“Well, if you knew you’d leave with me, then where are your bags?” King Zarek asks.
I stare at my hands absentmindedly. “I don’t have anything to bring.”
“I’ll see to it you’re taken care of.” He snaps his fingers. “Guards!” Two footmen appear at his side. “See to it that Andrina is escorted to the horses. She’ll ride with me. We’re waiting to see if her friend is joining us. If he’s not back when the sun’s edge reaches the tip of the town’s temple, then we’re leaving.”
“Can I at least say goodbye to my family?”
A hearty laugh leaves his lips. “Of course you can. I’m not keeping you from them. Remember, this was your decision.”
I race to the market, searching for Mama. Isn’t this what she wanted from me—to repair the damage done? She’ll be elated.
Malik isn’t at his mother’s booth. Has he already been here and told Xara the news? He’s most likely packing his bags this very moment.
“Mama, I’m going back to Valyad. I’m pretty sure that, if I go, I can change things this time.”
She steps out from behind her table and embraces me in a warm hug. “I knew you’d make the right choice.”
“Don’t put all your hopes on me just yet. I have a lot of work to do.”
“Either way, I’m proud of you. I know we haven’t seen eye to eye on this subject, but in the end you’ll learn that your family, your people, will remember you forever.”
“We’ll see.”
She plants a kiss on my forehead. “Malik just stopped by here and said he was going with you.”
“The King persuaded Malik that he’ll be able to send money to his family and visit here more often. It didn’t take much to convince him.”
“Well, he’s thinking about what’s best for his family. Andy, none of us want to move. I don’t. You don’t. Mattie doesn’t. We all have to think about our families. I believe this is a wise choice for Malik. Xara’s upset, which is to be expected, but she’s proud of her son and only wants the best for him.” Mama tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, watching me like I’ll evaporate and never return.
I grasp her hand. “What’s wrong?”
“You will come back, won’t you? Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy that you’re able to get out and see what’s left of our world, but I don’t want you corrupted by the politics of Valyad.”
“Oh, Mama. Of course I’ll be back. You don’t think I’d honestly stay there, do you? I loved the lavish castle and being attended to by a maid, but—”
“You had a maid?” she blurts.
I giggle. “Yes. Her name was Daphne. I wish I knew what happened to her. She was dismissed before I could say goodbye.” What had become of her? It’s like they knew she wouldn’t be needed any longer. But it happened so quickly…
“Whatever you do, don’t take any of it for granted. Ever.”
“I won’t.”
“Now, go say goodbye to your brother. This has been hard on him.” She wraps her arms around me yet again, squeezing firmly.
Mattie will not be happy about me leaving, but I’ll do my best to explain that our separation won’t be for an eternity. At the house, he’s curled into a fetal position on his bed.
“Hey, bud.” I sit down on the edge of mine, across from him. He doesn’t say anything. Won’t even look at me. “I know this isn’t easy on you. It isn’t easy on me, either. But you have to think about us as a family. If I succeed, then we’ll be able to stay here for at least a few more months.”
He redirects his eyes, glaring at me. “What about after that?”
“We have to take one day at a time. I don’t know what’ll happen. I wish I could tell you.”
He lays his head back down, watching my pillow with a void expression.
“Bye, Mattie.” I reach over to pat his leg, but he jerks it away.
So this is it. This is the terms we leave on. I won’t press him, though. If that’s how he chooses to act, then I’ll let it be. Eventually it’ll weigh on his conscience.
King Zarek and Malik wait at the front gates.
“What took you so long?” Malik asks. “I think the King was about to leave without you.”
“No, I knew she’d come. Family first. Right, my dear?” King Zarek says.
“Of course,” I reply. Two footmen help me onto the back of King Zarek’s horse. Malik has to share a saddle with another footman, and doesn’t seem thrilled.
“What did Xara say about all this?” I ask before we set off.
Malik shrugs and answers, “She was upset, but happy for me.”
The horses jolt. I feel like a klutz on the back, bouncing and struggling to hold on. Sand and dirt kicked up by the footman riding in front finds its way to my mouth; it crunches between my teeth. Half the trip is spent spitting out waste.
Nobody can talk over the pounding of the horses’ hooves. So anything that needs to be said will have to wait until we’re at the train station. It seems longer then I remember, though. Maybe it’s because I have higher expectations this time around; I know what to hope for.
The crumbling structure comes into view. The train is already at the station, waiting for us.
