5.1 Discussion: Are Derivatives Continuous?
The geometric motivation for the derivative is
most likely familiar territory. Given a function g(x), the derivative g ′ (x) is understood to be the slope of the
graph of g at each point
x in the domain. A
graphical picture (Fig. 5.1) reveals the impetus behind the mathematical
The difference quotient (g(x) − g(c))∕(x − c) represents the slope of the line
through the two points (x, g(x)) and (c, g(c)). By taking the limit as
x approaches c, we arrive at a well-defined
mathematical meaning for the slope of the tangent line at
x = c.

Figure 5.1
Definition of g′(c).
The myriad applications of the derivative
function are the topic of much of the calculus sequence, as well as
several other upper-level courses in mathematics. None of these
applied questions are pursued here in any length, but it should be
pointed out that the rigorous underpinnings for differentiation
worked out in this chapter are an essential foundation for any
applied study. Eventually, as the derivative is subjected to more
and more complex manipulations, it becomes crucial to know
precisely how differentiation is defined and how it interacts with
other mathematical operations.
Although physical applications are not explicitly
discussed, we will encounter several questions of a more abstract
quality as we develop the theory. Many of these are concerned with
the relationship between differentiation and continuity. Are
continuous functions always differentiable? If not, how
nondifferentiable can a continuous function be? Are differentiable
functions continuous? Given that a function f has a derivative at every point in
its domain, what can we say about the function f ′ ? Is f ′ continuous? How accurately can
we describe the set of all possible derivatives, or are there no
restrictions? Put another way, if we are given an arbitrary
function g, is it always
possible to find a differentiable function f such that f ′ = g, or are there some properties that
g must possess for this to
occur? In our study of continuity, we saw that restricting our
attention to monotone functions had a significant impact on the
answers to questions about sets of discontinuity. What effect, if
any, does this same restriction have on our questions about
potential sets of nondifferentiable points? Some of these issues
are harder to resolve than others, and some remain unanswered in
any satisfactory way.
A particularly useful class of examples for this
discussion are functions of the form
When n = 0, we have seen
(Example 4.2.6) that the oscillations of
sin(1∕x) prevent
g 0(x) from being continuous at
x = 0. When n = 1, these oscillations are squeezed
between | x | and
− | x | , the result being
that g 1 is
continuous at x = 0
(Example 4.3.6). Is
defined? Using the preceding
definition, we get
which, as we now know, does not exist. Thus, g 1 is not differentiable at
x = 0. On the other hand,
the same calculation shows that g 2 is differentiable at zero. In fact, we

At points different from zero, we can use the
familiar rules of differentiation (soon to be justified) to
conclude that g
2 is differentiable everywhere in R with
But now consider
Because the cos(1∕x) term
is not preceded by a factor of x, we must conclude that this limit
does not exist and that, consequently, the derivative function is
not continuous. To summarize, the function g 2(x) is continuous and differentiable
everywhere on R
(Fig. 5.2),
the derivative function
is thus defined everywhere on
R, but
has a discontinuity at zero. The
conclusion is that derivatives need not, in general, be continuous!

Figure 5.2
The function g 2(x) = x 2sin(1∕x) near zero.
The discontinuity in
is essential, meaning
does not
exist as a one-sided limit. But, what about a function with a
simple jump discontinuity? For example, does there exist a function
h such that
A first impression may bring to mind the absolute value function,
which has slopes of − 1 at points to the left of zero and slopes of
1 to the right. However, the absolute value function is
not differentiable at zero.
We are seeking a function that is differentiable everywhere,
including the point zero, where we are insisting that the slope of
the graph be − 1. The degree of difficulty of this request should
start to become apparent. Without sacrificing differentiability at
any point, we are demanding that the slopes jump from − 1 to 1 and
not attain any value in between.

Although we have seen that continuity is not a
required property of derivatives, the intermediate value property
will prove a more stubborn quality to ignore.
5.2 Derivatives and the Intermediate Value Property
Although the definition would technically make
sense for more complicated domains, all of the interesting results
about the relationship between a function and its derivative
require that the domain of the given function be an interval.
Thinking geometrically of the derivative as a rate of change, it
should not be too surprising that we would want to confine the
independent variable to move about a connected domain.
The theory of functional limits from
Section 4.2 is all that is needed to supply
a rigorous definition for the derivative.
Definition 5.2.1 (Differentiability).
be a function
defined on an interval A.
Given c ∈ A, the derivative of g at c is defined by
provided this limit exists. In this case we say g is differentiable at c. If
g ′ exists for all points
c ∈ A, we say that g is differentiable on A.

