
SPRING, 1944

The  spring  of 1944  was  a unique  time  in European  history,  unique because virtually every European was anticipating a momentous event. That event was  the Allied invasion, and  everyone knew that  it would decide  whether the continent lived under Nazi domination.

By May of  that year the  war had reached  its decisive phase,  a phase in which invasion was inevitable. The British had been planning to return to Europe since they were kicked off in 1940. The  Russians had been demanding the opening of  a second front since the June of  1941, insisting that the Germans could  never be beaten without one. And  the Americans had been  in agreement with the  Russians since  their  entry  into  the  war.  Generals  George  Marshall  and  Dwight D. Elsenhower had argued forcefully for a second front in 1942 and 1943.

Despite the  commitment by  the three  great allies,  and despite intense public pressure, another strategy was followed. In November, 1942, the Allies landed in French North Africa,  a long way  from any major  German forces (not  to mention from any German cities).  In July of the  following year they landed  in Sicily, and two months later in southern  Italy. These operations ran into heavy  German opposition, but they did not put a significant strain on enemy manpower. Nor did they seriously weaken Germany's capacity  to make war: indeed, German  factories were producing tanks and guns at record  rates by the spring of 1944. And  their guns and tanks were  the best in the  world - as well  they might be, given  the Nazis' ability to draw on the  expertise and resources of all Europe.  In short, the  Allied operations  in the  Mediterranean during  1942 and  1943 were   more important for their political than their military results. They left Hitler with few problems either of production or of manpower.

But Hitler did have one major worry in the Spring of 1944, and that was a single point at which his fighting forces were vulnerable. He was well protected on the north, where his troops occupied Norway  and Denmark. To the south, the  immense barrier of the Alps stood between Germany and the Allied forces, who in any case were still  south of  Rome. Hitler  was not  even excessively  worried about his eastern flank: his armies were 600 miles east of Warsaw, and within 300 miles of Moscow. He had lost the Ukraine in 1943, much his biggest loss to date, but  for compensation he had held on in the Balkans and was still besieging Leningrad. On all fronts except one he had a deep buffer between himself and his enemies. That one exception was to the west.

The Allied forces building up in the United Kingdom, now 2,500,000 strong,  were the greatest threat to Cologne and Germany's industrial heartland. Not only were they  much  closer than  the  Red Army,  they  were operating  from  a virtually impregnable base and had far greater mobility than either the German or  Russian armies. But of course there was the English Channel between Hitler's Europe  and the armies gathering in the United Kingdom. Hitler knew, from intensive study of the plans for operation Sea Lion, a German invasion of Britain in 1940, just how difficult a cross-Channel attack would be.

Hitler did what  he could to  make it even  more difficult. Just  as the British started thinking  about returning  to the  Continent even  as they  were leaving Dunkirk, so did Hitler begin thinking then of how to repulse an invasion.  First the ports were fortified,  protected by big guns  on the cliffs, by  machine-gun emplacements,  by  trenches,  by  mine fields  and  barbed  wire,  by underwater obstacles, by every device known to German engineers. The Canadians learned  how effective  these  were at  Dieppe  in August,  1942,  when they  were  met by  a veritable wall of steel hurtling down on them from every direction. In 1943, the Germans began extending  the fortifications up  and down the  coast; in January, 1944,  with Rommel's  arrival to  take command  of Army  Group B,   construction reached an almost frenzied pace. The  Germans knew that the second front  had to come that  spring, and  that throwing  the invaders  back was  their single best chance to win the war.

Hitler had therefore  turned a staggering  amount of labour  and material, taken from all over Europe,  to the construction of  the Atlantic Wall. All  along the French and  Belgian coasts,  but especially  between Ostend  and Cherbourg,  the Germans had built or were building machine-gun pillboxes, trenches,  observation posts,  artillery  emplacements,   fortresses,  mine  fields,   flooded  fields, underwater obstacles of every  conceivable type, a communications  network. This was a  regular Maginot  Line, only  much longer  - truly  a gigantic undertaking unprecedented  in Western  history, and  comparable only  to the  Great Wall  of China.

If Elsenhower's forces could break  through that Wall, victory was  not assured, but it was at  least possible and even  probable. If they could  not get ashore, their chances were doubtful. Eisenhower said it well in his first report to  the Combined Chiefs of Staff: 'Every obstacle must be overcome, every  inconvenience suffered and  every risk  run to  ensure that  our blow  is decisive.  We cannot afford to fail.'

