
The following is a guide to many of the specific characters, places, and related material in Dawn of the Eagles. Where such an item was mentioned or appeared previously in a movie, episode, or other work of Star Trek fiction, its first appearance is cited.



Baj (male) resistance fighter, member of Li Nalas’s cell

Bareil Antos (male) priest, a ranjen and follower of Opaka Sulan (DS9/“In the Hands of the Prophets”)

Basso Tromac (male) personal aide to Skrain Dukat (DS9/“Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night”)

Bek (male) priest, a prylar living aboard Terok Nor; liaison between the Cardassian occupation forces and the Vedek Assembly (DS9/“The Collaborator”)

Bestram (male) resistance fighter, member of the Shakaar cell

Chavin (male) resistance fighter, member of the Shakaar cell

Darrah Bajin (male) son of Darrah Mace, resident of Valo II (Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

Darrah Cheren (female) wife of Darrah Bajin, resident of Valo II

Darrah Mace (male) resident of Valo II, formerly of Korto (Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

Daul Mirosha (male) former researcher at the Bajoran Institute of Science (Terok Nor: Night of the Wolves)

Dava (male) a Kai who lived several hundred years prior to the Cardassian occupation of Bajor

Ficen Dobat (male) resistance fighter on Terok Nor (TNG/Double Helix: Vectors)

Furel (male) resistance fighter with the Shakaar cell (DS9/“Shakaar”)

Gantt (male) resistance fighter and medic with the Shakaar cell (DS9/“Ties of Blood and Water”)

Gran Tolo (male) resistance fighter on Terok Nor

Jaro Essa (male) former militia officer, resident of Kendra Valley and underground political activist (DS9/“The Homecoming”)

Jas Holza (male) former minister of Bajor, resident of Valo III (TNG/“Ensign Ro”)

Kalem Apren (male) former minister of Bajor; an unofficial leader and underground political activist residing in the Kendra Valley (DS9/“Shakaar”)

Kalem Raina (female) second wife of Kalem Apren; her family was part of the influential Lees clan of the Kendra Valley

Kan Nion (male) official of the Cardassian-sanctioned Bajoran government

Keeve Falor (male) resident of Valo II, former member of the Bajoran Chamber of Ministers (TNG/“Ensign Ro”)

Kira Meru (female) former mistress of Gul Dukat, mother of Kira Nerys (DS9/“Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night”)

Kira Nerys (female) resistance fighter, member of the Shakaar cell (DS9/“Emissary”)

Kohn Biran (male) member and co-leader, with Ma Jouvirna, of the Kohn-Ma resistance cell (the Kohn-Ma cell was first mentioned in DS9/“Past Prologue”)

Kohn Weir (male) member of the Kohn-Ma resistance cell, younger brother of Kohn Biran

Kubus Oak (male) special liaison between Gul Dukat and the Caradassian-sanctioned Bajoran government (DS9/“The Collaborator”)

Latha Mabrin (male) member of the Shakaar resistance cell (DS9/“The Darkness and the Light”)

Li Nalas (male) resistance fighter, famed for killing Gul Zarale (DS9/“The Homecoming”)

Lupaza (female) resistance fighter, member of the Shakaar cell (DS9/“Shakaar”)

Ma Jouvirna (male) member and co-leader, along with Kohn Biran, of the Kohn-Ma resistance cell

Marin (male) priest, member of the Vedek Assembly

Mart (male) resistance fighter, member of Li Nalas’s cell

Mirel (female) resistance fighter, member of Li Nalas’s cell

Mobara (male) resistance fighter, member of the Shakaar cell (DS9/“Shakaar”)

Mora Pol (male) researcher at the Bajoran Institute of Science (DS9/“The Alternate”)

Opaka Fasil (male) resistance fighter, son of Opaka Sulan (DS9/“The Collaborator”; his given name was established in Terok Nor: Night of the Wolves)

Opaka Sulan (female) kai of the Bajoran faith (DS9/“Emissary”; Opaka’s given name was established in DS9/Rising Son)

Orta (male) resistance fighter operating outside the B’hava’el system (TNG/“Ensign Ro”)