Example 5.2.2.
- (i)
Consider f(x) = x n , where n ∈ N, and let c be any arbitrary point in R. Using the algebraic identity
- (ii)
If g(x) = | x | , then attempting to compute the derivative at c = 0 produces the limit
Example 5.2.2 (ii) is a reminder that continuity of
g does not imply that
g is necessarily
differentiable. On the other hand, if g is differentiable at a point, then it
is true that g must be
continuous at this point.
Theorem 5.2.3.
is differentiable at a point c ∈ A, then g is
continuous at c as well.

We are assuming that
exists, and we want to prove that
. But notice
that the Algebraic Limit Theorem for functional limits allows us to
It follows that

Combinations of Differentiable Functions
The Algebraic Limit Theorem
(Theorem 2.3.3) led easily to the conclusion
that algebraic combinations of continuous functions are continuous.
With only slightly more work, we arrive at a similar conclusion for
sums, products, and quotients of differentiable functions.
Theorem 5.2.4 (Algebraic Differentiability
Let f and g be
functions defined on an interval A, and assume both are
differentiable at some point c ∈ A. Then,
- (i)
- (ii)
, for all k ∈ R ,
- (iii)
, and
- (iv)
, provided that g(c) ≠ 0.
Statements (i) and (ii) are left as exercises. To
prove (iii), we rewrite the difference quotient as
Because f is differentiable
at c, it is continuous
there and thus
. This fact,
together with the functional-limit version of the Algebraic Limit
Theorem (Theorem 4.2.4), justifies the conclusion
![$$\displaystyle\begin{array}{rcl} \frac{(fg)(x) - (fg)(c)} {x - c} & =& \frac{f(x)g(x) - f(x)g(c) + f(x)g(c) - f(c)g(c)} {x - c} {}\\ & =& f(x)\left [\frac{g(x) - g(c)} {x - c} \right ] + g(c)\left [\frac{f(x) - f(c)} {x - c} \right ]. {}\\ \end{array}$$](A978-1-4939-2712-8_5_Chapter_TeX2GIF_Equ2.gif)

A similar proof of (iv) is possible, or we can
use an argument based on the next result. Each of these options is
discussed in Exercise 5.2.3.
The composition of two differentiable functions
also fortunately results in another differentiable function. This
fact is referred to as the Chain
Rule. To discover the proper formula for the derivative
of the composition g ∘
f, we can write
With a little polish, this string of equations could qualify as a
proof except for the pesky fact that the f(x) − f(c) expression causes problems in the
denominator if f(x) = f(c) for x values in arbitrarily small
neighborhoods of c. (The
function g
2(x) discussed
in Section 5.1 exhibits this behavior near c = 0.) The upcoming proof of the Chain
Rule manages to finesse this problem but in content is essentially
the argument just given. Another approach is sketched in
Exercise 5.2.4.

Theorem 5.2.5 (Chain Rule).
so that the composition g ∘ f is defined. If f
is differentiable at c ∈ A and if g is differentiable at f(c) ∈ B,
then g ∘ f is differentiable at c with

Because g
is differentiable at f(c), we know that
Another way to assert this same fact is to let d(y) be the difference quotient
and observe that
At the moment, d(y) is not defined when y = f(c), but it should seem natural to
declare that
, so that d is continuous at f(c).


Now, we come to the finesse. Equation
(1) can be
rewritten as
Observe that this equation holds for all y ∈ B including y = f(c). Thus,
we are free to substitute y = f(t) for any arbitrary t ∈ A. If t ≠ c, we can divide equation (2) by (t − c) to get
for all t ≠ c. Finally, taking the limit as
and applying the Algebraic Limit
Theorem together with Theorem 4.3.9 yields the desired


Darboux’s Theorem
One conclusion from this chapter’s introduction
is that although continuity is necessary for the derivative to
exist, it is not the case that the derivative function itself will
always be continuous. Our specific example was g 2(x) = x 2sin(1∕x), where we set g 2(0) = 0. By tinkering
with the exponent of the leading x 2 factor, it is possible
to construct examples of differentiable functions with derivatives
that are unbounded, or twice-differentiable functions that have
discontinuous second derivatives (Exercise 5.2.7). The underlying
principle in all of these examples is that by controlling the size
of the oscillations of the original function, we can make the
corresponding oscillations of the slopes volatile enough to prevent
the existence of the relevant limits.
It is significant that for this class of
examples, the discontinuities that arise are never simple jump
discontinuities. (A precise definition of “jump discontinuity” is
presented in Section 4.6) We are now ready to confirm our
earlier suspicions that although derivatives do not in general have
to be continuous, they do possess the intermediate value property.
(See Definition 4.5.3.) This surprising observation
is a fairly straightforward corollary to the more obvious
observation that differentiable functions attain maximums and
minimums only at points where the derivative is equal to zero
(Fig. 5.3).

