27 October

HARRY WAS GETTING CLOSER TO THE TOWN. THE silhouettes of the great stone buildings were bigger every time he turned another bend in the road. Over his left shoulder a firework burst in the sky. He slowed the car a fraction more. He’d always loved fireworks. Maybe on 5 November he’d drive up the moor again, park the car and watch the fireworks exploding from a hundred different bonfire parties, stretching all the way across the Pennines.

The tarmac of the road gave way to cobbles and he turned the last corner that would bring him into town. Gold stars burst in the sky to his left and he was looking at them, not at the church, as he drew up and parked. He switched off the engine and got out of the car.

He’d been visiting one of his oldest parishioners. Mrs Cairns was in her nineties and almost bed-ridden. Afterwards, her daughter and husband had insisted he eat with them. By the time he left it was nearly nine o’clock and he still had to collect the church accounts from St Barnabas’s.

His feet had just made contact with the smooth stones of the church path when he knew something was wrong. He’d never considered himself a particularly sensitive man, but this feeling wasn’t one he could ignore. He knew he had to turn round and face the ruined church. And he really wasn’t sure he could bring himself to do it.

He had turned. He was looking. He just didn’t believe what he was seeing.

The ancient ruins of the abbey church were still there. The great arches still soared upwards, towards the purple sky. The tower, tall and forbidding, cast its shadow across the ground. Everything was just as it had been since the day he’d arrived. Pretty much as it had been for several hundred years. Only the figures were new. Sitting in window frames, leaning against pillars, sprawled along the top of arches, squeezed into every conceivable gap in the stonework were people. They sat, stood, leaned, sprawled, still as statues, mouths leering, eyes staring, surrounding him. Watching.

Blood Harvest
001 - Title.xhtml
002 - Contents.xhtml
003 - Copyright.xhtml
004 - Dedication.xhtml
005 - Frontmatter.xhtml
006 - About_the_Author.xhtml
007 - Otherbooks.xhtml
008 - Prologue.xhtml
009 - Part_1.xhtml
010 - Chapter_1.xhtml
011 - Chapter_2.xhtml
012 - Chapter_3.xhtml
013 - Chapter_4.xhtml
014 - Chapter_5.xhtml
015 - Chapter_6.xhtml
016 - Chapter_7.xhtml
017 - Chapter_8.xhtml
018 - Chapter_9.xhtml
019 - Chapter_10.xhtml
020 - Chapter_11.xhtml
021 - Chapter_12.xhtml
022 - Chapter_13.xhtml
023 - Chapter_14.xhtml
024 - Chapter_15.xhtml
025 - Chapter_16.xhtml
026 - Chapter_17.xhtml
027 - Part_2.xhtml
028 - Chapter_18.xhtml
029 - Chapter_19.xhtml
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031 - Chapter_21.xhtml
032 - Chapter_22.xhtml
033 - Chapter_23.xhtml
034 - Chapter_24.xhtml
035 - Chapter_25.xhtml
036 - Chapter_26.xhtml
037 - Chapter_27.xhtml
038 - Chapter_28.xhtml
039 - Chapter_29.xhtml
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041 - Chapter_31.xhtml
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043 - Chapter_33.xhtml
044 - Chapter_34.xhtml
045 - Chapter_35.xhtml
046 - Chapter_36.xhtml
047 - Chapter_37.xhtml
048 - Chapter_38.xhtml
049 - Chapter_39.xhtml
050 - Chapter_40.xhtml
051 - Chapter_41.xhtml
052 - Part_3.xhtml
053 - Chapter_42.xhtml
054 - Chapter_43.xhtml
055 - Chapter_44.xhtml
056 - Chapter_45.xhtml
057 - Chapter_46.xhtml
058 - Chapter_47.xhtml
059 - Chapter_48.xhtml
060 - Chapter_49.xhtml
061 - Chapter_50.xhtml
062 - Chapter_51.xhtml
063 - Chapter_52.xhtml
064 - Chapter_53.xhtml
065 - Chapter_54.xhtml
066 - Chapter_55.xhtml
067 - Chapter_56.xhtml
068 - Chapter_57.xhtml
069 - Chapter_58.xhtml
070 - Chapter_59.xhtml
071 - Chapter_60.xhtml
072 - Part_4.xhtml
073 - Chapter_61.xhtml
074 - Chapter_62.xhtml
075 - Chapter_63.xhtml
076 - Chapter_64.xhtml
077 - Chapter_65.xhtml
078 - Chapter_66.xhtml
079 - Chapter_67.xhtml
080 - Chapter_68.xhtml
081 - Chapter_69.xhtml
082 - Chapter_70.xhtml
083 - Chapter_71.xhtml
084 - Chapter_72.xhtml
085 - Chapter_73.xhtml
086 - Chapter_74.xhtml
087 - Chapter_75.xhtml
088 - Chapter_76.xhtml
089 - Chapter_77.xhtml
090 - Chapter_78.xhtml
091 - Chapter_79.xhtml
092 - Chapter_80.xhtml
093 - Chapter_81.xhtml
094 - Chapter_82.xhtml
095 - Chapter_83.xhtml
096 - Chapter_84.xhtml
097 - Epilogue.xhtml
098 - Authors Note.xhtml
099 - Acknowledgements.xhtml