‘Thanks. Do you have any white?’ Harry took off his coat and looked for somewhere to hang it.

Coat-hooks in the Fletcher house always seemed occupied.

‘Give me a minute.’ Gareth crouched down and opened the fridge.

‘Something smells good, Alice,’ said Harry, taking a large glass from Gareth. The kitchen table was set for Sunday lunch. Millie, in her high chair, nibbled on a breadstick. There was no sign of the boys.

The bowl of the glass felt very cold. The liquid inside was reassuringly pale in colour. He sipped it. Definitely wine. Millie offered him her breadstick. When he shook his head, she dropped it on the floor.

‘We’re having Southern Baked Chicken,’ replied Alice. ‘Crispin’ up nicely.’

‘What was the problem during Communion?’ asked Gareth, pouring a glass of the white wine for Alice and red for himself. ‘We wondered where you’d gone.’

‘Oh, the wine was corked,’ said Harry, as he and Sinclair had agreed he would. What had happened was best kept between the two of them. He bent down to find Millie’s breadstick. ‘Seriously nasty, vinegary stuff,’ he went on.

‘It all went pretty well, though,’ said Alice. ‘You had a full house and nobody went to sleep.’

‘And I’m sure they all found it a deeply fulfilling spiritual experience,’ said Gareth. ‘Ignore my wife. She’s American.’

‘Like you ever set foot in a church before you married me,’ retorted Alice. ‘Were you even baptized? Where’s your breadstick, poppet? Oh, did the vicar steal it? Bad vicar.’

‘I was dipped into Rawtenstall reservoir by my left ankle,’ said Gareth. ‘It made me invincible.’

Something was wrong here. Alice and Gareth were trying too hard. Something about the smiles and the banter felt forced. Come to think of it, neither looked like they’d had much sleep.

‘Can I do anything, Alice?’ Harry offered.

‘You could find the boys. It usually takes about ten minutes to get them to the table, so be firm.’

Taking his glass with him, Harry began a search of the house. The downstairs rooms were empty of children so he headed upstairs. ‘Boys,’ he called when he reached the top step. ‘Lunch is ready.’

There was no reply, so he walked towards two doors at the end of the landing. He knocked gently at the first and pushed it open. Joe sat in the middle of the carpet, surrounded by tiny toy soldiers.

‘Hey, buddy,’ said Harry. ‘Mum says lunch is ready.’

Joe looked back down and moved several of his soldiers to new positions.

‘I heard you being sick,’ he said. ‘In church. Everyone heard.’

Great, thought Harry. ‘Well, I hope it won’t put anyone off their lunch,’ he said. ‘Are you coming down?’ He stepped back to the doorway. The room next door must be Tom’s.

‘They died, didn’t they?’

Harry walked back into the room and crouched until his head was almost on a level with Joe’s. The child hadn’t taken his eyes off his game of soldiers. Time to die.

‘What do you mean, Joe?’ he asked. ‘Who died?’

Joe raised his head and looked back at Harry. There were dark shadows under his eyes.

‘Who died, Joe?’ he asked, keeping his voice as soft as he could.

‘The little girls in the church,’ replied Joe.

‘Joe, were you in church yesterday afternoon?’ asked Harry. ‘Did you hear me talking to Mrs Pickup?’

Joe shook his head. He didn’t look as though he was lying. In any case, Jenny had told him about her daughter when she and Harry had been outside.

‘Harry, boys, lunch,’ called Alice from the bottom of the stairs. Harry began to push himself to his feet.

‘Not that one,’ muttered Joe, talking to his soldiers this time. ‘Everybody knows about that one. I meant the other ones.’

Harry was back down on his knees again. ‘Which other ones?’ he asked. ‘Joe?’

Joe looked up at him again. He was the sweetest-looking boy Harry had ever seen, with his pale freckled face, blue eyes and red hair. But there was something in those eyes that didn’t look quite right.

‘Is nobody in this house hungry?’ yelled Alice.

Harry got to his feet. ‘We have to go, buddy,’ he said, pulling Joe to his feet and steering him towards the door. On the landing a noise behind them made them turn. The door to Tom’s room was pulled open. The room beyond was in darkness, the curtains drawn. Tom appeared in the doorway, crossed in front of them and walked heavily down the stairs. It was the first time he had ever ignored Harry.

‘Mummy, after lunch can we do the lanterns?’ said Joe.

Alice was leaning across the table, cutting Millie’s chicken into smaller pieces. She glanced at Tom and then at Harry. A frown line had appeared between her eyebrows. ‘I’m not sure, sweetie,’ she replied. ‘Not everybody likes Hallowe’en. We can’t upset the vicar.’

‘I’m fine with pumpkins,’ said Harry, watching Alice look nervously back at Tom. ‘I’ll give you a hand if you like, Joe,’ he went on. ‘Although, given how talented your mum and dad are, I’ll probably be a big disappointment.’

‘We do trick-or-treating on Hallowe’en,’ said Joe. ‘You can come with us if you like.’

‘Actually, Joe, I haven’t promised anything yet.’ Alice was looking at Tom again. Her eldest son’s plate hadn’t been touched. ‘What do you think, Harry?’ she said, turning to him again. ‘Is Heptonclough likely to celebrate Hallowe’en?’

