Day 6
Shulgi, Razrek, Vanar and the rest of Sumer’s commanders rode up to what was left of Larsa’s wall, two hundred horsemen following behind and another hundred leading the way, all of them alert for any possibility of an ambush. The sun drifted down toward the horizon in the west, but Shulgi wanted to see the damage for himself before it grew dark. The rest of his army remained half a day’s march behind, and wouldn’t arrive at Larsa until midday tomorrow.
A rage burned in Shulgi’s chest at the sight of Larsa’s devastation. The stench of death mixed with the acrid smell of burnt wood. Uncountable flies buzzed about, feasting on the rotting flesh of men and animals. Shulgi wanted to rail at Razrek once again, but he had already done that, bitterly accusing the cavalry commander of cowardice and of failing to defend Larsa. The two had nearly come to blows, and Shulgi knew he couldn’t afford that luxury yet. He still needed Razrek and his horsemen.
“They’re still across the river,” Razrek remarked, breaking the silence that lasted far too long.
Shulgi didn’t answer, but he lifted his eyes from the smoking ruins. On the other side of the Tigris, part of the Akkadian camp showed atop the bluff. No death odors up there, only clean breezes blowing off the river. At the base, more than a dozen boats lined the west bank. The camp looked peaceful. No ranks of warriors, no line of sentries stared at the riders approaching Larsa. The Akkadians didn’t care about Shulgi’s army, at least not today. All the Sumerians understood the humiliating situation. King Shulgi’s men had no way to cross the river.
Larsa had always boasted the easiest crossing for miles in either direction. That’s why the city had sprung up here, to take advantage of the easy crossing. But while its current might flow slowly, the Tigris remained too wide and deep for horses or men to swim across. Boats and rafts would be needed to get the soldiers and supplies across, and any crossing would be vulnerable to attack until enough soldiers were established on the far side.
“I can ride north.” Razrek’s voice seemed loud in the stillness that hung over Shulgi’s commanders. “There’s a village ten or twelve miles from here where we can get some horsemen over.”
“No. We’ll cross here.” Shulgi had already made his decision. “Have the men scour the countryside. We’ll build the rafts just above Larsa.”
“Why cross the river at all? We can reach Sumer just as quickly from this side of the river.”
“If we want to close with Eskkar, we need to cross here.”
“The Akkadians will stop us. From those bluffs, they could pour arrows down on us.”
“They won’t be here to stop us,” Shulgi said. “They haven’t bothered to establish outposts or watchtowers. I think they’ll soon be on the march once again, tomorrow or the next day.”
“Heading to Sumer.”
Shulgi’s advance force had encountered dozens of naked survivors, most of them women and children, and all of them exhausted, hungry, and full of despair. The Akkadians had driven them out of the city with nothing, and the dazed inhabitants had begged Shulgi’s men for food and water. Eskkar’s men had poisoned every well with dead bodies, man and beast, that now rotted in the warm water.
Shulgi understood the trap Eskkar had set for him. If he ignored the wretched survivors, left them to starve, his troops would begin muttering against him. If he ordered his men to share their own meager food with them, his soldiers would be forced to do with less, and his entire army would be slowed down in the process. Gritting his teeth, Shulgi acceded to the need to share his supplies.
Almost all who had survived the city’s fall repeated that the Akkadians planned to march on Sumer. Shulgi wasn’t so sure. The further south Eskkar went, the greater the danger to the Akkadians increased. Even if he reached Sumer, the city wasn’t likely to fall overnight, like Larsa. Shulgi had already dispatched a company of horsemen to warn Kushanna that the Akkadian army might be on the march toward them and to take extra precautions. And with every step farther southward, the Akkadian supply line would be stretched thinner and thinner. Shulgi already had men working to stop the infernal boats that carried men and supplies to Eskkar’s forces.
None of these thoughts gave Shulgi any satisfaction. He had to cross the river somewhere, and the easiest route to Eskkar’s army lay across the river. If Shulgi moved to some other crossing, he would waste another day marching, and still have to find or build boats. Better to do it here, where the abandoned men of Larsa could at least provide a labor force.
