are irrelevant." He
paused. "Unless, perhaps,"— there was jocularity in his
tone—"you're accusing a mere girl of hurling a big fellow like
Wallen over the cliff. Is that what you mean?"
"No, Mr. Brander." Darrup lapsed again
into sullenness. "It wasn't her as could've done it. I'm only
tellin' you—"
Again the gavel descended. "That's
enough! This inquest is not for the purpose of injuring a young
woman's reputation. It is merely to establish by what means Wallen
came to his death, and, if by criminal means, at whose hand. Your
speculations are, therefore, not helpful to this investigation.
Step down, Darrup." Darrup obeyed, and Brander turned quickly to
O'Leary. "Any more witnesses; Lieutenant?"
O'Leary shook his head.
"That's all then." Brander spoke
briefly to the jury. They filed out. In less than half an hour
their verdict was announced:
"We find that Lief Walton met his
death by an accidental fall, under suspicious circumstances."
Brander was startled. He opened his
mouth, was about to speak, but said nothing. The inquest was
"There's a verdict!" O'Leary scoffed
to Vance as we drove back to the Manor. "No sense whatever. But
Brander did his best."
"Yes—oh, yes. Not strictly legal,
perhaps. Could have been worse. However..."
Ella Gunthar sat in the corner of the
back seat beside me, a handkerchief pressed to her mouth, staring,
unseeing, over the quiet winter landscape.
Vance took her gently in hand when we
arrived. "Was Darrup telling the truth, my dear?" he asked.
"I don't know what you mean..."
"Were you running down the slope that
"I—No. Of course not." She raised her
chin defiantly. "I was at home at midnight. I didn't hear
"Why are you fibbing?" he asked
sternly. She compressed her lips and said nothing. Vance went on
with tenderness. "Maybe I know. You're a brave little soldier. But
very foolish. Nothing's going to hurt you. I want you to trust me."
He held out his hand.
Her eyes searched his face a moment. A
faint smile showed on her lips. Then she placed her hand
confidently in his.
"Now run along to Joan—and let that
smile come all the way out."