‘Oh, I’d put money on it,’ Harry replied. ‘Everything OK, Tom?’

‘Tom has to go and see a special doctor,’ announced Joe. ‘Because he’s been making up stories about monsters and last night he was historical.’

‘What?’ said Harry.

‘Joe, that will do,’ said Gareth at the same time.

‘Tom had a bad dream,’ explained Alice quickly. ‘We got home late and the lane was very noisy. It was our fault for leaving him in the car.’ She turned to her eldest son and ran a finger along the back of his hand. ‘Sorry, angel,’ she said. Tom ignored her.

‘Come on, Tom,’ said Gareth, ‘eat some lunch.’

Tom’s chair clattered loudly on the wooden floor as he pushed it back and jumped to his feet. ‘It wasn’t a bad dream!’ he yelled. ‘She’s real and Joe knows who she is. He lets her into the house and when she kills us all it will be his fault and I bloody hate him!’

He’d left the room before either of his parents had time to react. Alice stood quietly and followed him. Gareth drained his glass and poured himself another. Joe was looking at Harry with big blue eyes.

Half an hour later, Harry left the Fletchers’ house. After sending Joe and Millie off to play, Gareth had told him about the previous evening. Neither he nor Alice had ever seen anything of the girl that Tom continually talked about. Alice was taking him to the doctor in the morning.

The sky was threatening rain again as Harry walked down the drive. He stopped as he reached the family car. Someone had washed part of it. The driver’s door and bonnet were dusty and mud-spattered, but the rear window and the panels immediately below it were clean as a whistle. There were even marks in the dust where someone might have run a cloth. There was also, in the top corner of the rear window, a faint mark that might just have been a fingerprint. A red one.

Blood Harvest
001 - Title.xhtml
002 - Contents.xhtml
003 - Copyright.xhtml
004 - Dedication.xhtml
005 - Frontmatter.xhtml
006 - About_the_Author.xhtml
007 - Otherbooks.xhtml
008 - Prologue.xhtml
009 - Part_1.xhtml
010 - Chapter_1.xhtml
011 - Chapter_2.xhtml
012 - Chapter_3.xhtml
013 - Chapter_4.xhtml
014 - Chapter_5.xhtml
015 - Chapter_6.xhtml
016 - Chapter_7.xhtml
017 - Chapter_8.xhtml
018 - Chapter_9.xhtml
019 - Chapter_10.xhtml
020 - Chapter_11.xhtml
021 - Chapter_12.xhtml
022 - Chapter_13.xhtml
023 - Chapter_14.xhtml
024 - Chapter_15.xhtml
025 - Chapter_16.xhtml
026 - Chapter_17.xhtml
027 - Part_2.xhtml
028 - Chapter_18.xhtml
029 - Chapter_19.xhtml
030 - Chapter_20.xhtml
031 - Chapter_21.xhtml
032 - Chapter_22.xhtml
033 - Chapter_23.xhtml
034 - Chapter_24.xhtml
035 - Chapter_25.xhtml
036 - Chapter_26.xhtml
037 - Chapter_27.xhtml
038 - Chapter_28.xhtml
039 - Chapter_29.xhtml
040 - Chapter_30.xhtml
041 - Chapter_31.xhtml
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043 - Chapter_33.xhtml
044 - Chapter_34.xhtml
045 - Chapter_35.xhtml
046 - Chapter_36.xhtml
047 - Chapter_37.xhtml
048 - Chapter_38.xhtml
049 - Chapter_39.xhtml
050 - Chapter_40.xhtml
051 - Chapter_41.xhtml
052 - Part_3.xhtml
053 - Chapter_42.xhtml
054 - Chapter_43.xhtml
055 - Chapter_44.xhtml
056 - Chapter_45.xhtml
057 - Chapter_46.xhtml
058 - Chapter_47.xhtml
059 - Chapter_48.xhtml
060 - Chapter_49.xhtml
061 - Chapter_50.xhtml
062 - Chapter_51.xhtml
063 - Chapter_52.xhtml
064 - Chapter_53.xhtml
065 - Chapter_54.xhtml
066 - Chapter_55.xhtml
067 - Chapter_56.xhtml
068 - Chapter_57.xhtml
069 - Chapter_58.xhtml
070 - Chapter_59.xhtml
071 - Chapter_60.xhtml
072 - Part_4.xhtml
073 - Chapter_61.xhtml
074 - Chapter_62.xhtml
075 - Chapter_63.xhtml
076 - Chapter_64.xhtml
077 - Chapter_65.xhtml
078 - Chapter_66.xhtml
079 - Chapter_67.xhtml
080 - Chapter_68.xhtml
081 - Chapter_69.xhtml
082 - Chapter_70.xhtml
083 - Chapter_71.xhtml
084 - Chapter_72.xhtml
085 - Chapter_73.xhtml
086 - Chapter_74.xhtml
087 - Chapter_75.xhtml
088 - Chapter_76.xhtml
089 - Chapter_77.xhtml
090 - Chapter_78.xhtml
091 - Chapter_79.xhtml
092 - Chapter_80.xhtml
093 - Chapter_81.xhtml
094 - Chapter_82.xhtml
095 - Chapter_83.xhtml
096 - Chapter_84.xhtml
097 - Epilogue.xhtml
098 - Authors Note.xhtml
099 - Acknowledgements.xhtml