Dramatis Personae
The Malazans
Empress Laseen, ruler of the Malazan Empire
Adjunct Tavore, commander of the Fourteenth Army
Fist Keneb, division commander
Fist Blistig, division commander
Fist Tene Baralta, division commander
Fist Temul, division commander
Nil, a Wickan warlock
Nether, a Wickan witch
T’amber, Tavore’s aide
Lostara Yil, aide to Pearl
Pearl, a Claw
Nok, Admiral of the Imperial Fleet
Banaschar, an ex-priest of D’rek
Hellian, a sergeant in the city guard of Kartool
Urb, a city guard in Kartool
Brethless, a city guard in Kartool
Touchy, a city guard in Kartool
Quick Ben, High Mage in the Fourteenth Army
Kalam Mekhar, an assassin
Grub, a foundling
Selected Soldiers in the Fourteenth Army
Captain Kindly, Ashok Regiment
Lieutenant Pores, Ashok Regiment
Captain Faradan Sort
Sergeant Fiddler/Strings
Corporal Tarr
Sergeant Gesler
Corporal Stormy
Master Sergeant Braven Tooth
Sergeant Balm
Corporal Deadsmell
Masan Gilani
Barathol Mekhar, a blacksmith
Kulat, a villager
Nulliss, a villager
Hayrith, a villager
Chaur, a villager
Noto Boil, company cutter (healer) in Onearm’s Host
Hurlochel, an outrider in Onearm’s Host
Captain Sweetcreek, an officer in Onearm’s Host
Corporal Futhgar, an officer in Onearm’s Host
Fist Rythe Bude, an officer in Onearm’s Host
Ormulogun, artist
Gumble, his critic
Apsalar, an assassin
Telorast, a spirit
Curdle, a spirit
Samar Dev, a witch of Ugarat
Karsa Orlong, a Teblor warrior
Ganath, a Jaghut
Spite, a Soletaken and sister to Lady Envy
Corabb Bhilan Thenu’alas
Leoman of the Flails, last leader of the rebellion
Captain Dunsparrow, Y’Ghatan city guard
Karpolan Demesand, Trygalle Trade Guild
Torahaval Delat, a priestess of Poliel
Cutter, once Crokus of Darujhistan
Heboric Ghost Hands, Destraint of Treach
Scillara, refugee from Raraku
Felisin the Younger, refugee from Raraku
Greyfrog, a demon
Mappo Runt, a Trell
Icarium, a Jhag
Iskaral Pust, a priest of Shadow
Mogora, a D’ivers
Taralack Veed, a Gral and agent of the Nameless Ones
Dejim Nebrahl, a D’ivers T’rolbarahl of the First Empire
Trull Sengar, a Tiste Edur
Onrack the Broken, an unbound T’lan Imass
Ibra Gholan, a T’lan Imass
Monok Ochem, a T’lan Imass Bonecaster
Minala, commander of the Company of Shadow
Tomad Sengar, a Tiste Edur
Feather Witch, a Letherii slave
Atri-Preda Yan Tovis (Twilight), commander of Letherii forces
Captain Varat Taun, officer under Twilight’s Command
Taxilian, an interpreter
Ahlrada Ahn, a Tiste Andii spy among the Tiste Edur
Sathbaro Rangar, Arapay warlock