Quantum Mechanics as a Branch of Primate Psychology
by Simon Moon
According to the Copenhagen Interpretation invented in the middle of the Carlsberg brewery 1926 by Niels Bohr the world-as-known-to-science is not a model of the real world but is—at one step remove—a model of the human mind building a model of the real world.
The science of sciences, then, THE SCIENCE, the fountainhead, becomes epistemology, which is a branch of human psychology, which is a branch of primate psychology and of primate neurology.
The primate genetic imperatives of territoriality, pack hierarchy, rage-threat reflexes, rule by an alpha male, all play a role in the theorizing/modeling of domesticated primates like us.
Or, as Eddington said, “We have certain preconceived notions of location in space that have come down to us from ape-like ancestors.” Get into your brain, into the Jungian “collective unconscious,” the DNA archives, to find the origin of philosophy, art, and modern physics including the Copenhagen Interpretation.
But according to David Bohm 1952 the quantum jump is controlled by a subquantum hidden variable which is nonlocal: here, there, and everywhere in space: now, then, and everywhen in time. If Bohm is right, the primate brain (which devised Lear and Beethoven’s Ninth and tic-tac-toe along with quantum mechanics) is the product of DNA architectural design to terraform Terra which is dependent upon quantum bonding of the DNA helix which, in turn, is determined by quantum jumpiness determined itself by the hidden variable nonlocal in spacetime omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent as any theologian’s God.
If Bohr is right, the primary study is that of the brain and consciousness (primate neurology); but if Bohm is right the primary study is that of the hidden variable nonlocal in spacetime (cosmic organization: negative entropy, inc.)
Since Bohr himself said “The opposite of a trivial truth is false; the opposite of a great truth is also true,” we can synthesize Bohr/Bohm and conclude that primate neurology = the hidden variable which in prescientific language would read the soul = God except that to be true to Bohm and to Bell’s Theorem 1964 primate neurology (the soul) also = any other point-event which has a view of the universe as accurate as that of any other point-event so that if the hidden variable = God so does the lampshade or the blue spruce (which is what any Buddhist or acid-head will tell you even without studying quantum mechanics).
SIMON MOON is a second-generation anarchist and holds advanced degrees in mathematics and computer science. Moon consumes gargantuan quantities of pot, hash, acid and peyote, bragging that he hasn’t “had an unhallucinated day since 1968.” Easy to arouse, he is hard to pacify and most people prefer to just go away. “Bucky Fuller says he seems to be a verb,” he told our interviewer, “but I am definitely a gerund.” He lists his qualifications for membership in the IIluminan as fifty-five experiences of ESP, five hundred fifty-five demonstrations of PK, one out-of-book experience, and 2,317 synchronicities.
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