SA see ‘Storm Division’
St Petersburg
St Quentin
Sax, Adolphe
Schacht, Hjalmar
Schallmeyer, Wilhelm
Schemann, Ludwig
Scherl newspaper firm
Scheubner-Richter, Max Erwin von
Schicklgruber (Hitler), Alois (Hitler’s father)
Schicklgruber, Maria (Hitler’s paternal grandmother)
Schiele, Martin
Schiff, Else
Schinkel, Karl Friedrich
Schirach, Baldur von
and brother’s suicide
converted to Nazism
poetry by
joins National Socialist German Students’ League
leads the Hitler Youth
devotion to Hitler
Schlageter, Albert Leo
Schleicher, General Kurt von
Schlemmer, Eva
Schlemmer, Oskar
Schlotterbeck, Friedrich
Schmidt-Rottluff, Karl
Schmitt, Carl
Schnabel, Artur
Schoenberg, Arnold
Scholtz-Klink, Gertrud
Schönerer, Georg Ritter von
Schrader, Karl
Schreck, Julius
Schreker, Franz
Schrödinger, Erwin
Schuler, Alfred
Schultze-Naumburg, Paul: Art and Race
Schumacher, Kurt
Schurtz, Heinrich
Schuster, Joseph
Schutz, Walter
Schwerin von Krosigk, Lutz Graf
Schwesing, Schleswig-Holstein
Scientific-Humanitarian Committee
Second Reich
Second World War
secret ballot
of thought
of education
Sedan, battle of
Seeckl, General Hans Yon
Seldte, Franz
self-employed, and 1930 elections
Selz, Otto
Serkin, Rudolf
service sector
‘Seven Weeks’ War’ (1866)
Severing, Carl
sex counselling clinics
sexual freedom
sexual reform movement
Shirer, William.
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
shooting societies
Siebeck, Richard
Siemens (electricity company boss)
single mothers
slave labourers
Slavic East
and Lebensraum
supposedly inferior and uncivilized
and the Nordic race
and ‘Germanizing’ of Eastern Europe
social biology
Social Darwinism
Social Democratic Party of Germany
success in 1912 election
gulf between it and ‘bourgeois’ parties
institutional structure
suppression of
and police
and the industrial working class
and antisemitism
splits into factions
and the Communist Party
opposes German Fatherland Party
Reichsbanner Black-Red-Gold founded
and the Free Corps
and a Red Army of workers
Majority wings
Marxist ideology
main strength of
representation in the Reichstags
bulwark of democracy in the Republic
and Grand Coalitions
and the presss
puritanical view of personal relationships
and education
Law for the Protection of the Republic
and Bismarck’s reforms
mass demonstrations in Vienna
Hitler opposes
Erfurt Programme (1891)
part of a broad coalition (1923)
and farming community
Nazi hatred of
and the new cabinet
Brüning and
in 1930 elections
backs Hindenburg (1932)
loses touch with political reality
impotence of
July 1932 Reichstag elections
November 1932 Reichstag elections
lack of response to the Nazi threat
March 1933 elections
press ban
officials imprisoned in concentration camps
concentration camp warning
and the Enabling Act
and the trade unions
May Day, 1933
destruction of
supports the government on disarmament
Nazi determination to destroy it
lawsuit against Papen
see also Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany; socialism; socialist movement
social deviants
sterilization of
graded as ‘low quality’
social hygiene
Social Revolutionaries (Russia)
social welfare
social work
and Jews
and nationalism
and antisemitism
opposed by Italian Fascism
Socialist International
socialist movement
and Anti-Socialist Law (1878)
forms Social Democratic Party
Society for the Eastern Marches
Society for German Colonization
soldiers’ councils
Sollmann, Wilhelm
Solmitz, Louise
Somme, Battle of the
‘Song of the Storm Columns’
‘Song Stave’
Sonnemann, Emmy
Sonnenburg penal camp
South Tyrol
South-West Africa
Soviet bloc, former: new documents discovered
Soviet Communist Party
Central Committee
Soviet Union
Soviet regime’s grip on Communist parties
German army’s training sessions in
