7.1 Discussion: How Should Integration be Defined?
The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus is a
statement about the inverse relationship between differentiation
and integration. It comes in two parts, depending on whether we are
differentiating an integral or integrating a derivative. Under
suitable hypotheses on the functions f and F, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
states that
- (i)
- (ii)
if , then G ′ (x) = f(x).
Before we can undertake any type of rigorous
investigation of these statements, we need to settle on a
definition for ∫
b f. Historically, the concept of
integration was defined as the inverse process of differentiation.
In other words, the integral of a function f was understood to be a function
F that satisfied
F ′ = f. Newton, Leibniz, Fermat, and the
other founders of calculus then went on to explore the relationship
between antiderivatives and the problem of computing areas. This
approach is ultimately unsatisfying from the point of view of
analysis because it results in a very limited number of functions
that can be integrated. Recall that every derivative satisfies the
intermediate value property (Darboux’s Theorem,
Theorem 5.2.7). This means that any
function with a jump discontinuity cannot be a derivative. If we
want to define integration via antidifferentiation, then we must
accept the consequence that a function as simple as
is not integrable on the interval [0, 2].
A very interesting shift in emphasis occurred
around 1850 in the work of Cauchy, and soon after in the work of
Bernhard Riemann. The idea was to completely divorce integration
from the derivative and instead use the notion of “area under the
curve” as a starting point for building a rigorous definition of
the integral. The reasons for this were complicated. As we have
mentioned earlier (Section 1.2), the concept of function was undergoing a
transformation. The traditional understanding of a function as a
holistic formula such as f(x) = x 2 was being replaced with
a more liberal interpretation, which included such bizarre
constructions as Dirichlet’s function discussed in
Section 4.1 Serving as a catalyst to this
evolution was the budding theory of Fourier series (discussed in
Section 8.5), which required, among other
things, the need to be able to integrate these more unruly
The Riemann integral , as it is called today, is
the one usually discussed in introductory calculus. Starting with a
function f on [a, b], we partition the domain into small
subintervals. On each subinterval [x k−1, x k ], we pick some point
c k ∈ [x k−1, x k ] and use the y-value f(c k ) as an approximation for
f on [x k−1, x k ]. Graphically speaking, the
result is a row of thin rectangles constructed to approximate the
area between f and the
The area of each rectangle is , and so the total area of
all of the rectangles is given by the Riemann sum (Fig. 7.1)
Note that “area” here comes with the understanding that areas below
the x-axis are assigned a
negative value.
Figure 7.1
A Riemann Sum.
What should be evident from the graph is that the
accuracy of the Riemann-sum approximation seems to improve as the
rectangles get thinner. In some sense, we take the limit of these approximating Riemann
sums as the width of the individual subintervals of the partitions
tends to zero. This limit, if it exists, is Riemann’s definition of
∫ a b f.
This brings us to a handful
of questions. Creating a rigorous meaning for the limit just
referred to is not too difficult. What will be of most interest to
us—and was also to Riemann—is deciding what types of functions can
be integrated using this procedure. Specifically, what conditions
on f guarantee that this
limit exists?
The theory of the Riemann integral turns on the
observation that smaller subintervals produce better approximations
to the function f. On each
subinterval [x
k−1, x
k ], the
function f is approximated
by its value at some point c k ∈ [x k−1, x k ]. The quality of the
approximation is directly related to the difference
as x ranges over the
subinterval. Because the subintervals can be chosen to have
arbitrarily small width, this means that we want f(x) to be close to f(c k ) whenever x is close to c k . But this sounds like a
discussion of continuity! We will soon see that the continuity of
f is intimately related to
the existence of the Riemann integral ∫ a b f.
Is continuity sufficient to prove that the
Riemann sums converge to a well-defined limit? Is it necessary, or
can the Riemann integral handle a discontinuous function such as
h(x) mentioned earlier? Relying on the
intuitive notion of area, it would seem that ∫ 0 2
h = 3, but does the Riemann
integral reach this conclusion? If so, how discontinuous can a
function be before it fails to be integrable? Can the Riemann
integral make sense out of something as pathological as Dirichlet’s
function on the interval [0, 1]?
A function such as
raises another interesting question. Here is an example of a
differentiable function, studied in Section 5.1, where the derivative
g ′ (x) is not continuous. As we explore the class
of integrable functions, some attempt must be made to reunite the
integral with the derivative. Having defined integration
independently of differentiation, we would like to come back and
investigate the conditions under which equations (i) and (ii) from
the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus stated earlier hold. If we are
making a wish list for the types of functions that we want to be
integrable, then in light of equation (i) it seems desirable to
expect this set to at least contain the set of derivatives. The
fact that derivatives are not always continuous is further
motivation not to content ourselves with an integral that cannot
handle some discontinuities.
7.2 The Definition of the Riemann Integral
Although it has the benefit of some polish due to
Darboux, the development of the integral presented in this chapter
is closely related to the procedure just discussed. In place of
Riemann sums, we will construct upper sums and lower sums (Fig. 7.2), and in place of a
limit we will use a supremum and an infimum.
Figure 7.2
Upper and Lower Sums.
Throughout this section, it is assumed that we
are working with a bounded
function f on a closed
interval [a, b], meaning that there exists an
M > 0 such
that | f(x) | ≤ M for all x ∈ [a, b].
Partitions, Upper Sums, and Lower Sums
Definition 7.2.1.
A partition P of [a, b] is a finite set of points from
[a, b] that includes both a and b. The notational convention is to
always list the points of a partition P = { x 0, x 1, x 2, …, x n } in increasing order; thus,
For each subinterval [x
k−1, x
k ] of
P, let
The lower sum of
f with respect to
P is given by
Likewise, we define the upper
sum of f with
respect to P by
For a particular partition P, it is clear that U(f, P) ≥ L(f, P). The fact that this same inequality
holds if the upper and lower sums are computed with respect to
different partitions is the content of the next two lemmas.
Definition 7.2.2.
A partition Q is a refinement of a partition P if Q contains all of the points of
P; that is, if P ⊆ Q.
Lemma 7.2.3.
If P ⊆ Q, then L(f,P) ≤ L(f,Q), and U(f,P) ≥
Consider what happens when we refine P by adding a single point z to some subinterval [x k−1, x k ] of P.
Focusing on the lower sum for a moment, we have
are each necessarily as large or larger than m k .
