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abortion, 74, 224, 363, 387, 439, 449

Abrahms, Max, 196–7

abstract thinking, 26–7. See also Flynn effect

Abt, Thomas, 174, 175–6


left-wing tilt of, 372–4, 388, 484n61

right-wing dismissal of, 374

See also university and college education

accidental deaths, 167–8, 176–90, 177, 179–80, 182, 187–9, 192, 468–9nn50,63

acts of God, 185, 187, 189, 190

Adams, Franklin Pierce, 48

Adnane, Souad, 442

Adorno, Theodor, 39–40, 396–7

adversarial collaboration, 379

Aeschylus, 23

affective tipping point, 377


democratization and, 206

environment of, 130

happiness ranking of, 475n30

literacy rate in, 236, 239, 240, 473n27

polio in, 65

Soviet invasion of, 439

Taliban control of, 240, 473n27

terrorist vs. war deaths in, 192, 193

U.S.-led invasion of, 197, 206, 473n27

Africa (sub-Saharan)

agriculture in, 76, 77–8

calories available per person in, 70

carbon emissions of, 144

child mortality and, 56, 56

colonial governments of, 78

Communist governments in, 200, 201

conservation movement and, 123

democratization and, 203, 206

economic inequality in, 98

education in, 236–8, 237–8

emancipative values in, 227, 227

environment of, 130

famine in, 69, 72–3, 78

female genital mutilation in, 222

fertility rates and, 436

GDP of, 95

HIV/AIDS in, 55, 66, 67

homicide rates and concentrations in, 172

homophobia in, 223

Human Development Index score for, 473n45

IQ gains in, 241, 241

life expectancy in, 53–5, 54, 59

multiethnic neighbors, peacefulness of, 405

per capita income in, 86–7

and personal violence, deaths from, 167

postcolonial governments of, 78, 200, 201

religiosity and, 436

undernourishment in, 72

women’s rights and, 222

See also individual countries

African Americans

education and, 239

happiness of, 272, 273

hate crimes against, 215, 219, 220, 471n18

life expectancy of, 219

literacy rates of, 219

police killings of, 215–16, 471n6

poverty rate among, 219

and Tuskegee syphilis study, 401

See also racism

age (life cycle) effects, 225

happiness, 272–3

political orientation, 341–2, 342

religious belief, 437–8

suicide, 278, 279

voting preferences, 342

See also cohort effects; period (zeitgeist) effects

Age of Reason, 8, 411


Agricultural Revolution, 75, 83

birth of, 74, 123

density of, 234

genetically modified crops, 77–8, 331

government policies disrupting, 78

Green Revolution, 75–8

industrialization and abandonment of, 92–3

invention of, 23

land devoted to, 76

life expectancy and, 53–4

mechanization of, 74–5

organic, 74, 134

prices, 75

reforestation of land and, 130, 134

rice cultivation, 69, 93, 123, 331

selective breeding, 74, 76

synthetic fertilizers, 75, 83

transportation and, 75, 77, 78

yield increases, 74–5

See also food and food security

AIDS/HIV, 55, 66, 66, 67, 401

AI. See artificial intelligence (AI)

Akbar I (Mughal emperor), 442

Akyol, Mustafa, 442

Alaska, universal basic income and, 119

Alcott, Louisa May, 284

Alexander, Amy, 440

Ali, Ayaan Hirsi, 443

Allen, Paul, 477n20

Allen, Woody, 204, 285–6

Al Qaeda, 196, 310, 441

Althusser, Louis, 447

alt-right movement, 341, 419, 448, 482n44

Amazon River and rainforest, 130, 141

American Heritage Dictionary, 260

Amin, Idi, 161, 199

anarchist movements, 198

anarchy, death toll from, 199, 206

Angell, Norman, 481n16

Angola, 160


cruelty-to-animals laws, 417

humanism and, 410

predator/prey, 19

returns vs. extinctions of, 130, 133, 463n32

anocracies, 470n15

anthropology, 10, 233, 402

anti-Semitism, 219, 220. See also Holocaust

Anton, Michael (“Publius Decius Mus”), 448, 449

anxiety, 283

adulthood and, 288–9

“collapse anxiety,” 292

depression as comorbid with, 283

and institutions, loss of faith in, 286

media practices of encouraging, 287

as motivation to solve problems, 287

postwar increase in, 284

prevalence of depression and, 282–3, 476n74

sex differences in, 285

strategems for coping with, 287

women’s gains in autonomy and, 285

Appiah, Kwame Anthony, 443

Aquino, Corazon, 91

Arab countries

classical Arab civilization, 439, 442

clerical meddling in education, 234

slavery/racism and, 397

See also Muslim countries

Arab Spring (2011), 203, 228, 370

archaeology, 407

Argentina, 200, 315

Ariely, Dan, 353

Aristotle, eudaemonia, 267

Arkhipov, Vasili, 479n93

Armenia, 158

artificial intelligence (AI)

“Artificial General Intelligence” (AGI), 297, 298

and Enlightenment thinkers, 386

as existential threat, putative, 296–300, 477n20

job losses and, 118, 300

Value Alignment Problem, 299–300

arts and culture

availability of, 260–61

and consilience with science, 407–9

depicting traditionalism vs. modernity, 284

ideological innumeracy and, 48

Nietzsche as influence on, 445, 446–7

vs. science, 34, 389–90

Aryans, romantic heroism and, 33, 398, 444

Asafu-Adjaye, John, 122


authoritarian regimes, rise of, 200

carbon emissions of, 144

famine in, 69, 78

globalization and, 111, 112, 117

IQ gains in, 241

life expectancy in, 53–4, 54, 55

military governments of, 200

postcolonial governments of, 78

undernourishment in, 72

See also individual countries and subregions

Asians, hate crimes against, 219, 220

Asiri, Abdullah al-, 303

Assad, Bashar al-, 159

Astell, Mary, 252

atheism and atheists

charitable acts by, 432

dangers of self-labeling as, 435

definition of, 430

moral realism of, 429

“New Atheism,” 430

numbers of, 435, 436, 437–8, 489n68, 490n65

rising Intelligence Quotient test scores and, 438

wars by, 429–30

Athens (ancient), 212

Atkins, Peter, 17

Auden, W. H., 283, 446


education in, 237

emancipative values in, 225–7, 226, 227

and escape from poverty, 85

happiness ranking of, 475n30

IQ gains in, 241, 241

secularization and, 436, 437

social spending in, 108

traffic death rates in, 178

Austria, 341, 475n30, 489n68

Ausubel, Jesse, 76, 122, 127, 135, 142, 144

authoritarian governments

capitalist, China as, 90, 201, 203–4, 343

claiming the people unready for democracy, 204

democracies backsliding into, 201, 335

educated populace and resistance to, 235

execution of dissidents by, outrage at, 195

intellectual fans of, 445, 446–7, 491n118

patronal/kleptocratic, 205

and poverty, 90–91

premodern, 199, 397

See also populism

Authoritarian High Modernism, 11–12, 400

authoritarian populism. See populism

authority, deference to, 5

autocracy vs. democracy, 202–3, 202, 470n15

automation, 118–19, 300, 331

Availability heuristic, 41–2

awareness of, 369, 381, 383

critical thinking courses and, 378

doomsday prophecies and, 293, 302

media coverage and, 42–4, 201

superforecasters and awareness of, 369

terrorism and, 42, 195

Axial Age, 23, 264, 411

Azerbaijan, 158

Baby Boomers, 225

and crime boom of the 1960s, 173–4

depression and, 280–81

emancipative values and, 226

happiness underachievement of, 273, 283–9, 288

opioid overdoses and, 184–5

and populism, 341–2, 342

secularization and, 437

suicide and, 279–80

Babylon, 253–4

Bacon, Francis, 383

Bailey, Ronald, 464n45

Ball, Lucille, 186

Balmford, Andrew, 122

Banaji, Mahzarin, xix


democratization and, 442

environment of, 130

escape from poverty of, 85, 86

famine and stunting in, 71, 71, 72

fertility as decreasing in, 126

industrialization and women in the workforce, 94

War of Independence (1971), 160, 161

Bannon, Stephen, 430, 448, 449, 455n1

Banting, Frederick, 63

Baron, Jonathan, 369

Barrett, Clark, 17

Basque ETA movement, 195

Batbie, Anselme, 341

Baudelaire, Charles, 30

Bauer, Peter, 79

Bauman, Zygmunt, 397

Baumeister, Roy, 267, 477n20

Bayesian reasoning, 369–70, 380, 381, 393

Bazile, Leon, 376

Beatles, 257, 274


in art, 395, 406, 407

counter-entropic patterns as, 18

evolutionary psychology of, 18, 407, 408, 426

intrinsic value of, 18, 35, 248, 414, 433–4

in religion, 432

from science, 34, 260, 386, 407–8, 433–4

Beccaria, Cesare, 12, 174, 417

BECCS (bioenergy with carbon capture and storage), 151

Beckett, Samuel, 456n10

Belarus, 209, 313

Belgium, 169, 170, 259

Bell, Daniel, 390

Benin, 203, 475n30

Benjamin, Walter, 39–40

Benny, Jack, 333

Bentham, Jeremy, 223, 417

Bergman, Ingmar, 280

Berlin, Isaiah, 344

Berlin Wall, 163, 200–201, 203

Berry, Ken, 316

Best, Charles, 63

Better Angels of Our Nature, The (Pinker), 45–6

battle deaths (1946–2016), 159–60, 159

capital punishment, 209, 211

democracy vs. autocracy, 202

genocide deaths, 161

hate crimes, 220

homicide rates, 171

homosexuality, decriminalization of, 223

most recent year of data, 156, 466n1

objections to reliance on data in, 43–7

racist, sexist, and homophobic opinions, 216

rape and domestic violence, 221

terrorism deaths, 194

trends of, generally, 156

victimization of children, 229

war between great powers, 157–8, 157

Betteridge’s Law of Headlines, 282, 404

Bettmann, Otto, 178–9, 185, 186


antihumanistic content of, 440

crucifixion in, 208

despotism in, 199

in fabric of human knowledge, 433

famine in, 68

life expectancy in, 58

literal truth of, belief in, 489n53, 490n84

maternal pain and suffering in, 57

morality as relative in, 429

on the poor, 89

prophets in, 49, 293

suicide in, 278

See also God

Bierce, Ambrose, 428

Big Bang, 17, 385, 424

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 66

bin Laden, Osama, 443

biochar, 150

bioethics, research and committees for, 402

bioterrorism, 300–302, 305, 306–7

Birdzell, L. E., 79

black swans. See power-law distribution; rare events

Blake, William, 92

Blank Slate, The: The Modern Denial of Human Nature (Pinker), 45, 373, 484n61

Bloom, Paul, 101–2

Blue Collar (film), 113

blue lies, 358–9

Bogotá, Colombia, 172

Bohr, Niels, 308

Boko Haram, 67, 162

Boltzmann, Ludwig, 15

Bonaparte, Napoleon, 84–5

books, 239, 260–61, 408

Borlaug, Norman, 75–6, 77

Bornstein, David, 50

Bosch, Carl, 75

Bosnia, 151, 404, 436

Boston, Massachusetts, 130, 172, 183

Botswana, 91, 141

Boyd, Richard, 429

Boyer, Paul, 311


consciousness and, 426

hearing and, 20–21

human investment in bigger, 22–3

intelligence and, 21, 242

as metabolically greedy organ, 242

pleasure and pain and, 414

See also cognitive biases; intelligence; reason

Brand, Stewart, 77, 122, 123, 133, 149, 301–2, 463n32, 465n76

Brandt, Willy, 200

Branwen, Gwern, 303

Braudel, Fernand, 68, 69, 79

Brazil, 90, 109, 172, 178, 200

Brecht, Bertolt, 23, 224, 447

Brezhnev, Leonid, 203

Briand, Aristide, 164

Briggs, John, 463n32

Brink, David, 429

Brin, Sergey, 100

Brockman, John, 390

Brontë, Charlotte, 284

Bronze Age, life expectancy and, 54

Brooklyn Dodgers, 179

Brooks, Rodney, 477n20

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 230

Bruno, Giordano, 442

Bryce, Robert, 146

Buddhism, 23, 204, 412

Buffet, Warren, 117

bullying, 49

Burckhardt, Jacob, 165

Burke, Edmund, 341, 363, 366

Burkina Faso, 203

Burma. See Myanmar

Burroughs, William S., 456n10

Burtless, Gary, 115

Burundi, 141, 161, 475n30

Bush, George W.

African AIDS relief policy of, 67

among know-nothings, 374–5

disdain for science and, 60, 387, 389

and nuclear weapons, 291, 319

prescription drug benefit of, 109

wealth creation malaprop, 81

Buturovic, Zeljka, 362

Cambodia, 78, 147, 161, 238

Cameroon, 162

Campbell, David, 432

Campbell, Joseph, 456n1

Camus, Albert, 446


child mortality and, 56

depression and, 282

economic freedom in, 365, 483n39

education in, 237

emancipative values in, 225–7, 226, 227

and escape from poverty, 85

happiness and well-being, 438–9, 475n30

homicide rates in, 171

populism and, 341

secularization and, 436, 437, 438–9

social spending in, 108, 109, 365, 483n39

cancer, 61, 146

Cantril, Hadley, 266, 359


authoritarian, China and, 90, 201, 203–4, 343

as coexisting with regulations, 364, 365

as coexisting with social spending, 364, 365, 483nn39,42

and cultures, 85

and Great Escape from poverty, 90–91, 364

unbridled/unregulated/untrammeled, 364

See also commerce; economic inequality; economics

capital punishment

abolition of, 208–213, 209

cognitive bias study referencing, 359–60

homosexual behavior criminalized, 223

Capp, Al, 297

Caracas, Venezuela, 172

carbon tax, 139, 145–6, 149

Carey, John, 247

Caribbean countries, 89, 175, 201, 203

Carlson, Robert, 307

Carroll, Sean, 385

Carter Center, 65

Carter, Jimmy, 67

Carter, Richard, 63–4

Castro, Fidel, 376–7, 447, 484n79

Catholic Church, education and, 234

Catholic countries, emancipative values in, 227, 227

Catholics, 222, 437, 440

Central African Republic, 95, 162, 236

Central Asia, democratization and, 206

Chad, 160, 162

Chalk, Frank, 160–61

Chalmers, David, 425–6

Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 398

Chaplin, Charlie, 186

charitable giving

Effective Altruism, 381

as factor in happiness, 271

Charlie Hebdo massacre, 370

Chase, Chevy, 266

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 181

Chávez, Hugo, 91, 171, 447

Chekhov, Anton, 284, 387

Chenoweth, Erica, 405

Chernobyl disaster (1986), 146

child mortality, 55–7, 56, 58, 66–7, 66, 125

children, 228–30

abuse of, 229

bullying at school, 229

child labor, 230–32, 231

child marriage ban, 222

childrearing in emancipative values, 224

corporal punishment of, 229–30

negative media coverage of, 229

stunting due to undernourishment, 70–71, 71

trafficking in, 232

See also child mortality; education; teenagers


child mortality and, 56

earthquake (2010), 188

education and literacy in, 236, 238

GDP of, 85

military government of, 200

poverty in, 91


An Lushan Rebellion, 484n77

authoritarian capitalism of, 90, 201, 203–4, 343

Axial Age and, 23

calories available per person in, 70, 70

capital punishment in, 209–210

carbon emissions of, 143, 143, 144

childhood stunting in, 71, 71

Chinese Civil War, 49, 158, 160, 199

Cultural Revolution (1966–75), 91, 161, 208

democratization and, 206

education in, 237, 237, 238

escape from poverty of, 85, 86, 90

famine in, 69, 72, 78

GDP of, 85

globalization and, 111

Great Leap Forward (1958–61), 78, 91

Great Recession and, 112

human rights in, 208, 208

mass killings (genocide deaths) in, 161

nuclear power and, 147, 150

nuclear weapons and, 313, 317, 318, 320

per capita income of, 86

perception of the world as getting better, 457n8

population-control program of, 74

quality of life and, 247

secularization and, 436

social spending in, 109

Tiananmen Square protests, 208

traffic death rates in, 178

and Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 419

China Syndrome, The (film), 147–8

chlorofluorocarbons ban (1987), 134

Chomsky, Noam, 443, 456n1

Christian militias, 162

Christians and Christianity

humanist denominations, 412

killings by ISIS, 162

Nietzsche’s rejection of, 444

religiosity of nation-states in world wars, 429–30

theoconservatism, 448–9

wars of religion, 8, 10, 364, 450, 488n46

See also Bible; Evangelical Christians

Churchill, Winston, 205, 341

Cicero, 397

Cipolla, Carlo, 79–80

cities. See cosmopolitanism; urbanization

civic associations, 235, 432, 447, 472n12

Civilizing Process, 43

civil wars, 158, 466n11

cost of, 91

decline of, after Cold War, 91, 158–60, 164

famine and, 78

terrorist deaths primarily taking place in, 193

uptick in the mid-2010s, 158–60

Claremont Institute, 448, 491n118

classical Greece and Rome

Aryan/Romantic hero theory and, 33, 398, 444

Axial Age and, 23

and democracy, 212, 381

execution of Socrates, 58, 212

racism and slavery in, 397

suicide and, 278

theistic morality and, 428, 431

See also Plato

classical liberalism. See Enlightenment, the

Clemenceau, Georges, 341

climate change, 136–54

carbon capture and storage, 150–51

carbon taxes, 139, 145–6, 149

climate justice movement, 138–9, 141–2

cognitive impediments to understanding, 140

decarbonization, 142–6, 143–4, 150–52

denial of, 137, 138, 139, 357

depoliticizing the discourse of, 382

geoengineering solutions, 150–51, 152–4, 382–3

nuclear power and, 144–5, 146–50, 465n76

Paris agreement, 134, 152, 335, 449

religious Cornwall Declaration on, 287

scientific literacy on, 356–7

spokespeople for, 382

Trump and, 335

Clinton, Bill, 67, 294, 449

Clinton, Hillary, presidential campaign of

analysis of voting patterns, 339, 438

conspiracy theories and, 358, 449

loss of, 214, 215

media and, 343, 449

popular vote won by, 214, 334, 338

theoconservatives and, 449

Clockwork Orange, A (film), 175


affordable, 80, 94, 117, 118

globalization and, 118, 462n63


carbon-to-hydrogen ratio of, 143, 144, 465n67

cooking with, 183

gasification conversion to liquid fuel, 151

as replacing nuclear power plants, 147

See also climate change; energy; petroleum

Coal Miner’s Daughter (film), 113

Cocoanut Grove nightclub fire (1942), 183


combinatorial/recursive power of, 27

evolution of, not adapted to modernity, 25

language and, 27

See also abstract thinking; cognitive biases; Flynn effect; identity-protective cognition; intelligence

