I acknowledge it is very, very wrong for an author to have a favorite book. Books are like children and we should love them all equally. Yet I will confess (but only to you) that I had great fun writing this one. So much fun. And I love all the characters, even Bunny, and I admit that Lucas turned out to be much more amazing than I’d ever anticipated.

This book is for those of you who will unexpectedly fall wildly in love with Lucas…even though you think you shouldn’t!

Although I’m a huge fan of young adult fiction, Becca is the first teenage point-of-view character I’ve ever written, so I turned to three wonderful young women to help me get the emotions and the language right. (Although I confess, I didn’t abbreviate as much as they said I should, and I used more punctuation. Sry!) To Jessie, Hannah, and Christi, thank you so much for your time, enthusiasm, and insights! Your help was invaluable in bringing Becca to life.