Chapter Eighteen
Fire erupted around me. Flames spread, heat-drawing sweat to bead along my skin. I held my Spirit strong as I fought against the magic she was forcing out upon me. Each second that passed my breath become shallower. Everything felt wrong. Evil seeped through the flames and screams of agony rippled against the loud cracks. She drew in harder.
The force of her magic intensified as the flames formed fingers—thousands of them, gripping out, fighting to attack as I sent them away. Cries and shouts of pain were held within her flames, and the voice of something dark screamed out while it pressed on.
With a loud roar, she withdrew her magic. “The stories are true. You can deflect magic.”
Without a moment’s hesitation, I didn’t bother responding, I drew on Fire and blasted it back to her. The second it hit she vanished, appearing a few feet away. “Neat trick,” I growled. “Lazarus teach you that?”
Her lips curled as she returned with Air sending the world to suffer from its cruelty. My defense held as not a waft of a breeze hit through as trees uprooted around me. The world crumbled as her force came stronger.
Keeping my shield up strong, I blasted back with Fire that soared with the Air she was providing. Her screams cut through as I hit harder. She vanished, but I was ready, drawing the fire to follow her.
“Two can play that game,” she shouted.
The fire intensified as she joined hers with mine. Flames broke out all around me as blazing heat engulfed the Air. My screams drew out as the roar of life was burning around me—thick dark smoke rising high to the skies. Coolness began to rise through the heat guiding me to use it. I drew against it, heard the water swirl in anticipation.
A second later, the fire was extinguished.
I quickly glanced to see I had drained the lake. Poor fish, thousands of them were flopping against the rocky bottom.
Astoria stood soaked. Her arms burnt with blisters covering every square inch of her. “You don’t honestly think you can defeat me. I use Black Magic. You are weak.”
She suddenly appeared directly in front of me.
“Big mistake,” I snarled, and punched her as hard as I could, directly in the face.
She went soaring, and I stayed right on her, pummeling that pretty little face. With a loud crack, blood poured down her face. Then, she vanished beneath me.
When I met her gaze a few feet away, her eyes had darkened with contempt. “My nose.”
“An improvement I would say.” I laughed cruelly
All of a sudden, the clouds grew darker. Wind whirled around us. And it wasn’t from our magic that caused this. The temperature dropped ten degrees and my breath fogged out as shivers ran ice through my blood.
“I told you not to attack her,” a smooth voice rumbled through the trees.
Astoria’s eyes widened. “Magnus! I—I—”
Hearing that name got my attention. I snapped my head toward him. If there really was a devil then this devil was smokin’ hot. He resembled nothing of the evil I expected. His light brown eyes held depth in every part of them. His short black hair was slicked back leaving his smooth defined features that left no misunderstanding that he was all male.
He stepped forward, his gaze focused on mine as the scent of spice and heat instantly filled my senses. “You are Nexi?”
I nodded. “I am.”
For the oddest reason, I didn’t fear him. There was nothing threatening about him—he wasn’t going to hurt me. I could sense deep power within him, but for some reason he kept it hidden. He was making himself appear human. The question was, why?
When he glanced back at Astoria, she backed away from him quickly.
“I gave you a direct order not to destroy her,” he told her. His tone an obvious threat. “What is this? Have you defied my orders?”
Astoria was trembling. “No.” She bowed. “She provoked me. She was going to refuse you.”
His gaze met mine, and I gasped. I couldn’t help it—he stole your soul, imprisoned every part of your being with a single glance.
“You refused me?” He appeared almost amused.
I gulped deeply, but quickly pulled myself together and lifted my chin. “I did. Thanks for the offer, but I like life aboveground.”
He laughed loudly, sending echoes ricocheting off the mountains. “Underground? You believe we need to be caged underground?”
I chose not to answer that question. Wise move on my part, I thought.
He examined me for a moment then asked, “Do you grasp what you are denying?”
“She,” I pointed to the coward Astoria who was on her knees with her head bowed to him. “Told me the gist of it. You want me to join your guard, be some sort of Siren, or something like that.”
He took my chin in his hand, lifted my eyes to his. “I could give you everything. Power you would not believe.”
I forced a laugh, trying to fight through the nerves. “No thanks. I think I’ll pass. I have enough trouble controlling the power I have.”
His touch sent shivers of something running through me. Fear, terror, horror—yeah, something like that.
He glared a little, and with it came trickles of power sending me into sensory overload. My entire body tingled—heat rushed through my veins leaving me breathless.
Moments later, his eyes softened. “Do you like the feel of that?” he purred.
I shrugged with all my might. “Being that I’m cold, I did like it, very much. It was like a warm bath.”
He laughed and released my chin. “That does not make you want to come with me?”
“Er—no, should it?”
He went quiet, thoughtful—examining. “You are intriguing. The darkness seems to have no effect on you.” He examined me closer, more intently. “I am unsure of why that would be.” He turned, and began walking away. “I have never met a witch who I offered the power to and denied it. It is not easily done. This protection you have gives you strength where others have failed.”