To meet the challenge, the United  States, Great Britain, and Canada all  turned the greater  part of  their energies  to the  task of  launching an  assault and establishing  a beach-head.  Their venture  was code-named  Operation  Overlord; nearly  every citizen  of the  three nations  involved made  a direct   personal contribution to launching it.

As a consequence, Elsenhower's problems did not include a shortage of  material. He had an  abundant supply of  tanks, guns, trucks.  His problem was  how to get them across the  Channel and into  battle. The tanks  and heavy artillery  could only be brought ashore gradually, especially on D-Day itself and for a few  days after that. Thus, the Allied forces would be at their most vulnerable after  the first wave had landed and before the follow-up waves got ashore with their tanks and guns. The troops themselves would be heavily outnumbered (by as much as  ten to one) in the first days of the  invasion, and as late as D-Day plus one  month the ratio would be five to one. But many of the German divisions, fifty-five  in all, were scattered all across France; many were immobile, and many were of  low quality. Furthermore, Elsenhower  could count on  the Allied air  forces to keep German movement to  a minimum, at  least in daylight.  And he had  chosen as the invasion site the area west of the  Orne River: this avoided the bulk of  German strength in France, which was north and east of the mouth of the Seine. In  that area, and most of all around the Pas de Calais, German defences were  strongest. In addition, the Germans had most of their panzer strength in the Pas de Calais.

Because the panzers were to the  east, the most dangerous flank of  the invasion for the Allies was  the left flank. It  was closest to the  major German counter -attack formations and  therefore the place  where Eisenhower expected  the most determined - and most dangerous - counter-attacks.

For immediate counter-attack  purposes, Rommel had  two armoured divisions,  the 12th  SS Panzer  and the  21st Panzer,  stationed in  and to  the east   ofCaen. Elsenhower's greatest fear was that Rommel would send those divisions, operating as a coordinated  unit, on a  counter-attack against his  left flank, code-named Sword Beach,  just west  of the  mouth of  the Orne  River. It was possible that those two  panzer divisions  would drive  the British  3rd Infantry  Division on Sword back into the sea.  It was also possible that,  on D-Day plus one or  two, additional panzer  divisions would  come into  Normandy to  participate in flank attacks along the beaches. They would strike first against Juno, then Gold,  and finally the American beaches at Omaha and Utah. With fighting going on along the beaches, all Elsenhower's loading schedules would be disrupted.

To  prevent such  a catastrophe,  Eisenhower expected  to delay  and harass  the German tanks  moving into  Normandy by  using the  Allied air  force, which  had complete command  of the  air. The  trouble was  that the  air forces  could not operate either at night or in bad weather. By themselves, they would not be able to isolate  the battlefield.  Eisenhower needed  some additional  way to protect Sword Beach and his critical left flank.

To solve his  problem, Eisenhower turned  to another of  the assets that  Allied control  of the  air made  available to  him -airborne  forces,  extraordinarily mobile and elite units. German success with paratroopers and gliderborne  troops in the first years of World War II had convinced the British and American armies of the need to create their own airborne divisions. Now Eisenhower had four such divisions available to him, the US  82nd and 101st Airborne and the  British 1st and 6th Airborne. He decided to  use them on his flanks: offensively  to provide immediate tactical assistance by seizing bridges, road junctions, and the  like; defensively to keep the Germans occupied and confused. The British 6th Airborne, dropping east of Sword Beach, had  another critical task: setting up a  blocking force to keep the German panzers away from the left flank.

Critical though those tasks were, they did not seem critical enough to George C. Marshall,  the US  Army Chief  of Staff.  Marshall was  so strongly  opposed  to Elsenhower's plan that he sent Eisenhower what amounted to a reprimand - and was certainly the  most critical  letter he  ever wrote  to his  protege. Marshall's criticism, and Elsenhower's response, bring out very clearly the advantages  and disadvantages of airborne troops.

Marshall pointed out that the role assigned to the airborne forces was basically defensive, and stated flatly that he did not like the concept at all. No attempt was being  made to  engage or  disrupt the  enemy's strategic  forces or counter -attack capability. Marshall told Eisenhower that when he was creating the  82nd and 101st, he had had great hopes for paratroopers as a new element in  warfare, but he  confessed that  his hopes  had not  been realised,  and now Elsenhower's plans made him despair. Marshall saw in the plan a wasteful dispersion of  three elite divisions, with two American on the right protecting Utah's flank and  one British on the left protecting Sword's  flank. He charged that there had  been a 'lack in conception' caused by  a piecemeal approach, with General  Omar Bradley insisting that he had to have  paratrooper help at Utah and General  Bernard Law Montgomery insisting that Sword Beach also had to have paratrooper aid.