cognitive behavioral therapy, 175, 282

cognitive biases, 25–6, 353, 354–5, 403–4

adulthood mistaken for harsher world, 48

autobiographical memory and, 48, 281

bias bias of researchers, 361–3, 374

biased evaluation, 359

cognitive dissonance reduction, 377

confirmation biases, 369, 378

critical thinking courses, 377–8

debiasing programs, 378–9

decline in self mistaken for decline in times, 48

historical lag in recognizing, 383

Illusion of Explanatory Depth, 379–80

information sought to reinforce identity, 360

intuition outperformed by formulas, 403–4

motivated reasoning, 359, 377

My-Side bias, 359

Negativity bias, 47–8, 293

Optimism Gap, 40, 115, 225–6, 268

Rationality Community avoiding, 381

science as helping to overcome, 403

thinking in scale and in orders of change, 140

See also Availability heuristic; identity-protective cognition

cognitive psychology

and human irrationality, 351, 353

and literary scholarship, 407

Cohen, Leonard, 183

Cohen, Roger, 420

cohort (generational) effects

depression, 280–81, 282, 283, 476n74

emancipative values, 225–8, 226, 227

happiness, 273–4

liberalism, 216–17

populist support, 341–2, 342

religious belief, 437–8

social support, 275

suicide, 279–80

voting patterns, 342

See also age (life cycle) effects; Baby Boomers; Generation X; GI Generation; Millennials; period (zeitgeist) effects; Silent Generation

Cold War

autocratic governments propped up during, 91

civil wars during, 91, 158–60, 164

Colombian peace agreement and end of, 158

end of, and alleviation of poverty, 91

famine and, 78

New Peace following, 43

terrorism declining in period following, 195

See also nuclear war

Collier, Paul, 91

Colombia, 71, 71, 158, 172

colonial governments

and conquest, 163–4

famine exacerbated by, 78, 459n35

See also imperialism; postcolonial governments

commerce, 12–13

bourgeois virtue, development of, 84–5

cronyism, 83

institutions facilitating, 83–4

open economies, 83–4, 90–91

sectarian hatreds ameliorated by, 84

See also trade

GENTLE COMMERCE, 13, 84, 162, 198–9, 228

American founders and, 13

and violent crime, historical reduction of, 168–9

communality, as scientific virtue, xvii–xviii


collapse of, and escape from poverty, 90–91

democratic second wave pushed back by, 200

as failing to promote human flourishing, 364

famine exacerbated by, 78, 459n36

opposition to religion, 430, 436, 438

“primitive,” 102–3

quality of life and, 247, 248

romantic heroism and, 31, 165, 445

“scientific racism” and, 398

See also Marxism; Marxist guerrillas and terrorists

Compstat program, 380


and consciousness, 426

and knowledge, 21

computers, delayed productivity growth from, 330. See also Artificial Intelligence; Internet

conatus (effort or striving), 19, 453

Condorcet, Nicolas de, 10

Confucianism, 23, 412, 418

Congo, poverty in, 89

Connor, Steven, 48

consciousness, 22, 407, 423, 425–8, 488n43

consequentialism, 416. See also utilitarianism

conservation areas, 123, 132–3, 133

conservation successes, 130, 133, 463n32

conspiracy theories

AIDS/HIV and, 401

as expression of tribal loyalty, 358–9

Trumpism and, 336, 358, 375, 376

consumerism, 33, 47, 165, 247–8, 251, 263, 431

consumer products

consumer price index, 81–2

and consumer surplus, 82, 117, 332

consumption over time, 116–18, 116

declining prices of, 82, 251, 254–5, 254

household appliances, 251–2, 252

improvement over time of, 82, 117, 332

consumer surplus. See paradox of value

cooking smoke, 130–31, 463n28

Coolidge, Calvin, Jr., 63

Coontz, Stephanie, 113


evolution of capacity for, 23, 415, 453

Humanist Manifesto III on, 411

Kant’s “unsocial sociability,” 482n6

well-being and, 31

Cornwall Declaration on Stewardship, 287

corporal punishment, 12, 43, 229–30

corruption, as factor in happiness, 271

Cosmides, Leda, 17

cosmopolitanism, 11

and civilizations, development of, 450–51

declared a failure, 420

and diversification of diet, 259–60

multiethnic communities, 405, 448, 450

and sympathy, circle of, 221

virtues of science as, 409


declinism, 32–3, 165

disdain for science, 33–4

nationalism, 30–31

religion, 30, 31

rise of, 29–30

Romanticism as, 30, 351

romantic militarism and, 165–6

See also fascism; intellectuals; nationalism; populism; religion; romantic heroism; Romanticism; science, disdain for

Counts, George, 234

Coyne, Jerry, 422, 430

Crawford, Jarret, 373

creationism, 19, 22, 356, 387, 398

Crick, Francis, 386

Crimea, annexation by Russia (2014), 164, 335

criminal punishment, 11, 12, 174, 439. See also capital punishment; violent crime

CRISPR-CAS9 gene-editing, 306–7

Critical Theory (Frankfurt School), 396–7, 406, 446

critical thinking instruction, 377–8

Croatia, 203

Cronin, Audrey, 196–7

Cronon, William, 123

Cruz, Ted, 336

Cuba, 206, 247, 376–7, 447, 484n79

Cuban Missile Crisis, 309, 312, 479n93

cultures, human development of, 23

cybernetics, 21–2

Czech Republic, 341, 489n68

d’Alembert, Jean-Baptiste, 10

Dante, 63

Darfur, 162

Darwin, Charles

Argument from Design refuted by, 421

death of children of, 56

falsely tied to scientific racism, 398, 400, 486n32

falsely tied to Social Darwinism, 398–9, 400

on humans as single species, 398

and replicating systems and evolution, 18–19

See also evolution; natural selection

data, 42–3, 44–5, 48

dataphobic mindset, 48, 49, 404–5

literary scholarship and science of, 408

most recent date for graphs in book, 156, 466n1

objections to use of, 44–7

sources of, 52

See also objective measurement; prediction

Davies’s Corollary. See Stein’s Law

Dawkins, Richard, 430, 455n6, 488n7

Deaton, Angus, 54, 56, 62, 67, 89, 92, 103–4, 269, 272, 459n16

Declaration of Independence, 12, 413

declinism, 32–3, 165. See also intellectuals; pessimism

Deconstructionism, 352, 446. See also Derrida, Jacques; Foucault, Michel; postmodernism

deep decarbonization, 145–6, 150

“deepity,” 433

“deep state,” 337, 448

Deepwater Horizon accident, 132

deforestation, 130, 131

and climate change, 136

reforestation, 76, 130, 134, 150, 459n25

DeFries, Ruth, 122, 128

Dehaene, Stanislas, 426

deism and deists, 8

Enlightenment thinkers as, 18, 22

Hitler as, 430

and morality, 422

dementia/Alzheimer’s disease, 59, 327

democracy, 199–213

civics-class ideal of, 204, 206

contributor to flourishing, 199–200, 470n4

criteria for measuring, 201–2, 470n15

education of populace and, 235

fall of Berlin Wall and, 163, 200–201, 203

and Fukuyama’s “end of history,” 201

negative freedom and, 265

three waves of, 200–201, 202–3, 202

Trump and disdain for, 335–6, 337, 374

undermining of, 335, 374

voter ignorance in, 204

voter turnout, 343, 438

voting and elections in, 204–5, 381

war reduced by, 162–3

See also freedom of speech; human rights

Democratic Party

and climate change, 357

increased partisanship of, 371–2

innumeracy of, on polarized topics, 361

journalists in, 484n54

See also political ideologies of left and right

demographic transition, 125, 135–6, 436. See also population

demonetization, 332–3

Deng Xiaoping, 90

Denmark, 438–9, 451, 475n30, 483n39

Dennett, Daniel, 427, 430, 433

Denney, Reuel, 274

deontological ethics, 416–18

depression, 280–83, 284, 476n74

Derrida, Jacques, 406, 446

Descartes, René, Cogito ergo sum, 352

DeScioli, Peter, 415

Deutsch, David, ix, 7, 46, 295–6, 392, 410

developed countries/world, 96

life expectancy inequalities, 54–5, 95–6

lower middle classes affected by globalization, 112, 113, 118–19, 339, 340

maternal mortality changes in, 57–8, 57

natural disaster resilience of, 187–9, 188

Secularization Thesis and, 435–6, 438

social spending as universal to, 110, 115

developing countries/world, 96

calorie availability in, 70, 70

child labor and, 232

digital technology adoption by, 244

and environmental problems, awareness of, 124

escape from poverty of, 85–6, 85

Green Revolution in, 75–8

infectious disease improvements in, 67

life expectancy inequalities in, 54–5, 59, 95–6

maternal mortality changes in, 57–8, 57

natural disaster vulnerability of, 188–9

pollution in, 130–31, 463n28

safe drinking water and, 130–31, 463n28

social spending in, 109–110

undernourishment and stunting in, 70–72, 71–2

Devereux, Stephen, 72–3, 459nn35–36

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), 281, 282

Diamandis, Peter, 330

Diamond, Jared, 450–51, 465n76

diarrhea, childhood deaths from, 66

Dickens, Charles, 230, 249

Diderot, Denis, 10, 13

Didion, Joan, 456n1

digital manufacturing, 330–31

disaster sociology, 305

disease. See health; infectious disease; medicine

dishwashers, 252

Disraeli, Benjamin, 130, 341

Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee, 284


discovery of, 386

information accumulation and evolution of, 20

testing of, and wrongful capital punishment, 212

Doctorow, E. L., 456n1

Dominican Republic, 188

Doobie Brothers, 147

Doomsday Clock, 308–9, 311

Douglas, Michael, 147–8

drowning deaths, 182, 182

drugs, illegal

overdose deaths from, 182, 183, 184–5

violence produced by, 175–6

drugs, pharmaceutical

for depression, 281, 282

and infectious disease improvements, 67

“miracle drugs” no better than placebo, 61

for “orphan diseases,” 333

overdose deaths from, 182, 183, 184–5

side effects worse than the disease, 61

See also medicine

drunk driving, 178

Dryden, John, 407–8

D’Souza, Dinesh, 427

Duarte, José, 373

Du Bois, W. E. B., 447

Dylan, Bob, 341

ear and hearing, 18, 20–21

earthquake deaths, 187, 188

East Africa, famine in, 73

East Asia

education in, 236–8, 237–8

emancipative values in, 227, 227

interstate combat reduced in, 158

secularization and, 436, 489n68

undernourishment in, 72

Easterbrook, Gregg, 292, 457n29

Easterlin paradox, 263, 268–9, 270–71

Easterlin, Richard, 263, 268–9

Eastern Europe, 90, 200, 201, 236–7, 237, 271

Ebola, 307

ecomodernism, 32, 122–4, 134–6, 154–5

economic inequality, 97–120

absolute vs. relative inequality, 103, 114

anonymous vs. longitudinal data, 112–13, 114–15

conflation with poverty, 98–9

conflation with unfairness, 101–2

destructive events reducing, 106–7

economic stagnation and, 328–9

Gini, 98, 103, 109, 115, 118, 461n4, 467n12

Gini indexes for consumption, 117–18

global and international, 103–5, 104–5

government role in ameliorating, 119

graduated income tax and, 107

happiness stagnation of U.S. and, 272

homicide rates and, 170–71, 467n12

and individual psychology, 99–102

Kuznets curve, inequality vs. time, 103–6, 110, 111

lower classes not worse off, 114–18, 116

lower middle classes and, 112, 113, 118–19, 339, 340

as political issue, 97

rise of, beginning about 1980, 110–113, 111

social spending and, 107–110, 115–16, 116

Spirit Level theory of effects of, 100–101

theoretical basis for, 102–3

and theory of social comparison, 99–100

Trump and, 335

zero-sum thinking about, 99


comparative advantage, 92

demonetization, 332–3

and infectious disease improvements, 67

information tech confounding measures, 332–3

populist elections not determined by, 339, 340

See also capitalism; commerce; consumer products; economic inequality; economic stagnation; GDP; globalization; Great Recession; Gross World Product; Kuznets curve; paradox of value; poverty; productivity; social spending; wealth

economic stagnation, 328–33

Eddington, Arthur, 16–17

Edison, Thomas, 252


basic educational attainment, 236–8, 237

and child labor, end of, 230–31

compulsory, 231, 234

cost of, 118

critical thinking and debiasing instruction, 377–9

democracy and peace dividend from, 235

distance learning, 238, 331

Enlightenment values and, 234, 235–6

and escape from poverty, 234

formal schools, development of, 233–4

future of, 331

of girls and women, 235, 239–40, 239, 473n27

and global well-being, 245–6, 246, 473n45

as human right, 234

and IQ scores, global rise in, 242, 245

modern economies and requirements of, 118

online courses, 238, 260, 331

population peak and, 238

preschool programs, 239

religions meddling in, 234

school readiness, improvements in, 239

secularization and, 435–6, 438

substandard, 118

Trump and, 335, 339

utilitarianism and, 417

See also literacy; university and college education

Effective Altruism, 119, 381, 403, 462n69

Egalitarian Revolution, 107

Ehrlich, Paul, 64, 74, 366, 465n76

Einstein, Albert, 308, 309

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 280

Eisner, Manuel, 169, 171, 174

Eldering, Grace, 64

electricity, 141, 146–50, 251, 252, 330

Elias, Norbert, 168–9

Elion, Gertrude, 64

Eliot, T. S., 284, 456n10

El Salvador, 85, 86, 158, 172

emancipative values, 224–8

age vs. period vs. cohort effects and, 224–5, 226–7, 227–8, 341–2

environmental protection and, 124

GDP as predictor of, 228

and hierarchy of needs, 224

Knowledge Index as predictor of, 228, 472n45

secularization and, 438

emotions, evaluations of well-being and, 267. See also happiness; well–being, subjective

