


With thoughts of my bizarre dream from the night before swirling in my head I stepped out of Aunt Syl’s car a little unsteadily. Not only was my body psychologically shocked from the sense of realness my dream from the night before, elicited, but I was also physically exhausted. My body was weak and tired; and my head felt very cloudy from the dull sense of electricity pumping slowly through my veins.

Slowly, I took the long walk up the hill towards the Administration Building. I knew students were passing me as they hurried to class, but my feet felt slow, the electricity was making me feel wobbly. At the top of the hill I took a left on the brick path towards the English Building, and to my surprise Principal Saint was standing on the path, blocking the way.

Eden, can I speak with you for a moment?” his entire presence exuded a dignitary like respect, and I was sure people did not tell him “no” very often. Despite the request, he stepped in front of me, as if to give no other option. At that moment, however, all I wanted to do was get to class and sit down. I entertained the thought of walking right past him, pretending I didn’t hear. “Please, it will only take a second,” he asked again. He must have seen me hesitate.

Have I done something wrong?” I asked out of habit.

Not that I am aware…. have you?” he flashed me a smile, he was making a joke, but I was too exhausted to respond. He continued, “I am only concerned that Kingsley might be a bit overwhelming for you at first. Are you feeling alright? Has anything strange happened that would give you cause for concern?” His voice was slightly strained and I could see real apprehension in his eyes. All of a sudden I felt like he was something to be concerned about. This was getting kind of creepy.

I’m fine thank you,” I kept it short and to the point. The last thing I want to do was confide in the principal of the school from hell.

Of course you are,” he took a quick look around us before finishing with, “If you ever need anything, or if you ever have questions about anything, please feel free to find me immediately.” Before I had a chance to respond he walked away back towards his office.

That was strange. I wondered for a second if he somehow knew about the weird things going on with me; but then I shook it off. How could he? I had never told anyone, not even Aunt Syl. The only thing that could really have alerted him was the mysterious exploding plant, but I was not even sure if he saw what happened; although it was extremely out of the ordinary…. I had to admit that.

I continued on towards class, realizing now that I was the only student left standing outside. I tried to pick up my pace, but after my brief encounter with Principal Saint, I was more unstable than ever. Not to mention, the pulsing electricity steadily growing stronger; my blood felt like there was a current of energy rushing through it.

By the time I entered the English and Arts building I could barely stand up. I needed to empty myself completely before I continued to class. I looked around quickly. There were no students in the lobby, but I was afraid to cause a scene just in case. My fingers crackled with the sound of electricity and my skin felt hot from the climbing temperature underneath.

As quickly as I could I ducked into the theater doors, across the hall from the marble staircase. I took a moment to let my eyes adjust to the darkness and started frantically looking around for a place to dispose of my building energy. A sudden burst of electricity surging through my heart made me double over in surprise. I tried to stand up, but only half succeeded. As fast as I could I hurried down the aisle, looking for anything that could be quietly destroyed.

On stage I made out the form of an almost hidden tin trash can, and as I heard the last bell ring, informing me I was late for class I took the stairs on the side of the stage two at a time and headed straight for it. Looking around once more to make sure there were no onlookers, I pointed my hands towards the bottom of the can, hoped for a quick second there was nothing disgusting in it and released the energy.

The trash can exploded. Whatever was in it scattered across the stage, along with shredded pieces of tin. I felt much better and although I was sure the explosion was loud, I was almost positive it couldn’t have been heard upstairs. I brushed what pieces of debris remain on me and ran for the exit, out the double doors of the theater, and towards the marble staircase.

I didn’t make it far however, before I noticed Kiran and Talbott entering the building. They were talking quietly, but heatedly until they looked up and noticed me leaving the dark theater. They instantly stopped talking and gave each other a quick glance.

What were you doing in there?” Kiran asked suspiciously, returning his gaze to mine.

Nothing…. I got lost,” I gave a sheepish grin and slowed down to a fast walk, hoping to make it to the stairs before them. I felt much better after I had discarded the electricity and felt an entirely new kind of energy, a natural kind.

I don’t believe you,” Kiran said bluntly, eyes squinted accusatorily.

Kiran, let’s just get to class,” Talbott interrupted.

Good idea,” I agreed over my shoulder, passing them while they still stood in the lobby. I made it to the stairs, sprinting the remaining distance to class. By the time I reached the door to English I was completely out of breath.

Oh, Ms. Matthews, late again I see,” Mr. Lambert acknowledged my entrance with disdain and irritation. “At Kingsley we try to make promptness part of our daily routine. I hope this will not be a regular occurrence.” He gave me a snide smirk, but allowed me to take my seat in the back without further commentary. Lilly looked back and rolled her eyes.