By induction, we have L(f, P) ≤ L(f, Q), and an analogous argument holds for
the upper sums.
Lemma 7.2.4.
If P
1 and P
2 are any two
partitions of [a,b], then L(f,P 1 ) ≤ U(f,P 2 ).
Let Q = P 1 ∪ P 2 be the so-called
common refinement of
P 1 and
P 2. Because
1 ⊆ Q and
2 ⊆ Q, it
follows that
Intuitively, it helps to
visualize a particular upper sum as an overestimate for the value
of the integral and a lower sum as an underestimate. As the
partitions get more refined, the upper sums get potentially smaller
while the lower sums get potentially larger. A function is
integrable if the upper and
lower sums “meet” at some common value in the middle.
Rather than taking a limit of these sums, we will
instead make use of the Axiom of Completeness and consider the
infimum of the upper sums
and the supremum of the
lower sums.
Definition 7.2.5.
Let be the collection of all possible
partitions of the interval [a, b]. The upper integral of f is defined to be
In a similar way, define the lower
integral of f by
The following fact is not surprising.
Lemma 7.2.6.
For any bounded function f on [a,b], it is
always the case that U(f) ≥ L(f).
Exercise 7.2.1.
Definition 7.2.7 (Riemann Integrability).
A bounded function f defined on the interval [a, b] is Riemann-integrable if U(f) = L(f). In this case, we define
∫ a b f or ∫ a b f(x) dx to be this common value; namely,
The modifier “Riemann” in front of “integrable”
accurately suggests that there are other ways to define the
integral. In fact, our work in this chapter will expose the need
for a different approach, one of which is discussed in
Section 8.1 In this chapter, the Riemann
integral is the only method under consideration, so it will usually
be convenient to drop the modifier “Riemann” and simply refer to a
function as being “integrable.”
Criteria for Integrability
To summarize the situation thus far, it is always
the case for a bounded function f on [a, b] that
The function f is
integrable if the inequality is an equality. The major thrust of
our investigation of the integral is to describe, as best we can,
the class of integrable functions. The preceding inequality reveals
that integrability is really equivalent to the existence of
partitions whose upper and lower sums are arbitrarily close
Theorem 7.2.8 (Integrability Criterion).
A bounded
function f is integrable on [a,b] if and only if, for every ε >
0, there exists a partition P ε of [a,b] such that
Let ε > 0. If such a partition
P ε exists, then
Because ε is arbitrary, it
must be that U(f) = L(f), so f is integrable. (To be absolutely
precise here, we could throw in a reference to
Theorem 1.2.6.)
The proof of the converse statement is a familiar
triangle inequality argument with parentheses in place of absolute
value bars because, in each case, we know which quantity is larger.
Because U(f) is the greatest lower bound of the
upper sums, we know that, given some ε > 0, there must exist a partition
P 1 such that
Likewise, there exists a partition P 2 satisfying
Now, let P
= P 1 ∪
P 2 be the
common refinement. Keeping in mind that the integrability of
f means U(f) = L(f), we can write
In the discussion at the beginning of this
chapter, it became clear that integrability is closely tied to the
concept of continuity. To make this observation more precise, let
P = { x 0, x 1, x 2, …, x n } be an arbitrary partition of
[a, b], and define . Then,
where M k and m k are the supremum and infimum of
the function on the interval [x k−1, x k ], respectively. Our ability to
control the size of U(f, P) − L(f, P) hinges on the differences
M k − m k , which we can interpret as the
variation in the range of the function over the interval
[x k−1, x k ]. Restricting the variation of
f over arbitrarily small
intervals in [a, b] is precisely what it means to say that
f is uniformly continuous
on this set.
Theorem 7.2.9.
If f is
continuous on [a,b], then it is integrable.
Because f
is continuous on a compact set, it must be bounded. It is also
uniformly continuous for the same reason. This means that, given
ε > 0, there exists a
δ > 0 so
that | x − y | < δ guarantees
Now, let P be a partition
of [a, b] where is less than
δ for every subinterval of
Given a particular subinterval [x k−1, x k ] of P, we know from the Extreme Value
Theorem (Theorem 4.4.2) that the supremum
M k = f(z k ) for some z k ∈ [x k−1, x k ]. In addition, the infimum
m k is attained at some point
y k also in the interval
[x k−1, x k ]. But this
means | z k − y k | < δ, so
and f is integrable by the
criterion given in Theorem 7.2.8.
Exercise 7.2.1.
Let f be
a bounded function on [a, b], and let P be an arbitrary partition of
[a, b]. First, explain why U(f) ≥ L(f, P). Now, prove Lemma 7.2.6.
Exercise 7.2.2.
Consider over the interval [1, 4]. Let
P be the partition
consisting of the points {1, 3∕2, 2, 4}.
- (a)
Compute L(f, P), U(f, P), and U(f, P) − L(f, P).
- (b)
What happens to the value of U(f, P) − L(f, P) when we add the point 3 to the partition?
- (c)
Find a partition P ′ of [1, 4] for which .
Exercise 7.2.3 (Sequential Criterion for
- (a)
Prove that a bounded function f is integrable on [a, b] if and only if there exists a sequence of partitions (P n ) n = 1 ∞ satisfying and in this case .
- (b)
For each n, let P n be the partition of [0, 1] into n equal subintervals. Find formulas for U(f, P n ) and L(f, P n ) if f(x) = x. The formula will be useful.
- (c)
Use the sequential criterion for integrability from (a) to show directly that f(x) = x is integrable on [0, 1] and compute ∫ 0 1 f.
Exercise 7.2.4.
Let g be
bounded on [a, b] and assume there exists a partition
P with L(g, P) = U(g, P). Describe g. Is it integrable? If so, what is the
value of ∫
b g?
Exercise 7.2.5.
Assume that, for each n, f n is an integrable function on
[a, b]. If (f n ) → f uniformly on [a, b], prove that f is also integrable on this set. (We
will see that this conclusion does not necessarily follow if the
convergence is pointwise.)
Exercise 7.2.6.
