Mike held Karen’s hand while they walked from Dan Turner’s office to the shore of Lake Ontario, less than a mile south of the North American Bank Building. The dull gray sky matched their spirits. A biting cold southeast wind howled in from the lake, causing huge waves to crash against the concrete pier beside them.
“What are we going to do?” Karen’s voice faded with the wind.
“We have to find a way to convince the feds we’re innocent. Servito must have had help. We just have to find out who.”
“But how?”
“It’ll be hard, but I still think we can do it.”
Karen tried to smile, but her smile quickly contorted. “What if we can’t?”
Mike looked away, staring at the lake.
“We’ll both be sent to prison, won’t we?”
Mike silently agreed with Karen, but shook his head. “There’s a lot we can do before show time,” he said with tightened lips.
“You have something in mind?”
“I don’t want to sit around in the blind hope that Turner’s going to save us. I want to do something.”
“So do I. But what?”
“Bob Bushing has to be number one on our hit list. He’s the individual who introduced me to Reserve Oil. Next is Dave Lasker. He runs the company that delivered all of Reserve Oil’s gasoline. I’m willing to bet both of them know everything.”
Karen was encouraged but skeptical. “They won’t tell us a damn thing if they’re involved in any way.”
“Probably not, but I still think it’s a good place to start.”
“But what if I’m right? What if they refuse to tell?”
“Then we’re screwed,” Mike conceded, staring sadly into Karen’s eyes. “Then I’m going to kill your husband. I’m not going down without him, babe.”
Mike’s absurd logic served as a poignant reminder of the enormous difficulties facing them, all the direct results of her husband’s merciless and vindictive behavior. She wrapped both arms around Mike and pressed her head against his chest. “I’ll never regret loving you, Mike King, but I deeply regret the trouble it’s caused you,” she said with tears in her eyes.
Mike placed his hands against Karen’s cheeks and kissed her forehead. “I could never blame you. No regrets, babe. Not one.” He looked deep in her eyes, searching. “Live with me. I don’t want to waste another second of my life without you.”
She turned hugged him hard. “You know I want that with all my heart. I don’t care about myself any more, but I’m still terrified of what Jim will do to you…”
“He can go straight to hell. I think he gets some kind of sadistic pleasure out of watching us suffer. So let’s suffer together. Stay with me tonight. Tomorrow we’ll go to your apartment, pack your things, and pick up Phillip.”