Acceptance testing 268, 371

for critical applications 272

types of 271

Advantages of white box testing 191

Automated testing 409

disadvantages of 415

benefits of 414

Available testing tools, techniques and metrics 20


Basic concepts of state machines 310

Basic terminology related to software testing 11

Basic test plan template 583589

Basic unit for testing, inheritance and testing 302

Basis path testing 149

Benefits of automated testing 414

Beta testing 255

Big bang integration 240

Black box testing 489, 560

Black box (or functional) testing techniques 65

Bottom-up integration approach 239

Boundary value analysis (BVA) 66

guidelines for 74

limitations of 67

robustness testing 67

worst-case testing 68

Business vertical testing (BVT) 252

BVA. See Boundary value analysis


Call graph based integration 241

Categorizing V&V techniques 33

Cause-effect graphing technique 97

causes and effects 97

guidelines for 101

Certification, standards and testing for compliance 257

Characteristics of modern testing tools 425

Chasing false defects 569

Classification of integration testing 238

Code complexity testing 141

Code coverage testing 136

Coming up with entry/exit criteria 258

Comparison of

black box and white box testing in tabular form 188

conventional and object oriented testing 390

various regression testing techniques 223

white box, black box and gray box testing approaches 209

Comparison on

black box (or functional) testing techniques 102

various white box testing techniques 190

Concept of balance 107

Condition coverage 139

Configuration testing 486

Consideration during automated testing 410

Corrective regression testing 221

Coupling between objects (CBO) 145

Criteria for selection of test tools 422

Cyclomatic complexity

properties and meaning 141, 147

Cyclomatic density (CD) 143


Data flow testing 171

DD path testing 165

Debugging 418

Decision table based testing 86

guidelines for 96

Decision tables 87

advantages, disadvantages and applications of 87

Decomposition-based integration 238

Deployment acceptance test 272

Deployment testing 253

Design for testability (DFT) 387

Design/architecture verification 251

Differences between QA and QC 31

Differences between regression and normal testing 220

Differences between verification and validation 30

Disadvantages of automated testing 415

Dynamic white box testing techniques 135


Equivalence class test cases for next date function 79

Equivalence class test cases for the commission problem 84

Equivalence class test cases for the triangle problem 78

Equivalence class testing 74

guidelines for 85

strong normal 76

strong robust 77

weak normal 75

weak robust 76

Essential density metric (EDM) 142

Evolving nature of area 31

Executing test cases 270


Factors governing performance testing 274

Formal verification 37

Function coverage 140

Functional acceptance simple test (FAST) 271

Functional system testing techniques 250

Functional testing (or black box testing) 489

guidelines for 105

techniques 65

Functional versus non-functional system testing 248


Game testing process 559

Good bug writing 573

Graph matrices technique 169

Gray box testing 207

various other definitions of 208

Gui testing 390

Guidelines for

BVA 74

cause-effect functional testing technique 101

choose integration method and

conclusions 241

decision table based testing 96

equivalence class testing 85

functional testing 105

scalability testing 262


Heuristics for class testing 356


Implementation-based class testing/white box or structural testing 333

Incremental testing approach 10

Independent V&V contractor (IV&V) 49

Integration complexity 143

Integration testing of classes 367

Integration testing 237

Interoperability testing 266


Kiviat charts 105


Levels of object oriented testing 363

Levels of testing 235291

Life cycle of a build 563

Limitations of BVA 67

Limitations of testing 19


Managing key resources 259

Managing the test process 383

Measurement of testing 10

Mutation testing versus error seeding 186


Neighborhood integration 242

Non-functional testing (or white box testing) 486

Non-functional testing techniques 258


Object oriented testing 301

levels of 363


Pairwise integration 241

Path analysis 453

process 454

coverage 138

Path-based integration with its pros and cons 243

Pathological complexity 143

Performance testing 273, 486

challenges 280

factors governing 274

steps of 279

tools for 290

Phase wise breakup over testing life cycle 453

Positive and negative effect of software V&V on projects 48

Practical challenges in white box testing 190

Principles of testing 18

Prioritization guidelines 215

Prioritization of test cases for regression testing 224

Priority category scheme 216

Problems with manual testing 413

Progressive regression testing 221

Proof of correctness (formal verification) 37

Pros and cons of decomposition-based techniques 240

Pros and cons 242


Rationale for STRs 43

Recoverability testing 488

Regression and acceptance testing 381

Regression testing at integration level 222

Regression testing at system level 223

Regression testing at unit level 222

Regression testing in object oriented software 224

Regression testing of a relational database 493500

Regression testing of global variables 223

Regression testing technique 225

Regression testing 220, 381, 571

types of 221

Release acceptance test (RAT) 271

Reliability testing 262, 489

Requirements tracing 38

Response for class (RFC) 145

Responsibility-based class testing/black-box/functional specification-based testing of classes 345

Retest-all strategy 221

Risk analysis 217

Robustness testing 67

Role of V&V in SDLC 33


Sandwich integration approach 239

Scalability testing 260, 487

Security testing 488

Selecting test cases 269

Selection of good test cases 9

Selective strategy 221

Setting up the configuration 258

Simulation and prototyping 38

Skills needed for using automated tools 416

Slice based testing 226

Smoke testing 571

Software technical reviews 43

rationale for 43

review methodologies 46

types of 45

Software testing 2

basic terminology related to 11

Software V&V planning (SVVP) 39

Software verification and validation 2957

Standard for software test documentation (IEEE829) 50

State machines

basic concepts of 310

Statement coverage 136

Static versus dynamic white box testing 134

Steps for tool selection 424

Steps of performance testing 279

Stress testing 263

Strong normal equivalence class testing 76

Strong robust equivalence class testing 77

System testing 246, 371


Test automation: “no silver bullet” 431

Test cases for commission problem 72, 96

Test cases for next date function 71, 91

Test cases for payroll problem 100

Test cases for the triangle problem 69, 90, 98

Test execution issues 394

Test point analysis (TPA) 435

for case study 450

methodology 436

model 437

philosophy 436


effectiveness 104

efficiency 104

effort 102

levels of 235291

life cycle 17

measurement of 10

number of 9

object oriented systems 333

performance See Performance testing

principles of 18

purpose 6

Testing “around” a bug 572

Testing of e-learning management systems 505557

Testing process 2

Testing using orthogonal arrays 392

Tools for performance testing 290

TPA. See Test point analysis

Transaction testing 489

Types of

acceptance testing 271

decomposition based techniques top-down 238

integration approach 238


regression testing 221

STRs 45

testing tools-static v/s dynamic 411


Unit testing a class 364

Unit, integration, system and acceptance testing relationship 236

Unit/code functional testing 135

Usability testing 486


Version control 567

V&V limitations 32


Weak normal equivalence class testing 75

Weak robust equivalence class testing 76

Web browser-page tests 489

Weighted methods for class (WMC) 145

When to stop testing 18

White box testing 486, 562. See also Black box testing

advantages of 191

comparison of black box and 188

practical challenges in 190

static versus dynamic 134

White box (or structural) testing techniques 133

Worst-case testing 68