A tagged
partition (P, {c k }) is one where in addition to
a partition P we choose a
sampling point c
k in each of the
subintervals [x
k−1, x
k ]. The
corresponding Riemann sum,
is discussed in Section 7.1, where the following definition is alluded
Riemann’s Original
Definition of the Integral: A bounded function f is integrable on [a, b] with ∫ a b f = A if for all ε > 0 there exists a δ > 0 such that for any tagged
partition (P, {c k }) satisfying Δ x k < δ for all k, it follows that
Show that if f satisfies
Riemann’s definition above, then f is integrable in the sense of
Definition 7.2.7. (The full equivalence of these two
characterizations of integrability is proved in
Section 8.1)
Exercise 7.2.7.
Let f: [a, b] → R be increasing on the set [a, b] (i.e., f(x) ≤ f(y) whenever x < y). Show that f is integrable on [a, b].
7.3 Integrating Functions with Discontinuities
The fact that continuous functions are integrable
is not so much a fortunate discovery as it is evidence for a
well-designed integral. Riemann’s integral is a modification of
Cauchy’s definition of the integral, and Cauchy’s definition was
crafted specifically to work on continuous functions. The
interesting issue is discovering just how dependent the Riemann
integral is on the continuity of the integrand.
Example 7.3.1.
Consider the function
on the interval [0, 2]. If P is any partition of [0, 2], a quick
calculation reveals that U(f, P) = 2. The lower sum L(f, P) will be less than 2 because any
subinterval of P that
contains x = 1 will
contribute zero to the value of the lower sum. The way to show that
f is integrable is to
construct a partition that minimizes the effect of the
discontinuity by embedding x = 1 into a very small
Let ε > 0, and consider the partition
Because U(f, P ε ) = 2, we have
We can now use Theorem 7.2.8 to conclude that f is integrable.
Although the function in
Example 7.3.1 is extremely simple, the method used to
show it is integrable is really the same one used to prove that any
bounded function with a single discontinuity is integrable. The
notation in the following proof is more cumbersome, but the essence
of the argument is that the misbehavior of the function at its
discontinuity is isolated inside a particularly small subinterval
of the partition.
Theorem 7.3.2.
If f: [a,b]
→ R is bounded, and f is integrable on [c,b] for
all c ∈ (a,b), then f is integrable on [a,b]. An analogous result
holds at the other endpoint.
Let ε > 0. As usual, our task is to
produce a partition P such
that U(f, P) − L(f, P) < ε. For any partition, we can always
so the first step is to choose x 1 close enough to
a so that
This is not too difficult. Because f is bounded, we know there exists
M > 0
satisfying | f(x) | ≤ M for all x ∈ [a, b]. Noting that M 1 − m 1 ≤ 2M, let’s pick x 1 so that
Now, by hypothesis, f is
integrable on [x
1, b], so there
exists a partition P
1 of [x
1, b] for which
Finally, we let P = { a} ∪ P 1 be a partition of
[a, b], from which it follows that
Theorem 7.3.2 enables us to prove that a bounded
function on a closed interval with a single discontinuity at an
endpoint is still integrable. In the next section, we will prove
that integrability on the intervals [a, b] and [b, d] is equivalent to integrability on
[a, d]. This property, together with an
induction argument, leads to the conclusion that any function with
a finite number of
discontinuities is still integrable. What if the number of
discontinuities is infinite?
Example 7.3.3.
Recall Dirichlet’s function
from Section 4.1 If P is some partition of [0, 1], then the
density of the rationals in R
implies that every subinterval of P will contain a point where
g(x) = 1. It follows that U(g, P) = 1. On the other hand, L(g, P) = 0 because the irrationals are also
dense in R. Because this is
the case for every partition P, we see that the upper integral
U(f) = 1 and the lower integral
L(f) = 0. The two are not equal, so we
conclude that Dirichlet’s function is not integrable.
How discontinuous can a function be before it
fails to be integrable? Before jumping to the hasty (and incorrect)
conclusion that the Riemann integral fails for functions with more
than a finite number of discontinuities, we should realize that
Dirichlet’s function is discontinuous at every point in [0, 1]. It would be
useful to investigate a function where the discontinuities are
infinite in number but do not necessarily make up all of [0, 1].
Thomae’s function, also defined in Section 4.1, is one such example. The
discontinuous points of this function are precisely the rational
numbers in [0, 1]. In the exercises to follow we will see that
Thomae’s function is
Riemann-integrable, raising the bar for allowable discontinuous
points to include potentially infinite sets.
The conclusion of this story is contained in the
doctoral dissertation of Henri Lebesgue, who presented his work in
1901. Lebesgue’s elegant criterion for Riemann integrability is
explored in great detail in Section 7.6. For the moment,
though, we will take a short detour from questions of integrability
and construct a proof of the celebrated Fundamental Theorem of
Exercise 7.3.1.
Consider the function
over the interval [0, 1].
- (a)
Show that L(f, P) = 1 for every partition P of [0, 1].
- (b)
Construct a partition P for which .
- (c)
Given ε > 0, construct a partition P ε for which U(f, P ε ) < 1 +ε.
Exercise 7.3.2.
Recall that Thomae’s function
has a countable set of discontinuities occurring at precisely every
rational number. Follow these steps to prove t(x) is integrable on [0, 1] with
∫ 0 1
t = 0.
- (a)
First argue that L(t, P) = 0 for any partition P of [0, 1].
- (b)
Let ε > 0, and consider the set of points . How big is D ε∕2?
- (c)
To complete the argument, explain how to construct a partition P ε of [0, 1] so that U(t, P ε ) < ε.
Exercise 7.3.3.
Show that f is integrable
on [0, 1] and compute ∫
0 1 f.
Exercise 7.3.4.
Let f and
g be functions defined on
(possibly different) closed intervals, and assume the range of
f is contained in the
domain of g so that the
composition g ∘
f is properly defined.
- (a)
Show, by example, that it is not the case that if f and g are integrable, then g ∘ f is integrable.Now decide on the validity of each of the following conjectures, supplying a proof or counterexample as appropriate.
- (b)
If f is increasing and g is integrable, then g ∘ f is integrable.
- (c)
If f is integrable and g is increasing, then g ∘ f is integrable.
Exercise 7.3.5.
Provide an example or give a reason why the
request is impossible.
- (a)
A sequence (f n ) → f pointwise, where each f n has at most a finite number of discontinuities but f is not integrable.
- (b)
A sequence (g n ) → g uniformly where each g n has at most a finite number of discontinuities and g is not integrable.
- (c)
A sequence (h n ) → h uniformly where each h n is not integrable but h is integrable.