Encyclopédistes, 353

Enders, John, 64


battery storage of, 146, 150, 330

biomass, 146, 147, 151

deaths caused by various sources of, 146–7

fossil fuels as 86 percent of world’s total, 137

natural gas, 136, 143, 147, 183

new technologies, 330

nuclear, 144–5, 146–50, 330, 465n76

as resisting entropy, 23–4, 32

smart grids, 330

solar and wind, 146, 147, 330

See also coal; food and food security; petroleum

Engels, Friedrich, 103


air pollution and, 130

calories available per person, 70, 70

child labor force in, 230, 231, 231

and commerce, embrace of, 84–5

cost of artificial light in, 253, 253, 254

homicide rates in, 169, 170, 171, 171

and literacy, female, 239, 239

poverty workhouses, 79

rights, statement of, 411

romantic militarism of, 165–6

suicide rates in, 278–9, 279

transition, patronage to open economy, 83–4

water pollution and, 130

See also United Kingdom

Enlightenment, the, 7–14

capital punishment and, 210

and consilience, unity of knowledge, 390

criticized as Western, 29–30, 419

defense needed, 4–6, 29, 34–5, 349–50, 451–3

definition of (Kant), 7–8, 289

education and, 234, 235–6

Islamic Enlightenment, movement for, 442–3

Emanuel Macron’s victory speech defending, 339

media pronouncements of failure, 338, 420, 451

non-Western, 29–30, 419, 439, 442–3, 456n2

Obama’s farewell speech crediting, 338, 481n30

opposition to. See counter-Enlightenments

populism not a referendum on, 338–9, 481nn30,32

spirit of commerce, 84

spirit of science, 409

and sympathy, 415

theoconservatism and rejection of, 449

war denunciation and alternatives, 162–3

wealth as created vs. finite, 12–13, 80

Enslow, Linn, 64

entropy, 13–19

energy capture as resisting, 23–4, 32

immortality unlikely due to, 61

indifference of the universe and, 24

living things as locally anti-entropic, 18–19, 20

See also Entropy, Law of; order

Entropy, Law of, 15, 16

and creationist arguments against evolution, 19

and death, ease of, 25, 414–15

everyday sayings illustrating, 16

harms more potent than benefits, 28

importance of, 16–17

meaning of life as fighting back against, 17, 344

progress and, 344

See also Second Law of Thermodynamics

environmentalism, humanistic. See ecomodernism

environmental movement (traditional), 32, 121–2

greenism, 32, 122, 129

misanthropy of, 122, 134, 154

opposition to genetically modified crops, 77

population bomb, fear of, 56, 73–4, 125–6, 125

resource shortages, fear of, 126–7

successes of, 121, 134, 463n35

sustainability, 127–9, 328

technological solutions, hostility to, 124–5, 151

See also environmental protection

Environmental Performance Index, 130

environmental protection, 121–2, 134–6

acid rain treaties, 134

anxiety produced by, 286–7

cooking smoke, 130–31, 463n28

deforestation, 130, 131

dematerialization and, 135

densification and, 134–5

developing countries addressing, 130–31

drinking water, 63, 130–31, 463n28

emission reductions, 129–30

government regulation and, 133–4, 136

hierarchy of needs and, 124

Kuznets curve for, 124, 463n9, 463n35

landfills and garbage, 287

nuclear weapons test ban treaty, 133–4

oil spills, 131–2, 132

ozone layer, 134

Peak Stuff and, 135–6

as right-wing movement in former days, 382

species returns vs. extinctions, 130, 133, 463n32

Trump and, 335

utilitarian motives for, 417

waterway improvements, 130

See also climate change


agriculture and, 123

as cost of gifts of industrialization, 123–4

energy and growth and, 129–30, 129

Law of Entropy and, 123

poverty and, 130–31, 463n28

Episcopalians (liberal), 412

equal rights, 214–28

of children, 228–32, 229, 231

denial of advances in, 215

education of populace and, 235

global progress in, 222–3, 223

humanism and, 417

moral arc of, 223–4

popularity of, 216–19, 216, 218, 471n13

populist backlash against, 219, 221, 225, 333, 340

and racial gap, closing of, 219

religious expression, 222

Trump’s hostility to, 336

and women’s status, 220

See also emancipative values; hate crimes; homosexuality and homophobia; racism; sexism; women: rights of

Erdogan, Recep, 201

Erwin, Douglas, 463n32

Estonia, 306

ethics. See morality


child mortality and, 56

civil war (1974–91), 160

escape from poverty of, 85, 86

life expectancy at birth, 59

maternal mortality in, 57

and Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 419

eudaemonia (“good spirit”), 267

eugenics, 388, 399–400


accidents and accidental deaths in, 180–81

calories available per person in, 70, 70

capital punishment abolition in, 208–9, 210

carbon emissions of, 144, 144

Civilizing Process of, 168–9

emancipative values, rise in, 225–7, 226, 227

famine in, 68–9

fertility rates falling in, 125

happiness rising with GDP, 270–71

IQ gains in, 241

life expectancy in, 53–4, 54, 55

populism in, 334, 338–9, 341–2, 342, 438, 451, 481n32

poverty in, 79–80

rule of law established in, 43

social spending in, 107

suicide rates and, 278–80, 279

wars. See peace; World War I; World War II

See also Middle Ages; individual countries and subregions

Euthyphro (Plato), 428–9, 431

Evangelical Christians

environmentalists seeking common cause, 432

religiosity of, 440

size of group, 437, 489n75

as Trump voters, 432–3

voter turnout of, 438

Evans, Dylan, 477n20

Evans, Gareth, 313

Evans, Mariah, 101

Evola, Julius, 448, 491n118

evolution, 18–19

belief in, ideology vs. scientific literacy, 356

competition and malevolence and, 25

creationism vs., 19, 30, 356

genetic individuality and, 25

idea unknown to Enlightenment thinkers, 14, 386

immortality made unlikely due to, 61

indifference of the universe and, 24–5

information accumulation in genome and, 20, 21

life and living things as anti-entropic, 18–19, 20

moral sentiments selected by, 415

plant selection and, 76

unselfish behavior and, 25

See also natural selection

evolutionary psychology, 22–4, 25–7, 353–5

consciousness and, 426

group vs. gene as beneficiary of adaptation, 448

and literary scholarship, 407–8

and nationalism, 450

reason and, 353

of religion, 431

sympathy and, 415

Ewald, Paul, 306, 307

Existentialism, 33, 40, 446, 447

existential threats, 290–321

artificial intelligence as, 296–300, 477n20

Availability and Negativity biases and, 293

civilizations, destruction of, 295–6

dangers of overemphasizing, 291–2

gravitas market and, 49, 293, 452

hackers/evil geniuses, 300–307

human species extinction, 294–5

hypothetical vs. real, 291–2

natural disasters, 294–6

resilience of humans in face of, 305–6

risk estimation of highly imaginable, 292, 305

risk estimation of highly improbable, 292–3

technology as averting, 295–6

technology as causing, 293, 294

See also nuclear war

expressive rationality. See identity-protective cognition


of human species, 294–5

mass extinctions, 133

rebound of species, 130, 133, 463n32

extraterrestrial life, 166, 308

Facebook, 255, 256

faitheism, 31–2, 430

and existential questions, 433

Islamic antihumanism, apologists for, 441–2

negative vs. positive effects of religion, 431–3

religion as human need, 430–31

religious doctrine as allegory, 431, 489n53

and science, disdain for, 430

spirituality and, 433–5

See also intellectuals; theism and theistic morality

Falkland Islands, 315

falls, deaths from, 181–2, 182, 468n50

Falwell, Jerry, 294

family life, time for, 255–6, 256

famine. See under food and food security

Fanon, Frantz, 39–40, 405

FARC guerrillas, 158

Fariss, Christopher, 207


and decline of democratic governments, 200

Italian, 445, 446

neo-fascism, 419, 448, 451

Nietzsche as inspiring, 445, 448

populism and, 448, 491n118

See also Nazi Germany


about accidents, 185

from consuming negative news, 42

from environmentalism, 121

from the Negativity bias, 47

from warnings of existential threats, 292


denial of among successful forecasters, 370

as refuted by scientific revolution, 24, 394

“spirituality” as belief in, 434

See also fatalism; purpose, absence of in nature

female genital mutilation, 222

Fermi Paradox, 308

Feshbach, Herman, 308

Feynman, Richard, 390

Finkelhor, David, 229

Finland, 115, 457n8, 475n30, 489n68

fire and smoke deaths, 182–3, 182

Fischer, Claude, 274–5, 475n46

fisheries, 325

Flanders & Swann, 15

Flannery, Tim, 465n76

Flaubert, Gustave, 284

Fleming, Alexander, 63

flood control, 188

Florey, Howard, 64

Flynn effect, 240–45, 241

atheism and, 438

Flynn, James, 240, 243, 244

Foege, William, 64, 65

Fogel, Robert, 68–9

Follett, Chelsea, 93

Fonda, Jane, 147–8

Fontane, Theodor, 284

food and food security, 19, 68–78, 70–73

achievement of, as energy capture, 23–4

nutritional quality and IQ rise, 241–2

obesity epidemic, 69, 117

undernourishment, 70–72, 71–2

See also agriculture


diversification of, 259–60

of hunter-gatherers, 23

toxic, danger of (omnivore’s dilemma), 167

FAMINE, 68–9, 72–4, 73, 78

and fear of population explosion, 73–4

governments exacerbating, 78, 459nn35–36

nuclear winter as producing, 308

in twentieth century, 72–3, 78, 459n36

Ford, Gerald, 275

forecasting tournaments, 368–71, 380, 393, 404

foreign aid, 95

Forster, E. M., 257

Förster-Nietzsche, Elisabeth, 445

Fortna, Virginia Page, 196–7, 404

fossil fuels. See coal; energy; petroleum

Foucault, Michel, 39–40, 397, 406, 446, 447

fracking, 143


calories available per person, 70, 70

emancipative values in, 225–7, 226, 227

famine in, 69

nuclear power and, 147, 148

nuclear weapons and, 317, 318, 320

populism and, 338–9, 341

poverty and, 79

rights, declaration of, 411

Second French War of Religion, 484n77

secularization and, 436, 437

social spending in, 108, 109

suicide and, 278

terrorism and, 219

Francis, Pope, 97, 122, 129, 142

Frankfurt, Harry, 98–9

Franklin, Benjamin, 359

Frank, Robert, 124


anxiety and, 285

happiness in relation to, 265–6, 271

hierarchy of needs and, 224

of modernity, 284–5

negative vs. positive, 265

to screw up your life, 344

See also democracy; emancipative values

freedom of religion, 417

freedom of speech

bioethics violating, 402

education and appreciation for, 235

as emancipative value, 224

populism and devaluing of, 333

as remedy for cognitive biases, 28, 202, 353, 390

utilitarianism and, 417

wealth of countries and, 96

freedom of the press, 336

Friedman, Milton, 119

Friends of the Earth, 465n76

Fukushima accident (2011), 146

Fukuyama, Francis, 201, 203

Furman, Jason, 117

Gaddafi, Muammar, 447

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 206

Galileo, 24

Galton, Francis, 399

Galtung, John, 41

game theory, 164, 386

See also Hobbesian trap (security dilemma); pacifist’s dilemma; Tragedy of the Commons

Gandhi, Indira, 131

Gandhi, Mohandas, 405, 418. See also nonviolent resistance

Gapminder (Web site), xviii, 52

Gates, Bill, 66, 67, 330, 481n16

gay rights. See homosexuality and homophobia

GDP (Gross Domestic Product), 85, 95–6, 461n7

carbon emissions per dollar of, 143, 143

emancipative values as correlated with, 228

Flynn effect as increasing, 242, 244–5

and global well-being, 245–6, 246, 473n45

happiness as increasing with, 269–71, 269, 272

information technology invisible in, 332–3

misleading, potentially. See paradox of value

quality of life and, 95

social spending as percentage of, 107–8, 108, 110, 483n39

Gelman, Andrew, 342

gender. See sex differences

General Social Survey, 273, 288

generational effects. See cohort effects

Generation X, 225

depression and, 476n74

digital technology and, 244

happiness and, 273

suicide and, 280

genetically modified organisms, 77–8, 331


behavioral genetics, and literary scholarship, 407

individuality of, 25

medical and behavioral, vs. eugenics, 399–400

genocide, 160–62, 161, 397, 466–7nn14,16

gentle commerce. See under commerce

Georgia (country), 86, 203, 335

Georgia (state), capital punishment in, 211


and authoritarian charismatic regimes, 343

Berlin Wall, 163, 200–201, 203

East and West, 91, 202

and escape from poverty, 85

literacy in, 236

nuclear power and, 147

populism and, 341

romantic militarism/nationalism of, 165–6, 398

secularization and, 489n68

social spending in, 108, 115

Trump and, 336

woman as leader of, 214

Get Smart (TV), 300

Ghitza, Yair, 342

Gide, André, 446

GI Generation, 225

depression and, 280–81

secularization and, 437

suicide and, 280

Glazer, Nathan, 274

Gleditsch, Nils Petter, 455n19, 466n6, 470n4, 490n91

Global Burden of Disease project, 59, 467n13

Global Index of Religiosity and Atheism, 435, 489n65

globalization, 120

consumption and, 117

and economic inequality, 103–4, 111

and Great Escape from poverty, 92

and income distribution, global, 111–13, 111

lower middle classes of the rich world as losing out in, 112, 113, 118–19, 339, 340

Trump’s power limited via realities of, 337–8

women in workforce and, 93–4

and working conditions, 92–3, 94

Global Terrorism Database, 192, 193

Global Zero, 315–17, 320–21

goal-directed behaviors, 21–2. See also purpose, absence of in nature

Gobineau, Arthur de, 398


anthropomorphic, reason and rejection of, 8

arguments for the existence of, refuted, 421

deism, 8, 18, 22, 422, 430

pantheism, 8, 422

as testable hypothesis, 422, 423, 428

See also religion; theism and theistic morality

Golden Rule, 412

Goldman, Emma, 400

Goldstein, Joshua, 160, 429

Goldstein, Rebecca Newberger, xix, 421, 429, 455nn4,7, 456n17, 474n7, 485n104, 487nn3,5, 488nnn32,42,45, 489n54

Goodman, Paul, 456n1

Google searches, prejudice revealed through, 217–19, 218, 339–40, 471n13

Gopnik, Adam, 408

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 316

Gordon, Robert, 329

Gore, Al, 122, 145–6, 255, 382, 465n76

Goths, 398

Gottschall, Jonathan, 408

Gould, Stephen Jay, 394, 486n32


climate change response, role in, 141, 145–6, 148, 149–50, 152

economic inequality amelioration by, 119

Enlightenment ideal of, 12

environmental protection, role in, 133–4, 136

evidence-based policy (behavioral insights), 381

famine exacerbated by, 78, 459nn35–36

nurturing role of, 108

regulations, 90, 335

regulations compatible with markets, 364, 365

terrorism, overreactions to, 197

theocracy, 201

utilitarian principles for, 416–17, 418

vehicle safety regulations, 177–8

violent crime rates and legitimacy of, 174

voice in, and emancipative values, 224

workplace safety regulations, 186, 187

See also authoritarian governments; colonial governments; communism; democracy; fascism; freedom; human rights; imperialism; postcolonial governments

Graduated Reciprocation in Tension-Reduction (GRIT), 318, 320, 383

Grass, Günter, 447

gravitas market, 49, 293, 452

Gray, John, 191

Grayling, A. C., 455n4, 484n56, 487n1

Great Britain. See England; United Kingdom

Great Convergence, 85, 90–96, 364, 459n16

Great Depression, 170, 273

Great Escape, 54

becoming Great Convergence, 85, 459n16

capitalism and, 90–91, 364

energy capture and, 24

See also poverty; wealth

Great Leveling/Great Compression, 106, 118

great powers, definition of, 157

Great Recession (financial crisis of 2008)

and disposable incomes/poverty rates, 115, 116

economic inequality and, 97, 112

homicide rate falling during, 170–71

recovery from, 115, 116, 273

suicide rate rise since, 280

Greece, ancient. See classical Greece and Rome

Greece, modern, 108, 200

Greene, Brian, 425

Greene, Graham, 447

Greene, Joshua, 417

Greenpeace, 465n76

Green Revolution, 75–8

Gross World Product, 80–81, 81, 329, 481n13

carbon emissions plateau despite increasing, 144

economic stagnation and, 328, 480n7

as underestimate of prosperity, 81–2

Grüntzig, Andreas, 64

Guatemala, leftist guerrillas in, 158

guinea worm, 65

gun legislation, 176

Guyana, suicide and, 278

Haber, Fritz, 75, 459n18

Hadza people (Tanzania), 23, 53–4, 58, 457n4

Hafer, R. W., 244

Haider, Sarah, 442

Haidt, Jonathan, 373

Haiti, 89, 188

Hamid, Shadi, 442

Hamilton, Alexander, 13

Hammel, Andrew, 210

Hammond, Samuel, 418

Hampton, Keith, 275–6

happiness, 262–89

biological function of, 267–8

changes across age, period, and cohort, 272–4, 275

cohorts and, 273–4

distinguished from objective well-being, freedom, and meaningfulness, 264–8

evaluative/cognitive aspect, 266

and excitement about life, 288, 288

experiential/emotional aspect, 266

freedom in relation to, 265–6, 271

health and, 271

infinite increase of, as impossible, 268

objective measurement of, 266

Optimism Gap and, 268

“quiet desperation” pronouncements, 262–4, 268

richer people and countries happier, 268–71, 269

and rose-tinted memory, 48, 271

sex differences in, 284, 285

social scientists’ measurement of, 264

social support and, 271

United States’ underachievement of, 271–4, 283–9, 288, 292, 439, 475nn30–31, 483n42

See also anxiety; depression; Easterlin paradox; quality of life; suicide; well-being