Figure 5.3
The Interior Extremum Theorem.
Theorem 5.2.6 (Interior Extremum Theorem).
Let f be
differentiable on an open interval (a,b). If f attains a maximum
value at some point c ∈ (a,b) (i.e., f(c) ≥ f(x) for all x ∈
(a,b)), then f ′ (c) = 0. The same is true if f(c) is a minimum
Because c
is in the open interval (a, b), we can construct two sequences
(x n ) and (y n ), which converge to
c and satisfy x n < c < y n for all
. The fact that f(c) is a maximum implies that
f(y n ) − f(c) ≤ 0 for all n, and thus
by the Order Limit Theorem (Theorem 2.3.4). In a similar way,
for each x
n because both
numerator and denominator are negative. This implies that
and therefore f
′ (c) = 0, as desired.

The Interior Extremum Theorem is the fundamental
fact behind the use of the derivative as a tool for solving applied
optimization problems. This idea, discovered and exploited by
Pierre de Fermat, is as old as the derivative itself. In a sense,
finding maximums and minimums is arguably why Fermat invented his
method of finding slopes of tangent lines. It was 200 years later
that the French mathematician Gaston Darboux (1842–1917) pointed
out that Fermat’s method of finding maximums and minimums carries
with it the implication that if a derivative function attains two
distinct values f
′ (a) and f ′ (b), then it must also attain every
value in between.
Theorem 5.2.7 (Darboux’s Theorem).
If f is
differentiable on an interval [a,b], and if α satisfies
, then there exists a point c ∈
(a,b) where

We first simplify matters by defining a new
function g(x) = f(x) −αx on [a, b]. Notice that g is differentiable on [a, b] with
. In terms
of g, our hypothesis states
, and we
hope to show that
for some c ∈ (a, b).

The remainder of the argument is outlined in
Exercise 5.2.11.
Exercise 5.2.1.
Supply proofs for parts (i) and (ii) of
Theorem 5.2.4.
Exercise 5.2.2.
Exactly one of the following requests is
impossible. Decide which it is, and provide examples for the other
three. In each case, let’s assume the functions are defined on all

- (a)
Functions f and g not differentiable at zero but where fg is differentiable at zero.
- (b)
A function f not differentiable at zero and a function g differentiable at zero where fg is differentiable at zero.
- (c)
A function f not differentiable at zero and a function g differentiable at zero where f + g is differentiable at zero.
- (d)
A function f differentiable at zero but not differentiable at any other point.
Exercise 5.2.3.
- (a)
- (b)
- (c)
Exercise 5.2.4.
Follow these steps to provide a slightly modified
proof of the Chain Rule.
- (a)
Show that a function
is differentiable at a ∈ A if and only if there exists a function
which is continuous at a and satisfies
- (b)
Use this criterion for differentiability (in both directions) to prove Theorem 5.2.5.
Exercise 5.2.5.

- (a)
For which values of a is f continuous at zero?
- (b)
For which values of a is f differentiable at zero? In this case, is the derivative function continuous?
- (c)
For which values of a is f twice-differentiable?
Exercise 5.2.6.
Let g be
defined on an interval A,
and let c ∈ A.
- (a)
- (b)
Assume A is open. If g is differentiable at c ∈ A, show
Exercise 5.2.7.
Find a particular (potentially noninteger) value for a so that

- (a)
g a is differentiable on
but such that
is unbounded on [0, 1].
- (b)
g a is differentiable on
continuous but not differentiable at zero.
- (c)
g a is differentiable on
is differentiable on
, but such that
is not continuous at zero.
Exercise 5.2.8.
Review the definition of uniform continuity
(Definition 4.4.4). Given a differentiable
, let’s say that
f is uniformly differentiable on
A if, given
there exists a δ > 0 such that

- (a)
Is f(x) = x 2 uniformly differentiable on
? How about g(x) = x 3?
- (b)
Show that if a function is uniformly differentiable on an interval A, then the derivative must be continuous on A.
- (c)
Is there a theorem analogous to Theorem 4.4.7 for differentiation? Are functions that are differentiable on a closed interval [a, b] necessarily uniformly differentiable?
Exercise 5.2.9.
Decide whether each conjecture is true or false.
Provide an argument for those that are true and a counterexample
for each one that is false.
- (a)
exists on an interval and is not constant, then
must take on some irrational values.
- (b)
exists on an open interval and there is some point c where
, then there exists a
around c in which
for all
- (c)
If f is differentiable on an interval containing zero and if
, then it must be that
Exercise 5.2.10.
Recall that a function
is increasing on (a, b) if f(x) ≤ f(y) whenever x < y in (a, b). A familiar mantra from calculus is
that a differentiable function is increasing if its derivative is
positive, but this statement requires some sharpening in order to
be completely accurate.