Exercise 7.3.6.
Let {r
1, r
2, r
3, …} be an
enumeration of all the rationals in [0, 1], and define
- (a)
Is integrable on [0, 1]?
- (b)
Is integrable on [0, 1]?
Exercise 7.3.7.
Assume f: [a, b] → R is integrable.
- (a)
Show that if g satisfies g(x) = f(x) for all but a finite number of points in [a, b], then g is integrable as well.
- (b)
Find an example to show that g may fail to be integrable if it differs from f at a countable number of points.
Exercise 7.3.8.
As in Exercise 7.3.6, let {r 1, r 2, r 3, …} be an enumeration of the rationals
in [0, 1], but this time define
Show is
integrable on [0, 1] even though it has discontinuities at every
rational point.
Exercise 7.3.9 (Content Zero).
A set A ⊆ [a, b] has content zero if for every ε > 0 there exists a finite
collection of open intervals {O 1, O 2, …, O N } that contain A in their union and whose lengths sum
to ε or less.
Using | O n | to refer to the length of
each interval, we have
- (a)
Let f be bounded on [a, b]. Show that if the set of discontinuous points of f has content zero, then f is integrable.
- (b)
Show that any finite set has content zero.
- (c)
Content zero sets do not have to be finite. They do not have to be countable. Show that the Cantor set C defined in Section 3.1 has content zero.
- (d)
Prove that
7.4 Properties of the Integral
Before embarking on the proof of the Fundamental
Theorem of Calculus, we need to verify what are probably some very
familiar properties of the integral. The discussion in the previous
section has already made use of the following fact.
Theorem 7.4.1.
Assume f: [a,b]
→ R is bounded, and let c ∈ (a,b). Then, f is
integrable on [a,b] if and only if f is integrable on [a,c] and
[c,b]. In this case, we have
If f is
integrable on [a, b], then for ε > 0 there exists a partition
P such that U(f, P) − L(f, P) < ε. Because refining a partition can
only potentially bring the upper and lower sums closer together, we
can simply add c to
P if it is not already
there. Then, let P
1 = P ∩
[a, c] be a partition of [a, c], and P 2 = P ∩ [c, b] be a partition of [c, b]. It follows that
implying that f is
integrable on [a, c] and [c, b].
Conversely, if we are given that f is integrable on the two smaller
intervals [a, c] and [c, b], then given an ε > 0 we can produce partitions
P 1 and
P 2 of
[a, c] and [c, b], respectively, such that
Letting P = P 1 ∪ P 2 produces a partition of
[a, b] for which
Thus, f is integrable on
[a, b].
Continuing to let P = P 1 ∪ P 2 as earlier, we have
which implies .
To get the other inequality, observe that
Because ε > 0 is
arbitrary, we must have ∫
c f + ∫ c b f ≤ ∫ a b f, so
as desired.
The proof of Theorem 7.4.1 demonstrates some
of the standard techniques involved for proving facts about the
Riemann integral. The next result catalogs the remainder of the
basic properties of the integral that we will need in our upcoming
Theorem 7.4.2.
Assume f and g
are integrable functions on the interval [a,b].
- (i)
The function f + g is integrable on [a,b] with .
- (ii)
For k ∈ R , the function kf is integrable with ∫ a b kf = k∫ a b f.
- (iii)
If m ≤ f(x) ≤ M on [a,b], then .
- (iv)
If f(x) ≤ g(x) on [a,b], then ∫ a b f ≤ ∫ a b g.
- (v)
The function |f| is integrable and |∫ a b f|≤ ∫ a b |f|.
Properties (i) and (ii) are reminiscent of the
Algebraic Limit Theorem and its many descendants
(Theorems 2.3.3, 2.7.1, 4.2.4,
and 5.2.4). In fact, there is a way to use the Algebraic Limit
Theorem for this argument as well. An immediate corollary to
Theorem 7.2.8 is that a function f is integrable on [a, b] if and only if there exists a
sequence of partitions (P
n ) satisfying
and in this case .
(A proof for this was requested as Exercise 7.2.3.)
To prove (ii) for the case k ≥ 0, first verify that for any
partition P we have
Exercise 1.3.5 is used here. Because
f is integrable, there
exist partitions (P
n ) satisfying
(1). Turning
our attention to the function (kf), we see that
and the formula in (ii) follows. The case where k < 0 is similar except that we have
A proof for (i) can be constructed using similar
methods and is requested in Exercise 7.4.5.
To prove (iii), observe that
for any partition P.
Statement (iii) follows if we take P to be the trivial partition
consisting of only the endpoints a and b.
For (iv), let and use (i), (ii), and (iii).
Because − | f(x) | ≤ f(x) ≤ | f(x) | on [a, b], statement (v) will follow from (iv)
provided that we can show that | f | is actually integrable. The proof
of this fact is outlined in Exercise 7.4.1.
To this point, the quantity ∫ a b f is only defined in the case where
a < b.
Definition 7.4.3.
If f is
integrable on the interval [a, b], define
Also, for c ∈ [a, b] define
Definition 7.4.3 is a natural
convention to simplify the algebra of integrals. If f is an integrable function on some
interval I, then it is
straightforward to verify that the equation
from Theorem 7.4.1 remains valid for any three points a, b, and c chosen in any order from I.
Uniform Convergence and Integration
If (f
n ) is a
sequence of integrable functions on [a, b], and if f n → f, then we are inevitably going to want
to know whether
This is an archetypical instance of one of the major themes of
analysis: When does a mathematical manipulation such as integration
respect the limiting process?
If the convergence is pointwise, then any number
of things can go wrong. It is possible for each f n to be integrable but for the
limit f not to be
integrable (Exercise 7.3.5). Even if the limit function
f is integrable, equation
(2) may fail
to hold. As an example of this, let
Each f n has two discontinuities on
[0, 1] and so is integrable with ∫ 0 1
f n = 1. For each x ∈ [0, 1], we have limf n (x) = 0 so that f n → 0 pointwise on [0, 1]. But
now observe that the limit function f = 0 certainly integrates to 0, and
As a final remark on what can go wrong in (2), we should point out
that it is possible to modify this example to produce a situation
where lim∫ 0
1 f
n does not even
One way to resolve all of these problems is to
add the assumption of uniform convergence.
Theorem 7.4.4 (Integrable Limit Theorem).
