Dear Reader,
I would like to thank you for your enthusiastic response to the Eatons and their extended family. You were introduced to Belinda in Bittersweet Love and Myles in Sweet Deception. Now for those who want to revisit the Eatons I give you Sweet Dreams, the latest installment in the miniseries.
All of us dream, but do we remember them upon waking? Not only does Chandra Eaton remember her sexy dreams but she also writes them down. Then the unspeakable happens when she misplaces her journal and none other than Preston Tucker, Philadelphia’s award-winning dramatist, finds and reads her erotic fantasies. They even become the plot for his latest play. More than sparks fly when she and Preston bring the dreams to life!
Look for Denise Eaton to take center stage in October 2010 when a former lover finds Temptation at First Sight.
Yours in romance,
Rochelle Alers