Show that the function
is differentiable on
and satisfies
. Now, prove that
g is not increasing over any open interval
containing 0.

In the next section we will see that f is indeed increasing on (a, b) if and only if
for all x ∈ (a, b).

Exercise 5.2.11.
Assume that g is differentiable on [a, b] and satisfies

- (a)
Show that there exists a point x ∈ (a, b) where g(a) > g(x), and a point y ∈ (a, b) where g(y) < g(b).
- (b)
Now complete the proof of Darboux’s Theorem started earlier.
Exercise 5.2.12 (Inverse functions).
is one-to-one,
then there exists an inverse function f −1 defined on the range of
f given by f −1(y) = x where y = f(x). In Exercise 4.5.8 we saw that if f is continuous on [a, b], then f −1 is continuous on its
domain. Let’s add the assumption that f is differentiable on [a, b] with
for all x ∈ [a, b]. Show f −1 is differentiable with
![$$f: [a,b] \rightarrow \mathbf{R}$$](A978-1-4939-2712-8_5_Chapter_TeX2GIF_IEq59.gif)

5.3 The Mean Value Theorems
The Mean Value Theorem (Fig. 5.4) makes the
geometrically plausible assertion that a differentiable function
f on an interval
[a, b] will, at some point, attain a slope
equal to the slope of the line through the endpoints (a, f(a)) and (b, f(b)). More tersely put,
for at least one point c ∈ (a, b).

Figure 5.4
The Mean Value Theorem.
On the surface, there does not appear to be
anything especially remarkable about this observation. Its validity
appears undeniable—much like the Intermediate Value Theorem for
continuous functions—and its proof is rather short. The ease of the
proof, however, is misleading, as it is built on top of some
hard-fought accomplishments from the study of limits and
continuity. In this regard, the Mean Value Theorem is a kind of
reward for a job well done. As we will see, it is a prize of
exceptional value. Although the result itself is geometrically
unsurprising, the Mean Value Theorem is the cornerstone of the
proof for almost every major theorem pertaining to differentiation.
We will use it to prove L’Hospital’s rules regarding limits of
quotients of differentiable functions. A rigorous analysis of how
infinite series of functions behave when differentiated requires
the Mean Value Theorem (Theorem 6.4.3), and it is the crucial step
in the proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Theorem
7.5.1). It is also the fundamental
concept underlying Lagrange’s Remainder Theorem (Theorem
6.6.3) which approximates the error
between a Taylor polynomial and the function that generates
The Mean Value Theorem can be stated in various
degrees of generality, each one important enough to be given its
own special designation. Recall that the Extreme Value Theorem
(Theorem 4.4.2) states that continuous
functions on compact sets always attain maximum and minimum values.
Combining this observation with the Interior Extremum Theorem for
differentiable functions (Theorem 5.2.6) yields a special
case of the Mean Value Theorem first noted by the mathematician
Michel Rolle (1652–1719) (Fig. 5.5).

Figure 5.5
Rolle’s Theorem.
Theorem 5.3.1 (Rolle’s Theorem).
be continuous on [a,b] and differentiable on
(a,b). If f(a) = f(b), then there exists a point c ∈ (a,b) where
f ′ (c) =
![$$f: [a,b] \rightarrow \mathbf{R}$$](A978-1-4939-2712-8_5_Chapter_TeX2GIF_IEq61.gif)
Because f
is continuous on a compact set, f attains a maximum and a minimum. If
both the maximum and minimum occur at the endpoints, then
f is necessarily a constant
function and f
′ (x) = 0 on all of (a, b). In this case, we can choose
c to be any point we like.
On the other hand, if either the maximum or minimum occurs at some
point c in the interior
(a, b), then it follows from the Interior
Extremum Theorem (Theorem 5.2.6) that

Theorem 5.3.2 (Mean Value Theorem).
is continuous on [a,b] and differentiable on
(a,b), then there exists a point c ∈ (a,b) where
![$$f: [a,b] \rightarrow \mathbf{R}$$](A978-1-4939-2712-8_5_Chapter_TeX2GIF_IEq63.gif)

Notice that the Mean Value Theorem reduces to
Rolle’s Theorem in the case where f(a) = f(b). The strategy of the proof is to
reduce the more general statement to this special case.
The equation of the line through (a, f(a)) and (b, f(b)) is