Assume that
f n → f
uniformly on [a,b] and that each f n is integrable. Then, f is integrable
Exercise 7.4.1.
Let f be
a bounded function on a set A, and set
- (a)
Show that .
- (b)
Show that if f is integrable on the interval [a, b], then | f | is also integrable on this interval.
- (c)
Provide the details for the argument that in this case we have | ∫ a b f | ≤ ∫ a b | f | .
Exercise 7.4.2.
- (a)
Let g(x) = x 3, and classify each of the following as positive, negative, or zero.
- (b)
Show that if b ≤ a ≤ c and f is integrable on the interval [b, c], then it is still the case that .
Exercise 7.4.3.
Decide which of the following conjectures is true
and supply a short proof. For those that are not true, give a
- (a)
If | f | is integrable on [a, b], then f is also integrable on this set.
- (b)
Assume g is integrable and g(x) ≥ 0 on [a, b]. If g(x) > 0 for an infinite number of points x ∈ [a, b], then ∫ a b g > 0.
- (c)
If g is continuous on [a, b] and g(x) ≥ 0 with g(y 0) > 0 for at least one point y 0 ∈ [a, b], then ∫ a b g > 0.
Exercise 7.4.4.
Show that if f(x) > 0 for all x ∈ [a, b] and f is integrable, then ∫ a b f > 0.
Exercise 7.4.5.
Let f and
g be integrable functions
on [a, b].
- (a)
Show that if P is any partition of [a, b], then
- (b)
Review the proof of Theorem 7.4.2 (ii), and provide an argument for part (i) of this theorem.
Exercise 7.4.6.
Although not part of Theorem 7.4.2, it is true that
the product of integrable functions is integrable. Provide the
details for each step in the following proof of this fact:
- (a)
If f satisfies | f(x) | ≤ M on [a, b], show
- (b)
Prove that if f is integrable on [a, b], then so is f 2.
- (c)
Now show that if f and g are integrable, then fg is integrable. (Consider (f + g)2.)
Exercise 7.4.7.
Review the discussion immediately preceding
Theorem 7.4.4.
- (a)
Produce an example of a sequence f n → 0 pointwise on [0, 1] where lim n → ∞ ∫ 0 1 f n does not exist.
- (b)
Produce an example of a sequence g n with ∫ 0 1 g n → 0 but g n (x) does not converge to zero for any x ∈ [0, 1]. To make it more interesting, let’s insist that g n (x) ≥ 0 for all x and n.
Exercise 7.4.8.
For each n ∈ N, let
and set . Show
H is integrable and compute
∫ 0 1
Exercise 7.4.9.
Let g
n and
g be uniformly bounded on
[0, 1], meaning that there exists a single M > 0 satisfying | g(x) | ≤ M and | g n (x) | ≤ M for all n ∈ N and x ∈ [0, 1]. Assume g n → g pointwise on [0, 1] and uniformly on
any set of the form [0, α],
where 0 < α < 1.
If all the functions are integrable, show that
Exercise 7.4.10.
Assume g
is integrable on [0, 1] and continuous at 0. Show
Exercise 7.4.11.
Review the original definition of integrability
in Section 7.2, and in particular the definition of the
upper integral U(f). One reasonable suggestion might be
to bypass the complications introduced in
Definition 7.2.7 and simply define the integral to be the
value of U(f). Then every bounded function is integrable!
Although tempting, proceeding in this way has some significant
drawbacks. Show by example that several of the properties in
Theorem 7.4.2 no longer hold if we replace our current
definition of integrability with the proposal that ∫ a b f = U(f) for every bounded function
7.5 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
The derivative and the integral have been
independently defined, each in its own rigorous mathematical terms.
The definition of the derivative is motivated by the problem of
finding slopes of tangent lines and is given in terms of functional
limits of difference quotients. The definition of the integral
grows out of the desire to calculate areas under nonconstant
functions and is given in terms of supremums and infimums of finite
sums. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus reveals the remarkable
inverse relationship between the two processes.
The result is stated in two parts. The first is a
computational statement that describes how an antiderivative can be
used to evaluate an integral over a particular interval. The second
statement is more theoretical in nature, expressing the fact that
every continuous function is the derivative of its indefinite
Theorem 7.5.1 (Fundamental Theorem of Calculus).
- (i)
If f: [a,b] → R is integrable, and F: [a,b] → R satisfies F ′ (x) = f(x) for all x ∈ [a,b], then
- (ii)
Let g: [a,b] → R be integrable, and for x ∈ [a,b], define
(i) Let P
be a partition of [a, b] and apply the Mean Value Theorem to
F on a typical subinterval
[x k−1, x k ] of P. This yields a point t k ∈ (x k−1, x k ) where
Now, consider the upper and lower sums U(f, P) and L(f, P). Because m k ≤ f(t k ) ≤ M k (where m k is the infimum on [x k−1, x k ] and M k is the supremum), it follows
But notice that the sum in the middle telescopes so that
which is independent of the
partition P. Thus we have
Because , we conclude that
(ii) To prove the second statement, take
x > y in [a, b] and observe that
where M > 0 is a bound
on | g | . This shows that
G is Lipschitz and so is
uniformly continuous on [a, b] (Exercise 4.4.9).
Now, let’s assume that g is continuous at c ∈ [a, b]. In order to show that G ′ (c) = g(c), we rewrite the limit for
G ′ (c) as
We would like to show that this limit equals g(c). Thus, given an ε > 0, we must produce a
δ > 0 such that
if | x − c | < δ, then
The assumption of continuity of g gives us control over the
difference | g(t) − g(c) | . In particular, we know that
there exists a δ > 0
such that
To take advantage of this, we cleverly write the constant
g(c) as
and combine the two terms in equation (1) into a single
integral. Keeping in mind that , we
have that for all | x −
c | < δ,
Exercise 7.5.1.
- (a)
Let f(x) = | x | and define . Find a piecewise algebraic formula for F(x) for all x. Where is F continuous? Where is F differentiable? Where does F ′ (x) = f(x)?
- (b)
Repeat part (a) for the function
Exercise 7.5.2.
Decide whether each statement is true or false,
providing a short justification for each conclusion.
- (a)
If g = h ′ for Some h on [a, b], then g is continuous on [a, b].
- (b)
If g is continuous on [a, b], then g = h ′ for some h on [a, b].