Orthew (male) resistance fighter, member of Li Nalas’s cell

Preta (male) priest, member of the Vedek assembly

Riszen Ketauna (male) artist from the town of Yarlin, friend and follower of Opaka Sulan (Terok Nor: Night of the Wolves)

Ro Laren (female) former resistance fighter, later Starfleet officer assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise (TNG/“Ensign Ro”)

Shakaar Edon (male) resistance fighter, leader of the Shakaar cell (DS9/“Shakaar”)

Sharet Ras (female) senior-most member of the Vedek Assembly

Shev (male) friend and follower of Opaka Sulan (Terok Nor: Night of the Wolves)

Sito Jaxa (female) daughter of Sito Keral (TNG/“The First Duty”)

Sito Keral (male) farmer, resident of Ikreimi village, cousin of Mora Pol

Somah Trac (male) member of the Cardassian-sanctioned Bajoran governing cabinet

Sorash Tem (male) resident of Ikreimi village

Stassen (female) ranjen, daughter of Shev

Tahna Los (male) member of the Kohn-Ma resistance cell (DS9/“Past Prologue”)

Tel (male) member of Li Nalas’s resistance cell

Trentin Fala (female) informant to the Shakaar resistance cell (DS9/“The Darkness and the Light”)

Vaatrik Drasa (male) Bajoran collaborator, proprietor of the chemist’s shop on Terok Nor (DS9/“Necessary Evil”)

Ver (male) resident of Ikreimi village

Winn Adami (female) priest, youngest member of the Vedek assembly (DS9/“In the Hands of the Prophets”)


Ashalla: capital city of Bajor (DS9/Mission: Gamma, Book One—Twilight)

Dakeen Monastery: remote religious sanctuary, isolated from outside influence (DS9/“The Collaborator”)

Derna: fourth moon of Bajor, former location of a Cardassian military base (DS9/“Image in the Sand”; the base was established in Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

Elemspur: district in Hedrikspool Province, the location of a detention center run by the Cardassians (DS9/“Second Skin”)

Gerhami: Bajoran province

Huvara: Bajoran province, the location of Dr. Moset’s hospital

Ilvia: a city in Rakantha Province (DS9/“Babel”)

Iwara: village outside Ashalla

Jalanda: population center in Hedrikspool Province (the Jalanda Forum was first mentioned in (DS9/“Sanctuary”)

Jeraddo: fifth moon of Bajor; site of the Lunar V base (DS9/“Progress”)

Jo’kala: population center in Musilla Province (DS9/“Starship Down”)

Kendra Shrine: religious temple in Kendra Valley; the second to be built on the site after the first was destroyed in Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers (Kendra Valley first mentioned in DS9/“The Collaborator”; Kendra Province first mentioned in DS9/“Penumbra”)

Korto City: ruined metropolis in Kendra Valley (Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

Musilla: Bajoran province (DS9/“Things Past”)

Petrita: village in Dahkur

Qui’al: city on the northern continent of Bajor, former home of Kubus Oak (the Qui’al Dam is mentioned in DS9/“Destiny”)

Renday: Bajoran district

Rihjer: Bajoran district

Serpent’s Ridge: high, rocky site in Dahkur Province (DS9/“Shakaar”)

Shikina Monastery: religious sanctuary in Ashalla in which was hidden the Orb of Prophecy and Change (DS9/“Emissary”; the monastery’s name was established in DS9/Unity)

Tempasa: population center in Dahkur Province; location of a Cardassian records office (DS9/“Ties of Blood and Water”)

Tilar: a Bajoran peninsula, famous for its temperate climate and beautiful landscape (DS9/Unity)

Tozhat: Cardassian settlement on Bajor, governed by Exarch Kotran Pa’Dar, and later by his Yoriv Skyl (DS9/“Cardassians”)

Valo II: habitable planet in the Valo system, home to many refugee Bajorans (TNG/“Ensign Ro”)

Valo III: Class-M planet in the Valo system, home to Jas Holza (TNG/“Ensign Ro”)

Valo VI: barren planetoid in the Valo system, site of a Cardassian listening post (Terok Nor: Night of the Wolves)

