


Daddy, Why Did God Make Us?


“Well, honey, some pretty smart people say that God made us to SMI2 LE, use our HEAD, and get RICH.

“SMI2LE means Space Migration + Intelligence Increase + Life Extension. Space enough and smarts enough and time enough for all of us to find and express the best that’s in us.

“HEAD means Hedonic Engineering and Development. We’ve told you about that here and there in this manual.

“RICH means Rising Income through Cybernetic Homeostasis. Totally automated industry is inevitable, sooner or later, however many dinosaurs may try to block it. The cybernetic age means the wage-economy being replaced by a National Dividend economy. Folks like Douglas and Pound and Bucky Fuller have seen that coming since the 1920s. The RICH society is one in which everybody will create their own ideas and artifacts. We’ll all be in the Creativity game.

“After we learn to SMI2LE and use our HEAD and get RICH, we’ll be wise and strong enough to look for real cosmic challenges. That’s why God made us, I reckon.”