Notas capítulo 15

[1] Weigel, George, Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II, Harper Collins, Nueva York, 2001. <<

[2] Weigel, George, Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II, Harper Collins, Nueva York, 2001. <<

[3] Juan Pablo \\,John Paul II: The Encyclicals in Everyday Language, Orbis Books, Nueva York, 2001. <<

[4] Manhattan, Avro, Murder in the Vatican, op. cit. <<

[5] Bernsteign, Cari y Politi, Marco, His Holiness: John Paul II and the Hidden History of Our Time, Penguin Books, Nueva York, 1996. <<

[6] Yailop, David, op. cit. <<

[7] Yailop, David, op. cit. <<

[8] Cornwell, Rupert, op. cit. <<

[9] Varios autores, Everything You Know Is Wrong: The Disinformation Guide to Secrets and Lies, op. cit. <<

[10] Wilson, Robert Antón, Cosmic Trigger: Down To Earth, volumen II, New Falcon Publications, Tempe (Arizona), 1991. <<

[11] Martin, Malachi, Rich Church, Poor Church, op. cit. <<

[12] West, Nigel, The Secret War for the Falklands: The SAS, M16, and the War Whitehall Nearly Lost, Warner Books, Londres, 1997. <<

[13] Sisti, Leo y Modolo, Gianfranco, El banco paga. El embrollo del Ambrosiano y la logia P2, Plaza & Janes, Barcelona, 1983. <<

[14] Gurwin, Larry, El caso Calvi. La muerte de un banquero. Versal, Barcelona, 1984. <<

[15] Gurwin, Larry, El caso Calvi. La muerte de un banquero. Versal, Barcelona, 1984. <<

[16] Yailop, David, op. cit. <<

[17] Cornwell, Rupert, op. cit. <<

[18] Tosches, Nick, op. cit. <<

[19] Yailop, David, op. cit. <<

[20] La Repubblica, 19-20 de abril de 1992. <<

[21] En el momento de escribir este libro, el juicio, previsto para el 5 de octubre de 2005, aún no se había celebrado. <<