- (c)
If H(x) = ∫ a x h is differentiable at c ∈ [a, b], then h is continuous at c.
Exercise 7.5.3.
The hypothesis in Theorem 7.5.1 (i) that
F ′ (x) = f(x) for all x ∈ [a, b] is slightly stronger than it needs
to be. Carefully read the proof and state exactly what needs to be
assumed with regard to the relationship between f and F for the proof to be valid.
Exercise 7.5.4.
Show that if f: [a, b] → R is continuous and ∫ a x f = 0 for all x ∈ [a, b], then f(x) = 0 everywhere on [a, b]. Provide an example to show that
this conclusion does not follow if f is not continuous.
Exercise 7.5.5.
The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus can be used
to supply a shorter argument for Theorem 6.3.1 under the additional
assumption that the sequence of derivatives is continuous.
Assume f
→ f pointwise and
f n ′ → g uniformly on [a, b]. Assuming each f n ′ is continuous, we can apply
Theorem 7.5.1 (i) to get
for all x ∈ [a, b]. Show that g(x) = f ′ (x).
Exercise 7.5.6 (Integration-by-parts).
- (a)
Assume h(x) and k(x) have continuous derivatives on [a, b] and derive the familiar integration-by-parts formula
- (b)
Explain how the result in Exercise 7.4.6 can be used to slightly weaken the hypothesis in part (a).
Exercise 7.5.7.
Exercise 7.5.8 (Natural Logarithm and Euler’s
where we consider only x > 0.
- (a)
What is L(1)? Explain why L is differentiable and find L ′ (x).
- (b)
Show that . (Think of y as a constant and differentiate g(x) = L(xy).)
- (c)
- (d)
- (e)
Show how consideration of the sequence γ 2n −γ n leads to the interesting identity
Exercise 7.5.9.
Given a function f on [a, b], define the total variation of f to be
where the supremum is taken over all partitions P of [a, b].
- (a)
If f is continuously differentiable (f ′ exists as a continuous function), use the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to show Vf ≤ ∫ a b | f ′ | .
- (b)
Use the Mean Value Theorem to establish the reverse inequality and conclude that Vf = ∫ a b | f ′ | .
Exercise 7.5.10 (Change-of-variable Formula).
Let g: [a, b] → R be differentiable and assume
g ′ is continuous. Let f: [c, d] → R be continuous, and assume that the
range of g is contained in
[c, d] so that the composition f ∘ g is properly defined.
- (a)
Why are we sure f is the derivative of some function? How about (f ∘ g)g ′ ?
- (b)
Prove the change-of-variable formula
Exercise 7.5.11.
Assume f
is integrable on [a, b] and has a “jump discontinuity” at
c ∈ (a, b). This means that both one-sided
limits exist as x
approaches c from the left
and from the right, but that
(This phenomenon is discussed in more detail in
Section 4.6)
- (a)
Show that, in this case, F(x) = ∫ a x f is not differentiable at x = c.
- (b)
7.6 Lebesgue’s Criterion for Riemann Integrability
We now return to our investigation of the
relationship between continuity and the Riemann integral. We have
proved that continuous functions are integrable and that the
integral also exists for functions with only a finite number of
discontinuities. At the opposite end of the spectrum, we saw that
Dirichlet’s function, which is discontinuous at every point on
[0, 1], fails to be Riemann-integrable. The next examples show that
the set of discontinuities of an integrable function can be
infinite and even uncountable. (These also appear as exercises in
Section 7.3.)
Riemann-integrable Functions with Infinite Discontinuities
Recall from Section 4.1 that Thomae’s function
is continuous on the set of irrationals and has discontinuities at
every rational point. Let’s prove that Thomae’s function is
integrable on [0, 1] with ∫
0 1 t = 0.
Let ε > 0. The strategy, as usual, is to
construct a partition P
ε of [0, 1] for
which .
Exercise 7.6.1.
- (a)
First, argue that L(t, P) = 0 for any partition P of [0, 1].
- (b)
Consider the set of points . How big is D ε∕2?
- (c)
To complete the argument, explain how to construct a partition P ε of [0, 1] so that U(t, P ε ) < ε.
We first met the Cantor set C in Section 3.1. We have since learned that
C is a compact, uncountable
subset of the interval [0, 1].
Exercise 7.6.2.
- (a)
Show h has discontinuities at each point of C and is continuous at every point of the complement of C. Thus, h is not continuous on an uncountably infinite set.
- (b)
Now prove that h is integrable on [0, 1].
Sets of Measure Zero
Thomae’s function fails to be continuous at each
rational number in [0, 1]. Although this set is infinite, we have
seen that any infinite subset of Q is countable. Countably infinite sets
are the smallest type of infinite set. The Cantor set is
uncountable, but it is also small in a sense that we are now ready
to make precise. In the introduction to Chapter 3, we presented an argument that the
Cantor set has zero “length.” The term “length” is awkward here
because it really should only be applied to intervals or finite
unions of intervals, which the Cantor set is not. There is a
generalization of the concept of length to more general sets called
the measure of a set. Of
interest to our discussion are subsets that have measure zero.
Definition 7.6.1.
A set A ⊆ R has measure zero if, for all ε > 0, there exists a countable
collection of open intervals O n with the property that
A is contained in the union
of all of the intervals O
n and the sum of
the lengths of all of the intervals is less than or equal to
ε. More precisely,
if | O n | refers to the length of the
interval O
n , then we have
Example 7.6.2.
Consider a finite set A = { a 1, a 2, …, a N }. To show that A has measure zero, let ε > 0 be arbitrary. For each
1 ≤ n ≤ N, construct the interval
Clearly, A is contained in
the union of these intervals, and
Exercise 7.6.3.
Show that any countable set has measure
Exercise 7.6.4.
Prove that the Cantor set has measure zero.
Exercise 7.6.5.
Show that if two sets A and B each have measure zero, then
A ∪ B has measure zero as well. In
addition, discuss the proof of the stronger statement that the
countable union of sets of measure zero also has measure zero.
(This second statement is true, but a completely rigorous proof
requires a result about double summations discussed in
Section 2.8)
Definition 7.6.3.
Let f be
defined on [a, b], and let α > 0. The function f is α-continuous at x ∈ [a,b] if there
exists δ > 0 such that
for all it follows
that | f(y) − f(z) | < α.