I was screaming a big, thank you, Jesus, for that in my mind. Just because this guy made me say, oh my, didn’t mean I couldn’t feel evil lurking in him. I was thanking my lucky stars that I had a built-in defense mechanism that could keep him out.
Once he met the log, he took a seat, and rested his forearm on his thighs. “Since you refuse to come with me,” he hesitated, “at this time.” He hadn’t missed to mention that. “And since Astoria has defied my orders. I will allow you to finish your battle.”
He looked excited, and for a moment, his power shone through. The strength of it forced me to take a giant step back—his eyes deepened at my reaction. It was clear he lived for fear.
“It has been a long time since I’ve seen two witches go at it.” He smiled sinfully. “A shame we are not naked in a puddle of mud.”
I glared at him.
He laughed in return. “Go on, Nexi. Show me just how special you are.”
The second his words stopped, Astoria blasted me with water. I held my breath as it washed over me in a tidal wave. It pulled me down as my body was beaten by the waves. My lungs cried out for air—I quickly drew on Spirit creating a bubble of protection around me, immediately making me gasp through heavy, deep breaths.
“That is impressive.” Magnus laughed, obviously, enthralled with my ability.
His laughter faded away when a fireball came barreling toward me. Just mere inches away, I returned the gesture with one of my own. Astoria dodged it as she vanished quickly when her magic blasted my shield.
It never made it through.
She snarled, and continued her assault.
Magnus was right. It was impressive. Her strength was remarkable. Instead of fighting against her, I held my Spirit strong around me, concealing me—protecting me against her. I didn’t waste my strength trying to strike back. Her power was unparallel as she destroyed the world around me.
Apparently, she had been restraining herself. When we fought before, she didn’t have the intent to kill me. Now, she did. The beauty that once flourished here in abundance was replaced by every sort of natural disaster. Catastrophe was everywhere.
Abruptly, tremors began to shake the ground below me. I fell to the dirt as the earth roared with fury.
Seconds later, a wide gap split through the earth. I screamed, slipping, hanging onto the edge. My feet pushed out against the ragged steep opening as I stared down into a pit of darkness.
Her force grew harder even more.
My Spirit faltered, exhaustion set in as little flames began to break through, burning flickers of heat on my skin. My feet leveled against the ground as I tried to pull myself up from the grave position I was currently in.
“Need a hand?” Magnus’ laugh grew louder.
I pushed hard with my feet, pulling myself over the ledge, and with it came scorching heat that burned my side. My screams of pain roared as my skin seared off my body. I drew in deeper, focusing back, keeping a strong hold on Spirit—demanding it protect me.
I was in trouble here—serious trouble.
Suddenly, a voice slipped through. “Use it. Use it back on her!”
My mind raced, not understanding her meaning. “Use what?” I screamed, forcing the protection around me to hold onto as she blasted me with every element—never giving me a break. Never decreasing her attack.
“Use her magic. Give it back to her.”
The second her words were finished, I already understood her meaning. With a deep inhale, I gave way to fighting against her magic and welcomed it into my body just as I had with Briar. Now, more knowledgeable, there was more to this than I first thought. It was a conscious thought to draw her magic in. My shield was like an incubator, sucking it in—holding it, but it sank in deeper than I thought possible.
Evil crept in, darkness filtered through my soul as terror and fear invaded every part of me. A darkness filled me that was bottomless, lonely, and cold to the very core as power began to strengthen me.
“What is this?” Astoria gasped as I drew in deeper. “What magic is this? What are you doing?”
She tried to pull herself away. It was too late—I had her locked in.
“Remarkable.” Magnus’ voice was full of intrigue.
The blackness drew thicker. I screamed at the horror of it, fought against every part of my being that told me not to accept it. I needed to welcome this to defeat her. I gave in and let it come through. I gripped it, centered it, and with every ounce I had, released it back to her.
This magic was different. I knew it the second it poured from my body. It was endless. There was no limit to what I could do with it. Anything I asked of it—it would deny me nothing.
Astoria’s screams came loud, and then in a blink, she became dust in the wind. Gone—dead.
I quieted the magic around me, but the fight was far from over. The darkness was urging me to keep it deep. I roared against it. Fought with all I had to stop the evil from consuming me. Flashes poured through my mind of what it could offer me—all that I could gain. The shadows were taking me, stealing me from what was good. The darkness was seeping into my blood, and holding tight against my moral fiber—my strength was weakening against it, devouring my soul entirely.
With the only strength I had left, I fought it and battled back hard. I didn’t make it this far to fail now. I didn’t want it or need it. I screamed louder than I thought possible and with that final push of strength, I overpowered the dark force. I broke the spell it was holding over me. I collapsed to the ground, shivering from the evil that lurked above, below, and all around me. Then, it faded away to exhaustion, and I fell silent.
“That was enough to arouse me,” Magnus purred beside me. He wiped the hair across my face, lightly touching along my cheek. “I will not force you to come with me, but let me make this clear, you will be mine.”
That was the last thing I heard before a loud explosion sent me tumbling into a state of slumber.