This business of splitting up the paratroopers was all a mistake, Marshall  told Eisenhower. If  he were  in command  of Overlord,  he would  insist on one large paratrooper  operation,  'even to  the  extent that  should  the British  be  in opposition I would carry it out exclusively with American troops'. He would make the drop south ofEvreux, nearly seventy-five miles inland from Caen. There  were four good airfields near Evreux  which could be quickly taken,  making re-supply possible. 'This plan appeals to me', Marshall declared, 'because I feel that  it is a true vertical envelopment and  would create such a strategic threat  to the Germans that  it would  call for  a major  revision of  their defensive  plans.' Bradley's  and Montgomery's  flanks could  take care  of themselves,  in  short, because the  German tanks  would be  busy attacking  the airborne  troops around Evreux.  Such  a massive  drop  would be  a  complete surprise,  would  directly threaten  both the  crossings of  the Seine  and Paris,  and would  serve as   a rallying point for the French Resistance.

The only drawback Marshall  could see to his  plan was 'that we  have never done anything like this before, and frankly, that reaction makes me tired'. The Chief of Staff  concluded by  saying that  he did  not want  to put  undue pressure on Eisenhower, but did want  to make sure that  Eisenhower at least considered  the possibility of  making a  bolder, more  effective strategic  use of his airborne troops.

Elsenhower's reply was long and defensive. He said that for more than a year one of his favourite subjects for contemplation had been getting ahead of the  enemy in some important method of operation, and the strategic use of paratroopers was an  obvious  possibility.  Marshall's  idea,  however,  was  impossible.  First, Eisenhower insisted that  Bradley and Montgomery  were right: the  flanks of the invasion had to be protected  from German armoured counter-attacks. Second,  and even more important, a paratrooper force three divisions strong landing  seventy -five miles inland  would not be  self-contained, would lack  mobility and heavy fire-power, and  would therefore  be destroyed.  The Germans  had shown time and again that they did not fear a 'strategic threat of envelopment'. Using the road net of France,  Rommel could concentrate  immense firepower against  an isolated force and defeat it in detail.

Eisenhower cited the  Allied experience at  Anzio early in  1944 as an  example. They had landed  there in an  attempt to slip  around the German  line in Italy, thereby threatening both the rear of the German line and Rome itself. Eisenhower told Marshall that 'any military man required to analyse' the situation in Italy right after the Anzio landing 'would have said that the only hope of the  German was  to begin  the instant  and rapid  withdrawal of  his troops'.  Instead  the Germans attacked,  and because  the Anzio  force did  not have  enough tanks and trucks to provide mobile  striking power, the Allies  barely held out. And  they held out, Eisenhower emphasised, only because the Allies had command of the  sea and  could  provide support  in  both material  and  gunfire directly  onto  the beachhead. An inland airborne  force would be cut  off from all but  air supply, which could not provide enough tanks, trucks, heavy artillery, or bulldozers and other equipment to withstand German armoured attacks. It would be annihilated.

Eisenhower was unwilling  to take the  risk Marshall proposed.  He believed that paratroopers dropped near Evreux would not be a strategic threat to the Germans, that indeed they  would just be  paratroopers wasted, and  might even be  made a hostage, just as the  Anzio force had become.  'I instinctively dislike ever  to uphold the conservative  as opposed to  the bold', Eisenhower  concluded, but he would not change his plans. Marshall did not raise the subject again.

Nothing like  Marshall's plan  was ever  tried. At  Arnhem, in  September, 1944, three airborne divisions were used, but they were dropped many miles apart  with separate objectives.  Therefore we  cannot know  who was  correct, Eisenhower or Marshall.  But  Eisenhower  was  in command,  so  it  was  his plan  -admittedly conservative rather than bold - that was used.

Thus did the British 6th Airborne Division get its D-Day assignment. The task of carrying out that assignment fell to General Richard Gale, commander of the  6th Airborne. Gale decided to drop his  division east of the Orne River,  about five to seven miles inland, in the low  ground between the Orne and the River  Dives. The main  body would  gather in  and around  the village  of Ranville, and would guard the  bridges over  the Orne  Canal and  River. Specially-trained companies would capture and destroy the four bridges over the River Dives, then fall  back on Ranville; others would destroy the German battery at Merville.

Central  to  Gale's  plan was  taking  and  holding the  bridges  over  the Orne waterways, without  which the  6th Airborne  would be  unable to  receive tanks, trucks, and other equipment from the beaches. They were critical to the  success of the whole  invasion, and the  operation to take  and hold them  would require meticulous planning, rigorous training, and bold execution.

That operation is the subject of this book.