How much do you know about Tchazzar?
Tchazzar vanished during the Spellplague. He ventured into Threskel and never returned. Perhaps he was looking for a way to protect Chessenta from the blue fire; no one truly knows.
Recently, rumors have come out of the northeast. While wandering in the mountains, people have reported hearing a dragon roaring on the darkest nights. A few even claim to have seen one sprawled on the ground, with flames flickering from its mouth and nostrils.
The reports say the dragon is huge and old, like Tchazzar. They also say he’s emaciated, crippled, or imprisoned somehow. That would explain why he never returned.
I don’t simply assume the dragon in question is Tchazzar. But it could be.
Will you help me find him?
Tchazzar was a living god.