Let f be
a bounded function on [a, b]. For each α > 0, define D α to be the set of points in
[a, b] where the function f fails to be α-continuous; that is,
The concept of α-continuity
was previously introduced in Section 4.6 Several of the ensuing exercises
appeared as exercises in this section as well.
Exercise 7.6.6.
If α < α ′ , show that .
Now, let
Exercise 7.6.7.
- (a)
Let α > 0 be given. Show that if f is continuous at x ∈ [a, b], then it is α-continuous at x as well. Explain how it follows that D α ⊆ D.
- (b)
Show that if f is not continuous at x, then f is not α-continuous for some α > 0. Now, explain why this guarantees that
Exercise 7.6.8.
Prove that for a fixed α > 0, the set D α is closed.
Just as with continuity,
α-continuity is defined
pointwise, and just as with continuity, uniformity is going to play
an important role.
For a fixed α > 0, a function f: A → R is uniformly α-continuous on A if there
exists a δ > 0 such that
whenever x and y are points in A satisfying | x − y | < δ, it follows that | f(x) − f(y) | < α. By imitating the proof of
Theorem 4.4.7, it is completely
straightforward to show that if f is α-continuous at every point on some
compact set K, then
f is uniformly α-continuous on K.
Compactness Revisited
Compactness of subsets of the real line can be
described in three equivalent ways. The following theorem appears
toward the end of Section 3.3
Theorem 7.6.4.
Let K ⊆
R . The following three statements are all
equivalent, in the sense that if any one is true, then so are the
two others.
- (i)
Every sequence contained in K has a convergent subsequence that converges to a limit in K.
- (ii)
K is closed and bounded.
- (iii)
Given a collection of open intervals {G λ : λ ∈Λ} that covers K (that is, ) there exists a finite subcollection of the original set that also covers K.
The equivalence of (i) and (ii) has been used
throughout the core material in the text. Characterization (iii)
has been less central but is essential to the upcoming argument. If
the characterization of compactness in terms of open covers is not
familiar, take a moment to review the second half of
Section 3.3 and complete the proof that (i)
and (ii) imply (iii) outlined in Exercise 3.3.9.
Lebesgue’s Theorem
We are now prepared to completely categorize the
collection of Riemann- integrable functions in terms of
Theorem 7.6.5 (Lebesgue’s Theorem).
Let f be a
bounded function defined on the interval [a,b]. Then, f is
Riemann-integrable if and only if the set of points where f is not
continuous has measure zero.
Let M > 0 satisfy | f(x) | ≤ M for all x ∈ [a, b], and let D and D α be defined as in the preceding
equations (1)
and (2).
Let’s first assume that D
has measure zero and prove that our function is integrable.
( ⇐ ) Let ε > 0 and set
Exercise 7.6.9.
Show that there exists a finite collection of disjoint open
intervals {G
1, G
2, …, G N } whose union contains
D α and that satisfies
Exercise 7.6.10.
Let K be
what remains of the interval [a, b] after the open intervals
G n are all removed; that is,
. Argue
that f is uniformly
α-continuous on
Exercise 7.6.11.
Finish the proof in this direction by explaining
how to construct a partition P ε of [a, b] such that U(f, P ε ) − L(f, P ε ) ≤ ε. It will be helpful to break the sum
into two parts—one over those subintervals that contain points of
D α and the other over subintervals
that do not.
( ⇒ ) For the other direction, assume
f is Riemann-integrable. We
must argue that the set D
of discontinuities of f has
measure zero.
Let ε > 0 be arbitrary, and fix
α > 0. Because
f is Riemann-integrable,
there exists a partition P
ε of
[a, b] such that U(f, P ε ) − L(f, P ε ) < α ε.
Exercise 7.6.12.
- (a)
Prove that D α has measure zero. Point out that it is possible to choose a cover for D α that consists of a finite number of open intervals.
- (b)
Show how this implies that D has measure zero.
Our main agenda in the remainder of this section
is to employ Lebesgue’s Theorem in our pursuit of a non-integrable
derivative, but this elegant result has a number of other
Exercise 7.6.13.
- (a)
Show that if f and g are integrable on [a, b], then so is the product fg. (This result was requested in Exercise 7.4.6, but notice how much easier the argument is now.)
- (b)
Show that if g is integrable on [a, b] and f is continuous on the range of g, then the composition f ∘ g is integrable on [a, b].
If we instead assume that f is integrable and g is continuous, it actually doesn’t
follow that the composition f ∘ g is an integrable function. Producing
a counterexample, however, requires a few more ingredients.
A Nonintegrable Derivative
To this point, our one example of a nonintegrable
function is Dirichlet’s nowhere-continuous function. We close this
section with another example that has special significance. The
content of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus is that integration
and differentiation are inverse processes of each other. If a
function f is
differentiable on [a, b], then part (i) of the Fundamental
Theorem tells us that
provided f
′ is integrable.
But shouldn’t f
′ be integrable
just by virtue of being a derivative? A curious side-effect of
staring at equation (3) for any length of time is that it starts to
feel as though every
derivative should be integrable because we have an obvious
candidate for what the value of the integral ought to be. Alas, for
the Riemann integral at least, reality comes up short of our
expectations. What follows is the construction of a differentiable
function f for which
equation (3)
fails because ∫
b f ′ does not exist.
We will once again be interested in the Cantor
defined in Section 3.1. As an initial step, let’s
create a function f(x) that is differentiable on [0, 1] and
whose derivative f
′ (x) has discontinuities at every point
of C. The key ingredient
for this construction is the function
Exercise 7.6.14.
- (a)
Find g ′ (0).
- (b)
Use the standard rules of differentiation to compute g ′ (x) for x ≠ 0.
- (c)
Explain why, for every δ > 0, g ′ (x) attains every value between 1 and − 1 as x ranges over the set (−δ, δ). Conclude that g ′ is not continuous at x = 0.
Now, we want to transport the behavior of
g around zero to each of
the endpoints of the closed intervals that make up the sets
C n used in the definition of the
Cantor set. The formulas are awkward but the basic idea is
straightforward. Start by setting
To define f 1 on
[0, 1], first assign
In the remaining open middle third, put translated “copies” of
g oscillating toward the
two endpoints (Fig. 7.3). In terms of a formula, we have
Finally, we splice the two oscillating pieces of f 1 together in a way that
makes f 1
differentiable and such that
This splicing is no great feat, and we will skip the details so as
to keep our attention focused on the two endpoints 1/3 and 2/3.
