The One climbed along the gossamer connection between himself and the Dark Spire, passing unhindered through the wastes of Infinity. Gossamer-like it may have been, but the umbilical cord that connected him with the Dark Spire was of Infinity itself, strong enough to support him.
As he drew closer, the One became more aware, through his increasing contact with the Dark Spire, of what was happening at Elcho Falling.
There had been a battle and much bad weather. Eleanon was concentrating, not on Elcho Falling, but on Axis, which for the moment suited the One well . . . may they both keep themselves occupied and unaware of what the One was doing. Maxel and Ishbel were still far, far away in Isembaard.
Good, that was very, very good. Either or both of them might have a chance of realising what the One was up to if they had been at Elcho Falling, but they were not. They were far away and by the time they returned it would be too late.
There were two things that concerned the One as he drew closer to the Dark Spire.
One, the fleeting impression that, momentarily, someone had seen him: a passing contact within the echoes of Infinity.
A child, perhaps, for the One sensed the presence was still somehow unformed, not yet solidified into the rigidity of adulthood.
For the moment the One ignored this. The impression had been but fleeting, and it had been but a child. He would come back to it.
The second problem was Ravenna. The marsh witch was inside Elcho Falling. The One could sense her strongly from the Dark Spire. She was somehow closely connected to the spire . . . had Eleanon employed Ravenna for his purposes? The One could think of no other reason Ravenna would be at Elcho Falling, let alone fiddling about with the spire.
The One crawled closer to the Dark Spire, hand over hand, its presence growing stronger each time one of his fists closed a little closer along the umbilical cord.
Ravenna. Maybe she could be useful..