Vekobet: village in Kendra Valley

Food and Drink

copal: ciderlike alcoholic beverage (Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

deka tea: hot brewed beverage (DS9/“Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night”)

hasperat: spicy Bajoran dish, wrapped in a flatbread (TNG/“Preemptive Strike”)

jumja: tree with a sticky, sweet sap from which a popular confection is made (DS9/“A Man Alone”)

katterpod: edible legume (DS9/“Shadowplay”)

kava root: edible tuber, part of the extremely versatile kava plant (DS9/“Starship Down”)

makapa: type of bread (DS9/“For the Cause”)

synthale: alcoholic beverage common on a number of worlds, including Bajor (DS9/“Emissary”)


B’hava’el: the star of Bajor (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual)

bell: benchmark of time, similar to “o’clock” (Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

cadge lupus: large canine predator, similar to a wolf

duranja: ceremonial lamp lit to honor the dead (DS9/“Shakaar”)

Fostossa virus: source of an epidemic that swept across Bajor during the occupation (VOY/“Nothing Human”)

hara cat: large feline predator (DS9/“Second Skin”)

kelbonite: material known to interfere with various types of scanning equipment (TNG/“Silicon Avatar”)

kellipate: unit of distance (DS9/“Progress”)

kosst: swearword or curse, derived from Kosst Amojan (DS9/“The Reckoning”); however, the word’s original meaning was simply “to be” (DS9/“The Assignment”)

linnipate: unit of distance, roughly two or three meters (Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

nyawood: type of wood similar to mahogany (Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

Orb: also known as a “Tear of the Prophets”; one of several religious artifacts that sometimes impart visions or insights upon those who gaze into them (DS9/“Emissary”)

pagh: “life force” as perceived by certain sensitive Bajorans (DS9/“Emissary”)

porli fowl: a chickenlike food animal (Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

sinoraptor: an animal known for its fierceness and eyes that face opposite directions (DS9/“Shakaar”)

spoonhead: slur used by some Bajorans when referring to a Cardassian (DS9/“Things Past”)

tessipate: unit of area (DS9/“Progress”)

tyrfox: wily canine predator (Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

uridium: a mineral that, in its unprocessed state, is highly unstable; uridium ore was processed on Terok Nor (DS9/“Civil Defense”)

Religious Ranks

The following is a breakdown of known ranks in the Bajoran religion, in ascending order.

Prylar: a monk

Ranjen: a monk specializing in theological study

Vedek: a high-ranking priest, typically a regional spiritual leader

Kai: the world leader of the Bajoran religion

D’jarra Caste System

Until recent times the Bajorans had a series of castes called D’jarras. This is a rough order of ranking for the ones that have been established so far.

Ih’valla: artists (above Te’nari) (DS9/“Accession”)

Te’nari: unknown, but below Ih’valla (DS9/“Accession”)

Mi’tino: low-ranked merchants and landowners (Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

Va’telo: pilot, sailor, driver, and similar professions (Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

Ke’lora: laborers and lawmen (Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

Sern’apa: unknown (Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

Imutta: those who deal with the dead; the “unclean” and lowest ranking d’jarra (DS9/“Accession”)

Resistance Cells

The following is a list of the established Bajoran resistance cells and their areas of operation.

Bram: active in Jo’kala (Musilla Province)

Halpas: active in Relliketh (Hedrikspool Province)

Kintaura: active in Rakantha Province

Kohn-ma: active in Dahkur Province (DS9/“Past Prologue”)

Ornathia: active in Tilar Peninsula (Hedrikspool Province)

Shakaar: active in Dahkur Province (DS9/“Duet”)



Abor, Dost (male) operative of the Obsidian Order, assigned to Valo VI listening post (Terok Nor: Night of the Wolves)

Astraea (female) traditional name of the ceremonial “guide” or religious leader for the Oralian Way (DS9/A Stitch in Time)

Boheeka (male) military officer stationed on Terok Nor, frequent patron of Quark’s bar (DS9/“The Wire”)

Bry, Maran (male) controversial Cardassian poet (DS9/A Stitch in Time)

Cul (male) scientist replacing Dr. See Yopal as director of the Bajoran Institute of Science

Dalak (male) official of the Cardassian Information Service, superior of Natima Lang (Terok Nor: Night of the Wolves)

Damar, Corat (male) military officer formerly attached to Terok Nor (DS9/“Return to Grace”)