A few minutes later Kiran and Talbott arrived to class. They were both a little red in the face and had clearly continued their argument after I left them. Mr. Lambert gave them both a genuine smile and said nothing about their tardiness as they took their seats. Now I was the one that was irritated.

English seemed to drag on under Mr. Lamberts lecture; I had a terrible time paying attention. He was going on and on about Shakespeare, but my only thoughts were on the evidence I left in the theater. At the time I had been dreading the consequences of being late to class over the consequences of what would happen to me if the school figured out who trashed the theater…. literally. I groaned inwardly, as I realized I should have cleaned up my mess and destroyed all evidence first and worried about class second. “Pssst,” Kiran whispered in my direction, when I refused to look at him he tried again, “Pssssst,” I pulled my hair over my shoulders and blocked my view of him.

Eden,” he tried a little louder, causing several students around us to turn and glare. “Eden.”

What?” I whispered back as sharply as I could, peeking out from behind my wall of hair.

Why were you late this morning?” he smirked, proud that he was able to get my attention.

Why were you?” I avoided his question. The theater incident was just one of the many reasons I was running late that morning.

I’m allowed to be late. Didn’t you sleep well last night?” his grin widened into a smile and his perfect, straight and white teethe glistened at me.

I let my hair fall quickly back in front of my face, and slouched a little lower. My cheeks burned with the memory of my dream from the night before; being near Kiran, my hand in his, his eyes piercing me, as if looking into my soul. Thoughts of how inviting and seductive Kiran was in my dream conflicted with my fears of him finding out how crazy I was and more specifically about the trash can. I heard him snicker softly and a surge of electricity made my blood feel hot beneath my skin. He had my emotions completely confused…. I didn’t even know what I was feeling.

The bell finally rang and I took my time standing up out of my seat. I gathered my books slowly; all of the time my dark hair masked my face. Eventually, the next class started to file in and I looked up, relieved to be the last junior left. I headed for the stairs, just as slowly, afraid of Drama.

Unfortunately, I didn’t need to wait until class for the drama to begin because Kiran was casually sitting on the black and white marble staircase, blocking my path. He sat in the middle of the fifth step, looking like a model waiting for the photo shoot to begin. His face wore the familiar smirk I had grown accustomed to seeing as he watched me awkwardly approach. I was not totally sure I understood his infatuation with bothering me.

I was worried you would get lost,” he said smugly as I walked closer.

Where’s Talbott?” I asked, realizing his absence was strange.

He didn’t want to be late for class,” Kiran stood to his feet, waiting for me to ascend the steps.

Me either,” I breathed, picking up my pace, but brushing shoulders with Kiran as I passed. As soon as our bodies connected, the strong shocking sensation seized my shoulder forcing me to grab it with my other hand for support. I gasped for air and pulled my body away, but I still felt the impression of his skin hot underneath my shirt.

Are you alright?” he asked, his English accent sounding more like mockery than concern.

I’m fine,” I steadied myself and continued up the stairs as quickly as I could; although I was still a little out of breath from what felt like tiny lightning bolts in my blood. The shocking sensation grew to encompass my entire circulatory system and I cursed underneath my breath, determining that I would not faint today.

Eden, you are ridiculous!” Kiran sounded exasperated as he caught up with me on the stairs and grabbed my wrist with his hand.

The force of his touch was too much to handle. The electricity surged through my body at an alarming rate causing my heart to beat wildly. I forced myself to focus, but my vision became blurry and a high pitched ringing sound pierced my ears. I tried to say something but the world became dark around me. I felt myself falling and wondered for a moment if fainting down a flight of stairs would hurt.




Eden…. Eden…. wake up, love….” a soft, foreign voice pulled me out of darkness.

I opened my eyes slowly, but shut them swiftly when the light from the crystal chandelier was too much. My blood was flowing at a rapid pace and charged with a strong current of electricity. My heart was beating quickly, although somewhat in control and I realized that I was lying in someone’s arms.

Come on…. let me know you are all right,” the voice turned stern and I obeyed, I opened my eyes slower and let them adjust to the light around me.

I groaned audibly when I looked up to find Kiran looking back at me. His expression read concerned and when I was finally able to focus on him, I watched his facial muscles relax. The piercing aqua color of his eyes gazed into mine and I couldn’t remember what happened or how I ended up in his arms.

Did I faint again?” I mumbled as memories slowly started to come back.

Mmmm…. hmmm….” Kiran smiled and I realized that we were positioned on the marble staircase still. He must have caught me before I fell down the entire flight.

Thank you,” my voice was a little horse and I found that I was very comfortable lying in his arms. Despite the temperature and activity of my blood, I was hesitant to get up. I groaned again, milking it just a little longer.

