I wake the next morning to pounding of fists against my door. Two footmen greet me. They say the King requests my presence, and I’m to be there within the hour.
Daphne’s not here. I didn’t see her last night after my tiff with Malik. She’s probably keeping Ray’s bed warm, even though I need her now. Shouldn’t Ray be at work, preparing breakfast?
I do the best I can with my hair and face, wash my hands and make my way to the dining hall.
And the only person in the room is the King.
“What’s this?” I ask.
He waves his hand for me to sit. “I wanted to speak with you. Alone.”
“If this is about the other night, I haven’t had much time to—”
“Andrina, my people don’t wait. I don’t wait. We need a queen; someone who will lead our people with grace and turn things around. This place,” he says, looking up toward the ceiling, “needs a woman’s touch. Can you offer that to them and to me?”
I fumble for words. “I, um, Majesty…”
“I know you can,” he says, reaching over and clutching my hand in his.
“I’m not yet a woman, though.”
“Andrina, I’ve seen older women act less mature. You’ve had to grow up fast, be the provider for your family. Why don’t you let someone else take care of you for a change?”
If I don’t accept, I’ll never know what it’s like not to barely get by, fighting to keep my family fed. I can’t let Mattie grow up listening to the constant growl of his stomach. I can’t let Mama attempt to sell jewelry for the rest of her life. And if I reject the King, what will happen? Will I be sent to his prison? Back to Legora?
“What are the terms?” I ask.
He sits back, releasing my hand. “Excuse me?”
“There has to be some conditions to this marriage.” I shrug. “What are they?”
“I’m afraid you have this defined view of what marriage is and what a queen should be. But there’s nothing to it. You mingle with your people, hear their concerns, and make me look good.” He chuckles like this is some big joke.
“No offense, Majesty, but I need to know what my duties will be before I accept your offer. I don’t want to be conned into this without knowing what I’m getting myself into.”
He laughs through his teeth, like he’s trying to refrain, and leans forward, taking both of my hands in his again. “My dear, you will have no responsibility except to keep everyone entertained, including me. I’m the one who handles any…duties.”
“That’s it? I strut around in extremely expensive garb, smile and wave, listen to any problems, and report to you?”
“That’s the gist.”
“Sounds easy.”
“You have no idea. This is not an attempt to cheat you into something you do not wish to do. I am simply offering a better life for you.”
“And what about my family?”
“Your family can live here, if they so wish.”
“And Malik… Can we pay him more? His family needs the money.”
“Anything you want. His family can join us, too.”
This doesn’t seem so bad at all. Maybe I’m overanalyzing the situation. Maybe he really does mean well; it’s just the idea of marrying a king that scares me.
“I accept your offer,” I say, hoping I haven’t made the biggest mistake of my life. “As long as it benefits the people, my family and friends.”
“I will ready my people to prepare for the wedding.” He lifts my hand to his lips.
“So soon?”
This feels so sterile. Contractual. Loveless.
But what did I expect?
“My darling, I have waited too long for a wife. The wedding will be scheduled two days from now.” He claps his hands twice, quickly. A footman appears from the side door leading to the kitchen. King Zarek whispers something in his ear and the man nods, returning the way he came. “I love breakfast. My favorite meal of the day.”
“Wait—two days?” I screech.
“Oh, darling, if you’re worried about your family, they’ll be here, no doubt,” he replies, with a smile on his face. But something punches me deep down and tells me he’s lying. I decide not to push further, in case I might upset him. If this ends badly for Legora, well, I don’t want to picture my family starving and battling the elements. So, I play naïve. Big smile, Andrina. Really big smile.
“What’s on the menu?”
He squints, like he’s thinking hard about it. “Ah, you’ll have to wait and see.”
Several minutes later the footman brings us our trays. On them are heart-shaped pancakes in strawberry syrup and cream. They’re so warm they melt as soon as they reach my tongue.
“If you ever want anything to eat, tell them and they’ll make it for you. You’ll never be hungry in my world.”
“Thank you.”
I push the plate away when I’m finished. My stomach is so small I can’t eat much. It would take a year to stretch it out.
“Join me this afternoon for a game of tennis.” I give him this I-don’t-know-about-that look, but he insists. “You can watch. You don’t have to participate.”
“Good. Because I’ve never played sports.”
“Well, that’s going to change. I would place money on the fact that you might best my footmen. And they love to play.”
“I am a fast learner…”
“See. I knew it.” He stands, and I do too. “Rest up for this afternoon. I don’t want you to be sick in this heat.”
I have to tell Daphne the news. I just hope she’s in my room when I return. This means that soon she and Ray will be together. Legally. Without consequences.
I lay on my bed, trying to figure out what I’m going to do for the next few hours, when Daphne barges in.
“So sorry, miss. Lost track o’ time.”
“Spend the night with Ray?”
She blushes, and I take that as a yes.
“Well, I have good news for you,” I say. “I met with the King this morning and accepted his proposal. So you and Ray can be together, and anyone else that has wished for marriage.”
I’m not sure if the shock on Daphne’s face is because she’s excited, or if she can’t believe I accepted so speedily. Either way, she snaps out of it.
“’Grats, miss.”
“Why do you seem worried?”
“I know yer tryin’ ta do the right thing by helpin’ the people, but there’s more ta bein’ a queen than playin’ dress up.” She keeps her head bowed, like she’s afraid to glance my way.
“We talked things over—what I’d do, what my responsibilities would be—before I accepted. I know this isn’t going to be easy, but if these people need help, I’m here for them.” I pause. “You think I’m making a mistake?”
“It’s not my place, miss. Jus’ don’ think the people will accept ya.”
“Is that why you wouldn’t say much yesterday? There’s no going back now, Daph. I’ve already given the King my answer, and we’ll be married in two days.”
She glances up. “Two days? That’s not enough time.”
“He says Valyad desperately needs a queen. It has to happen sooner or later, I guess.”
Placing her hands on her hips, she asks, “Well, who’s gonna fix ya up?”
I feel the grin spread through my lips. “I hoped it’d be you.”
With a shake of her head, she says, “The things I do for ya.”