Darhe’el (male) military officer, former overseer of the Gallitep mining facility on Bajor, political rival of Gul Dukat (DS9/“Duet”)

Dukat, Athra (female) wife of Skrain Dukat (Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

Dukat, Skrain (male) military officer; prefect of Bajor and commander of Terok Nor (DS9/“Emissary”; Dukat’s given name was established in the DS9 novel A Stitch in Time)

Esad, Kutel (male) operative of the Obsidian Order working directly under Enabran Tain (Terok Nor: Night of the Wolves)

Ghemor, Tekeny (male) military officer, member of Central Command and an underground political dissident (DS9/“Second Skin”)

Glees, Tera (female) representative of the University of Culat

Iloja (male) exiled Cardassian poet (DS9/“Destiny”)

Kaer (male) military officer, forensics analyst stationed on Terok Nor

Kedat (male) military officer, chief of engineering on Terok Nor

Kell, Danig (male) military officer and member of Central Command, direct superior of Skrain Dukat (DS9/“Civil Defense”; Kell’s first name was established in Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

Lang, Natima (female) correspondent for the Cardassian Information Service (DS9/“Profit and Loss”)

Letra (male) military officer stationed in security on Terok Nor

Lotor, Ran (male) an educator living on Cardassia Prime

Moset, Crell (male) civilian physician and exobiologist who worked on Bajor during the annexation (VOY/“Nothing Human”)

Pa’Dar, Kotan (male) former scientist, later exarch at the Tozhat settlement on Bajor (DS9/“Cardassians”)

Panh, Revel (male) faculty member of the exobiology department at the University of Culat

Reyar, Kalisi (female) civilian scientist assigned to Bajor (Terok Nor: Night of the Wolves)

Reyar, Yannik (male) civilian liaison between Central Command and the Obsidian Order, father of Kalisi Reyar (Terok Nor: Night of the Wolves)

Rike’la (male) military officer stationed on Terok Nor

Russol, Gaten (male) military officer stationed on Terok Nor from 2365–2366 (DS9/“Treachery, Faith and the Great River”)

Sa’kat (male) military officer, member of the Oralian Way (Terok Nor: Night of the Wolves)

Skyl, Yoriv (male) politician; adjutant to Kotan Pa’Dar, later his successor as exarch of Tozhat

Tain, Enabran (male) head of the Obsidian Order (DS9/“The Wire”)

Thrax (male) chief of security on Terok Nor from 2353–2365 (DS9/“Things Past”)

Trakad (male) military officer stationed on Terok Nor

Trant, Seia (female) physician stationed on Bajor

Tuken (male) professor from the Cuellar region; political dissident

Vara, Miras (female) civilian scientist who went missing sometime after her exposure to a Bajoran Orb (Terok Nor: Night of the Wolves)

Yopal, Sree (female) director of the Bajoran Institute of Science (Terok Nor: Night of the Wolves)

Zarale (male) military officer stationed on Bajor, killed by Li Nalas (DS9/“The Homecoming”)


Cardassia II: colony, home of Natima Lang and Gaten Russol

Cardassia City: capital city of Cardassia Prime (DS9/A Stitch in Time)

Coranum Sector: the oldest and most prestigious district in Cardassia City (DS9/A Stitch in Time)

Culat: site of a prestigious university (VOY/“Nothing Human”)

Hetrith: site of a station where Dr. Moset spent half of his residency

Lakarian City: population center on Cardassia Prime, site where ancient Hebetian culture was said to have flourished long ago (DS9/“Defiant”)

Letau: the innermost moon of Cardassia Prime; site of a maximum-security prison facility once run by Skrain Dukat, and to which he still made periodic visits during his term as prefect of Bajor (Terok Nor: Night of the Wolves)

Mekisar: military base outside Cardassia City

Ministry of Science: center of learning and scientific research in Cardassia City (DS9/“Destiny”)

Paldar Sector: residential district of Cardassia City (DS9/A Stitch in Time)

Sadera: star system that became a refuge for several Cardassian political dissidents (DS9/“Profit and Loss”)

Tarlak Sector: administrative hub of Cardassia City (DS9/A Stitch in Time)

Terok Nor: space station orbiting Bajor; the main ore-processing facility as of 2346 and the command post for the Bajoran annexation (the station’s original name was revealed in DS9/“Cardassians”)