Harari, Yuval, 196, 197

Hardy, Thomas, 294

Harrington, Michael, 113, 456n1

Harrison, Benjamin, 185

Harrison, William Henry, 62–3

Harris, Sam, 430, 443

Harvard University, 141, 379, 400

Hastorf, Al, 359

hate crimes

categorized as terrorism, 192

downward trend of, 219–20, 220

motives of killers, 196

surge under Trump, putative, 219–20

upticks following Islamist terror attacks, 219

Hathaway, Oona, 163–4

Hawking, Stephen, 296, 308

Hayek, Friedrich, 5, 365

health, 62–7

cancer, 61, 146

dementia/Alzheimer’s, 59

and Flynn effect, 241–2

happiness of nations with good, 271

and life expectancy, 59

See also food and food security; infectious disease; life expectancy; mental health

health care

research on, vs. consumer product R&D, 333

social spending on, 109

Trump and, 109, 334

See also infectious disease; medicine

hedonic treadmill, theory of, 263

Hegel, Friedrich, 165

Heidegger, Martin, 39–40, 406, 446, 447

height, increases in, 242

Heilbroner, Robert, 456n1

Hellman, Lillian, 447

hepatitis B, 382

Herder, Johann, 30, 351

heredity and environment, 241–2

Herman, Arthur, 32, 33, 39–40, 166

Heyns, Christopher, 209

Hidalgo, Cesar, 455nn1,8, 456n11

Hillel, Rabbi, 233–4, 260

Hilleman, Maurice, 64

Hinduism, 23, 398

Hiroshima bombing, resilience and, 305

Hirschman, Albert, 457n29, 482n55

Hispanics, 239, 336

Historical Index of Human Development, 245–6, 246, 473n45, 483n42

Hitchens, Christopher, 430

Hitler, Adolf, 161, 314, 398, 430, 445

Hittites, 398

HIV/AIDS, 55, 66, 66, 67, 401

Hobbesian trap (security dilemma), 164, 173, 315

Hobbes, Thomas, 8–9, 22, 49, 173, 412, 414

Ho Chi Minh, 447

Hoffman, Peter, 61

Hofstadter, Richard, 486n36

Holan, Angie, 375–6

Holdren, John, 465n76

Hollander, Paul, 447

Holocaust, 161, 397, 399, 430

Holodomor (Ukraine famine), 78

homelessness, 116

homeostasis, 22

homicide, 168–76

hate crimes as correlated with, 219, 471n19

“justice” as motive for, 26

rates of, 43, 169–72, 170, 171, 467nn12–13

rule of law reducing, 43, 168–70

vs. terrorist deaths, 192–3, 192

vs. war deaths, 168, 192

See also hate crimes; rampage shootings; terrorism and terrorists; violent crime

homosexuality and homophobia, 214–15

Cubans sent to labor camps, 376–7, 484n79

decriminalization of, 223, 223, 417–18

Internet searches, study of, 217–19, 218

Muslim societies and, 223, 439

Nazi mass murder of homosexuals, 399

public opinion in the U.S., 216–17, 216

Honduras, 172

Hong Kong, 436, 457n8

Hoodbhoy, Pervez, 442

Horkheimer, Max, 396–7

horse-drawn era, road fatalities and, 178–9

Housel, Morgan, 49, 250

housework, 251–2, 252

Howard, Rhea, 140

Howells, William Dean, 260

HPV (human papillomavirus), 382

Hugo, Victor, 341

Human Development Index, 245–6, 246, 473n45, 483n42

human flourishing, 51, 245–6, 247–8, 264–8, 412–15

communism as failing to promote, 364

democracy as contributor to, 199–200, 470n4

in free markets with social spending and regulation, 365, 483n42

as morality for cosmopolitan world, 418, 419

progress, general factor, 245–6, 246, 473n45, 483n42

See also humanism; living standards; quality of life; well-being, subjective

humanism, 10–11, 410–53

animals and, 410

as maximizing human flourishing, 395, 410

opposition to, 30–32, 419–20

religions as clashing with, 30, 432–3

religions compatible with, 412, 418, 431–2, 441

See also Humanist Manifesto III; Humanist movement; religion; theism and theistic morality; Universal Declaration of Human Rights

humanistic environmentalism. See ecomodernism

Humanist Manifesto III (2003), 410–411

Humanist movement, 410–412, 487nn1–3

Humanitarian Revolution, 11, 43


digital humanities, 408

disdain for science not typical of, 389–90

downsizing of programs of, 405–6

Second Culture policing of, 408–9

unity of knowledge (consilience with science) and, 390, 406–9, 486n13

See also academia; pessimism: cultural; postmodernism; science, disdain for; scientism; university and college education

human nature, universal

Enlightenment thinkers and embrace of, 10

and humanism, 10–11

See also evolutionary psychology

HumanProgress (Web site), xviii, 52

human rights

vs. capital punishment, 210

democracies as better with, 207

education as, 234

historical trends, 207–8, 208

humanism and, 417

monitoring of violations of, 207

nationalism downplayed in favor of, 451

negative freedom and, 265

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 207, 209, 411–12, 418–19

Hume, David, 8–9, 10, 353, 392, 421

Humphrey, John, 419

Hungary, populism and, 201, 334, 341

hunger. See food and food security; poverty

hunter-gatherer peoples

child mortality in, 55

diet of, 23

and egalitarianism vs. inequality, 102–3

life expectancy of, 53–4, 58, 457n4

persistence hunting, 353–4

reason and, 353–4

scientific skepticism among, 354

violence among, 199, 470n1

See also Hadza people; San people

Huntington, Samuel, 200

Hussein, Leyla, 442–3

Hussein, Saddam, 199, 291, 366, 447

Hutu people, 161

Huxley, Aldous, 418

Ibsen, Henrik, 284

Iceland, 171, 475n30


democracy as, 206

as historical forces, 347, 349–50, 405, 443, 448

and infectious disease improvement, 67

language and communication of, 27

as patterns in matter, 22

identity politics, 31, 342, 375

identity-protective cognition

blue lies and, 358–9

cognitive dissonance and, 377

institutions of reason as mitigating, 27–8, 376–7

media and intellectuals and, 366–7

and politics as predicting scientific belief, 356–8

rationalization vs. reason and, 359

scientific literacy as no cure for, 403

and Tragedy of the Belief Commons, 358

unappreciated, 379, 383

See also cognitive biases

Illusion of Explanatory Depth, 379–80

immigrants and immigration

cuisines introduced by, 259–60

literature written by, 284

social spending and, 110

Trump and, 335, 336

immortality, 60–61


blamed on science, 34, 388, 399

Muslim countries and, 439

See also colonial governments

income, 85–7, 86, 95–6

and class distribution, 114–15

disposable (after taxes and transfers) vs. market, 115–16, 116, 118, 254–5, 254

global distribution of, 111

after Great Recession, 115

happiness as increasing with, 268–71, 269

universal basic income, 119


agriculture in, 76

Axial Age and, 23

calories available per person in, 70, 70

carbon emissions of, 143, 143–4

civil wars in, 160

colonial government of, 78

democratization and, 200, 203

education in, 238

equal rights, moderate support for, 222

escape from poverty of, 85, 86, 90

famine in, 69, 72, 78

GDP of, 85

globalization and, 111

industrialization and women in the workforce, 94

liberalization of economy, 90

liberal Muslim rule of 16th century, 442

nuclear power and, 150

nuclear weapons and, 307–8, 317, 318

partition of, 49, 160

per capita income of, 86

as permit bureaucracy (“license raj”), 90

population-control program of, 74

poverty in, 89

refugees and displaced persons, 160

secularization and, 436

social spending in, 109

and Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 419

women’s rights and, 222

indigenous peoples, 123, 199. See also hunter–gatherer peoples

Indochina wars (1946–54), 160


anti-Communist purge (1965–66), 161, 484n77

democratization and, 200, 203, 442

military government of, 200

nuclear power and, 150

poverty in, 89

social spending in, 109


of the developing world, 92–4

ecomodernist appreciation for, 123–4

See also globalization; Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution

agriculture and, 74–5

CO2 concentration, before and after, 136

energy capture and release and, 24

Gross World Product and, 81

working conditions, harsh, 94, 185–6, 230

inequality. See economic inequality; equal rights

infectious disease, 62–7, 66

and bioterrorism, difficulty with, 306–7

eradication and control of, 63–7, 66, 307

germ theory of, 63, 83

and life expectancy setbacks, 55

pandemics, falsely predicted, 307

preindustrial poverty and, 80

See also health; health care; life expectancy; medicine; vaccines; specific diseases

information, 19–21

accumulated in genome during evolution, 20, 21

accumulated in neural activity, 20–21

as basic constituent of the universe, 20

economic measures difficult to apply to, 332–3

as reduction in entropy, 19–20

science as depending on, 391–2

second machine age and, 330–32

unknown to Enlightenment thinkers, 14, 386

Inglehart, Ronald, 124, 224, 340, 491n106

Inhofe, James, 387


as human nature, 26

ideological, 48, 191

and political ideologies, 360–61

Inquisition, 442

institutions, human, 28

declining trust in, 29, 438, 456n1

development of, and creation of wealth, 83–4

and hope for progress, 12

humanist ideals inspiring, 411–12

integrity of, and emancipative values, 228

loss of faith in, anxiety and, 286

populism and disdain for, 333–4

populist power limited via, 337–8

See also commerce; government; trade; university and college education

insurance, social spending as, 110


and consumerism, double standard about, 247–8

dictator fanship of (tyrannophilia), 445, 446–7

Enlightenment, ambivalence toward, 29–30, 249

and equal rights, denial of advancements in, 215

ideological innumeracy and, 48, 191

and industrial work, rejection of, 92–3

IQ tests rejected by, 243

leftist tilt of, 372–3

Negativity bias and, 48–9

Nietzsche as influence on, 445, 446–7, 452

perception of social isolation and loneliness, 274

pessimism equated with moral seriousness, 49

romance with Marxism, 363, 372

and romantic militarism, 165–6

as Second Culture, 33–4, 389–90, 456n12

and skepticism regarding progress, 39–40, 456n1

standard of living, disdain for, 34

Trumpism inadvertently encouraged by, 343, 447–50, 491n118

See also academia; declinism; faitheism; pessimism; romantic heroism; Romanticism; science, disdain for


