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With Uncle Farrell gone, I was now a ward of the state. A couple named Horace and Betty Tuttle volunteered to take me in, pending the unlikely event of somebody adopting me.

The Tuttles lived in a tiny house on the near north side of Knoxville. Five other foster kids lived crammed into that little house. I never saw Horace Tuttle go to work, and I knew they received all sorts of checks from the state and the federal government for each kid, so I think we were how he made a living.

Horace Tuttle was a short, round little guy, always making remarks about my size, particularly my head. I think I scared him or he resented how big I was, I mean, because he was awfully small. Betty, his wife, was short and round like him, with the same conical-shaped head. They reminded me of turtles, kind of like their name, Tuttle. Maybe some people come to resemble their names, the way some people come to resemble their dogs.

I shared a bedroom with two of the other foster kids. The very first night the older one threatened to kill me in my sleep. I was feeling so low and lousy, I told him that would be fine with me.

I usually had trouble concentrating in school, but try concentrating when your uncle has just been murdered right before your eyes and you know the world is about to end. Try studying when you know World War III is about to start and it’s all your fault.

I still met with Amy Pouchard twice a week. She asked why I had missed the past couple of weeks and I told her.

“My uncle was murdered.”

“Oh, my God!” she exclaimed. “Who killed him?”

I thought about my answer. “An agent of darkness.”

“So they caught him?”

“They’re trying.”

“Hey, isn’t your mom dead too?”

“She died of cancer.”

“You must be the unluckiest person on earth,” she said, and scooted away from me a little, probably without realizing she was doing it. “I mean, your mom and now your uncle and what you did to Barry and everything.”

“I’ve been trying to tell myself all those things had nothing to do with me, that I’m okay and everything,” I said. “But it’s getting harder and harder.”

I was Uncle Farrell’s sole heir, so I got all his things, but I only kept his TV and VCR, which I set up in my bedroom. The main thing I didn’t get was the $500,000. I didn’t remember Mogart leaving with the brown leather satchel, but it wasn’t under Uncle Farrell’s bed where he stashed it, and the police never found it, probably because I didn’t tell them about it. That cash would be hard to explain and would probably get me in more trouble than I already was in, but I started wishing I still had that money. If I did, I would have taken it and run. I didn’t know where I’d run, but anywhere seemed better than the Tuttles and the delinquents who lived with them.

Over the next couple of days, I would grab Horace’s newspaper and take it to school and, instead of studying, I read the newspaper from front page to last, looking for anything that might give me a clue as to what was happening with Mr. Samson’s quest. I wondered what good a billion dollars was in a world of unimaginable cruelty and terror, but men like Mogart have imaginations different than mine. For example, if I had been Mogart, it would have never occurred to me to hire somebody like my uncle Farrell to steal the most powerful weapon that ever existed.

I missed Uncle Farrell. I missed the little apartment and the frozen dinners. I missed the way he wet his big lips and even all his lectures about getting ahead in the world. He was just trying to help me, to show me I didn’t have to end up like him. It hit me that he loved me, and I was the only family he had left.

To take my mind off things, I checked out a book from the library called The Once and Future King, about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. I couldn’t get through it, so I rented this old movie called Excalibur with a bunch of English actors I had never heard of.

Arthur was this kind of goofy kid, actually, a squire to his brother Fey, toting around his sword and taking care of Fey’s horse and his armor, kind of his lackey, not even a knight. Nobody believed this kid could actually pull the Sword from the Stone, until Arthur did it and told them, “If you would be knights and follow a king, then follow me!”

Then he became king, built Camelot, and gathered his knights around the Round Table. Everything was great until his best knight, Lancelot, got together with his queen, Guinevere, and Arthur’s bastard son, Mordred, came to take everything over.

There’s a big, bloody battle at the end. Arthur kills Mordred, who sort of kills Arthur too, but it’s confusing because they show Arthur being taken over the sea by three angel-looking women in white robes. One of the knights picks up Excalibur and throws it into this big lake, where the Lady of the Lake kind of floats up to grab it.

That last part confused me. I wondered how Mr. Samson and his knights ended up with the sword if the Lady took it after Arthur left. If I ever saw Mr. Samson again, I was going to ask him about that.

I don’t know if it was that movie, which I saw about forty-nine times, that made me have the dreams. I always fell asleep while the credits rolled, and I would dream of a gleaming white castle on a mountainside, and from its rampart flew triangular flags of black and gold, and inside its outer wall a thousand knights were mustered in full armor. They carried long black swords and their faces were painted black and their expressions were terrible as they fought some guys who had breached the outer wall, men with flowing hair in brown robes, and their faces were covered with mud and grimly set. The men in robes followed a man with golden hair and somehow I knew this man was Mr. Samson, though in my dream he looked different than I remembered him. They were about ten against a thousand, they had no hope, but they fought until the last man fell, and this last man was the knight with the golden hair.

I woke after that dream with the word “Játiva” on my lips. I went to the school library and found Játiva in the atlas. It was a town in Spain, like Mr. Samson said, right at this mountain called Monte Bernisa.

I had another dream too, a terrible dream, the kind that makes you wish you could wake up. I was far above a great plain or field and saw a vast army, row upon row of blank-faced soldiers marching, stretching as far as I could see, a million or more men, and the tramp of their feet was like thunder. Warplanes screamed overhead, lines of tanks rumbled over the field, and the night sky was lit up from the concussions of long-range missiles. Before this army, on a dark horse, rode a big man holding Excalibur, his face hidden in shadow, and as the jets screamed overhead, he raised the Sword in defiance, and from the army behind him came a cry that drowned out the sound of the bombs.

The man leaped from the horse, brought the Sword high over his head, and slammed it into the ground. Brilliant white light exploded from that spot and planes fell burning from the sky, tanks erupted into flame, and whole divisions of his foes were consumed in fire or fled screaming from the flood of light.

The light slowly died away, and then I was walking in a wasteland of broken concrete, uprooted, leafless trees, crushed and twisted cars with their hazard lights blinking. Ash floated everywhere, clinging to my hair and making me cough. I was looking for someone, calling a name, but I couldn’t hear who I was calling for. I was desperate to find whoever it was; if I could just find them, everything would be all right. But I always woke up without finding them.

The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp