Chapter Fourteen



Hours later, I found myself standing smack dab in the Hollywood Hills. Not much of a surprise when lavish mansions, landscaped to the hilt surrounded us. Mistress Ellery’s home was no exception—this place was fit for Oprah.


“Mistress Ellery is…well…she can be.” Zia searched for words.


“A bitch?” I helped her out.


She smiled. “That is an accurate description.”


The group that joined us tonight was Talon, Zia, Keir, Ryker, Haven, Finn and of course Kyden and I.


When we drew up close to the door, it flung open and a timeless vampire stepped out. She was made for a 50’s movie screen. Her hair was straight except the slight wave that cradled her face, her eyes dark, but soft, and her light makeup gave her the air of a debutante.


Clearly, this was Mistress Ellery since Zade and Talon were bowing to her, and the quick pleasantries her and Zia shared. Ellery didn’t look like a bitch—she looked exquisite.


“Why are you here?” she snapped after the formalities.


Nope, she was a bitch.


Her gaze scanned the crowd. When it landed on me, her eyes widened a little. “You—come forth.”


I glanced around, then pointed to my chest. “Me?”


She snorted thoroughly annoyed. “Yes, you. Does it look like I am looking at anyone else?”


I furrowed my brows a little trying to keep in mind that I should play nice. Kyden gave me a little nudge, issuing the same warning. I relaxed my face immediately and approached her.


When I stopped in front of her, she gave me a full once over with a sneer on her face that wasn’t pleasant.


“You look nothing special,” she grumbled.


“Excuse me?” I managed, attempting to remain calm.


She met my gaze and looked at me as if I was a piece of garbage dirtying her front lawn. “All this talk of you and you are so plain.”


That was it. I glared at her, prepared to give her a piece of my mind.


Zia did a little ahem.


I adamantly ignored her. “Well, you don’t look so special yourself. Maybe a beautiful actress at one point, but now that we’re no longer living in the 50’s, you look outdated.”


Gasps plus quiet chuckles were heard behind me.


Ellery examined me a moment then gave a soft smile. “I will talk with you—you only.” She glanced at the others, dismissing them off her doorstep with a wave of her hand.


“Am I in deep shit here?” I thought to Zia.


“I am unsure. She seems to enjoy your mouth. We need to work on that, Nexi.”


“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” I said aloud.


Ellery looked at me curiously.


“It’s nothing—just talking to myself.”


She inclined her head, motioned for me to step inside.


Just as I walked away, Kyden brushed up beside me. “I will wait here for you.”


“You will not,” Ellery spat. “You will get off my property.”


Kyden stepped forward, no misunderstanding in his stance. “She is mine, Mistress Ellery. I will wait here for her. I am entrusting that you will keep her safe in your home, but it is my right to wait for her and I will do so.”


“Fine,” Ellery responded, annoyed. “You Guardians, possessiveness never changes. You can wait here for her. As for you others.” She glanced between them. “Get off.”


I laughed a little as I stepped into her home. Who knew someone could speak to the Council in such a way and actually get away with it. I never would have believed it.


Ellery led me through her house and into a library. It was old—much older than the house was. I wasn’t about to ask how it got here. Books lined the walls all the way up to the ten-foot ceilings with a rolling ladder idling in the middle. Two red chaises sat in the center of the room. Ellery ran her hand over one, indicating for me to sit. “This library comes with me wherever I live,” she answered my unasked question.


“It is beautiful.”


“It is reminiscence of old times.” She sat in front of me, leaned over into a box, and took out a long cigarette, offering me one.


I shook my head.


“Tell me then,” she asked, before she lit her smoke. “Why have you and your have entourage come here?”


Straight to business this vampire was. “We have some news for you and I don’t really know how to put it…” I stumbled a little, nervous she was going to go all vampy on me.


“You wish to discuss the vampires that have betrayed me?” she said concisely.


“You know?” My shock blasted through my words.


She nodded, taking a long draw on her cigarette, then exhaled the smoke into a perfect line. “Yes, I learned of this not long ago.”


“Well good,” I exhaled. “That saves that conversation.”


“What is you wish me to do about it?”


“I have no idea. What do you want to do about it?”


She laughed a little—it sounded sweet. I wasn’t fooled.


“I assume you are here to have my help in some manner. I am just laying the cards out on the table so we don’t have to piss around the bush.”


Her directness left me a little taken back. This conversation wasn’t happening at all how I had planned. I thought for a moment then said, “Basically, it’s like this. Your vampires killed our friend. That in itself would make us hunt them down and kill them. But it seems they have an evil witch with them too. We can only assume they are up to something. So, we need your help to find them.”


“Now we are getting somewhere. You wish for me to help you destroy them, or is it your wish for me to tell you their location?”


I shrugged. “Either of the two would be helpful.”


“What would you give for this help?”


“Give you? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Isn’t it your duty to help us? They are your vampires.”


“No, I am not obligated to help you. I could call the vampires to me and destroy them, but there may be a little problem with that.”