Torr Sector: most populated district of Cardassia City; a center of culture (DS9/A Stitch in Time)

University of Prekiv: center of learning on Cardassia II, alma mater of Natima Lang


kanar: popular alcoholic beverage (TNG/“The Wounded”)

kotra: board game (DS9/“Empok Nor”)

lek: denomination of currency (VOY/“Caretaker”)

metric: a unit of time, roughly equivalent to a minute (Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)

Obsidian Order: the intelligence bureau of the Cardassian Union (DS9/“The Wire”)

Oralian Way: religion dating back to the First Hebitian civilization on Cardassia Prime, forced to go underground during the era of the Bajoran annexation (the Hebitian civilization was first mentioned in TNG/“Chain of Command, Part II”; the Oralian Way was established in the DS9 novel A Stitch in Time)

polytrinic acid: chemical used by Dr. Moset in his various experiments (VOY/“Nothing Human”)

riding hound: a large canine animal (DS9/“In Purgatory’s Shadow”)


juice: nonalcoholic beverage with a very distinctive odor (DS9/“Cardassians”)

Military Ranks

The following is a list of Cardassian ranks and their Starfleet analogs. This system borrows from the work of Steven Kenson’s unpublished Iron & Ash supplement for the Star Trek Roleplaying Game from Last Unicorn Games.

garresh: noncommissioned officer

gil: ensign

glinn: lieutenant

dalin: lieutenant commander

dal: commander

gul: captain

jagul: commodore/rear admiral

legate: admiral



Frool (Ferengi male) waiter in Quark’s bar on Terok Nor (DS9/“Bar Association”)

Gaila (Ferengi male) cousin of Quark (Gaila was first mentioned in DS9/“Civil Defense” and was first seen in DS9/“Business as Usual”)

Gart (Ferengi male) DaiMon, or Captain, of a freight vessel (Terok Nor: Night of the Wolves)

Gera (Ferengi female) sister of a district sub-nagus with whom Quark was sexually involved (this dalliance was established in DS9/“Playing God,” though the name of the woman was never given)

Hagath (male, species unknown) weapons merchant; business partner of Gaila (DS9/“Business as Usual”)

Ishka (Ferengi female) mother of Quark, sometimes called “moogie” by her sons (DS9/“Family Business”)

Kurga (Ferengi male) member of Gart’s crew

Morn (Lurian male) freighter captain; frequent customer at Quark’s bar on Terok Nor (Morn first appeared in DS9/“Emissary,” but was not named until DS9/“Vortex”)

Nechayev, Alynna (human female) Starfleet admiral (TNG/“Chain of Command, Part I”)

Nog (Ferengi male) son of Rom, nephew of Quark (DS9/“Emissary”)

Odo shape-shifting being of unknown origin, recruited by Gul Dukat to replace Thrax as Terok Nor’s chief of security (DS9/“Emissary”)

Quark (Ferengi male) cook on Gart’s freighter, later proprietor of a bar on Terok Nor (DS9/“Emissary”)

Rom (Ferengi male) brother of Quark, father of Nog (DS9/“Emissary”)

Vaughn, Elias (human male) Starfleet special operative (DS9/Avatar, Book One)


Boslics: spacefaring species with which Quark has done business (Boslics were first mentioned in DS9/“Homecoming” and were first seen in DS9/“The Abandoned”)

Ferengi: spacefaring species known mainly for their pursuit of profit (TNG/“The Last Outpost”)

gree worms: edible soft-bodied invertebrates favored by the Ferengi (DS9/“Little Green Men”)

Jibetians: spacefaring species with which Quark has done business

Kobheerians: spacefaring species with which Quark has done business (DS9/“Duet”)

latinum: precious metal, typically pressed with gold and used as a medium of exchange in certain parts of the Alpha Quadrant (DS9/“Past Prologue”)

milcake: pan-fried cake of unspecified origin, made from rough-cut grains

plomeek: a Vulcan vegetable, best known for its use in soup (TOS/“Amok Time”)

sargam: slightly bittersweet foodstuff of unspecified origin, usually cut into fillets that are easy to transport and eat

Solvok: star system near Bajoran space

Tarulians: spacefaring species with which Quark has done business