We want to consider the difference between this
line and the function f(x). To this end, let
and observe that d is
continuous on [a, b], differentiable on (a, b), and satisfies d(a) = 0 = d(b). Thus, by Rolle’s Theorem, there
exists a point c ∈ (a, b) where d ′ (c) = 0. Because
we get
which completes the proof.
![$$\displaystyle{d(x) = f(x) -\left [\left (\frac{f(b) - f(a)} {b - a} \right )(x - a) + f(a)\right ],}$$](A978-1-4939-2712-8_5_Chapter_TeX2GIF_Equac.gif)

The point has been made that the Mean Value
Theorem manages to find its way into nearly every proof of any
statement related to the geometrical nature of the derivative. As a
simple example, if f is a
constant function f(x) = k on some interval A, then a straightforward calculation
of f ′ using
Definition 5.2.1 shows that f ′ (x) = 0 for all x ∈ A. But how do we prove the converse
statement? If we know that a differentiable function g satisfies
everywhere on A, our intuition suggests that we
should be able to prove g(x) is constant. It is the Mean Value
Theorem that provides us with a way to articulate rigorously what
seems geometrically valid.

Corollary 5.3.3.
is differentiable on an interval A and
satisfies g ′ (x) = 0 for all x ∈ A, then g(x) = k for some
constant k ∈ R.

Take x, y ∈ A and assume x < y. Applying the Mean Value Theorem to
g on the interval
[x, y], we see that
for some c ∈ A. Now, g ′ (c) = 0, so we conclude that
g(y) = g(x). Set k equal to this common value. Because
x and y are arbitrary, it follows that
g(x) = k for all x ∈ A.

Corollary 5.3.4.
If f and g are
differentiable functions on an interval A and satisfy
for all x ∈ A, then f(x) = g(x) + k for some

The Mean Value Theorem has a more general form
due to Cauchy. It is this generalized version of the theorem that
is needed to analyze L’Hospital’s rules and Lagrange’s Remainder
Theorem 5.3.5 (Generalized Mean Value Theorem).
If f and g are
continuous on the closed interval [a,b] and differentiable on the
open interval (a,b), then there exists a point c ∈ (a,b)
If g ′
is never zero on (a,b), then the
conclusion can be stated as
![$$\displaystyle{[f(b) - f(a)]g^{{\prime}}(c) = [g(b) - g(a)]f^{{\prime}}(c).}$$](A978-1-4939-2712-8_5_Chapter_TeX2GIF_Equag.gif)

This result follows by applying the Mean Value
Theorem to the function h(x) = [f(b) − f(a)]g(x) − [g(b) − g(a)]f(x). The details are requested in
Exercise 5.3.5.
L’Hospital’s Rules
The Algebraic Limit Theorem asserts that when
taking a limit of a quotient of functions we can write
provided that each individual limit exists and
is not zero. If the
denominator does converge to zero and the numerator has a nonzero
limit, then it is not difficult to argue that the quotient
f(x)∕g(x) grows in absolute value without
bound as x approaches
c. L’Hospital’s Rules are
named for the Marquis de L’Hospital (1661–1704), who learned the
results from his tutor, Johann Bernoulli (1667–1748), and published
them in 1696 in what is regarded as the first calculus text. Stated
in different levels of generality, they are an effective tool for
handling the indeterminant cases when either numerator and
denominator both tend to zero or both tend simultaneously to

Theorem 5.3.6 (L’Hospital’s Rule: 0∕0 case).
Let f and g be
continuous on an interval containing a, and assume f and g are
differentiable on this interval with the possible exception of the
point a. If f(a) = g(a) = 0 and g ′ (x) ≠ 0 for all x ≠ a, then

This argument follows from a straightforward
application of the Generalized Mean Value Theorem. It is requested
as Exercise 5.3.11.
L’Hospital’s Rule remains true if we replace the
assumption that f(a) = g(a) = 0 with the hypothesis that
. To this point
we have not been explicit about what it means to say that a limit
equals ∞. The logical
structure of such a definition is precisely the same as it is for
finite functional limits. The difference is that rather than trying
to force the function to take on values in some small ε-neighborhood around a proposed limit,
we must show that g(x) eventually exceeds any proposed upper bound. The
arbitrarily small ε > 0
is replaced by an arbitrarily large M > 0.

Definition 5.3.7.
and a limit point
c of A, we say that
if, for every
M > 0, there exists a
δ > 0 such that whenever
0 < | x − c | < δ it follows that g(x) ≥ M.

We can define
in a
similar way.

