The following custom-made eBook was scanned from my very worn-out, 1965, second edition hardback book of Mute Witness by Robert L. Fish (aka “Pike”).

I scanned, converted, cleaned-up and re-formatted the original text using ABBYY Finereader and SIGIL to better suit an eBook reader.

I adhered to the author’s original punctuation, spelling and sentence structure precisely. Thus, you will find the use of a single dialogue quote (‘) versus the modern double quote (“). This is intentional, exactly as the author wrote it in 1963.

Also, in an effort to preserve the author’s dialogue and “feel” of the book, I preserved all grammar and spelling as originally written; which may seem like errors that I missed while creating this eBook. No words or text of the author’s original novel have been omitted or altered in anyway.

I “test” my final epubs on a Nook Color and an iPad2 to ensure the best possible reading experience; however, not all eReaders are the same and don’t always display epubs in the same way as others. This is especially true when it comes to the Table of Contents (ToC), images within the epub and the display of the book cover.

If you find errors, or run into any difficulty with this eBook please feel free to contact me through Bolt.

Finally, it is my sincerest wish that you have the best possible reading experience with this eBook.



November, 2011