Shadowrun terminology
If you’re going to walk the walk, better know how to talk the talk. Here are the essential terms you need to know so you can talk without having people stare at you.
astral plane: The dimension of all things alive and magical. Everything living has an aspect on the astral plane, and magic lights up this plane like fireworks.
Augmented Reality (AR): The primary way of interacting with the Matrix, Augmented Reality is a digital overlay on reality that allows individuals to access information and customize the appearance of certain areas. Individual pieces of AR are called AROs (Augmented Reality Objects).
Awakening: Term used to describe the return of magic to the world. Magical individuals and beasts are referred to as the Awakened.
bio-ware: Augmentations to the body that act as new organs.
BTLs: Better-Than-Life chips, chips that provide a sensory experience more intense than reality. BTLs (pronounced “beetles”) are tremendously addictive.
commlink: A device used by almost everyone in the Sixth World, it combines elements of a handheld computer, telephone, camera, and other functions.
Corporate Court: A body made up of representatives of the ten most powerful corporations in the world that regulates high-level corporate activities.
critters: Animals that, affected by the changes that have shaken the world, have taken on new aspects and various powers.
cyberware: Augmentations that build machinery into the body to enhance and extend its natural abilities.
face: A member of a shadowrunning team who specializes in interacting with various contacts.
fixer: An individual who arranges contacts and meetings between shadowrunners and Johnsons.
hacker: Someone with a special expertise in accessing and manipulating nodes and the data they contain.
HMVV: Human-metahuman vampiric virus, a virus that causes vampirism in metahumans. Certain strains of the virus have the effect of transforming metahumans so that they resemble mythological creatures such as ghouls and goblins.
JackPoint: A private network of experienced shadowrunners, organized by legendary hacker Fastjack, who gather on the Matrix to share information and tips.
mana: The magical energy in all living things that makes spellcasting and other magical activities possible.
manaline/ley line: A concentration of magical energy; these lines form cris-crossing patterns across the globe.
Matrix: The global electronic network formed by the multitudinous wireless nodes across the world.
medkit: A medical kit, assembled goods for delivering first aid to victims and repairing wounds as rapidly as possible.
megacorporation: A tremendously large multinational corporation that acts as a sovereign power, complete with its own army and internal form of currency. In the Sixth World, the power of the megacorporations outstrips that of national governments.
metahumanity: Term used to describe all humanoid races, including humans, dwarfs, elves, orks, trolls, and others.
Mr. Johnson: The code name used by most representatives who arrange jobs with shadowrunners.
nanotech: Technology that uses microbiology and enhancements at the cellular level to carry out certain tasks. These tasks can include enhancements to human abilities.
PAN: Personal Area Network, the network formed by an individual’s collection of wireless devices.
RFID tags: Radio frequency identification tags; common to almost all electronic devices, they broadcast information that facilitates communication between devices.
rigger: Term used to describe a specialist in controlling vehicles and drones.
sarariman: Term for the core backbone of any corporation—the salaried workers whose daily work makes a corporation go. Also known as “corporate drones.”
shadowrunners: Independent criminals and deniable assets; people who stay out of the glare of the world and try to make a living in the gray areas.
SIN: System Identification Number. The basic form of identification used worldwide. If you don’t have one, whether real or fake, things like opening a bank account or crossing a border will be damn tough.
skillsoft: A program that adds abilities or knowledge to bodies capable of using them.
street samurai: A warrior of the streets, a specialist in various kinds of weapons, and someone you want on your side in a fight.
technomancers: Individuals who can access the Matrix with no equipment, using simply their mind.
trideo: The three-dimensional media in which most entertainment is presented.