How can you really not know what you are?” Kiran’s voice was soft and soothing and although I didn’t understand his question, he seemed to find it amusing and laughed a little.

Mr. Kendrick, Ms. Matthews I believe you are supposed to be in class right now,” Principal Saint hollered at us from the middle of the lobby. I wasn’t aware there was anyone around and my cheeks flamed with embarrassment.

I tried to sit up quickly as I heard Principal Saints’ footsteps come closer, but Kiran held me down. I looked at him with pleading eyes, mortified by the predicament Principal Saint had found us in. Kiran laughed again, but slowly helped me into a sitting position.

I apologize sir,” Kiran addressed Principal Saint, almost disdainfully; “You see we were on our way to class, when Ms. Matthews fainted and nearly took a tumble down the stairs.” I could hear the amusement in his tone and felt like punching him in the shoulder.

Is this true Ms. Matthews?” Principal Saint stopped walking when he reached the bottom of the stairs, and eyed me skeptically.

Yes, it is true.” I defended, terrified of the consequences I was about to face. “Luckily, Kiran, um, Mr. Kendrick was here to catch me,” I stood up, shakily and looked as grateful as I thought I felt; although I realized it was all his fault to begin with.

Hmmm…. I suppose it was lucky,” Principal Saint did not look completely convinced and eyed Kiran with more suspicion. “Ms. Matthews are you alright to continue on to class?” I nodded silently. “Alright then go on, I will inform Ms. Woodsen of the incident. Mr. Kendrick please come with me, I have an errand for you to run.”

Principal Saint turned on his heel without waiting for a reply from either of us and headed for the doors that exit the building. Kiran gave me a roguish look and a familiar smirk before following behind Principal Saint. I stared after them more confused than ever, before turning in the opposite direction finally on my way to Drama. Electricity was still rushing through my veins, leaving me overwhelmingly weak and shaky.




By the time I arrived at lunch I was exhausted. My nerves were completely fried and my hands could not stop shaking from the violent current in my bloodstream. Every small physical contact with another student sent more electricity running through my body, and my head was fuzzy from trying to function through it all.

When I finally took a seat next to Lilly at a table in the corner of the lunchroom, I was physically ill from the trauma taking place inside of my body. I knew that I looked like a terrible mess. I could feel the sweat beads dripping down my temples and the back of my neck. My hands were shaking so violently I had to clasp them together tightly to keep from making a scene.

Are you ok?” Lilly looked at me, concerned.

Um, I think I might be coming down with something,” I lied, but knew there was no better explanation; I was pretty sure this was unexplainable and I’d rather not let Lilly in on how crazy I was. I tried to think of a way to sneak back into the theater after lunch, I needed to blow something up, before I blew up instead.

You’re lying,” Kiran’s severe voice was suddenly beside me and I nearly jumped out of my seat. He sat down next to me and our bodies were almost touching. Electricity pulsed through me in waves now and I realized I could be sick at any moment. The close proximity to Kiran had sweat pouring down my face and I could literally feel my blood boiling.

About what?” I deflected; I could feel my shoulders begin to shake more violently. It was hard to believe, I was still trying to play this off. My hand reached up instinctively to wipe my forehead, but I quickly brought it down again when I saw how badly it was shaking.

I saw what you did in the theater,” he had quieted his voice and leaned in to whisper in my ear. “And we both know what happened on the stairs. Now look at you; you are clearly about to go into some type of shock.” I should have been grateful for his discretion, but his nearness was causing my vision to blur from the intensity of energy. His warm breath tickled my ear but a cold shiver ran down the back of my neck.

I don’t know what you mean,” I tried to deflect again, but now I realized Kiran and Talbott weren’t late to English because they had continued their argument; they had gone to investigate the theater after I passed them. It was stupid of me to rush up the stairs so quickly, and it was stupid of me to linger on the stairs with Kiran. Why was he so damn nosey?

Yes, you do,” Kiran leaned in closer to my neck, his lips nearly touching my ear. His voice was silky and soft, it had lost its edge and I could feel his lips brush my hair. “What’s wrong with you?” He sat back quickly.

I had begun to convulse, and wondered to myself if this was a seizure. Surely I was too coherent for a seizure, but my body was shaking so violently, I could barely stay seated. A small part of me wondered if I should bite down on a spoon, but before I could react I felt myself falling backwards; slightly aware I was causing a scene.

I fully expected to hit the floor, but instead, I felt strong arms reach out and catch me. I looked up assuming to see Kiran, but instead I was shocked to see Principal Saint looking down at me. His eyes were full of concern and I could see his mouth was moving, but the ringing in my ears drowned out the sound. That was the last thing I saw before I lost consciousness for the second time that day.



Star-Crossed #01 - Reckless Magic