List of Illustrations




Illustrations in the plate section are reproduced by kind permission of the following: Roger Crowley (1, 7 and 12), Palazzo Ducale, Venice, Italy/The Bridgeman Art Library (2), Galleria dell’ Accademia, Venice, Italy/Cameraphoto Arte Venezia/The Bridgeman Art Library (3), akg-Cameraphoto (4), The Art Archive/Academia BB AA S Fernando Madrid/Collection Dagli Orti (5), IAM/akg/World History (6), The Art Archive/Private Collection/Gianni Dagli Orti (8), Igor Karasi/Shutterstock Images (9), Andreas G. Karelias/Shutterstock Images (10), John Copland/Shutterstock Images (11), akg-Erich Lessing (13), The Trustees of the British Museum (14)