Miles traveled: 46,685 miles (or twice around the world)
Total wages donated: $20,401.60
Total sponsorship money received for travel expenses: $10,000—NiceJob.ca (also received $400 in donations from individuals during the first five weeks)
Farthest distance between jobs: 4,298 miles
Hilo, Hawaii (Park Ranger)—Fort Walton Beach, Florida (Firefighter)
Longest daily commute: 2 hours
Week 32—Exterminator
Shortest daily commute: <1 minute
Week 47—Firefighter
# Beds, couches, and floors slept on: 55
# of plane trips: 24
# of rides hitchhiking: 17
# of bus trips: 9
# of train rides: 2
# of one-week job offers received: 204
Most unusual offers: Male Grooming Products Salesman, Paint Ball Referee, Anesthesiologist, Live Poultry Slaughterer, Carny, Priest, Mobile Dog Groomer, Tattoo Laser Removal Assistant, Zamboni Driver, Professional Race Walker, Celebrity Matchmaker, Porn Actor, Sorority Girl
# of offers of work as a nanny: 16
Ratio—time spent writing to time spent marveling at how difficult it is to write a book: 1:5-ish