Nagy, Kaethe von
Namibia see also German South-West Africa
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon III
Napoleonic wars
National Councils of Women
National Liberals
national organization of artisans and handicraftsmen
National Socialism (Nazism: National Socialist German Workers’ Party)
establishment of a one-party dictatorship in Germany
standard bibliography on
dismissal of Nazi ideology
violent, racist and murderous nature of
little resistance to the Nazi takeover
one of a number of European dictatorships at the time
and big business
triumph of
venomous hatred against Jews
version of German history
opposition to
Nazism and Stalinism compared
roots of Nazi ideology
electoral triumphs (1930-32)
‘one People, one Reich, one Leader’ slogan
racial hygiene
emerges from a political maelstrom of radical ideologies
its rise not inevitable
and a generation enthralled by war
eclectic Nazi ideology
Nationalists’ propaganda and policies prepare the way for
and education
buys the Racial Observer
official Programme (1920)
Hitler becomes Party chairman
banned in most German states
paramilitary wing (‘Gymnastics and Sports Section’)
Mussolini’s example
Nazi salute
splits into factions
Rosenberg put in charge
becomes an illegal organization
in second Reichstag elections (1924)
Hitler refounds
‘socialist’ aspects of Nazi ideology
start of Party rallies
new structure
and the farming community
takes over its first municipality
‘blood and soil’
Young Plan campaign
hatred of the Communists
promise to end political divisions
cult of violence
despises the law
respectable face of
1930 elections
a catch-all party of social protest
vague programme
official anthem
statistics of clashes with Communists
Presidential election (1932)
state elections (1932)
becomes Germany’s most popular party
July 1932 Reichstag elections
November 1932 Reichstag elections
in decline
gains two major offices of state
crackdown on Communists
and Catholicism
takeover of the federated states
hatred of modern and atonal music
Party Propaganda office
disposal of ‘cultural Bolshevism’
racist language
arrests of journalists
view of art
Nazi ideology
contempt for democratic institutions
National Socialist Factory Cell Organization
National Socialist German Students’ League
National Socialist Revolution
National Socialist School Pupils’ League
National Socialist Teachers’ League
National Socialist War Victims’ Association
National Socialist Women’s Organization (NS-Frauenschaft)
Herder and
Bismarck and
liberals and
in Europe
increasingly vociferous
Jews and
and Allied occupation of western Germany (1920s)
in universities
and socialism
Bormann and
Nationalist Party
‘Fighting Leagues’ founded
representation in the Reichstag
propaganda and policies prepare the way for Nazism
programme becomes more right wing
harks back to the Bismarckian Empire
snobbery and elitism
in the hands of enemies of democracy
financial donations to
and the press
vilifies Hirschfeld
and black French colonial troops
Bad Harzburg declaration
and the Grand Coalition
in 1930 elections
backs Hitler
July 1932 Reichstag elections
radical wing enters the government (1933)
and the torchlit parade in Berlin
March 1933 elections
protest about destruction of the legal order
pact with People’s Party
coalition with the Nazis
dissolution of student and youth organizations
Hugeriberg’s resignation
‘Friendship Agreement’
and Steel Helmets’ incorporation into the SA
‘nationalist revolution’
Nationalists (Spain)
Navy Laws
Navy League
Nazi salute
of theservice
of Northeim town council
government of Saxony
film workers
Ministries of Education
Neithardt, Georg
Neukölln, Berlin
Neumann, Franz
Neumann, Heinz
Neurath, Konstantin Freiherr von
New Guinea
‘New Objectivity’ (Neue Sachlichkeit)
New York Philharmonic Orchestra
New York Stock Exchange crash (1929)
New York Times
Nibelungen, The (film)
Nicholas, Tsar
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Wagner compared to
‘will to power’ concept
‘superman’ concept
ideal human being concept
interpreted by his sister Elisabeth
spiritual elitism
Night Edition (Nachtausgabe) newspaper
Nikolaus, Paul
Noakes, Jeremy
Nolde, Emil
Nordic legend
Nordic racial ideas
Nordic supremacist groups
Noreia, battle of
North German Confederation
North Sea
Northeim Sports Club
Noske, Gustav
‘November criminals’/‘November traitors’/ ‘Novembrists’
huge parade of paramilitaries
Party Rally of 1929
Nuschke, Otto