Table of Contents
Prologue: The Warlock’s Shadow
1: Kelm’s Teeth
2: Pennies and Princes in a Pool
3: The Scent Garden
4: Secrets by Moonlight
5: A Bowl of Porridge
6: Beware The Gifts of Princes
7: A Cup of Tea and a Bad Taste
8: Dragon-Monks
9: A Death in the Family
10: Colours to the Mast
11: Hunting for Crows
12: People Come to Sandor to Forget
13: Swords, Steel and a Press of Skin
14: More than a Passing Interest
15: A Tiger by the Tail
16: Keys
17: The House of Records
18: The Face of the Enemy
19: Burying the Truth
20: A Sword-Monk Learns a Lesson
21: The Wrong Place at the Wrong Time
22: Getting a Head
23: The Need to Know
24: The House of Cats and Gulls
25: The Warlock in his Own Domain
26: Some Things Can’t be Had
27: Errands on Abyss-Day
28: And With Every Sunrise
29: Curiosity and its Consequences
30: Sometimes There is no One Else
31: More than a Sword of the Sun
32: The Emperor’s Docks
33: A Stacked Deck
34: Swords and their Consequences
35: The Road to Varr