and the cognitive niche, 22–3

Fermi Paradox, 308

general intelligence factor (g), 242

misperception about, causing fear of AI, 296–8

networks of neurons and, 21

subtypes of, 242

See also Flynn effect; knowledge; reason

Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, 367–8

Intelligence Quotient (IQ), rise in. See Flynn effect

international community

advantages of, 450–51

foreign aid, 95

nuclear war and importance of, 312, 315

outlawry of war requiring, 163–4

populism and rejection of, 334–8, 448, 449–51

shaming campaigns, 222, 443

international dollar, 80

International Labour Organization, 232

international trade agreements, Trump and, 334–5


access to, 257

cyberattacks, 300–302, 304–6, 335

education online, 238, 260, 331

and entertainment, diversification of, 260–61

searches on, prejudice revealed through, 217–19, 218, 339–40, 471n13

See also social media

intuition, actuarial formulas outperforming, 403–4


ancient (Persia), 23, 398

capital punishment in, 209–210

civil war in, 160

compromise of nuclear centrifuges of, 304

democratization and, 206

fertility decreasing in, 126

nuclear weapons and, 313, 337

war with U.S. or Israel, discussion of, 313

Iran-Iraq War, 160


democratization and, 206

Kuwait conquest (1990–91), 163

terrorist deaths in, 193

U.S.-led invasion of (2003), 158, 197, 206, 291, 313, 376, 439

U.S. military fatalities in, 192

Ireland, 436, 483n39

Irish Republican Army, 195


Enlightenment recognition of, 8–9, 353, 482n6

and politicized issues, 381–4

reason and, 8–9, 351, 353, 358, 375, 407

See also cognitive biases; identity-protective cognition

Irwin, Douglas, 462n63

ISIS (Islamic State), 5, 42, 162, 198, 216, 404, 420

Islam, 439–43

antihumanistic doctrines in, 440–42

and civilization, classical Arab, 439, 442

Enlightenments in, 439, 442–3

intellectual apologists for antihumanism, 441–2

See also Arab countries; Muslim countries; Muslims

Islamist extremists

Availability heuristic and worries about, 42

certainty of values of, 5, 420

civil war increases since Cold War and, 158–9

female literacy and, 240

hate crimes following terror attacks, 219–20, 220

and motives of terrorist killers, 196, 216

number of Americans killed by, 194, 469n10

perceived as threat to U.S., 42, 162, 198, 404

and reactionary ideology of Sayyid Qutb, 441

and right-wing nationalism, 451

and Syrian civil war, 159

theoconservatism (Christian) similar to, 449

and wars within Muslim-majority countries, 439

See also ISIS; terrorism and terrorists

Islamophobia, 219, 440, 441–2

anti-Islamic hate crimes, 219–20, 220

Ismail, Gululai, 443


agriculture of, 129

cyber-sabotage and, 304

happiness ranking of, 475n30

nuclear weapons and, 317, 318

and war, 313


child labor force in, 231–2, 231

emancipative values in, 225–7, 226, 227

Fascism of, 445, 446

homicide rates in, 169, 170

literacy in, 236

poverty and, 79

social spending in, 108

Jacobs, Alan, 283

Jainism, 23

Jamaica, homicide rates in, 172

Jamison, Dean, 67


education in, 237, 237, 238

emancipative values in, 225–7, 226, 227

fertility rates falling in, 125

nuclear power and, 146, 147

secularization and, 436, 489n68

social spending in, 108

and World War II, 158, 161, 196, 305, 314

Jaspers, Karl, 23

Jefferson, Thomas, 27, 95, 412, 417

Jencks, Christopher, 116

Jenner, Edward, 63, 65

Jensen, Robert, 95

Jervis, Robert, 197, 311–12

Jetsons, The, 330

Jindal, Bobby, 387

Johnson, Samuel, 162

jokes, bigoted, 217–19, 218, 471n13

Jonassohn, Kurt, 160–61

Juárez, Mexico, homicide rate in, 172


and Axial Age, 23

humanistic branches, 412

religiosity and, 440

Rosh Hashanah/Yom Kippur, 167–8

and schools, development of formal, 233

Talmudic debate, 379

See also anti-Semitism

Jussim, Lee, 373

Kahan, Dan, 154, 357–8, 360–61, 366, 381, 382–3

Kahneman, Daniel, 41, 353, 383, 404

Kahn, Herman, 309

Kaku, Michio, 308

Kalahari “Bushmen” (San people), 249, 353–4

Kant, Immanuel

and arguments for the existence of God, 421

categorical imperative of, 412

as cognitive psychologist, 392

and deontology, 416

on enlightenment, 7

and human nature, 10

and irrationality of humans, 8–9, 353, 482n6

on peace, 13–14, 162, 163

on progress, 11

Kass, Leon, 60, 389

Kazakhstan, nuclear weapons relinquished by, 313

Keith, David, 153–4

Kelley, Jonathan, 101

Kellogg-Briand (Paris Peace) pact (1928), 163–4

Kellogg, Frank, 164

Kelly, Kevin, 254, 301–2, 304, 344–5, 477n20

Kelsey, Elin, 292

Kendall, Henry, 308

Kendrick, Pearl, 64

Kennedy, John F., 31, 312, 336

Kenny, Charles, 65, 95

Kenya, 54–5, 71, 71, 436

Kepler, Johannes, 424

Keynes, John Maynard, 347, 400

Khomeini, Ayatollah, 447

Khrushchev, Nikita, 312

Kim Il-sung, 447

Kim Jong-il, 78

Kim Jong-un, 313

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 223, 405

Kingston, Maxine Hong, 284

Kinzer, Stephen, 420

Kissinger, Henry, 316

Klein, Daniel, 362–3

Klein, Naomi, 138–9

knowledge, 21, 233–46

computation and, 21

populism and disdain for, 333

Trump’s disdain for, 336

unity of, as consilience of humanities and science, 390, 406–9, 486n13

See also education; literacy; reason

Knowlton, Nancy, 122

Koch, Charles and David, 139

Korean War, 49, 157, 158, 160

Kosovo, 203

Kotler, Steven, 330

Kozol, Jonathan, 456n1

Krasnow, Max, 140

Krauss, Lawrence, 308

Kristof, Nicholas, 373

Kuhn, Thomas, 395, 486n21

Kunstler, James, 465n76

Kurzweil, Ray, 60

Kuwait, 171

conquest by Iraq (1990–91), 163

Kuznets curve

carbon emissions, 143, 143

economic inequality, 103–6, 110, 111

environmental, 124, 463n9, 463n35

Kuznets, Simon, 103, 104

Kyrgyzstan, 203

labor movement, paid vacation and, 251

Lacan, Jacques, 406

Lahiri, Jhumpa, 284

Lamarckian process, 399

Landsteiner, Karl, 64


communication of ideas using, 27

development of, 23

Indo-European, 398

writing, 27

Lanier, Jaron, 477n20

Lankford, Adam, 196, 198

Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 24, 298

Lasch, Christopher, 456n1

Laski, Harold, 400, 418

Latin America. See South and Central America

Latinos, 239, 336

law enforcement. See police; rule of law

Lawrence, D. H., 446

Lears, Jackson, 388

Leavis, F. R., 34, 92–3, 446

Lebanon, 490n96

Leetaru, Kalev, 50

Lehrer, Tom, 48, 126

Lenin, Vladimir, 447

Lennon, John, 166

Lepper, Mark, 359–60

Lesotho, 172

Lessing, Doris, 261

Levi, Michael, 313

Levitsky, Steven, 206

Lewis, Sinclair, 284

Lewis, Wyndham, 446, 447

Lewontin, Richard, 114

LGBT rights. See homosexuality and homophobia

Liar’s Paradox, 352

liberal values. See emancipative values

Libya, 193, 313

Liebenberg, Louis, 353–4

life and living things as anti-entropic, 18–19, 20

life expectancy, 53–61, 54, 58

child mortality, 55–7, 56

developed vs. developing countries, 54–5, 95–6

fallacious pessimism about, 53

immortality, 60–61

and quantifiable index of global well-being, 245–6, 246, 473n45

light, artificial, 253–4, 253–4

lightning strike deaths, 189, 189

Lilla, Mark, 447, 449

Lincoln, Abraham, 45–6

linguistics, 407

Linker, Damon, 390, 448

Lister, Joseph, 63

literacy, 235–6, 236

African Americans and, 219

of females, 239–40, 239, 473n27


and human knowledge, 433

scholarship in, as discipline, 407–8

See also arts and culture; humanities

Lithuania, 278

living standards

of the 1950s, 113–14

intellectual scorn for, 34, 446

Optimism Gap and, 115

sympathy and, 34

Locke, John, 230, 412

London, England, 63, 130, 135

London, Jack, 446

Long Peace, 43, 157–8, 451

and civil wars, 158–60, 466n11

and democracies, rise of, 162–3, 200

Kellogg-Briand pact and, 163–4

realpolitik and, 163

trade and commerce and, 162

See also international community

Lord, Charles, 359–60

lottery, winning, 270

Louis C.K., 262–3, 264

Lovelock, James, 465n76

Loving, Richard and Mildred, 376

Lucas, Robert, 89

Lutheranism, 412

Macaulay, Thomas, 327–8

McCloskey, Deirdre, 84

McGinn, Colin, 427–8

McKibben, Bill, 465n76

McNally, Richard, 281

McNamara, Robert, 74, 319

Macron, Emmanuel, 339

Madfis, Erik, 198

Madison, James, 13, 407

Maduro, Nicolás, 91, 171

magical thinking, 5, 249

Mahbubani, K., 459n16

Maher, Bill, 374

Maher, Shiraz, 5, 443

Mahmood, Omar, 443

Mailer, Norman, 447, 456n1

Malamud, Bernard, 284

malaria, 66, 66

Malaysia, 57, 200, 203, 442, 457n8

Malthusian Era, 54

Malthus, Thomas, 73–4

Mandela, Nelson, 91

Mann, Thomas, 446

Mao Zedong

death of, 90, 208

as leader, 78, 91, 143

and nuclear weapons, 313

repression under, 203, 208

Western intellectuals as admirers of, 447

Marcotte, Amanda, 358–9

Marcuse, Herbert, 39–40

Marcus, Gary, 477n20

marijuana, 175, 185

Maritain, Jacques, 418


Critical Theory as quasi-Marxist, 396–7

human costs of, 78, 90–91, 101, 107, 165, 200, 247–8, 271, 364, 430

intellectuals’ sympathy with, 31, 364, 372, 447

See also communism

Marxist guerrillas and terrorists, 158, 195, 197, 198

Marx, Karl, 103, 165, 349, 405

Maslow, Abraham, 224

massive open online courses (MOOCs), 238

Mateen, Omar, 215, 216

maternal mortality, 57–68, 57

Maurras, Charles, 448

meaningful life, 3–4

contrasted with happy life, 267–8

Enlightenment ideals and, 3–4

freedom and, 265–6

humanistic caring and, 434–5

Humanist Manifesto III on, 411

measles, 66

Medellín, Colombia, 172


about things that happen vs. don’t happen, 41

anxiety produced by, 286–7

Availability heuristic and, 42, 201

Betteridge’s Law of Headlines, 282

child labor exposed by, 230

climate change coverage, 151

dystopian rhetoric of, 50, 343

fact-checking and, 375–6, 380

gravitas market, 49, 293, 452

liberal tilt of journalism, 372–3, 484n54

mental health perceptions and, 282–3

“nuclear war” less mentioned, 310, 479n80

and pessimism, 40–41, 50, 343

political coverage, improvement of, 381, 383

populism and, 343–4

and shift from glorifying to exposing leaders, 50

terrorism coverage, recommendations for, 197–8

time scale of positive vs. negative events, 41

tone of the news (1945–2010), 50–51, 51

Trump’s election, role of, 50, 343, 376, 449

Trump’s threats to, 336

and violence, portrayal of, 42, 215–16

workplace safety coverage, 186


anxiety and depression and, 286–7

children and, 229

cumulative psychological effects of, 292

equal rights and, 215

incremental system change, loss of belief in, 50

upticks of problems and, 44

viewed as duty of journalists, 49

Medicare, 109


blood groups, 64

evidence-based, 380

future gains not calculated in life expectancy, 60

and immortality, hope for, 60–61

new technologies for, 331

progress in, as incremental, 55, 61

sterilization of hands and equipment, 63, 67

See also drugs, pharmaceutical; health; health care; infectious disease; vaccines

Medvedev, Dmitry, 316

Meehl, Paul, 403–4

Mellers, Barbara, 367–8, 370–71

memory, autobiographical, 3, 48, 407

Mencken, H. L., 446

men. See sex differences; women

mental health and illness

cognitive behavioral therapy, 175, 282

depression, 280–83, 284, 476n74

disease mongering/concept creep, 281–2

drugs for, 281, 282

and freedom, 285

paradox of, 282

as percentage of global burden of disease, 282

rates of depression and anxiety, 282–3, 476n74

See also anxiety; suicide

mental models, 22–3

Mercier, Hugo, 380

Merton, Robert, xvii–xviii

methane (natural gas), 136, 143, 147, 183

methodological naturalism, 421–2

Mexican-American War (1946–48), 163


agriculture in, 76

homicide rates in, 169, 170, 172

literacy in, 236

Mexican Revolution, 199

social spending in, 109

Trump and immigration from, 336

women’s rights in, 222

Meyer, Bruce, 116

microwave ovens, 252

Midas, King, 299

Middle Ages

accidental death rates in, 180–81

belief in external forces, 9–10

cost of artificial light in, 253, 253

homicide in, 43, 168

poverty and, 79–80

private militias as ubiquitous in, 197

racism and slavery of, 397

middle class

globalization and effects on, 112, 113, 118–19, 339, 340

worldwide increase of, 86, 459–60n18

Middle East and North Africa

carbon emissions of, 144

communist governments in, 200

education in, 236–7, 237

emancipative values in, 227–8, 227, 439

imperialist interventions in, 439

literacy and, 236

refugees from, and European populism, 338

See also Arab countries; Muslim countries; individual countries

Milanović, Branko, 104–5, 111, 112, 113

military governments, 200

military spending, 162, 467n18

Millennials, 225

depression and, 476n74

digital technology and, 244

happiness and, 273

as increasingly liberal, 217

low voter turnout in Trump’s election, 343

secularization and, 437

suicide and, 280

well-being of, 283

Miller, George, 314

Mill, John Stuart, 373, 417

Milošević, Slobodan, 447

mind-body dualism, 3, 22, 422, 427

mining safety and working conditions, 185, 230

minority rights, populist disregard for, 333, 340


of cultural criticism, 34, 247, 446

of traditional environmentalism, 122, 134, 154

Mishima, Yukio, 446

Missouri, capital punishment in, 211

mobile phones/smartphones, 94–5, 257, 331

Mokyr, Joel, 82–3, 332

Molière, 411

Monbiot, George, 264

Mongolia, 85, 86

Monitoring the Future (youth survey), 185

monotonicity, 44

Montefiore, Hugh, 465n76

Montesquieu, 8, 10, 12, 13, 223

Monty Python’s Flying Circus, 392

Mooney, Chris, 387

Moore, Patrick, 465n76

Moore’s Law, 46, 298, 330


as balancing desires conflicting with others’, 414

basis of, 412–15, 419

capital punishment abolition and, 211–12, 213

deontological, 416–18

evolution as selecting for, 415

humanism and, 395, 410

impartiality and, 412–13, 415

progress in, as cumulative, 327

relativists vs. realists, 429–30

and safety regulations, 190

social contracts against harm, 27–8

sympathy and, 415

utilitarian, 415–19

and violence, vulnerability to, 414–15

See also theism and theistic morality

moral sense

abstract reasoning and honing of, 243

deficits in, 26, 140

root-causism and, 169–70

sacrifice and, 140–41

Morgenthau, Hans, 309

Morrison, Philip, 308

Morton, Oliver, 154

Moss, Jonathan, 402

Mothers Against Drunk Driving, 178

motor vehicles

accident deaths, 42, 176–8, 177

deaths in, vs. terrorist deaths, 192, 193

decline in demand for, 135

drunk driving, 178

robotic cars, 180

safety, development of, 177–8, 190

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 200

Mozambique, escape from poverty of, 85, 86

Mozgovoi, Aleksandr, 479n93

Mueller, John, 205–6, 263, 305, 310–311, 313

Mugabe, Robert, 91

Mukherjee, Bharati, 284

Muller, Richard, 313

multiethnic communities, 405, 448, 450

multiverse theory, 424–5

Munroe, Randall, 127, 128, 430, 489n52

music, 260, 407

Musk, Elon, 296

Muslim countries

atheists in, 435

cohorts, 442, 491n106

cruel punishments in, 439, 440

emancipative values weakest in, 223, 227–8, 227, 240, 439, 442

female genital mutilation in, 439

fertility decreasing in, 126, 436

homosexuality as crime in, 223, 439, 440

“honor killings” of women in, 439

and humanism, lack of progress in, 439–42

humanistic revolution in, 442–3, 491n106

human rights violations and, 439

separation of mosque and state, 441

theocracies and, 201

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 418–19

women’s rights in, 222, 439, 442, 491n106

See also Arab countries; Islam; Islamist extremists; Muslims


conspiracy theories and, 67, 336

hate crimes targeting, 219–20, 220

literal readings of Quran, 440, 490n96

percentage of world population, 436

sharia law and, 440, 490n96

as strongly religious, 440

Trump and immigration of, 336

Mussolini, Benito, 445, 446, 447, 491n118

Mutar, Faisal Saeed Al-, 442

Myanmar (Burma), 203, 419

Myhrvold, Nathan, 477n20

Naam, Ramez, 298, 477n20

Nabokov, Vladimir, 261

Nader, Ralph, 177

Nagel, Thomas, 351–2, 412, 413, 427, 429, 482n4, 488n43

Nalin, David, 64

Namazie, Maryam, 443

Namibia, 203

NASA, 295, 300

Nasr, Amir Ahmad, 443

Nasrin, Taslima, 443


as counter-Enlightenment value, 30–31, 448

political ideologies and, 31

romantic nationalism, 165–6, 447, 448, 449–51

Russian, 159

vs. social contract, 31

See also populism

National Science Foundation, 356–7, 387


cyber-sabotage accomplished by, 304

as putative units of group selection, 31, 448, 450

romantic nationalism, 165, 447, 448, 449–51

tribalism and, 450

natural disaster deaths, 187–9, 188

destruction of civilizations, 295–6

extinction of human species, 294–5

natural gas (methane), 136, 143, 147, 183

naturalism, 392, 421–2, 486n17

Natural Resources Defense Council, 465n76

natural selection, 18–19

homeostasis discovered by, 22

human intelligence and, 297

humanism and, 413–14

reality as selection pressure, 355

See also evolution


competition and arms races in, 19, 24–5

environmentalism, traditional view of, 122

purpose in, science as refuting, 8, 24, 394–5, 434–5

as robust, 133

Romanticism and, 30, 121

See also natural selection

Nawaz, Maajid, 443

Nazi Germany

Christianity of, 430

counter-Enlightenment ideology of, 397

eugenics and, 399

Holocaust, 161, 397, 399, 430

intellectual fans of, 447

Nietzsche as influence on, 445

public health invoked by, 399

“scientific racism” of, 397–8

See also Germany; Hitler, Adolf

Negativity bias, 47–8, 293

Negroponte, John, 310

Nemirow, Jason, 140

neo-fascism, 419, 448, 451

neo-reaction, 419, 451

Nepal, 203


commerce, embrace of, 84–5

emancipative values in, 225–7, 226, 227

happiness ranking of, 475n30

homicide rates in, 169, 170

life expectancy in, 95

literacy in, 236

populism repudiated in, 338–9

secularization and, 436

social spending in, 108

New Deal, 107–8

New England, homicide rates in, 169, 170

New Peace, 43

New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, 317, 318

Newton, Sir Isaac, 24

New York City, 172, 286–7, 380

New York Times, 44, 50, 74, 97, 151, 280, 292, 373, 409, 420

New Zealand

economic freedom in, 365, 483n39

education in, 237

and escape from poverty, 85

happiness and, 451, 475n30

IQ gains in, 241, 241

secularization and, 437, 438–9

social spending in, 365, 483n39

well-being and, 438–9, 451

women’s rights in, 222

Nicaragua, 158

Niebuhr, Reinhold, 311

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 443–7

cultural pessimism, advocate of, 39–40, 406

intellectuals and artists as fans, 445, 446–7, 452

quotations from, 444–5

See also romantic heroism

Niger, 203


democratization of, 203

famine in, 73

killings by Boko Haram in, 162

polio in, 65

secularization and, 436

terrorist deaths in, 193

Nisbet, Robert, 40

Nixon, Richard, 119

Nobel Peace Prize, 203, 232, 240, 316

Nomani, Asra, 443

Non-Proliferation Treaty (1970), 316–17

No Nukes concert and film (1979), 147

nonviolent resistance, success rate of, 405

non-Western Enlightenments, 29–30, 419, 439, 442–3, 456n2

Norberg, Johan, 54–5, 68, 79, 125, 203–4

Nordhaus, Ted, 122, 141–2, 147, 253–4

Nordhaus, William, 138, 253

Nordic countries

egalitarian income distribution in, 98

emancipative values in, 225–7, 226, 227

environment of, 130

and escape from poverty, 85

forced sterilization laws of, 399

human rights in, 208, 208

Norma Rae (film), 113

Norris, Pippa, 224, 340

North, Douglass, 83

North Korea

Arduous March, 78

as autocratic, 201–2

conflict with South Korea, 158

democratization and, 206

famine in, 78

human rights in, 208, 208

nuclear weapons and, 317, 320

poverty in, 90

Norvig, Peter, 477n20


emancipative values in, 225–7, 226, 227

happiness ranking of, 475n30

human rights in, 208, 208

income per capita in, 271

populism and, 341

nostalgia, 48, 113, 256

Nozick, Robert, 99

nuclear power, 144–5, 146–50, 330, 465n76

nuclear war, 307–321

balance of terror, 315

ban on (Global Zero), 315–17, 320–21

close calls, 310, 312–13, 318, 479nn93,95

deterrence and, 312, 314–15, 317

fear, failure to mobilize public, 308–311, 479n80

Graduated Reciprocation in Tension-Reduction (GRIT), 318, 320

historical pessimism and, 308

and international relations, 312, 315

launch on warning (hair trigger), 315, 319–20

Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD), 315

nations with capacity, 313, 317–18, 318

New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START), 317, 318

no-first-use pledge, 320

Non-Proliferation Treaty (1970), 316–17

nuclear winter, 308, 310

probability of nuclear war, 312–13

proliferation limited, 313

reduction of arsenal, 317–19, 318, 480nn113,117,121

second-strike capacity, 315, 319

security dilemma (Hobbesian trap) of, 315

Trump and, 336–7

nuclear weapons

arms race during Cold War, 291, 308, 311

complacency about, 286

Hiroshima bombing, 305

Manhattan Project and development of, 314

terrorism as threat, 310–311, 313–14

treaty banning atmospheric testing, 133–4

uranium extracted for power plants, 149, 317

Nunn, Sam, 316, 319

Nussbaum, Martha, 248, 264, 413

Nye, Bill, 434

Nyerere, Julius, 447

Obama, Barack

approval rating on departure, 338

bullying as issue for, 49

conspiracy theories about, 336, 358

farewell speech and Enlightenment, 338, 481n30

as first African American U.S. president, 214

health care and, 109

on income inequality, 97

on “now” as best time to be born, 37

and nuclear weapons, 316, 319, 320–21, 336–7

racism and, 217

Republican obstructionism and, 432

theoconservatives and, 449

Obamacare, 109

Obama, Michelle, 214

obesity epidemic, 69

objective measurement

actuarial formulas outperforming experts, 403–4

as goal of scientific literacy, 403–5

as morally enlightened, 43

Naomi Klein’s dismissal of, 139

resisters of scientific thinking objecting to, 403

See also data

occupational safety and accident deaths, 185–7, 187

Occupy Wall Street, 97

Oceania, postcolonial governments of, 201


acidification of, 137, 138, 153

and carbon dioxide (CO2) capture, 136, 150

deep-sea vents as biological energy source, 19

desalination of water, 129, 149

fisheries, 325

geoengineering and, 150, 152–3

marine conservation areas, 132–3, 133

sea level rise, 137, 138

species extinctions and, 463n32

Oklahoma City bombing (1995), 194

Olds, Jacqueline, 274

O’Neill, Eugene, 446

O’Neill, William, 286

Ono, Yoko, 166

On the Waterfront (film), 113

opioid overdoses, 184–5

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 308


attacks on, 39, 49

complacent vs. conditional, 154–5

enlightenment as, 7

historical improvement as basis for, 51, 327–8

Optimism Gap, 40, 115, 225–6, 268

perceived as salesmanship, 49

rational (pessimistic hopefulness, possibilism, protopia, opti-realism), 52, 344–5, 482n55