“Razrek, set up the camp over there, away from the stink of Larsa.” The horses sensed the odor of death, too, and pawed the ground nervously, unwilling to move closer to its source. The gagging smell would last for days, perhaps longer.
“As soon as the camp is started, send riders up and down the river, looking for boats, wood, ropes, anything we can use to build rafts.”
He turned his horse away and trotted back to where he ordered his command tent erected. For once the servants and soldiers doing his bidding had nothing to say. Everyone avoided his gaze. Shulgi handed off his horse and sat cross-legged just outside the tent flap. He spread a map out before him and stared at its symbols. He hadn’t moved when Razrek returned.
“I’ve sent fifty horsemen up and down the river, searching for boats.” Razrek squatted down across the map from Shulgi. “We should be able to start crossing as soon as the army arrives. That is, if Eskkar’s men are gone. Though I still think it’s a waste of time to cross if we’re going back to Sumer.”
Shulgi lifted his gaze from the map. “Eskkar has no intention of marching to Sumer. He’s going to Isin. He wants us to dash off toward Sumer, to give him more time to take the city.”
Razrek glanced at the map. “Why Isin? Why not Sumer? It’s not that much further.”
“Have you wondered where Eskkar’s cavalry is?”
“Not lately.” Razrek shrugged. “No one has seen any sign of them. As long as they’re not a threat, who cares where they’ve gone?”
Shulgi bit off the cutting reply. Razrek had his uses, but strategy wasn’t one of them. “Eskkar cares. I think he’s sent them out into the desert. They’ve ridden north, circled around Lagash, and are probably attacking Nippur right now. Unless they’re headed to Uruk.”
“Uruk! They’d have to ride halfway across the desert, and the Tanukhs still have plenty of men there to stop them. And they wouldn’t have any supplies.”
“Unless there were more of those cursed boats coming down the Euphrates to resupply them.”
“There’s no way, not by boat. Lagash sits on the Euphrates. If that many boats tried to run past them, we’d have heard about it.
“These maps don’t show every stream and creek in Sumeria, and the Euphrates has more than one branch going south. I spoke with several men from Lagash. They say there’s a good-sized stream that bypasses Lagash before running down to Uruk.”
“Even if Eskkar’s horsemen did reach Uruk, they would never be able to take the city. They have no archers. There’s not enough of them to force an attack.”
“True. Unless they rode in from the west unexpectedly and stormed the city at night. Or if Eskkar has more agents in Uruk to open the gates for him. Larsa fell almost as soon as he arrived, remember that.”
That city’s survivors had related the story of men climbing unhindered over the wall.
Razrek licked his lips. The less he heard about Larsa the better. “We should send a warning to Uruk and Nippur, and Lagash, too. Let them know –”
“It’s too late for that.” Shulgi shook his head. “I should have thought of this earlier. The Akkadian cavalry rode off six days ago. It would take us three days to get a rider to Lagash, and at least two to reach Uruk from here, probably two and a half days. There are two wide rivers to cross, remember. If Eskkar’s cavalry is going to Lagash, they’re already there. If they’re going to Uruk, they’ll be there the day after tomorrow.”
“They’ll be spotted. Lagash will send word down the river to warn the other cities.”
“Unless Eskkar’s horsemen ride deeper into the desert. This Hathor that commands them, they say he came to Akkad across that very desert. That he knows much about desert fighting. And the Tanukhs would be caught off-guard. With the Salibs destroyed, they have no enemies to raid them.”
Razrek grimaced. “Hathor is a renegade Egyptian who begged for his life, and was saved from the torture by Eskkar’s witch-wife. No one knows why. But even if Hathor knows the desert, it still makes for hard traveling. He would need supplies, hay for the horses, food for his men.”
“All of which could have been prepared and stored months ago. Or there’s an even easier way. The villages of the Tanukhs have plenty of food and fodder in them, especially now.”
Even Razrek knew enough to glance around, to make sure no Tanukhs could hear the conversation. The Tanukh horsemen made up almost a third of Razrek’s cavalry. They retained their own leaders, and fought only for gold and the chance to loot their enemies. Razrek had unleashed them on the Akkadian farmlands, but they somehow managed to devastate and pillage almost as many Sumerian farmers in the process. Brutal and cunning, they were like jackals. They struck only when their enemy appeared weak, and stole anything and everything they could get their hands on. Against a strong enemy, they were as likely to turn and run.
