Jim Servito possesses a brilliant criminal mind. Cynical and remorselessly ruthless, he has an enormous contempt for law, police, government, and the system in which they function. Rules are for fools, and Jim takes sadistic pleasure in breaking them.
Karen Taylor is tired of the private school life, the endless doting of her wealthy parents, and the monotony of constant female company at her all-girl school. She wants to experience the real world, preferably on her own, and this drive leads her to a providential and endless love affair with Mike King. However, cruel and unusual fate finds her in a disastrous marriage to Jim Servito.
Mike King has it made. A third generation medical candidate, and a gifted athlete, Mike has a perfect future about to unfold. Then he changes everything. Instead of the career chosen for him, he wants one of his own. After enduring the nightmare of his final night with Karen and disclosing his decision to his parents, he heads for British Columbia. His return a year later leads to a heart breaking reunion with Karen and a perilous confrontation with Servito.
The story you are about read is fiction, but the likelihood of it actually happening is high. During the time-frame of the saga, the conditions were perfect, the opportunities too numerous to mention, and the door was left so wide open it is enough to blow a criminal’s mind. Think about it the next time you arrive at a retail gasoline outlet to fill your tank. Do you really know where the gasoline came from? Do you know who delivered it? Are you sure all the relevant taxes are paid? Are you certain the gasoline you’re pumping is pure?