The following version of L’Hospital’s Rule is
typically referred to as the ∞∕∞ case even though the hypothesis only
requires that the function in the denominator tend to infinity. To
simplify the notation of the proof, we state the result using a
one-sided limit.
Theorem 5.3.8 (L’Hospital’s Rule: ∞∕∞ case).
Assume f and g
are differentiable on (a,b) and that
for all x ∈ (a,b). If
(or −∞), then

Let ε > 0. Because
there exists a δ
1 > 0 such that
for all a < x < a +δ 1. For convenience of
notation, let t = a +δ 1 and note that
t is fixed for the
remainder of the argument.

Our functions are not defined at a, but for any x ∈ (a, t) we can apply the Generalized Mean
Value Theorem on the interval [x, t] to get
for some c ∈ (x, t). Our choice of t then implies
for all x in (a, t).

In an effort to isolate the fraction
, the strategy is to multiply
inequality (1)
by (g(x) − g(t))∕g(x). We need to be sure, however, that
this quantity is positive, which amounts to insisting that
1 ≥ g(t)∕g(x). Because t is fixed and
, we can choose
δ 2 > 0 so
that g(x) ≥ g(t) for all a < x < a +δ 2. Carrying out the
desired multiplication results in
which after some algebraic manipulations yields
Again, let’s remind ourselves that t is fixed and that
. Thus, we can
choose a δ 3
such that a < x < a +δ 3 implies that
g(x) is large enough to ensure that both
are less than ε∕2 in
absolute value. Putting this all together and choosing
guarantees that
for all a < x < a +δ.

Exercise 5.3.1.
Recall from Exercise 4.4.9 that a function
is Lipschitz on
A if there exists an
M > 0 such that
for all x ≠ y in A.

- (a)
Show that if f is differentiable on a closed interval [a, b] and if f ′ is continuous on [a, b], then f is Lipschitz on [a, b].
- (b)
Review the definition of a contractive function in Exercise 4.3.11. If we add the assumption that | f ′ (x) | < 1 on [a, b], does it follow that f is contractive on this set?
Exercise 5.3.2.
Let f be
differentiable on an interval A. If f ′ (x) ≠ 0 on A, show that f is one-to-one on A. Provide an example to show that the
converse statement need not be true.
Exercise 5.3.3.
Let h be
a differentiable function defined on the interval [0, 3], and
assume that h(0) = 1,
h(1) = 2, and h(3) = 2.
- (a)
Argue that there exists a point d ∈ [0, 3] where h(d) = d.
- (b)
Argue that at some point c we have h ′ (c) = 1∕3.
- (c)
Argue that h ′ (x) = 1∕4 at some point in the domain.
Exercise 5.3.4.
Let f be
differentiable on an interval A containing zero, and assume
(x n ) is a sequence in A with
and x n ≠ 0.

- (a)
If f(x n ) = 0 for all n ∈ N, show f(0) = 0 and f ′ (0) = 0.
- (b)
Add the assumption that f is twice-differentiable at zero and show that f ′ ′ (0) = 0 as well.
Exercise 5.3.5.
- (a)
Supply the details for the proof of Cauchy’s Generalized Mean Value Theorem (Theorem 5.3.5).
- (b)
Give a graphical interpretation of the Generalized Mean Value Theorem analogous to the one given for the Mean Value Theorem at the beginning of Section 5.3. (Consider f and g as parametric equations for a curve.)
Exercise 5.3.6.
- (a)
be differentiable, g(0) = 0, and | g ′ (x) | ≤ M for all x ∈ [0, a]. Show | g(x) | ≤ Mx for all x ∈ [0, a].
- (b)
be twice differentiable, h ′ (0) = h(0) = 0 and | h ′ ′ (x) | ≤ M for all x ∈ [0, a]. Show | h(x) | ≤ Mx 2∕2 for all x ∈ [0, a].
- (c)
Conjecture and prove an analogous result for a function that is differentiable three times on [0, a].
Exercise 5.3.7.
A fixed
point of a function f is a value x where f(x) = x. Show that if f is differentiable on an interval with
f ′ (x) ≠ 1, then f can have at most one fixed
Exercise 5.3.8.
Assume f
is continuous on an interval containing zero and differentiable for
all x ≠ 0. If
, show
f ′ (0) exists and equals

Exercise 5.3.9.
Assume f
and g are as described in
Theorem 5.3.6, but now add the assumption that
f and g are differentiable at a, and f ′ and g ′ are continuous at a with g′(a) ≠ 0. Find a short proof for the 0∕0
case of L’Hospital’s Rule under this stronger hypothesis.
Exercise 5.3.10.
Exercise 5.3.11.
Exercise 5.3.12.
If f is
twice differentiable on an open interval containing a and
is continuous at
a, show
(Compare this to Exercise 5.2.6(b).)