“If the Tanukhs think that Akkad has horsemen raiding their lands,” Razrek said, “they’ll race home as fast as they can ride.”
“It might almost be worth it, for all the trouble they’ve caused.”
The Tanukhs had created more problems for Razrek and the rest of the Sumerian army than any other group. Everyone hated them. They had only joined the Sumerian cause because of Shulgi’s gold, and the promise of more loot from Akkad when the city fell.
“If they left, they would keep Eskkar’s cavalry off our backs.”
Shulgi shook his head. “Even if they stayed together, the Tanukhs wouldn’t number much more than the Akkadians. They’d never face Eskkar’s horsemen in battle. Hathor would ride right through them, if they tried to stop him. No, better to keep them here, where they can be useful.”
“Well, what are we going to do?”
“We’re not going to tell anyone about our suspicions of where Eskkar’s cavalry might be. We’re going to need every horseman we have, even the Tanukhs, when we come to grips with the Akkadians.”
“You think Eskkar will stand and fight?”
“When he’s ready, he’ll attack us. He intends to wear us down, weaken us by marching up and down Sumeria, wait until our supplies are low. Then he’ll attack.”
Razrek wasn’t convinced. “You think Eskkar has planned all this out in advance? It would have taken days, months . . .”
“Yes, I think he has. The barbarian – or perhaps his witch-wife Trella – has prepared for this war for at least a year, maybe longer. We thought we had given him only two choices, to march south and fight us at Kanesh, or wait for us to come to Akkad. Instead, he’s devised another way, and unless we start out-thinking him, Eskkar may end up nailing our hides to Akkad’s gate.”
“But he doesn’t have enough men,” Razrek protested. “He’ll never face us in battle.”
“I underestimated Eskkar once,” Shulgi said. “And now Larsa is gone, along with most of our supplies. I’m not doing it again. We’re going to make him fight us when we’re ready.”
“How will we do that? He’s already proven he can out-march our men, and we don’t have enough horsemen to stop his army.”
“First we have to make sure Isin holds. If he captures that city, he can march in any direction, south toward Sumer or north to Lagash and Nippur. Whichever way we march, he’ll move in the opposite direction.”
“Isin’s been warned. Eskkar won’t be able to take it, not before we can reach him. Naxos is not some merchant who can be brushed aside, like Naran.”
“I’m telling you, Eskkar already has a plan to take the city. Just like he did at Larsa. The best way to stop him is to send all the soldiers and horsemen from Isin back to their city. We’ve got three thousand men from Isin in our ranks, and a third of them are cavalry. Send as many as you can get on horseback at once. They should be able to reach the city before Eskkar’s foot soldiers get there.”
“And if they can’t, if they arrive too late?”
“Tell them to ride the horses to death, whatever it takes to save their city. Send any horsemen from Larsa, too. They’ll understand what losing Isin means. Meanwhile, I’m going to stop these boats that have been resupplying Eskkar’s forces. Without them, he can’t move as fast or as far. If Isin can hold out for a few days, we’ll catch up with him and crush him there.”
“What about our own supplies?”
The mountain of supplies that had been laboriously transported to Kanesh now languished there. Shulgi knew it would take more than a few days to get even a portion of those goods moving south again.
“I’ve already sent word to Sumer. They’ll load every boat they can find and send it upriver to Isin. Your horsemen will have to make sure that we get those supplies, not the Akkadians. And you can do that while you find and finish the Akkadian cavalry. When they’re finished with Lagash, or more likely, Uruk, they’ll head east to rejoin Eskkar. Once they’re reunited, that’s when they’ll be ready for the final battle.”
“And if you’re wrong, if Eskkar marches toward Sumer?”
“Then Sumer will have to hold out. But even if it falls, the barbarian will have no way to escape.”
“You don’t care about your own city, Shulgi?”
“The city can always be rebuilt, Razrek. If Eskkar is dead and his army smashed, we can take Akkad at our leisure, and win the war. A few cities lost along the way are a small price to build an empire. Now get moving, and get those men on their way to Isin. By tomorrow I want them well on their way.”