My brows rose. “What problem would that be?”


“I have already destroyed their makers.”


I sighed heavily. “That does pose a problem. Can I ask why you did that?”


“Are you questioning the way I do things?” Her rage flowed out at me and it felt raw.


“No.” I gulped. “I just wonder why you’d kill them before you called the others. It is not meant in disrespect, just more of a curiosity.”


She calmed, the glow in her eyes settled. I was glad for that.


“To be perfectly honest,” she said, showing not hint of anger. “I was not aware of all the circumstances that surrounded this incident. I was told by my regime that ten of our makers had lost control of their fledglings and had not heard from them.”


“So you keep tabs on them?”


She nodded, apparently amused at my lack of knowledge if the smile on her face had anything to say about. “Yes. I run things in the Pacific Northwest in a very strict manner. Our vampires must check in monthly. When some of ours had not made contact, we immediately dealt with the matter. It had not come to my attention that a Guardian was killed until after.”


“Shit! Well that complicates things.”


“I suppose it does. I return to my question to you. What would you give for information in finding the whereabouts of the vampires in question?”


“You know where they are?”


“I do,” she said smoothly.


Confusion raked me. “What is it you want?”


She stood and began pacing the room. “I am old. One of the oldest vampires in ruling at the present time. Life for us tends to get bland, boring, I should say.” She took a glance back at me. “It is hard to find new things to lift us. Remind us of all the reasons we enjoy this vampire life.”


I stared at her baffled, no idea where she was going with this. “Okay and where do I come in?”


“I will get to that.” She smiled, then, she continued wandering around the room running her hands along the books. “I have heard of you, you know.”


“You have?”


“I heard of your dealing with Lazarus, which you handled pleasantly well. Kudos to you.”


“It was a team effort, trust me.”


“I have also heard of your visit with Thalia, which gave many of us a story to find amusement in.” She chuckled. “A Guardian who will not kill.” She shook her head at that.


Then, suddenly she was right before me. “I also heard of your smell.” She inhaled deep and met my gaze with wild eyes.


My blood ran cold. “Are you suggesting…?” I couldn’t even say the words.


She stood and began walking around the room again. “As I said, new and interesting things are very rare to us. When you just so happened to arrive on my doorstep, an interesting proposition presented itself.”


I glared at her. “You have got to be out of you fucking mind if you think for one second that I am going to let you drink from me.”


“This is the deal I offer you.” She returned to her seat. “You need information. I want what you have. The decision is yours.”


“I—you—” I stammered. “Are you seriously telling me that the only way you will give up their location is if I let you taste me?”


She nodded, firm and unwavering.


I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. This was the only way for us to discover the current location of Trefan’s killers. We not only wanted revenge against them, but who knew how many more Guardians’ lives they would take if we didn’t stop them. “Before I can even think of this I have questions.”


She waved for me to continue.


“Will it hurt?” I asked.


“No. It will be erotic.”


“Erotic how? And you won’t be doing anything sexual to me, will you?”


Her eyes gleamed. “Do you want me to?”


“No,” I said sharply.


“Then no.” The light in her eyes dimmed.


“How much will you…take from me?”


“Not much. It will be enough to sate me.”


“Will I feel any different after? I mean there are no lasting effects or anything?”


She snorted a sound that implied I was dense. “You think I will turn you?”


“I have no idea,” I snapped.


“You need to further your knowledge. Your stupidity does not look well on you.”


“If you start playing bitch, I’m outta here.”


She waved her hand dismissingly. “I will be nice.”


I sighed deeply. “Okay, it won’t hurt. You will just take a little, and I won’t be any different. Right?”


She nodded. Her eyes began to glow and she stood.


I quickly raised my hand. “I haven’t said yes yet.”


She sighed, taking her seat again. “What else is it you want to know?”


“I don’t know. I’m stalling…geesh.”


She laughed loudly. “Your attitude is exactly as I thought it would be. All that I’ve heard about you is very true. You are pleasant to have around.”


“Yeah right.” I guffawed. “Pleasant to eat you, my dear.”


She laughed harder.


For a moment, I considered screaming bloody murder out of this place. What the hell was I thinking even considering this?


Ellery sat quietly—amusement lit her eyes as she read my thoughts.


This was the only way. Without her help, we’d be at square one. In resignation, I met her gaze and stood. “Alright, where do you want to do this?”


Suddenly, she was right in front of me. Her hands wrapped around my face as she angled my head to the side. Her tongue slid the length of my neck. What the hell was she searching for? Immortals don’t have heartbeats, it’s not like she was searching for my pulse. Just then, a vein bulged in my neck. It was as if her saliva called for my vein to appear to her. Nerves were almost making me faint. When her fangs grazed my neck, a thought instantly occurred to me. “Stop,” I screamed.


With vampire speed, she leaned back. “What?” she growled.


Her eyes were glowing so bright—it was just plain scary. “Tell me first,” I demanded. “Tell me where they are.”


“Smart of you,” she approved. “You will find them at Powderhorn Lodge in Salt Lake City.”


Then she leaned back in and when her fangs penetrated my skin, I gasped in utter disbelief. The intrusion was far from what I expected. Pain didn’t pierce my skin. What I felt was very similar to the intense pleasure that came immediately before a climax.


It was that consuming and with each pull on my neck, the sensation only grew deeper. Before I could even help it, I was moaning against her movements, enjoying the pleasure she was giving me.


When she pulled away, I made little unhappy noises, which had her laughing. I fell to the ground, panting, trying to restore myself. I felt raped—orgasm raped.


“I told you, you would enjoy it,” she purred, wiping the bit of blood off her mouth.


“I…” my breath exhaled, “I thought you were exaggerating. That was incredible.” I quickly pushed away the sense of erotic fulfillment. “But gross. Very, very gross.” I stood. “Are we done here?”


She nodded. “Quite. Your blood was just as I assumed it would be,” she licked her lips, “delicious.”


“I’d say it was a pleasure, but…”


“It was business,” she interjected. “You are new to this world, but will learn quickly to barter.”


She reached out her hand and I shook it. I didn’t hate the vampire before me. She was just all business—cold, hard business. That was clear and really I had more pressing matters.


“Until next time.” She smiled.


“Not to be rude, but I hope that is not anytime soon.”


Lickity-split, I was back outside, gasping in the fresh air. As quickly as air escaped my mouth, it drew back in when Kyden grabbed my face.


“What is that?” he bellowed, pointing at the two fangs marks clearly on my neck.


He was about two seconds away from storming into Ellery’s house and killing her. I grabbed his arm and pulled. “It’s fine. Let’s just get out of here.”


We quickly ran down the hill to meet up with the others at the bottom of the driveway. I ignored all there curious expressions and grasped Zia’s hand, sending the group to do the same.


The very instant we landed back in the foyer, Kyden growled, “Tell me now.”


The others spun back to me, obviously in interest of what was provoking him.


Zade quickly rushed forward, grasping my face to view the evidence. “Did she assault you?”


Loud gasps ruminated off the walls.


I sighed, backing away from Zade’s hold. “No. I let her.”


“You let her drink from you?” Kyden roared.


Zia took my hands. “Why would you do that?”


“It was the only way she would tell me where the vampires are. She had already killed their makers. It was the only choice I had.”


Zade burst out laughing. “You let her drink from you. Oh, that’s classic.”


Kyden glared at him.


“What was it like?” Haven asked, fully excited.


Kyden glared at her too.


“It was…well…” I bit my lip, looking nervously at Kyden.


“Pleasurable,” he added grimly.


“Really?” Haven giggled. “Like knock your socks off pleasurable?”


Kyden’s glare deepened.


Haven slowly walked back into Finn’s arms who wrapped himself around her, laughing.


“You let her drink from you?” Zia still couldn’t wrap her head around it.


“Can we just move on? I feel violated and just gross. It’s not something I want to relive.” Zade was still laughing hysterically. “And it’s not funny.”


“Oh—but—it is.” He rolled in laughter.


Then, they all joined in. Keir and Ryker were gripping their stomachs from laughing so hard.


I gave them all my best rendition of a go shove it look. “This is the thanks I get?” When I glanced at Kyden, he wasn’t laughing. He was furious.


“We do thank you.” Zia hugged me. “I have never heard of such a thing taking place before. You have served the Council well.”


Zade’s laughter was quieting as he approached me. When he reached me, he glanced to Kyden. “Turn your head.”


Before I could ask why, Kyden looked away and Zade had my face in his hands and sank his fangs into my neck. My eyes rolled back into my head and I groaned.


When he drew away, it was so quick it didn’t have the effect that Ellery’s feast did. “Bah,” I shouted. In vampire speed, Zade was away from me and even more than that farther away from Kyden. “What the hell was that for?” I blasted.


Zade smiled, kindly. “I took some of your blood and sealed the wounds.”


I raised my hand to my neck and my skin was smooth. “Yeah, got that much. Why?”


“So you didn’t carry her scent. When a vampire feeds, it is a sort of claim. If I left you the way you were, it would appear to other vampires that you belong to her. Now, it says you are mine—meaning the Council’s.”


“Oh,” was my response.


After a few more, shocked glances and ridiculous questions, they were all on their way. Kyden still wasn’t looking my way so I approached him.


When I met up with him, he slowly glanced down to meet my gaze. “Are you angry with me?” I asked.


“I do not like to share you. Not with anyone and knowing the pleasure…”


I stopped that thought immediately. “Kyden that ranked a zero on the scale of what you do to me.”


After ten—I counted—very deep breaths, his face became resolved. “As much as I hate to admit there was no way around it, getting the information was important.” He sighed. “Are you alright? Not hurt in anyway?”


“Just creeped out. Like, shake your body till the creepiness floats away, kinda creeped out. I never want to do that again.”


“And so you shouldn’t, Álainn.” He kissed me as possessively as he could, then murmured against my lips. “I give you pleasure. No one else.”