This book would not have been possible without the support and contributions of all the designers who shared their work with me. Going through this process has truly reminded me of the incredible community that I am a part of and the great work my colleagues are producing all around the world. A special thanks to Sean Adams, Michael Bierut, Ivan Chermayeff, Richard Doubleday, Steff Geissbuhler, Allan Haley, Jonathan Hoefler, Takenobu Igarashi, Bruno Monguzzi, Roland Mouron, Deborah Sussman, Massimo Vignelli, and Catherine Zask for their assistance, cooperation, and contributions to this book.
To Steve Heller for recommending me to Rockport Publishers as a potential author for this volume.
To everyone at The Quarto Group and Rockport Publishers, especially Winnie Prentiss, publisher, and Judith Cressy, acquisition editor, for their encouragement, enthusiasm, and support, as well as to Mary Ann Hall, David Martinell, and Renae Haines for collaborating with me on this book.
To Derek Koch, my colleague at Poulin + Morris Inc. who has helped design this volume with a level of detail and nuance that I did not fully realize when we started this project. His invaluable contributions and insights to the design of this book are deeply appreciated and have made it one of the truly memorable and enjoyable experiences of my career.
And to my students—past, present, and future.