5.4 A Continuous Nowhere-Differentiable Function
Exploring the relationship between continuity and
differentiability has led to both fruitful results and pathological
counterexamples. The bulk of discussion to this point has focused
on the continuity of derivatives, but historically a significant
amount of debate revolved around the question of whether continuous
functions were necessarily differentiable. Early in the chapter, we
saw that continuity was a requirement for differentiability, but,
as the absolute value function demonstrates, the converse of this
proposition is not true. A function can be continuous but not
differentiable at some point. But just how nondifferentiable can a
continuous function be? Given a finite set of points, it is not
difficult to imagine how to construct a graph with corners at each
of these points, so that the corresponding function fails to be
differentiable on this finite set. The trick gets more difficult,
however, when the set becomes infinite. For instance, is it
possible to construct a function that is continuous on all of
but fails to be differentiable at every
rational point? Not only is this possible, but the situation is
even more disconcerting. In 1872, Karl Weierstrass presented an
example of a continuous function that was not differentiable at
any point. (It seems to be
the case that Bernhard Bolzano had his own example of such a beast
as early as 1830, but it was not published until much later.)

Weierstrass actually discovered a class of
nowhere-differentiable functions of the form
where the values of a and
b are carefully chosen.
Such functions are specific examples of Fourier series discussed in
Section 8.5 The details of Weierstrass’
argument are simplified if we replace the cosine function with a
piecewise linear function that has oscillations qualitatively like

on the interval [−1, 1] and extend the definition of h to all of
by requiring that h(x + 2) = h(x). The result is a periodic “sawtooth”
function (Fig. 5.6).

Figure 5.6
The function h(x).
Exercise 5.4.1.
Sketch a graph of (1∕2)h(2x) on [−2, 3]. Give a qualitative
description of the functions
as n gets larger.

Now, define
The claim is that g(x) is continuous on all of
but fails to be differentiable at any

Infinite Series of Functions and Continuity
The definition of g(x) is a significant departure from the
way we usually define functions. For each x ∈ R, g(x) is defined to be the value of an
infinite series.
Exercise 5.4.2.
. Argue that the series
converges and thus g(x) is properly defined.

Exercise 5.4.3.
Taking the continuity of h(x) as given, reference the proper
theorems from Chapter 4 that imply that the finite sum
is continuous on

This brings us to an archetypical question in
analysis: When do conclusions that are valid in finite settings
extend to infinite ones? A finite sum of continuous functions is
certainly continuous, but does this necessarily hold for an
infinite sum of continuous functions? In general, we will see that
this is not always the
case. For this particular sum, however, the continuity of the limit
function g(x) can be proved. Deciphering when
results about finite sums of functions extend to infinite sums is
one of the fundamental themes of Chapter 6 Although a self-contained argument
for the continuity of g is
not beyond our means at this point, we will nevertheless postpone
the proof (see, for example, Exercise 6.4.3), leaving it as an enticement
for the upcoming study of uniform convergence.
Exercise 5.4.4.
As the graph in Figure 5.7 suggests, the
structure of g(x) is quite intricate. Answer the
following questions, assuming that g(x) is indeed continuous.

Figure 5.7
A sketch of 

- (a)
How do we know g attains a maximum value M on [0, 2]? What is this value?
- (b)
Let D be the set of points in [0, 2] where g attains its maximum. That is D = { x ∈ [0, 2]: g(x) = M}. Find one point in D.
- (c)
Is D finite, countable, or uncountable?
When the proper tools are in place, the proof
that g is continuous is
quite straightforward. The more difficult task is to show that
g is not differentiable at
any point in

Let’s first look at the point x = 0. Our function g does not appear to be differentiable
here, and a rigorous proof is not too difficult. Consider the
, where m = 0, 1, 2, ….

Exercise 5.4.5.
Show that
and use this to prove that
does not exist.

Any temptation to say something like g ′ (0) = ∞ should be resisted. Setting
x m = −(1∕2 m ) in the previous argument
produces difference quotients heading toward −∞. The geometric manifestation of this
is the “cusp” that appears at x = 0 in the graph of g.
Exercise 5.4.6.
- (a)
Modify the previous argument to show that
does not exist. Show that
does not exist.
- (b)
Show that
does not exist for any rational number of the form x = p∕2 k where
The points described in
Exercise 5.4.6 (b) are called dyadic points. If x = p∕2 k is a dyadic rational number,
then the function h
n has a corner
at x as long as
n ≥ k. Thus, it should not be too
surprising that g fails to
be differentiable at points of this form. The argument is more
delicate at points between the dyadic points.
Assume x
is not a dyadic number. For
a fixed value of
, x falls between two adjacent dyadic
. Repeating this for each
m yields two sequences
(x m ) and (y m ) satisfying

