
Rusty would like to thank the following for their invaluable contribution to the “making of” Zombies Don’t Cry.

First, to Jamie Brenner with Artists & Artisans, Inc., who knew this book better back when it was still called Have a Nice Afterlife. Jamie taught me the importance of story, as well as knowing your audience. She also taught me that timing is everything and that writing a “timeless” book is more important than chasing a fad.

Second, to the good folks at Medallion Press. Finding a publisher is never easy; finding a publisher who actually cares about its authors, particularly in this day and age, is doubly so. I’m proud to have found a “home” at Medallion, where zombies are always welcome. Editorial Manager Lorie Popp has been particularly encouraging, and I’d also like to give a major shout-out to my “point person,” Editorial Director Emily Steele, who has made the process easier than it should be.

Next, to my unofficial mentors on Facebook and Twitter. There are too many to list by name, but being able to talk about writing, publishing, e-books, print books, submissions, query letters, plot, and characterization with folks I’ve long admired—and read—has been a true inspiration. They say writing is a solitary venture, and that’s true for the most part, but social media has really opened up my world and, I like to think, my writing is better for it.

Finally, to my family and friends, who have learned more about zombies than they probably ever wanted to. I never fail to get a kick out of hearing my in-laws, Helen and Gerry, asking about flesh-eating zombies or watching my mom, Colee, egging her teacher friends to buy her son’s book about the living dead. (And don’t get me started on trying to convince my dad, Rusty Sr., how well a book about zombies would go over at Rusty’s Raw Bar.) They’ve been hearing about this book for so long, I hope they’re not disappointed when the dead finally spring to life!