See also pessimism


improbability of, 15–16, 24, 25

life as, 18–19, 20

meaning of life as creation despite entropy, 17

self-organization, 17–19

Orlando nightclub massacre, 215, 216

Orlov, Vadim Pavlovich, 479n93

Osgood, Charles, 318

Osler, William, 63

Ottoman Empire, 430, 439

Our World in Data (Web site), xviii, 52

Pacification Process, 43

pacifist’s dilemma, 166, 414, 488n10

Paddock, William and Paul, 74

Pagden, Anthony, 482n6

Pagel, Mark, 477n20

Paine, Thomas, 409


agriculture in, 76

climate change and, 151

as democracy, 207

and literacy, female, 239, 240

nuclear weapons and, 307–8, 317, 318, 320

polio in, 65

terrorist deaths in, 193

Palin, Sarah, 374–5

Pan-African Parliament, 222

Panama, 85, 86

pantheism, 8, 422

paradox of value (income statistics can mislead)

definition of, 82

globalization and, 117

increasing with humanism, 332–3

inequality and, 117

technology and, 117, 332–3

paranormal phenomena, 422, 427, 428

Parfit, Derek, 429

Paris, terrorism and, 219

Paris Agreement on climate, 134, 152, 335, 449

Paris Peace Pact (1928), 163–4

Parker, Dorothy, 248, 277

Parker, Theodore, 223

Pascal, Blaise, 162

Pasteur, Louis, 63

Paulsen, Pat, 332, 365

peace, 13–14, 156–66

democracy as fostering, 162–3

education as fostering, 235

as inherently worthy, 164–5, 166

peacekeeping forces, success of, 404–5

romantic militarism giving way to, 165–6

as self-reinforcing, 164

See also Long Peace; war

Peak Car, Carbon, Children, Coal, Paper, Timber, 144

Peak Farmland, 76, 144

Peak Oil, 135

Peak Stuff, 135–6

Peanuts (comic), 377

Pearl Harbor, 196

pedestrian deaths, 179–80, 179

Pelopidas, Benoît, 316

period (zeitgeist) effects, 224–5

happiness and, 272–4, 275

religious belief and, 437–8

See also age (life cycle) effects; cohort effects

permafrost, melting, 136

Perry, William, 316, 319

Persia, ancient, 23, 398

Peru, 158, 160

pessimism, 33, 39–52

about democratization, 201

about human rights, 207

about life expectancy, 53

mistaken for moral seriousness, 49

as one-upmanship, 49

and populism, xvii, 50, 343–4

about racism, sexism, and homophobia, 215

and sympathy, expansion of circle of, 49

about terrorism, 191

and Trump’s election, 340

See also fatalism; intellectuals; media; optimism; romantic heroism


doomsday scenarios from, 293, 294

German, 165

and happiness, lack of, 263–4, 268

and the humanities, malaise of, 406

quality of life, 247

and romantic militarism, 165–6

about science, 400


and democracy, 201

and nuclear war, 308

root-causism, 169–71


carbon-to-hydrogen ratio of, 143

deaths caused by, 146–7

new technologies for use of, 330

See also climate change; coal; energy

Pew Research Center, 216, 222

pharmaceutical drugs. See drugs, pharmaceutical

Philippines, 152, 200, 336

philosophy, 23, 433, 434

arguments lead to moral progress, 210, 409

arguments about consciousness, 425–8

arguments on reason and rationality, 8, 351–3

and consilience with science, 407

naturalism as favored position of, 392, 486n17

not divorced from empirical world, 391–2

Second Culture misconceptions of, 408–9

See also reason

photography, 257

Picasso, Pablo, 447

Pickett, Kate, 100, 101

Piketty, Thomas, 99

Pimm, Stuart, 133

Pinker, Robert, xviii

Pinker, Roslyn, xviii

Pinker, Susan, xviii, 274

Pinter, Harold, 447

plague, 80

plane crash deaths, 42, 180, 180

plane travel, democratization of, 257–8, 258

plants, energy/food production, 19, 150

Plato, 381, 421, 428–9, 431

pneumonia, childhood deaths from, 66

poison, deaths from, 182, 183–4

Poland, 201, 334, 341, 436


killings of African Americans, 215–16, 471n6

and violent crime reduction, 168, 173–4, 176

See also rule of law

polio, 63–4, 65

political ideologies of left and right

belief in evolution and, 356

as biased on specific polarized topics, 361–3

conservative rejection of ideal of progress, 363–4

democracy undermined by, 374

denial of climate change and, 357

eugenics and, 399–400

innumeracy on polarized topics, 360–61

irrationality of issues charged with, 381–4

journalism and, 372–3, 484n54

leftist sympathy for Marxism, 364

libertarian right extremism, 364–5

moderates, 372

nationalism and, 31

polarization increasing, 371, 374–5

populism and, 334

predictions affected by, inaccuracy of, 368, 371

rational approach to politics vs., 365–6

religion and, 31–2

research as harmed by, 373, 387–8

scientists and, 138, 356–8, 372

as secular religions, 32

Social Darwinism and, 399, 486n36

social segregation according to, 371

as sports fandom, 359, 360, 366, 381, 383

Trump’s election and, 343

See also academia

political science, 407

PolitiFact, 336, 375–6

Polity Project, 202, 203

Polk, James, 63

pollution. See environmental protection: pollution

Pol Pot, 78, 161, 447

poor countries. See developing countries/world

Popper, Karl, 205, 393, 486n21


control measures, 74

demographic transition, 125, 135–6, 436

education and decline of, 238

explosion of, 56, 73–4, 125–6, 125

fertility of religious believers, 436, 489n70

fertility rates as decreasing, 125–6

growth of, 125

Muslim, 126, 326

and Peak Stuff, 135–6

populism, 29, 333–4

age rolloff in support for, 341–2, 342

backlash against equal rights, 219, 221, 225

cultural backlash as primary issue in, 340, 342

dystopian rhetoric and, 343–4

economics and, 339, 340, 342

education and, 339, 340

and electoral irregularities, repair of, 342–3

in Europe, 334, 338–9, 341–2, 342, 438, 451

fascism and, 448, 491n118

institutional limits on power of, 337–8

intellectuals and, 343–4

vs. international community, 163, 337–8

left- and right-wing varieties, 334

media and, 343–4

minority rights, disrespect for, 333, 340

Peak Populism, 451

and “political correctness,” 219

progress as rejected by, 334, 363–4

racism and, 339–40

repudiation of, 338–9

strongman emergence as factor in, 340–41, 343

and terrorism, fear of, 338, 339

theoconservatism and, 448–9

voter characteristics and, 339–40

voter turnout and, 343, 438

See also Trump, Donald

Porter, Roy, 84

Portugal, 200, 341, 481n32

positivism, 388. See also reductionism; scientism

postcolonial governments

civil war and intercommunal violence of, 164

and democracies, rise of, 200, 201

famine exacerbated by policies of, 78

postmodernism, 351

hatred of science, 397

and malaise of the humanities, 406

Nietzsche as influence on, 446

relativism, 406

Poststructuralism, 446

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), 281, 282

“post-truth era,” 375

Potomac River, 130

Pound, Ezra, 447

poverty, 79–96

clothing and, 80, 117, 118

conditions of, 79–80, 92–4

and consumption, 116–18, 116

as default state of humankind, 25, 79

definition of, 79

and disposable income, 115–16, 116

economic inequality confused with, 98–9

energy requirements to escape, 141

escape from, 24, 54, 85, 364, 459–60nn16,18,20

escape from, factors contributing to, 90–96, 234

homelessness, 116

pollution and, 130–31, 463n28

retirement and alleviation of, 250–51, 250

social spending to alleviate, 107–110, 115–16

workhouses, 79, 250–51

See also developing countries/world; economic inequality; wealth


number of people living in, 88–9, 88

per capita income distribution and, 86–7, 86

percentage of world living in, 87–8, 87

United Nations’ goal for reducing, 89, 460n28

power-law distribution, 46, 162, 290, 292–3

Prados de la Escosura, Leandro, 110, 245, 473n45

prediction, 46, 366–71

Availability heuristic and, 370

Bayesian reasoning and, 369–70

common-sense awareness of, 366

ideology driven as least successful, 368, 371

media and intellectuals unaccountable for, 366–7

prophecy distinguished from, 46

superforecasters, 368–71, 380, 393, 404

wisdom of crowds and, 370

President’s Council on Bioethics, 60

Preston Curve, 95


of imaginable events, inaccurate estimates, 292

of nuclear war, 312–13

of rare events, 46, 162, 290, 292–3

See also Availability heuristic; prediction

productivity, 328

delay in effects of technological change, 330

factors affecting slowdown of, 329

technological sophistication and, 328


as apparent historical force, 109, 177–8, 190, 211–13, 215, 220–21

vs. Authoritarian High Modernism, 11–12

as cumulative, 326–7

definition of, 11, 51–2, 55, 410

vs. dialectics and other mystical forces, arcs, and struggles, 11, 109, 326, 395, 400

general factor (quantitative), 245–6, 246, 473n45, 483n42

global shaming campaigns and, 222, 443

Human Development Index, 245–6, 246, 473n45, 483n42

institutions as hope for, 12

“price of,” 11–12, 185–6

Romantic vs. Enlightenment versions, 11, 109, 326, 395, 400

summary of, 322–6

threats to, 328–41. See also economic stagnation; populism

unbundling negative features from, 94

United Nations Millennium Development Goals for, 52, 89, 239–40, 457n31, 459–60n18

Protestant countries, emancipative values in, 227

Protestant ethic, 85


clinical. See anxiety; depression; mental health and illness; psychotherapy; suicide

cognitive, 351, 353, 378, 407

Enlightenment precursors, 8–9, 10, 353, 392

evolutionary, 17, 25–8, 353–5, 415, 426, 448, 450

social, 100, 373, 407

See also cognitive biases


cognitive behavior therapy, 282

Feedback-Informed Treatment, 380

and media focus on negative news, 286–7

public goods game. See Tragedy of the Commons

public health

bioterror and international networks, 301

Ebola control, 307

Nazi Holocaust invoking, 399

revolution of, 64, 83

See also vaccines

“Publius Decius Mus” (Michael Anton), 448, 449

Pulitzer Prize, 52

purpose, absence of in nature, 8, 24, 394–5, 434–5

“spirituality” and, 434

Putin, Vladimir, 159, 201, 205, 335, 336

Putnam, Robert, 274, 432

Pynchon, Thomas, 456n1

Pythagoras, 23

Quakers (Society of Friends), 162, 412

quality of life, 247–61

and diet, diversification of, 258–9

entertainment and culture, diversity of, 260–61

fundamental capabilities, 248, 264–5, 413

and GDP, 95

leisure time and family life, 255–6, 256

light, affordability of, 253–4, 253–4

necessities, cost of, 254–5, 254

plane travel, affordability of, 257–8, 258

poverty, alleviation of, 251, 473–4n8

secularization and, 438–9, 490n87

time required to stay alive, 248–52, 252, 255

travel/tourism, 258–9, 259

vacation time, 251

See also happiness; well-being, subjective

quantitative mindset. See objective measurement

quantum mechanics, 423, 424, 425, 427

Quarantelli, Enrico, 305

Quayle, Dan, 255, 374–5

Qutb, Sayyid, 441

Rabi, Isidor, 308

Rabinowitch, Eugene, 311

racism, 214–15

and academia’s left-wing tilt, 373–4

of ancient Greeks toward Africans, 397

global progress in, 222

Internet searches as index of, 217–19, 218, 339–40, 471n13

and interracial marriage, 376

of medieval Muslims toward Africans, 397

police shootings of African Americans, 215–16, 471n6

public opinion in the U.S., 216–17, 216, 471n8

of Romans toward Britons, 397

“scientific racism” misdescribed, 397–8, 486n32

Trump’s election and, 339–40

Radelet, Steven, 59, 90, 91, 93, 459n16

radioactive fallout, 133–4, 315

Radner, Gilda, 266

Railton, Peter, 429

Raitt, Bonnie, 147

Ramdas, Kavita, 94

Ramon, Gaston, 64

rampage shootings, 191, 193–6

categorization as terrorism, 192, 193–4

copycat killings, 193–4

media response, recommendations for, 198

motives of killers, 196, 216

Rand, Ayn, 446

Randomistas, 380–81

rare events, probability of, 46, 162, 290, 292–3

Rawcliffe, Carol, 181

Rawls, John, 88, 412

Rayburn, Sam, 16

Raza, Raheel, 443

Reagan, Ronald, 110, 115, 316, 374–5

real estate, social status, and dematerialization, 135

reason, 8, 351–84

Cartesian argument, 8, 351–2, 413, 482n4

and cosmopolitanism, 11

depoliticizing, 381–3

evolutionary roots in hunter-gatherers, 353–4

fact-checking in media, 375–6

and human irrationality, 8–9, 351, 353, 358, 375, 407, 482n6

increase of, despite contrary sense, 380–81

the meaning of life and, 3–4

vs. politicization, 381–4

and religion, 8, 30, 388, 389, 393–5

subjectivity and, 351–2, 390

See also cognition; cognitive biases

reductionism, 388, 392–3

Reed, Lou, 284

Rees, Martin, 290–91, 301, 423

reforestation, 76, 130, 134, 150, 459n25

refrigeration, 75, 82, 251, 252

refugees/displaced persons, 160, 338, 466n12

relationships. See family life; social support vs. isolation


incoherence of, 351–2

morality and, 429–30

Nietzsche as inspiring, 445, 446

postmodernism and, 406

of religion, 429, 430

religion, 8, 30, 31–2, 420–43

and capitalism, development of, 84, 85

and China, freedoms in, 204

commerce as ameliorating hatreds, 84

Cornwall Declaration on environment, 287

as counter-Enlightenment, 30, 31–2

decline of. See secularization

development of (Axial Age), 23

doomsday prophecies by, 294

equal rights for religious minorities, 222

freedom of, utilitarianism and, 417

humanism, clashes with, 30, 432–3

humanism, compatibility with, 412, 431–2

Inquisition, 442

and morality. See Euthyphro (Plato); morality: basis of; theism and theistic morality

positive contributions to community, 431–2

revival of, 435, 436, 438

science encroaching on, 388, 391, 394–5, 422–3

separation of church and state, 418, 441

spirituality, 433–5

summum bonum, rethinking of, 84

theodicy (rationalization for suffering), 39, 423

See also God; soul, immaterial; specific religions

Republican Party

attempts to repeal Obamacare, 109

and climate change, 357

democratic norms undermined by, 374

electoral floor of support for, 338

increased partisanship of, 371–2

innumeracy of, on polarized topics, 361

journalists in, 484n54

theoconservatism and, 448–9

war on science of, 387–8

See also political ideologies of left and right; populism

Rhodes, Richard, 313

Richardson, Samuel, 284

Richards, Robert, 398

Ridley, Matt, 464n45

Riesman, David, 274

Right Revolutions, 43

Rijpma, Auke, 245

rinderpest (cattle plague), 65

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, homicide rates in, 172

rivers. See waterways

Rizvi, Ali, 443

roads and highways, 168–9, 178

Robinson, John, 255

Rock, Chris, 69, 374

Rockwell, Norman, 256

Romania, 341

romantic heroism, 33, 419–20, 443–51

disdain for the common person, 444–5, 446, 447

fascist movements inspired by, 445, 448

intellectuals and artists as fans, 445, 446–7, 452

and nationalism, 165–6, 445, 447, 448, 449–51

rejection of Enlightenment, 33, 444–5

and relativism, 445, 446

sexism of, 444

and totalitarian dictators, 445, 446–7, 491n118

Trumpism as influenced by, 448–50, 491n118

and will to power, 33, 296, 444, 445

See also Nietzsche, Friedrich

Romanticism, 11, 30, 33

counter-Enlightenment, 30, 351

environmental movement and, 32, 121, 122

and factory work, 92

heroic struggle as the greatest good, 30, 33, 448

progress, version of, 11. See also progress: vs. dialectics and other mystical forces, arcs, and struggles

