List of Illustrations

2 The capture of Constantinople in 1204, by Jacopo Tintoretto
8 Carpenters building ships in the Venetian arsenal
9 Rovigno (Rovinj) on the Istrian peninsula of Croatia
10 The Venetian fortress of Modon (Methoni), southern Greece
11 The Venetian harbour fortress at Candia (Heraklion), Crete
12 The lion of St Mark, Famagusta, Cyprus
13 The reception of the Venetian ambassador in Damascus, from the School of Gentile Bellini
Illustrations in the plate section are reproduced by kind permission of the following: Roger Crowley (1, 7 and 12), Palazzo Ducale, Venice, Italy/The Bridgeman Art Library (2), Galleria dell’ Accademia, Venice, Italy/Cameraphoto Arte Venezia/The Bridgeman Art Library (3), akg-Cameraphoto (4), The Art Archive/Academia BB AA S Fernando Madrid/Collection Dagli Orti (5), IAM/akg/World History (6), The Art Archive/Private Collection/Gianni Dagli Orti (8), Igor Karasi/Shutterstock Images (9), Andreas G. Karelias/Shutterstock Images (10), John Copland/Shutterstock Images (11), akg-Erich Lessing (13), The Trustees of the British Museum (14)