‘WE HAVE TO MOVE THE CUSHIONS,’ TOM URGED HIS brother. ‘Help me push them.’ On their hands and knees, he and Joe began to slide the hassocks along the floor. But they didn’t move smoothly across the uneven flags; as they hit bumps and nicks in the stonework, they separated.

‘Keep them together,’ yelled Tom, not daring to look up, as he and Joe frantically tried to push the hassocks back into place. He had no idea whether they were under Millie or not, he simply didn’t dare look up because he knew if he did he’d see his sister’s body hurtling towards him.

‘’Ow the fuck did she get up there?’ said a voice from across the church. Tom glanced up to see that Jake Knowles and Billy Aspin had silently entered the building. Both were staring up at the vicar and the toddler in fascination.

Harry was getting closer to Millie, who was still clinging to the balcony rail. Something hit Tom in the face and he looked round to see Jake and Billy in the third pew down, collecting hassocks and throwing them at him.

‘You’re miles out, dickhead,’ called Jake, his eyes fixed on Tom’s but his pointed finger switching from the balcony to the floor. ‘Six inches that way.’

He was right. Tom began pushing the cushions to the left, as Joe worked hard to keep them together. They were joined by Billy, who started to double them up, while Jake carried on throwing them like missiles through the air.

Then he heard a thumping noise above him and caught the scream before it left his mouth. Billy, Jake and Joe were all looking up. Harry was in the gallery, talking softly to Millie as he made his way slowly towards her. He was about five strides away … four … three … Tom held his breath. Harry reached out. Tom closed his eyes.

‘He’s got her,’ said Jake. Tom exhaled as his eyes opened. There was no dead sister, bleeding on the stone floor in front of him. It was over. Jake was looking at the hassocks, scattered over the tiles.

‘Suppose we have to put this lot back now,’ he said.

‘Boys.’ It was Harry’s voice, coming from above them, sounding like he’d just run a race. ‘Millie and I can’t get down until we find the key for this door. Can someone look in the vestry?’

For a moment, Tom couldn’t remember where the vestry was. At the front of the church, he thought. He turned and stopped dead. Blinked and looked again. Nothing there. But for a second he’d been sure. To one side of the organ, her thin body pressed against the pipes, someone had been watching them. A little girl.

Blood Harvest
001 - Title.xhtml
002 - Contents.xhtml
003 - Copyright.xhtml
004 - Dedication.xhtml
005 - Frontmatter.xhtml
006 - About_the_Author.xhtml
007 - Otherbooks.xhtml
008 - Prologue.xhtml
009 - Part_1.xhtml
010 - Chapter_1.xhtml
011 - Chapter_2.xhtml
012 - Chapter_3.xhtml
013 - Chapter_4.xhtml
014 - Chapter_5.xhtml
015 - Chapter_6.xhtml
016 - Chapter_7.xhtml
017 - Chapter_8.xhtml
018 - Chapter_9.xhtml
019 - Chapter_10.xhtml
020 - Chapter_11.xhtml
021 - Chapter_12.xhtml
022 - Chapter_13.xhtml
023 - Chapter_14.xhtml
024 - Chapter_15.xhtml
025 - Chapter_16.xhtml
026 - Chapter_17.xhtml
027 - Part_2.xhtml
028 - Chapter_18.xhtml
029 - Chapter_19.xhtml
030 - Chapter_20.xhtml
031 - Chapter_21.xhtml
032 - Chapter_22.xhtml
033 - Chapter_23.xhtml
034 - Chapter_24.xhtml
035 - Chapter_25.xhtml
036 - Chapter_26.xhtml
037 - Chapter_27.xhtml
038 - Chapter_28.xhtml
039 - Chapter_29.xhtml
040 - Chapter_30.xhtml
041 - Chapter_31.xhtml
042 - Chapter_32.xhtml
043 - Chapter_33.xhtml
044 - Chapter_34.xhtml
045 - Chapter_35.xhtml
046 - Chapter_36.xhtml
047 - Chapter_37.xhtml
048 - Chapter_38.xhtml
049 - Chapter_39.xhtml
050 - Chapter_40.xhtml
051 - Chapter_41.xhtml
052 - Part_3.xhtml
053 - Chapter_42.xhtml
054 - Chapter_43.xhtml
055 - Chapter_44.xhtml
056 - Chapter_45.xhtml
057 - Chapter_46.xhtml
058 - Chapter_47.xhtml
059 - Chapter_48.xhtml
060 - Chapter_49.xhtml
061 - Chapter_50.xhtml
062 - Chapter_51.xhtml
063 - Chapter_52.xhtml
064 - Chapter_53.xhtml
065 - Chapter_54.xhtml
066 - Chapter_55.xhtml
067 - Chapter_56.xhtml
068 - Chapter_57.xhtml
069 - Chapter_58.xhtml
070 - Chapter_59.xhtml
071 - Chapter_60.xhtml
072 - Part_4.xhtml
073 - Chapter_61.xhtml
074 - Chapter_62.xhtml
075 - Chapter_63.xhtml
076 - Chapter_64.xhtml
077 - Chapter_65.xhtml
078 - Chapter_66.xhtml
079 - Chapter_67.xhtml
080 - Chapter_68.xhtml
081 - Chapter_69.xhtml
082 - Chapter_70.xhtml
083 - Chapter_71.xhtml
084 - Chapter_72.xhtml
085 - Chapter_73.xhtml
086 - Chapter_74.xhtml
087 - Chapter_75.xhtml
088 - Chapter_76.xhtml
089 - Chapter_77.xhtml
090 - Chapter_78.xhtml
091 - Chapter_79.xhtml
092 - Chapter_80.xhtml
093 - Chapter_81.xhtml
094 - Chapter_82.xhtml
095 - Chapter_83.xhtml
096 - Chapter_84.xhtml
097 - Epilogue.xhtml
098 - Authors Note.xhtml
099 - Acknowledgements.xhtml