race theory of, 398, 400

violence as glorified in, 30, 33

See also environmental movement (traditional); romantic heroism

romantic militarism, 165–6, 445

romantic nationalism, 165, 447, 448, 449–51

Romantic poetry, 433

Roma people, 399

Rome, ancient. See classical Greece and Rome

Romer, Paul, 154–5

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 419

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 63

Roosevelt, Theodore, 400

Rosenberg, Nathan, 79

Rosenberg, Robin, 282

Rosenberg, Tina, 50

Rosenthal, Bernice Glatzer, 445

Roser, Max, 52, 53, 88–9

Rose, Stephen (economist), 114

Rose, Steven (neuroscientist), 447

Rosling, Hans, 52, 53, 74, 251–2, 345

Rosling, Ola, 86

Ross, Lee, 359–60

Rotblat, Joseph, 308

Roth, Philip, 284

Roth, Randolph, 174

Rothschild, Nathan Meyer, 62

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 10, 30, 230

Rowling, J. K., 99, 100, 118

Ruddiman, William, 123

rule of law

democracy as dependent on, 335–6

establishment of, in early modern Europe, 43

integrity of, and emancipative values, 228

violent crime reductions and, 43, 168–70, 174

Rushdie, Salman, 443

Ruskin, John, 165

Russell, Bertrand, 421, 445

Russell, Stuart, 300, 477n20


as autocracy, 201, 203, 205, 335

civil war, 78

conflict with Georgia, 335

conflict with Ukraine, 158, 159, 335

Crimea annexation (2014), 164, 335

cyberattacks by, 335

democracy, undermining of, 335

famine in, 72

homicide rates in, 172, 174

homophobia in, 223

legitimacy of government, and crime wave, 174

nationalism of, 159

nuclear power and, 147, 150

nuclear weapons, 308, 315, 316–17, 318, 320–21

revolution, 78

secularization and, 436

Time of Troubles, 199, 484n77

Trump administration’s collusion with, 335

See also Cold War; nuclear war; Soviet Union

Rwanda, 69, 85, 86, 161–2

safety, 167–90, 323, 480n2

auto safety, 177–8, 190

fall prevention, 181–2

fire safety, 183

flood control, 188

gas and vapor, 183

government regulations, 177–8, 186, 187

natural disasters and, 187–9

opioid addiction, 184

Trump and, 335

in the workplace, 185–7, 187

See also accidental deaths; motor vehicles

Sagan, Carl, 308, 310

Sahel, 73

Said, Edward, 39–40

Saint-Pierre, Abbé de, 13

Sale, Kirkpatrick, 456n1

Salk, Jonas, 63–4, 65

Sanders, Bernie, 97

Sanger, Margaret, 400

sanitation, 63, 67, 331

San Pedro Sula, Honduras, 172

San people, 249, 353–4

São Paulo, Brazil, homicide rate in, 172

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 39–40, 446, 447

Saturday Night Live, 266

Satyarthi, Kailash, 232

Saudi Arabia, 209–210, 336, 419

Savulescu, Julian, 402

Scalia, Antonin, 336

Scandinavia. See Nordic countries

Schank, Roger, 477n20

Scheidel, Walter, 106–7

Schelling, Friedrich, 30

Schelling, Thomas, 480nn105,112

Schell, Jonathan, 309–310, 456n1

Schmitt, Carl, 447

Schneier, Bruce, 303, 304

Schopenhauer, Arthur, 39–40, 165

Schrag, Daniel, 151

Schumer, Amy, 434

Schwartz, Richard, 274


application to wealth creation, 82–3, 94–5

beauty and, 34, 260, 386, 407–8, 433–4

climate change, consensus on, 137–8, 464n45

collaboration in, 64, 409

cosmopolitan virtues of, 409

definition of, 9, 391–3

depth of achievements of, 385–7

doubt as first principle of, 390

and errors and prejudices, discrediting own, 391

heroes of, 63–4

ideals of, 27, 387–8, 390, 392–3, 409

methods of, 10, 390, 392

naïveté of scientists on policy, 390–91

national boundaries transcended by, 387–8, 409

nuclear war activism by scientists, 308–310

nuclear weapons as indictment of, 308

and political correctness, accusations of, 138

political ideology in scientists, 138, 356–8, 372

and “scientific method,” as term, 392

science, disdain for, 33–4, 387, 389–90, 395, 408–9

and bioethics, 402

as bipartisan, 388–9

cultural sophistication and, 17

faitheism and, 430

history of science and, 395–6

and Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 395, 486n21

left-wing repression, 373, 388

medical progress and, 63

right-wing politicians and, 387–8

“science studies” and, 396

Second Culture paranoia about, 389–90, 409

university general education, 400–401

See also intellectuals; scientism

EVILS BLAMED ON SCIENCE, 388–9, 397, 400

eugenics, 388, 399–400

Holocaust, 397

nuclear weapons, 308–310

racism and imperialism, 34, 388, 397–8, 399, 486n32

Social Darwinism, 388, 398–9, 486nn36–37

Tuskegee syphilis study, 401

science of man, 10

Scientific Revolution, 8, 9–10, 24, 326

scientism, 34, 388, 389, 390, 392, 395. See also science, disdain for

Scott, James, 12

Scott, Robert, 9–10, 180–81

sea level rise, 137, 138

Second Culture (Snow), 33–4, 389–90, 456n12. See also humanities; intellectuals; Two Cultures

Second Law of Thermodynamics, 15–18

misunderstood by creationists, 19

pollution and, 123

progress and, 344

See also Entropy, Law of

secularization, 435–6, 489nn65,68

affluence and education and, 435–6

cohort effect, 437–8

and fertility of religious believers, 436, 489n70

period effect, 436–7

quality of life and, 438–9, 490n84

United States and, 436, 437–8, 439, 489n75

voter turnout and, 438

secular stagnation. See economic stagnation

security dilemma (Hobbesian trap), 164, 173, 315

Seinfeld, Jerry, 374

Selin, Ivan, 148

Semmelweis, Ignaz, 63

Sen, Amartya, 245, 248, 264, 265, 442

Senegal, 203

Sennett, Richard, 456n1

September 11, 2001, attacks

conspiracy theories about, 336, 358

high death toll of, 193, 194, 194

resilience of people and, 305–6

success of, as uncommon, 303

as theater, 196

uptick in anti-Islam hate crimes and, 219, 220

used as analogy in dystopian rhetoric, 343, 449

Serbia, 203

Serengeti wilderness park, 123

service organizations, 287, 432, 450

Seven Years’ War, 484n77

sewerage, 63, 67

sex differences

anxiety, 285

depression, 476n74

educational parity, 239–40

happiness, 284, 285

suicide rates, 278, 279

See also sexism; women

sexism, 214–15

definition of, 214

education of girls and women and, 239–40, 239

Internet searches, as index of, 217–19, 218

public opinion in the U.S., 216–17, 216

romantic heroism and, 444

See also equal rights; sex differences; women

Sex, Lies, and Videotape (film), 286

Shakespeare, William, 433

shaming campaigns, global, 222, 443

Shapiro, Scott, 163–4

sharing economy, 135

Shaw, George Bernard, 287, 341, 400, 446, 447

Shellenberger, Michael, 122, 141–2, 147

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 295

Shermer, Michael, 455n10, 457n32, 458nn19,21, 464n45, 471n3, 472n26, 487n63, 488n34

Sheskin, Mark, 101–2

Shiite Muslims, 162

Shtulman, Andrew, 356

Shultz, George, 316, 319

Sidgwick, Henry, 487n5

Sierra Club, 465n76

Sierra Leone, 238, 238

Sikkink, Kathryn, 207

Silent Generation, 225

emancipative values and, 226

and populism, 341–2, 342

secularization and, 43

suicide and, 280

Silicon Valley, quest for immortality, 60

Silver, Nate, 339, 367

Simmel, Georg, 165

Simon, Julian, 126

Simon, Paul, 284

Simon & Garfunkel, 257

Simpson, Wallis, 270

Sinatra, Frank, 218, 265–6

Sinclair, Upton, 186

Singapore, 85, 85, 171, 207, 457n8

Singer, Isaac Bashevis, 284

Singer, Peter, 429

Sino-Japanese War, 484n77

Sirleaf, Ellen Johnson, 91


abolition of, 11

arguments defending, as corrected errors, 408–9

historical ubiquity of racism and, 397

utilitarianism and laws against, 417

smallpox, 64–5, 386

smartphones, 94–5, 257, 331

Smith, Adam

and human psychology, 8–9, 353

on market exchange, 83

on paradox of value, 82

and poverty as default human condition, 25

on real price as the trouble of acquisition, 253

and self-interest working for common good, 13

on specialization, 12–13

Smith, Lamar, 387

Smith, Logan Pearsall, 328

smoke and fire deaths, 182–3, 182

Smokey the Bear, 183

Snopes (Web site), 260

Snow, C. P.

on disdain for science, 17

on factory vs. farm work, 92–3, 446

on First and Second Cultures, 33–4, 389–90, 456n12

and nuclear disarmament, 308, 309

on science as a moral imperative, 34

Third Culture, 390, 486n13

The Two Cultures, 33–4, 389

Snow, John, 63

social capital, 235

social comparison/status anxiety, 99–100, 263

social contract, 12, 27–8, 31, 412, 413

Social Darwinism, 388, 398–9, 486nn36–37

social isolation. See social support vs. isolation

“social justice warriors,” 31, 373, 375

social media

as boon to human closeness, 256–7

and dematerialization, 135

and leisure/family time, 255, 256

and loneliness, 274, 275–7

See also Internet

social psychology, 100, 373, 407. See also cognitive biases; happiness; moral sense; psychology; racism

Social Security, 109, 251

social spending, 107–110

as compatible with capitalism, 365, 483nn39,42

Egalitarian Revolution, 107

hidden welfare state (U.S.), 115, 116, 119

increase over time, 107–8, 108, 109–110

and inexorable change, 109

pre-capitalist, 107

Reagan/Thatcher ideology against, 110

redistribution/welfare state, 108–9

as reducing inequality and poverty, 107–110, 115–16

Trump and, 334

universal basic income, 119

as universal in developed nations, 110, 115

Wagner’s Law and, 109–110

and well-being, 108, 110, 365, 483nn39,42

social support vs. isolation

constancy of, over time, 274–5, 475n46

as factor in happiness, 271

loneliness, decreasing, 275–7, 276

perception of increasing isolation, 274, 277

Socrates, 58, 59, 212, 428

Sokov, Nikolai, 316

Somalia, 65, 73

Sontag, Susan, 376–7, 447, 456n1, 484n77

soul, immaterial

vs. activity of brain, 22, 422, 427–8

hard problem of consciousness, 427, 428

mental life attributed to, 22

religions valuing, above lives, 30, 429, 433

religious wars and, 429

as testable hypothesis, 422

South Africa, 98, 172, 313, 419

South and Central America

carbon emissions of, 144

democratization and, 200, 203

drug-fueled violence in, 175

education in, 236–8, 237–8

emancipative values in, 227, 227

happiness in, 271

homicide rates and concentrations in, 172, 173–4

IQ gains in, 241

life expectancy in, 53–4, 54, 55

military juntas of, 200

personal violence, deaths from, 167

undernourishment in, 72

See also individual countries

South and Southeast Asia

Communist governments in Southeast Asia, 200

education in, 236–8, 237–8

emancipative values in, 227, 227

undernourishment in, 72

South Korea

child mortality and, 56

conflict with North Korea, 158

escape from poverty of, 85, 85, 90

GDP of, 85

human rights in, 208, 208

military government of, 200

nuclear power and, 148

suicide and, 278

South Sudan, 73, 160, 236

Soviet Union

Afghanistan invasion by, 439

atheism of, 430

Chernobyl nuclear disaster, 146

collapse of, 90, 200–201

and economic inequality, 98

former republics, emancipative values in, 227

multiethnic neighbors, peacefulness of, 405

Nietzsche as influence on, 445

nuclear arms race of 1960s and, 291, 313

quality of life and, 247

and Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 419

and World War II, 314, 430

See also Cold War; nuclear war; Russia

Sowell, Thomas, 447, 450, 459nn4,32, 460n33, 461nn5,18, 462n47, 467n9, 483n43, 484n55, 487n55, 491n115

Soyinka, Wole, 261

Spain, 200, 234, 341, 481n32, 489n68

Spanish-American War (1898), 376

Spanish flu pandemic (1918–19), 55, 306

Sparky the Fire Dog, 183

Spectator, The, 34

Spencer, Herbert, 399

Spengler, Oswald, 165

Sperber, Dan, 380

Spinoza, Baruch, ix, 8, 410

conatus (effort or striving), 19, 453

and irrationality of humans, 8–9, 353

and reason, ix, 353, 410, 412, 421

P. G. Wodehouse and, 446

spirituality, 433–5


Moneyball, 381

politics similar to, 359, 360, 366, 381, 383

Springsteen, Bruce, 284

Sri Lanka, 160, 203, 278

Stalin, Joseph, 78, 161, 203, 313, 445, 447

Starmans, Christina, 101–2

Star Trek, 427

Stein’s Law, 61, 241, 283, 327

Davies’s Corollary, 61, 327

Stenger, Victor, 423

Stephan, Maria, 405

Stephens-Davidowitz, Seth, 217–18, 339–40, 471n13, 482n44

Stern, Charlotta, 373

Stevenson, Betsey, 269, 270

stoves, cooking, 117, 144, 183, 251, 252

Strauss, Leo, 491n118

Stuxnet worm, 304

Subbiah, Ilavenil, xix


hard problem of consciousness and, 425, 426–8, 488n43

reason and, 351–2, 390

Sudan, 72, 73, 89, 160, 161, 162

suicide, 277–80

age, cohort, and period analyses, 278, 279

cohorts and, 279–80, 476n74

decreasing rates of, 277–80, 279, 476n74

as “self-murder,” 278

sex differences in, 278, 279

Sweden’s high rate of, as urban myth, 264, 280

See also mental health and illness

Sullivan, James X., 116

Sultan, Wafa, 443

Summers, Lawrence, 67, 328, 461n8, 462nn62,65, 480n9, 490n106

Supreme Court, U.S., 212–13, 214–15, 374

sustainability, 127–9, 141

Sutherland, Rory, 135


child mortality and, 55, 56

depression and, 282

emancipative values in, 225–7, 226, 227

fallacious pessimism and, 53

famine in, 68

happiness ranking of, 475n30

maternal mortality in, 57, 58

nuclear power and, 148

per capita income of, 86

populism and, 341

secularization and, 436, 437, 489n68

social spending in, 108

suicide rate in, 263–4, 280

traffic death rates in, 178

Swift, Jonathan, 74–5, 162

Switzerland, 271, 278–9, 279, 475n30, 489n68

Syed, Muhammad, 443

sympathy (benevolence, compassion), 11

cosmopolitanism and, 221

humanism and, 415

and infectious disease improvement, 67

the meaning of life and, 3–4

pessimism and expanding circle of, 49

for the poor, 107

and psychopathology, awareness of, 282

standard-of-living improvements and, 34

syphilis, 306, 401


civil war in, 49, 159, 160, 335

happiness ranking of, 475n30

terrorist deaths in, 193

Szilard, Leo, 308

Taiwan, 85, 85, 200

Taliban, 67, 240

Tan, Amy, 284

Taoism, 23, 204


carbon tax, 139, 145–6, 149

economic freedom compatible with, 365, 483nn39,42

libertarians and, 364–5

poverty mitigated by, 107, 115–16

Trump and, 335

Taylor, Paul, 340

Taylor, Theodore, 308


advance of, and paradox of value, 82, 117, 332–3

and climate change, 143–5, 150, 153–4

and creation of wealth, 83, 94–5

delay in productivity growth due to, 330

dematerialization and, 135, 136, 332

democratization of platforms for, 332

demonetization and, 332–3

digital, Flynn effect and mastery of, 244

donated as foreign aid, 95

doomsday prophecies and, 293–4

for environmental protection, 124, 128–30, 132–6, 134–6

future advances in, 330–32

knowledge growth as exponentiated by, 233

mobile phones/smartphones, 94–5, 257, 331

nuclear power, 148–50

productivity dependent on, 328

science applied to, 82–3

Second Machine Age, 330–32

social embeddedness of, 302

technophilanthropists, 332

Trump and, 335

See also artificial intelligence (AI); consumer products; existential threats; Internet; safety; social media


