Köszönettel tartozom a kiadóknak, akik engedélyezték, hogy az alábbi kiadványaikból idézzek: Upton Close: Behind the Face of Japan. D. Appleton-Century Company, Inc.; Sir Charles Eliot: Japanese Buddhism. Edward Arnold and Company; Sumie Mishima: My Narrow Isle. The John Day Company, Inc.; Yoshisabura Okakura: Life and Thought of Japan. J. M. Dent and Sons, Ltd.; Etsu Inagaki Sugimoto: A Daughter of the Samurai. Doubleday and Company; Harold Doud ezredes: How the Jap Army Fights. Penguin Books Inc. és Infantry Journal; K. Nohara: True Face of Japan. Jarrolds Publishers (London); E. Oberlin Steinilber: Buddhist Sects of Japan, és Lafcadio Hearn: Japan: An Attempt at Interpretation. The Macmillan Company; John E Embree: Japanese Nation. Rinehart and Company, Inc.; és John E Embree, Suye Mura. The University of Chicago Press.
Ruth Benedict