and hyperinflation
Thälmann’s faith in
Blomberg visits
Stalin unleashes a reign of terror see also Russia
Spahn, Martin
‘clerico-fascist’ regime
Spanish army
Spartacist uprising (Berlin, January 1919)
Spengler, Oswald
The Fall of the West
Spoliation Advisory Panel
sports clubs
SS (Schutzstaffel; Protection Squad)
Himmler appointed its head
collects confidential information
poised to tackle internal disobedience
beaten up in Berlin
torchlit parades
triumphant parades and processions of
‘auxiliary police’ force
torture of Sollmann
swastika raised on official buildings
runs Dachau
torture methods
and Social Democrats
and trade unions
and Galen’s installation as bishop
town halls occupied
camp guards
and book-burning
Stadelheim gaol, Munich
Stalin, Josef
unleashes a reign of terror
components of his new political order
and Trotsky
Stalinism: compared with Nazism
Standard Oil
state, the
downgrading the importance of
growing interference in labour relations
centralization of
and Reichstag elections (5 March 1933)
State Court
State Party (previously the Democrats) see German Democratic Party
Staudinger, Hermann
Steel Helmets: League of Front-Soldiers
forcibly incorporated into the SA
Stegerwald, Adam
Steinmann, Vicar-General
Stelling, Johannes
Stennes, Walther
sterilization, compulsory
Stinnes, Hugo
Stock Exchange
Stöcker, Adolf
founds an antisemitic Christian Social Party
history of modern antisemitism in Germany begins with him
Stocker, Helene
‘Storm Division’ (Sturmabteilung, or SA; stormtroopers)
built up by Röhm
Goring replaces
Kahr meeting broken up
an illegal organization
subordinated to the Party
cuts links with other paramilitary groups
putsch of 1923
Party rally (July 1926)
Wessel in
and Goebbels
and soup kitchens
Bormann and
the ‘murderers’ storm’
‘Marxists’ as the enemy
fanaticism and hatred
Abel interviews
under Röhm
‘Assault Squad’
SS collects information on
and Communists
Wessel a brownshirt activist
‘Song of the Storm Columns’
violence at a Goring meeting
harassment of Buchwitz
Pfeffer von Salomon fired
Röhm takes over
oath of allegiance
Boxheim documents
membership statistics
police raid brownshirt premises
Communists attempt to stop their march
ban lifted
Pietzuch murder
Hitler supports their brutal violence
Hindenburg on
and Hitler’s appointment (1933)
‘auxiliary police’
and trade unions
Eisleben street battle
and Social Democrats
Centre Party meetings attacked
as auxiliary police
violence against individuals
hatred of Bolsheviks
prepared to seize power
thefts by
5 March 1933 elections
makeshift gaols and torture centres
torture by
‘wild’ arrests by
Hitler’s exhortation
‘phenomenal discipline’ of
and trade unions
brass bands
‘Köpenick Blood-Week’
death of Stelling
Galen’s consecration
Hitler’s threat
Steel Helmets forcibly incorporated into
attack on Hirschfeld’s Institute
civil servants and mayors forced out of office
disruption of a Busch concert
Sonnenburg penal camp
bomb attacks on Jewish property
and boycott of Jewish shops
levels of violence
prosecution of
concept of revolution
Stormer, The (Der Stürmer) newspaper
Strasser, Gregor
middle-class background
arrested after putsch attempt
elected to Bavarian Parliament
a talented administrator
his idea of socialism
shocked at Hitler’s tough stance
Reich Propaganda Leader of the Party
1928 elections
and women’s organizations
and embryonic Nazi social order
and Himmler
prepared to criticize Hitler
disowns his brother
extravagant tastes
ideological position
Strasser, Otto
Strauss, Richard
The Egyptian Helena (opera)
Intermezzo (opera)
Streicher, Julius
Stresemann, Gustav
Stumm, Karl Ferdinand von
submarine warfare
Swakopmund, South-West Africa
swastika symbol
Syllabus of Errors (1864)