depression and, 476n74

drug use declining among, 184–5, 229

transgressive Web searches by, 218

Tegmark, Max, 308, 425

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 418

teleological systems, 21–2

telephone, 94–5, 257, 331

Terminator (films), 296

terrorism and terrorists, 191–8

Availability and Negativity biases, 42, 195, 302, 307, 404

bioterrorism, 300–302, 305, 306–7

civil wars as primary locations of, 193

cyber-sabotage, 300–302, 304–6, 335

historical trends, 193–5

media responses to curtail, 197–8

motives of killers, 196

nation-states’ reactions to, 197–8

nuclear terrorism, 197, 310–311, 313–14

number of potential competent, 302–5

objective assessment of threat, 195–7

panic as risk of, 191, 195, 197

right-wing American terrorism, 194, 196, 469n10

safety of society as enhancing threat of, 197, 198

success, lack of, 196–7, 198, 303–4, 404

See also hate crimes; rampage shootings; September 11, 2001, attacks


double-counted as war deaths, 193

number of, 192–5, 192, 194–5, 194, 469n10

vs. other causes, 191–2, 192, 193

Tetlock, Philip, 367–71, 373, 378–9, 404

Texas, capital punishment in, 211

Thackeray, William Makepeace, 284

Thailand, 259, 336, 419, 457n8

Thatcher, Margaret, 110, 315

theism and theistic morality, 419, 420–22, 428–30

Argument from Design, 18, 421, 423

and consciousness, hard problem of, 423, 425–8, 488n43

deism vs., 8, 18, 22, 422

and existence of God, arguments against, 421–2

fundamental physical constants and, 423–5

God of the Gaps argument, 423–8

refutation of theistic morality, 428–30

wars motivated by, 10, 429–30

See also deism and deists; God; secularization

theoconservatism, 448–9

theocracy, 201, 206, 430

theodicy, 39, 423

Thermodynamics, Laws of, 15–16

See also Entropy, Law of

thick tails. See power-law distribution; rare events

Thiel, Peter, 329

Thomas, Dylan, 53

Thoreau, Henry David, 268

Three Mile Island accident (1979), 146, 148

Time magazine, 151

Timor-Leste, 203

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 165, 437

Togo, 272, 475n30

Tolstoy, Leo, 284

Tooby, John, 17, 359, 414, 477n20

Torrijos, Omar, 447


benefits of, 13, 84, 162, 198–9, 228

Trump and international, 334–5

Tragedy of the Belief Commons. See identity-protective cognition

Tragedy of the Commons, 141

for beliefs, 358, 359, 376, 379

for carbon emissions, 141, 151, 153, 154

transgenic crops, 77–8, 331


agriculture and food supply and, 75, 77, 78

and human closeness, 257

plane travel, 257–8, 258

See also motor vehicles

travel/tourism, 258–9, 259, 338


Kellogg-Briand (Paris Peace) pact (1928), 163–4

New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START), 317, 318

Non-Proliferation Treaty (1970), 316–17

nuclear weapons atmospheric testing ban, 133–4

ozone layer protection, 134

Paris climate agreement, 134, 152, 335, 449

sulfur emissions (acid rain prevention), 134

of Westphalia, 450


deontological ethics and, 417

vs. Enlightenment ideals, 5, 10, 29, 32, 333, 334, 341, 447–51

human nature, as part of, 26, 393, 417, 419, 450

political, as source of irrationality, 355–63, 383

See also identity-protective cognition; populism; racism

Trump, Donald

age rolloff in support for, 341–2, 342

antidemocratic agenda of, 335–6, 337, 374, 449

antiprogress agenda of, 334–7

approval ratings of, 338

attempts to repeal Obamacare, 109, 334

dystopian vision of, xvii, 343

failures of, 109, 337–8, 451

on hackers, 300

and immigration, 97, 336, 339

institutional limits on power of, 337–8

intellectual influences, 343, 447–50, 491n118

Islamophobia and, 219

lies and conspiracy theories of, 336, 358, 375, 376

nuclear weapons and, 320

and Paris climate agreement, 134, 152, 335, 449

prejudice and hate crimes and, 217, 219

and Vladimir Putin, 335, 336

and will to power, 336

See also populism


economic vs. cultural factors in, 339–40

as Electoral College win, 214, 334, 340

Evangelical Christian support, 432–3, 438

intolerant rhetoric of, 215

“Make American Great Again,” 5, 334, 337

media role in, 50, 343, 376, 449

pollster predictions for, 367

popular vote loss of, 338

shrinking demographic base of, 219, 341–2, 342

voter turnout and, 343, 438


vs. expressive performance, 359

institutions and norms of, 27, 374, 376, 380

Nietzsche and, 446

as not always halfway between extremes, 365

power of, 27, 338, 379, 383–4

vs. rationalization, 359

science vs. erudition as way to seek, 34, 390

vs. Trump, 336, 376

See also objective measurement; “post-truth era”; reason; relativism

Tsarnaev brothers, 303, 306

Tunisia, 203, 442

Tupy, Marian, 52, 141

Turkey, 201, 336, 436, 490n96

Tuskegee syphilis study, 401

Tutsi people, 161

Tversky, Amos, 41, 47, 383, 404

Twenge, Jean, 282, 283

Two Cultures, The (Snow), 33–4, 389. See also Second Culture

Übermensch, 443–5, 447. See also Nietzsche, Friedrich

Uganda, 160

Ukraine, 78, 158, 203, 313, 335

ul Haq, Mahbub, 245

Unabomber, 122

Union of Concerned Scientists, 308, 312

Unitarians, 412

United Kingdom

Brexit vote, 334, 340, 341–2, 342, 343

capital punishment abolition in, 209

carbon emissions per dollar of GDP, 143, 143

economic freedom in, 483n39

economic inequality in, 105–6, 106

emancipative values in, 225–7, 226, 227

escape from poverty and, 84–5, 85

Falkland Islands war, 315

GDP of, 85

happiness ranking of, 271, 475n30

life expectancy at birth, 58–9, 58

literacy in, 236

nuclear weapons and, 317, 317, 320

Optimism Gap and, 40

Peak Stuff, 135–6

populism and, 334, 338–9

secularization and, 436, 437

social spending in, 108, 483n39

and Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 419

woman as leader of, 214

women’s rights in, 222

See also England

United Nations

and capital punishment, 209

corporal punishment condemned by, 229–30

declaration on violence against women, 222

“extreme poverty” as defined by, 87

gender parity in education in, 239–40

HIV/AIDS epidemic, plan to end, 66

homicide reduction, goal for, 468n15

and homosexuality, decriminalization of, 223

Human Development Index, 245, 483n42

humanist ideals and, 411–12

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 234

Millennium Development Goals, 52, 89, 239–40, 457n31, 459–60n18

and outlawry of war, 163

peacekeeping forces of, 164

Population Fund, 222

Secretariat as “evidence-free zone,” 403

Security Council, 163

Sustainable Development Goals, 89, 468n15

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 207, 209, 411–12, 418–19

United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 162, 418

United States

accidental deaths in, 167

calories available per person, 70, 70

capital punishment in, 210–213, 211

carbon emissions of, 143, 143–4, 144

childhood stunting in, 71

child labor force in, 230–31, 231

Civil War, 174

climate/Paris agreement and, 134, 152, 335, 449

corporal punishment and, 230

cyber-sabotage and, 304

economic inequality in, 98, 103, 105–6, 106, 114–17, 461n4

education in, 236–9, 237–8

emancipative values in, 225–7, 226, 227

and escape from poverty, 85, 85

GDP of, 85

happiness, underachievement of, 271–4, 283–9, 288, 292, 439, 475nn30–31, 483n42

homicide rates in, 169, 170–71, 170–71, 172, 192, 467n11, 469n4

malaria in, 66

maternal mortality in, 57, 57

nuclear power and, 146, 147–8, 149–50

nuclear weapons of, 317–18, 318, 480nn113,117,121

Optimism Gap and, 40

poverty rate in, 115–17, 116

retirement in, 250–51, 250

Rights, Bill of, 411

social spending in, 107–8, 108, 109

and spending on necessities, 254–5, 254

suicide rates in, 278–80, 279

terrorism deaths in, 192–4, 192, 194, 469n10

and Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 419

and World War II, 196

universal basic income, 119

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 207, 209, 411–12, 418–19

university and college education

access to, expansion of, 220, 237–8, 238

critical thinking instruction, 377–9

general education requirement, 400–401

humanities instruction, 405–8

political leaders influencing, 347–9, 443

political science, leftist vs. quantitative, 405

politicization and, 372–5

science instruction, 34, 395–6, 400–402

See also academia; education; humanities

Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP), 158


cultural contributions, 451

density of, as environmentally beneficial, 134

populism as decreasing with, 343

Urey, Harold, 308

utilitarianism, 415–17, 415–17. See also deontological ethics; happiness

Uzbekistan, 85, 86


conspiracy theories about, 67, 334

for Ebola, 307

for HPV vs. hepatitis B, as politicized issue, 382

inventors of, 63–5

for smallpox, 65, 386

Trump and, 334

vacuum cleaners, 252


changes across age, period, and cohort, 224–5, 272–4, 275

and hierarchy of needs, 124, 224

See also emancipative values

Vatican City, 222

Venezuela, 91, 171, 172, 343, 467n12

Vico, Giambattista, 10

Vidal, Gore, 456n1

Vietnam, 85, 86, 90, 161, 206

Vietnam War, 50, 158, 160, 161, 193, 376

Vikings, romantic heroism and, 33, 398, 444


against children, 229–30, 229, 232

decline of, objections to data showing, 44–7

evolution and, 25

vs. nonviolent resistance, success rates of, 405

pacifist’s dilemma of refraining from, 166, 414, 488n10

perceived as moral, 26

Romanticism’s embrace of, 30

social contracts against harms, 27–8

will to power and (Nietzsche), 33, 444, 445

See also genocide; terrorism and terrorists; violent crime; war; women: violence against

violent crime, 168–76

1960s boom, 169–70, 173–4

cognitive behavioral therapy and, 175

contraband and, 175

decline reducing support for death penalty, 212

decline since 1992, 170–71

decline with imposition of law, 168–9, 170

drugs and, 175–6

evidence-based approach to reducing, 176

focused deterrence and, 174

Great Depression of 1930s and decline in, 170

Hobbesian trap and, 173

homicide rates as reliable indicator of, 169

law enforcement as reducing, 168, 173–4, 176

legitimacy of authority and, 174

number of deaths due to, 167

opportunity reduction, 175

reductions via Compstat program, 380

rule of law and reductions in, 43, 168–70, 174

See also criminal punishment; hate crimes; homicide; rampage shootings; terrorism

volcanoes and supervolcanoes, 152, 187–8, 295

Voltaire, 13, 39, 84, 162, 223

von Mises, Ludwig, 13

Wagner, Richard, 398

Wagner’s Law, 109–110

Wallace, Alfred Russel, 18

Wallis, John, 83

Wall Street Journal, 333, 362

Walmart, 117


atheism and, 429–30

battle deaths (1946–2016), 159–60, 159

chemical weapons, 459n18, 479n95

commerce/trade as reducing, 162

deaths, vs. terrorism, homicide, accidents, 192

decline of, between great powers, 157–8, 157

decline of, between nation-states, 158, 164

decline of civil wars, 164

definition of, 466n6

democracy as reducing, 162–3

economic equality generated by, 106–7

famine and, 78

illegality of, 163–4

as inevitable vs. a solvable problem, 166

international norm against, 163

mistakes and rumors as cause of, 376, 484n77

preparation for, as decreasing, 162, 467n18

refugees/displaced persons, 160, 338, 466n12

religious wars, generally, 10, 429–30

romantic militarism, 165–6

state-based cyber-sabotage as, 304

terrorism as largely a phenomenon of, 193

See also civil wars; Cold War; genocide; Long Peace; nuclear war; peace; weapons; specific wars

washing machine, 251–2, 252

Washington, George, 13


chlorination of, 63, 64

desalination of, 129, 149

flooding and contamination of, 188

nanofiltration of, 331

running water in home, 251, 252

sewage, protection from, 63

See also waterways

Watergate, 50


environmental protection of, 140

improvements in cleanliness of, 130

removal of dams from, 149

See also oceans

Watson, James, 386

Watson, Paul, 122

Way, Lucan, 206

wealth, 79–96

as created, 25, 79, 80

history as written by the affluent, 79

“lump fallacy”/“physical fallacy,” 80, 99

and specialization, 12–13

Trump and, 334–5

See also developed countries/world; Gross World Product; poverty


banning of, 316, 479n95

bioweapons, 410

chemical weapons, 459n18, 479n95

voluntary nondevelopment of, 314, 316

voluntary scrapping of, 315–16, 317–19

See also nuclear weapons; war

Webb, Sidney and Beatrice, 400, 447

Weber, Max, 85

Weingast, Barry, 83

Weisskopf, Victor, 308

Weizenbaum, Joseph, 309

Well-Being Composite, 245–6, 246, 473n45

well-being, subjective, 262–89

distinguished from objective well-being, freedom, happiness, meaningfulness, 264–8

eudaemonia (“good spirit”), 267

freedom/autonomy and, 265–6

secularization and, 438–9, 490n87

self-evaluations of, 266–7

social spending and, 108, 110, 365, 483nn39,42

See also happiness; meaningful life; quality of life; social support vs. isolation; suicide

Wells, H. G., 400, 447

Welzel, Christian, 124, 224, 226–7, 228, 440

West, Cornel, 39–40

Western Europe

and democracies, rise of, 200–201

economic freedom compatible with taxation, social spending, and regulation, 365, 483nn39,42

education in, 236–7, 237

emancipative values in, 225–7, 226, 227

homicide rates in, 192–3, 192, 469n4

and Long Peace, 158

per capita income of, 86

secularization and, 436, 489n68

suicide rates in, 278–80, 279

terrorist deaths in, 192–3, 192, 194

vacation time in, 251

vehicle accident deaths in, 192–3, 192, 469n4

work hours in, 249–50, 249

Whitehead, Alfred North, 1

White, Matthew, 199, 429, 484n77

whites, anti-white hate crimes, 219, 220

white supremacy, Trump administration and, 336

Wieseltier, Leon, 390, 391, 408–9

Wilde, Oscar, 82

wilderness preserves. See conservation areas

Wilkinson, Richard, 100, 101

Williams, Bernard, 482n4

Wills, Garry, 456n1

will to power, 33, 296, 336, 444, 445

Wilson, E. O., 390

Wilson, Ward, 316

Wilson, Woodrow, 400

Winfrey, Oprah, 386, 434

Winship, Christopher, 174, 175–6

wisdom, as balancing conflicting desires, 414

Wodehouse, P. G., 446

Wolfers, Justin, 269, 270

Wolf, Martin, 459n16

Wolman, Abel, 64


anxiety and, 285

education of girls and, 235, 239–40, 239, 473n27

happiness and, 272

household labor, liberation from, 251–2, 252

industrialization and labor of, 93–4

and social media, 276–7

See also sex differences; sexism


as emancipative values, 224

genital mutilation, 222

progress in, 214, 220, 222

utilitarianism and, 417–18


as decreasing, 220–22, 221, 471n24

media coverage of, 215, 216

wood, carbon-to-hydrogen ratio of, 143, 465n66

Wootton, David, 9, 395–6


hours required, 249–50, 249

paid vacation time, 251

retirement, 250–51, 250

safety and accidental deaths, 185–7, 187

utilitarianism and workers’ rights, 417

World Bank

on climate change, 137

on economic inequality, 461n4

“extreme poverty” as defined by, 87, 460n28

and fear of population explosion, 74

on GDP, 461n4

Knowledge Index, 228, 472n45

world/global statistics

calories available per person, 70, 70

carbon emissions per dollar of GDP, 143, 143

child labor force, 231–2, 231

deaths from accidents vs. violence, 192

deaths from homicide, 43, 169–71, 171, 192, 467nn12–13

deaths from terrorism, 192, 193–5, 194

deaths from war, 192

education, 236–8, 237–8

GDP, 85

homosexuality, decriminalization of, 223

human rights, 207–8, 208

IQ gains, 241

life expectancy, 53–4, 54

literacy, 236, 236

middle class, increases in, 86, 459–60n18

per capita incomes, 85–7, 86

progress, general factor (Human Development Index), 245–6, 246, 473n45, 483n42

racial equality, affirmation of, 222

religious equality, affirmation of, 222

women’s rights, 222

World Happiness Report 2016, 268, 269, 271

World Health Organization, 65, 66, 171–3

World Public Opinion poll, 222

World Values Survey, 124, 224, 226–7, 268, 269, 270, 440

World War I

chemical weapons and, 459n18, 479n95

The Great Illusion (Angell), 481n16

Gustav Gun (“supergun”), 316

mistakes and rumors as cause of, 484n77

religiosity of nation-states in, 430

romantic militarism and, 165–6, 445

World War II

civilian bombing as strategy of, 305

deaths during, 159–60

decline of great-power war after, 157–8, 451

famine and, 78

fascism and, 445

genocide and, 161

nuclear weapons development in, 314

refugees and displaced persons in, 160

religiosity of nation-states in, 429–30

rise of democratic governments after, 200

and romantic militarism, 166, 451

See also Long Peace; Nazi Germany

Wright, Quincy, 418

XKCD webcomic, 127, 128, 430

Y2K Panic, 293–4

Yazidi people, 162

Yeats, William Butler, 446, 447

yellow fever, 62

Yemen, 73, 160, 222

Yong, Keehup, 490n87

Yousafzai, Malala, 232, 240, 443

youth. See teenagers

Yugoslavia, former republics of, 227, 227

Zelizer, Viviana, 230

Zencey, Eric, 293

Zimbabwe, 91

Zola, Émile, 165

Zoroastrianism, 23