Table of Contents

Title Page

1. One winter night, while they were sitting together, a bear came to their door.

2. The two girls were quite close and always held each other’s hand when they went out into the world together.

3. Their mother reassured the girls, 'Have no fear of this bear. He will do you no harm.'

4. From that time onward, the bear came by every evening to play with the girls. He let them amuse themselves with him as much as they liked.

5. And the bear cried out, 'Snow White, Rose Red, would you beat your wooer dead?'

6. The girls so accepted their strange friend that they never locked the door until he had appeared.

7. No harm came to Snow White or Rose Red when they wandered in the woods alone. The creatures of the forest befriended them.

8. One day as they walked in the woods, the girls came upon an old dwarf with a withered face and a scowling eye.

9. Snow White was the meeker of the two sisters, and would remain at home, engaged in quiet pursuits.

10. Snow White caught a glimpse of gold shining beneath the bear’s hairy coat.

11. Rose Red was the more spirited of the two, and thought nothing of running forth alone to explore the woods and fields.

12. 'Why must you go away, dear bear?' 'I must go into the forest and guard my treasure from the evil dwarves, who live under the earth.'

13. 'See what you two milksops have done to me! Ugh, how malicious and odious you are!' the dwarf screamed at them.

14. There were once two princes who were bewitched by one of the evil dwarves. He sought the treasures they had hidden away in the woods.

15. In the winter, the dwarves are trapped beneath the earth. But when the sun warms the world, they break through into the light to plunder, enchant, and hoard.

16. 'So you return to laugh at me, you wicked creatures?' the dwarf raged at them. 'Don’t just stand there, you sleek milk-faced things!' And his ashen face became copper with rage.

17. 'Whatever gets into the hands of one of these vile dwarves does not easily see the light of day again.'

18. Snow White had given herself up for lost when suddenly a black bear came roaring out of the forest.

19. The bear, snarling, rushed upon the dwarf and attacked him.

20. And the sisters stood amazed to see two young men in handsome clothing.

A little bit about me and this book