“Not the sturdiest-looking thing, is it?” Malik asks.
“Wait ‘til you see the inside,” I tell him.
The train hasn’t changed at all. We have to step over missing floorboards just to find seats that aren’t lopsided.
“You actually rode in this?” Malik carefully scoots across one of the bench seats.
I nod. “It scared me the first time. I was afraid I’d fall through.”
“I’m surprised there’s any flooring left.”
“Something needs to done about this. I will speak to the conductor when our trip is over so we can arrange for the train to be fixed,” King Zarek says from the cart behind ours.
I whisper to Malik, “Isn’t it funny how he’ll fix a stupid train, but he won’t help people who are in dire need of food?”
He doesn’t say anything, just focuses on nothing outside. I take it as him not wanting to get involved in the politics. After all, he’s only here to make money to send to his family.
The train yanks us as it builds up steam.
“You’ll love Valyad. It’s different from Legora, though,” I say.
“I wish my parents could see it. If it’s as lavish as I’ve heard, my mom would really enjoy it. She’s always had a thing for rich objects.”
Malik falls asleep during the ride. I want to, but I have to keep my head in the game. If I want to return home, then I need to be on top of my reliability.
Night will be here soon. It seems like the cold sweeps over the sands earlier than it used to. I remember a time when the sunlight would stretch late into the evening, and the freeze would wait until we were all safe before it touched anything.
But everything is different now.
The train gradually slows to a halt in front of Valyad’s station. There aren’t men and women of class like they were when I first arrived. The place is empty, save for an operator who sits behind a counter inside. I guess he has no choice. Somebody has to run the place.
“It’s about time. I’m feeling stiff from the ride,” King Zarek complains. “Andrina, I am so sorry you had to endure such a filthy vessel to bring you along. Nothing in my kingdom is this indecent.”
“I know, Majesty.”
“Ah, well, of course you do. Sometimes I forget you had visited. My mind is full of other things.”
And sometimes I forget why I even bother.
Malik stirs at the sound of our voices. “Did we make it?”
“Yeah. We’re here.”
He wipes the drool encrusted around his mouth. “Sorry I fell asleep. I suppose I was more tired than I thought.”
“It’s all right. I’m excited for you to see Valyad.”
“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t eager to.” He grins.
“Well, c’mon then. The king and his men are outside.”
Black Riders await us as we step off the train, just as they were when I came here the first time. Their horses grumble, impatient. If I was a horse, I’d run everywhere. There wouldn’t be a slice of earth I hadn’t visited.
“How far is it?” Malik asks as we are helped onto horses.
“Not far,” I say, remembering the first time I asked the same question. “Not far at all.”
Valyad is just as I recall. Thick, luscious foliage surrounds the area near the fortress. The desert waves goodbye and is soon a phantom within our memory. Trees seem to step aside as we pass through. A sharp-iron smell tickles my nose as we near the front gate.
“Welcome to Valyad,” I tell Malik.
His eyes sparkle like the inferno raining from the skies. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”
“Hate to say it, but I told you so.”
We enter the same way we did on my last visit—past the guards with radiant armor and weapons, and through the stone entrance. King Zarek and his men press forward, while I hang back to show Malik something I noticed on my first day.
“You see that area over there?” I point over the low wall.
“Yeah. What is it?”
“That’s the gardens. In the center is a fountain with marble angels.”
“Definitely sounds rich.”
“C’mon,” I urge him to keep moving and follow the guards escorting us to the guest bedrooms. Though I’m not in the same room, I’m pretty close.
And Malik is next door.
“I feel like a kid when I’m here, like everything in my imagination has exploded and settled, and Valyad is the result,” Malik says.
I shrug. “Maybe it is.” He shoots me a funny look, one that has have you lost your mind written all over it. “We can pretend this is our thoughts running wild.”
“Yeah. Why not?”
Somehow our conversation turns into us jumping up and down on my bed like we’re ten years old again. I’ve never laughed so hard in my life. Especially when Malik falls off. One minute he’s there and the next… clunk.
I can’t breathe. My sides hurt. “Are you-u oka-ay?”
He lies there, chuckling. “Wow. Don’t tell anyone back home that happened.”
“I won’t.”
“Or anyone here.”
“Your secret is safe with me.” And then I drop a pillow on his face. We run around the room, him chasing after me. Me screaming and laughing. I don’t remember the last time I had such high spirits. I doubt Malik does, either.
Fun doesn’t exist for people like us.