These are the points where f 1 ′ (x) fails to be continuous.
Figure 7.3
A preliminary sketch of f 1(x).
To define f 2(x), we start with f 1(x) and do the same trick as before,
this time in the two open intervals and . The result (Fig. 7.4) is a differentiable
function that is zero on C
2 and has a derivative that is not continuous on the set
Figure 7.4
A graph of f 2(x).
Continuing in this fashion yields a sequence of
functions f
0, f
1, f
2, … defined on
[0, 1].
Exercise 7.6.15.
- (a)
If c ∈ C, what is ?
- (b)
Why does exist for ?
Now, set
Exercise 7.6.16.
- (a)
Explain why f ′ (x) exists for all .
- (b)
If c ∈ C, argue that | f(x) | ≤ (x − c)2 for all x ∈ [0, 1]. Show how this implies f ′ (c) = 0.
- (c)
Give a careful argument for why f ′ (x) fails to be continuous on C. Remember that C contains many points besides the endpoints of the intervals that make up C 1, C 2, C 3, ….
Let’s take inventory of the situation. Our goal
is to create a nonintegrable derivative. Our function f(x) is differentiable, and f ′ fails to be continuous on
C. We are not quite
Exercise 7.6.17.
Why is f
′ (x) Riemann-integrable on [0, 1]?
The reason the Cantor set has measure zero is
that, at each stage, 2 n−1 open intervals of length 1∕3
n are removed
from C n−1. The resulting sum
converges to one, which means that the approximating sets
1, C
2, C
3, … have total
lengths tending to zero. Instead of removing open intervals of
length 1∕3 n at
each stage, let’s see what happens when we remove intervals of
length .
Exercise 7.6.18.
Show that, under these circumstances, the sum of
the lengths of the intervals making up each C n no longer tends to zero as
n → ∞. What is this limit?
If we again take the intersection , the result is a
Cantor-type set with the same topological properties—it is closed,
compact, perfect, and contains no intervals. But a consequence of
the previous exercise is that it no longer has measure zero. This
is just what we need to define our desired function. By repeating
the preceding construction of f(x) on this new Cantor-type set of
strictly positive measure,
we get a differentiable function whose derivative has too many
points of discontinuity (Fig. 7.5). By Lebesgue’s
Theorem, this derivative cannot be integrated using the Riemann
Figure 7.5
A Differentiable Function with a
Non-Integrable Derivative.
7.7 Epilogue
Riemann’s definition of the integral was a
modification of Cauchy’s integral, which was originally designed
for the purpose of integrating continuous functions. In this goal,
the Riemann integral was a complete success. For continuous
functions at least, the process of integration now stood on its own
rigorous footing, defined independently of differentiation. As
analysis progressed, however, the dependence of integrability on
continuity became problematic. The last example of
Section 7.6 highlights one type of weakness: not every
derivative can be integrated. Another limitation of the Riemann
integral arises in association with limits of sequences of
functions. To get a sense of this, let’s once again consider
Dirichlet’s function g(x) introduced in
Section 4.1 Recall that g(x) = 1 whenever x is rational, and g(x) = 0 at every irrational point.
Focusing on the interval [0, 1] for a moment, let
be an enumeration of the countable number of rational points in
this interval. Now, let g
1(x) = 1 if
x = r 1 and define g 1(x) = 0 otherwise. Next, define
g 2(x) = 1 if x is either r 1 or r 2, and let g 2(x) = 0 at all other points. In general,
for each n ∈ N, define
Notice that each g
n has only a
finite number of discontinuities and so is Riemann-integrable with
∫ 0 1
g n = 0. But we also have
g n → g pointwise on the
interval [0, 1]. The problem arises when we remember that
Dirichlet’s nowhere-continuous function is not Riemann-integrable.
Thus, the equation
fails to hold, not because the values on each side of the equal
sign are different but because the value on the right-hand side
does not exist. The content of Theorem 7.4.4 is that this
equation does hold whenever we have g n → g uniformly. This is a reasonable way
to resolve the situation, but it is a bit unsatisfying because the
deficiency in this case is not entirely with the type of
convergence but lies in the strength of the Riemann integral. If we
could make sense of the right-hand side via some other definition
of integration, then maybe equation (1) would actually be
Such a definition was introduced by Henri
Lebesque in 1901. Generally speaking, Lebesgue’s integral is
constructed using a generalization of length called the
measure of a set. In the
previous section, we studied sets of measure zero. In particular, we showed
that the rational numbers in [0,1] (because they are countable)
have measure zero. The irrational numbers in [0,1] have measure
one. This should not be too surprising because we now have that the
measures of these two disjoint sets add up to the length of the
interval [0, 1]. Rather than chopping up the x-axis to approximate the area under
the curve, Lebesgue suggested partitioning the y-axis. In the case of Dirichlet’s
function g, there are only
two range values—zero and one. The integral, according to Lebesgue,
could be defined via
With this interpretation of ∫ 0 1
g, equation (1) is now valid!
The Lebesgue integral is presently the standard
integral in advanced mathematics. The theory is taught to all
graduate students, as well as to many undergraduates, and it is the
integral used in most research papers where integration is
required. The Lebesgue integral generalizes the Riemann integral in
the sense that any function that is Riemann-integrable is
Lebesgue-integrable and integrates to the same value. The real
strength of the Lebesgue integral is that the class of integrable
functions is much larger. Most importantly, this class includes the
limits of different types of Cauchy sequences of integrable
functions. This leads to a group of extremely important convergence
theorems related to equation (1) with hypotheses much weaker than the uniform
convergence assumed in Theorem 7.4.4.
Despite its prevalence, the Lebesgue integral
does have a few drawbacks. There are functions whose improper Riemann integrals exist but
that are not Lebesgue-integrable. Another disappointment arises
from the relationship between integration and differentiation. Even
with the Lebesgue integral, it is still not possible to prove
without some additional assumptions on f. Around 1960, a new integral was
proposed that can integrate a larger class of functions than either
the Riemann integral or the Lebesgue integral and suffers from
neither of the preceding weaknesses. Remarkably, this integral is
actually a return to Riemann’s original technique for defining
integration, with some small modifications in how we describe the
“fineness” of the partitions. An introduction to the generalized
Riemann integral is the topic of Section 8.1