(Tuesday, January 14; 11
"How would you like a brief vacation
in ideal surroundings—winter sports, pleasing company, and a
veritable mansion in which to relax? I have just such an invitation
for you, Vance."
Philo Vance drew on his cigarette and
smiled. We had just arrived at District Attorney Markham's office
in answer to a facetious yet urgent call. Vance looked at him and
"I suspect you. Speak freely, my dear
"Old Carrington Rexon's
"Ah!" Vance drawled. "No spontaneous
goodness of heart in life. Sad. So, I'm asked to enjoy myself in
the Berkshires only because Carrington Rexon's worried. A detective
on the premises would soothe his harassed spirits. I'm invited. Not
flatterin'. No."
"Don't be cynical, Vance."
"But why should Carrington Rexon's
worries concern me? I'm not in the
least worried."
"You will be," said Markham with
feigned viciousness. "Don't deny you dote on the sufferings of
others, you sadist. You live for crime and suffering. And you adore
worrying. You'd die of ennui if all were peaceful."
"Tut, tut," returned Vance. "Not
sadistic. No. Always strivin' for peace and calm. My charitable,
unselfish nature."
"As I thought! Old Rexon's worry
does appeal to you. I detect the glint
in your eye."
"Charming place, the Rexon estate,"
Vance observed thoughtfully. "But why, Markham, with his millions,
his leisure, his two adored and adoring offspring, his gorgeous
estate, his fame, and his vigor— why should he be worrying? Quite
"Still, he wants you up there
"As you said." Vance settled deeper
into his chair. "His emeralds, I opine, are to blame for his
Markham looked across at the other
shrewdly. "Don't be clairvoyant. I detest soothsayers. Especially
when their guesses are so obvious. Of course, it's his damned
"Tell me all. Leave no precious stone
unturned. Could you bear it?"
Markham lighted a cigar. When he had
it going he said:
"No need to tell you of Rexon's famous
emerald collection. You probably know how it's safeguarded."
"Yes," said Vance. "I inspected it
some years ago. Inadequately protected, I thought."
"The same today. Thank Heaven the
place isn't in my jurisdiction: I'd be worrying about it
constantly. I once tried to persuade Rexon to transfer the
collection to some museum."
"Not nice of you, Markham. Rexon loves
his gewgaws fanatically. He'd wither away if bereft of his
emeralds...Oh, why are collectors?"
"I'm sure I don't know. I didn't make
the world."
"Regrettable," sighed Vance. "What is
"An unpredictable situation at the
Rexon estate. The old boy's apprehensive. Hence his desire for your
"More light, please."
"Rexon Manor," continued Markham, "is
at present filled with guests as a result of young Richard Rexon's
furlough: the chap has just returned from Europe where he has been
studying medicine intensively in the last-word European colleges
and hospitals. The old man's giving a kind of celebration in the
boy's honor—"
"I know. And hoping for an
announcement of Richard's betrothal to the blue-blooded Carlotta
Naesmith. Still, why his anxiety?"
"Rexon being a widower, with an
invalid daughter, asked Miss Naesmith to arrange a house party and
celebration. She did—with a vengeance. Mostly café society: weird
birds, quite objectionable to old Rexon's staid tastes. He doesn't
understand this new set; is inclined to distrust them. He doesn't
suspect them, exactly, but their proximity to his precious emeralds
gives him the jitters."
"Old-fashioned chap. The new
generation is full of incredible possibilities. Not a lovable and
comfortable lot. Does Rexon point specifically?"
"Only at a fellow named Bassett. And,
strangely enough, he's not of Miss Naesmith's doing. Acquaintance
of Richard's, in fact. Friendship started abroad—in Switzerland, I
believe. Came over on the boat with him this last trip. But the old
gentleman admits he has no grounds for his uneasiness. He's just
nervous, in a vague way, about the whole situation. Wants
perspicacious companionship. So he phoned me and asked for help,
indicating you."
"Yes. Collectors are like that. Where
can he turn in his hour of uncertainty? Ah, his old friend Markham!
Equipped with all the proper gadgets for just such delicate
observation. Gadget Number One: Mr. Philo Vance. Looks presentable
in a dinner coat. Won't drink from his finger-bowl. Could mingle
and observe, without rousing suspicion. Discretion guaranteed.
Excellent way of detecting a lurking shadow—if any." Vance smiled
resignedly. "Is that the gist of the worried Rexon's runes by
long-distance phone?"
"Substantially, yes," admitted
Markham. "But expressed more charitably. You know damned well that
old Rexon likes you, and that if he thought you'd care for the
house party, you'd have been more than welcome."
"You shame me, Markham," Vance
returned with contrition. "I'm fond of Rexon, just as you are. A
lovable man...So, he craves my comfortin' presence. Very well, I
shall strive to smooth his furrowed brow."