Exercise 5.4.7.
(a) First prove the following general lemma: Let
f be defined on an open
interval J and assume
f is differentiable at
a ∈ J. If (a n ) and (b n ) are sequences satisfying
a n < a < b n and
, show

(b) Now use this lemma to show that g ′ (x) does not exist.
Weierstrass’s original 1872 paper contained a
demonstration that the infinite sum
defined a continuous nowhere-differentiable function provided
0 < a < 1 and
b was an odd integer
satisfying ab > 1 +
3π∕2. The condition on
a is easy to understand. If
0 < a < 1, then
is a convergent
geometric series, and the forthcoming Weierstrass M-Test
(Theorem 6.4.5) can be used to conclude that f is continuous. The restriction on
b is more mysterious. In
1916, G.H. Hardy extended Weierstrass’ result to include any value
of b for which ab ≥ 1. Without looking at the details
of either of these arguments, we nevertheless get a sense that the
lack of a derivative is intricately tied to the relationship
between the compression factor (the parameter a) and the rate at which the frequency
of the oscillations increases (the parameter b).

Exercise 5.4.8.
Review the argument for the nondifferentiability
of g(x) at nondyadic points. Does the
argument still work if we replace g(x) with the summation
? Does the
argument work for the function

5.5 Epilogue
Far from being an anomaly to be relegated to the
margins of our understanding of continuous functions, Weierstrass’s
example and those like it should actually serve as a guide to our
intuition. The image of continuity as a smooth curve in our mind’s
eye severely misrepresents the situation and is the result of a
bias stemming from an overexposure to the much smaller class of
differentiable functions. The lesson here is that continuity is a
strictly weaker notion than differentiability. In
Section 3.6, we alluded to a corollary of
the Baire Category Theorem, which asserts that Weierstrass’s
construction is actually typical of continuous functions. We will
see that most continuous functions are nowhere-differentiable, so
that it is really the differentiable functions that are the
exceptions rather than the rule. The details of how to phrase this
observation more rigorously are spelled out in
Section 8.2
To say that the nowhere-differentiable function
g constructed in the
previous section has “corners” at every point of its domain misses
the mark. Weierstrass’s original class of nowhere-differentiable
functions was constructed from infinite sums of smooth trigonometric functions. It is
the densely nested oscillating structure that makes the definition
of a tangent line impossible. So what happens when we restrict our
attention to monotone functions? How nondifferentiable can an
increasing function be? Given a finite set of points, it is not
difficult to piece together a monotone function which has actual
corners—and thus is not differentiable—at each point in the given
set. A natural question is whether there exists a continuous,
monotone function that is nowhere-differentiable. Weierstrass
suspected that such a function existed but only managed to produce
an example of a continuous, increasing function which failed to be
differentiable on a countable dense set (Exercise 7.5.11). In 1903, the French
mathematician Henri Lebesgue (1875–1941) demonstrated that
Weierstrass’s intuition had failed on this account. Lebesgue proved
that a continuous, monotone function would have to be
differentiable at “almost” every point in its domain. To be
specific, Lebesgue showed that, for every ε > 0, the set of points where such
a function fails to be differentiable can be covered by a countable
union of intervals whose lengths sum to less than ε. This notion of “zero length,” or
“measure zero” as it is called, was encountered in our discussion
of the Cantor set and is explored more fully in
Section 7.6, where Lebesgue’s substantial
contribution to the theory of integration is discussed.
With the relationship between the continuity of
f and the existence of
f ′ somewhat in hand, we once more
return to the question of characterizing the set of all
derivatives. Not every function is a derivative. Darboux’s Theorem
forces us to conclude that there are some functions—those with jump
discontinuities in particular—that cannot appear as the derivative
of some other function. Another way to phrase Darboux’s Theorem is
to say that all derivatives must satisfy the intermediate value
property. Continuous functions do possess the intermediate value
property, and it is natural to ask whether every continuous
function is necessarily a derivative. For this smaller class of
functions, the answer is yes. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus ,
treated in Chapter 7, states that, given a continuous
function f, the function
F(x) = ∫ a x f satisfies F ′ = f. This does the trick. The collection
of derivatives at least contains the continuous functions. The
search for a concise characterization of all possible derivatives, however,
remains largely unsuccessful.
As a final remark, we will see that by cleverly
choosing f, this technique
of defining F via
can be used to produce
examples of continuous functions which fail to be differentiable on
interesting sets, provided we can
show that
defined. The question of just how to define integration
became a central theme in analysis in the latter half of the 19th
century and has continued on to the present. Much of this story is
discussed in detail in Chapter 7 and Section 8.1

R.P. Boas, “Counterexamples
to L’Hôpital’s Rule.” American Mathematical Monthly, October,