Chapter Twenty-Eight

We’re the ones who saved you,” Jana proudly says. Even her chin lifts when she says the words.

I feel like I have the upper hand. “I kinda guessed as much when I saw you and Blake in the woods. Naked.” Yeah, I totally just went there. Maybe it’s the meds…

Jana blushes, like I just revealed a deep, dark secret. Probably the only way she and Blake spend quality alone time. “We knew what you were, but we debated whether we should tell you about us,” she says. Her mouth cinches into a crooked frown. “We thought it was best not to put more problems in your head. You’ve had enough to deal with lately.”

Beth interjects. “Either way, I’m glad you were with her. I owe you.”

“No way! We’re just glad we could help. If we hadn’t shown up when we did…” Blake trails off.

“My friends are werewolves,” I say, then giggle. More to myself than to anyone in the room. They’re too busy talking about who might’ve attacked me to notice my comment.

“Did you see who it was or recognize their scent?” Beth asks.

“Nothing that I’ve smelled before,” Blake says, shaking his head. “The whole thing was wrong, and totally out of place. I’ve never seen or smelled anything like it—dark and heavy with magic.” He looks away, deep in thought.

Jana redirects her attention to me. “You know how Blake and I have been exhausted lately, and miss school? Well, we’ve smelled something strange in the air, something shady. We’ve located some cult dealings north of here. We have a spot where we stop and watch them, but we won’t go any closer. The stuff they produce”—she shakes her head—“shouldn’t be legal, in any form—human or otherwise.”

“I suspect the Conways might have something to do with this,” Beth practically spews.

“They might be using magic, or are in with that cult somehow,” Jana suggests. “I have no idea why they’d stoop so low.”

“They loathe us. With Candra in town, it’s more competition. By law, we settled first, so our family has more power. They believe the more Followers they get will somehow change the Committee’s views, so they might actually change the law,” Beth explains. Her arms fold across her chest and she chews the inside of her cheek.

“What Committee?” I ask.

Beth scoffs. “Candra, we can’t just run about creating chaos wherever we go. There are laws set in place. If we don’t abide, we answer to the Committee.”

“Too bad the Conways are friends with some of the members,” Blake says, rolling his eyes.

“I wish I could help you guys with all of this. I’m so useless right now,” I mumble, staring down at my lap.

Jana takes my hand in hers. “It’s all right, Candra. Really, it is. We managed before you came, and we’ll manage until your eighteenth birthday.”

I give her a half-assed smile. “Doesn’t matter. If they’re dead set on this, then they’ll do everything they can to stop me from transforming.”

“It must suck,” Jana blurts.

“The killing part?” I ask.

Her face seems to lose its elasticity. “No, the fact that your ex-boyfriend is also your enemy, who might, or might not, want to kill you.”

“Never thought of it that way,” I murmur.

Jana squeezes my hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to sound rude. I know you really cared for him.”

“Yeah, I did.”

Part of me still does.

“But, Candra…” she stares at the IV in my arm, the itchy nightgown I’m wearing, and finishes by saying, “look what he’s done to you.”

Before the words leave her mouth, I’m shaking my head, disagreeing. “It’s not him.”

“You don’t know that.”

“You don’t either. His family may want me dead, but not my—not Ben.” Immediately, I drop my gaze to my hands. Jana doesn’t push the subject further. She and Blake say they’ll wait outside, until I’m released. They risk their lives for me, and the only conclusion I can come to is that Ben’s not a part of it. What’s wrong with me?

After being discharged, I’m forced to sit in a wheelchair until we reach the car. I ride with Beth, and Jana and Blake follow us.

Most of the ride home is quiet. I can’t stop fidgeting.

“You okay?” Beth asks, glancing over at me.

“I’m fine,” I lie, propping my arm against the door and resting my head on my palm.

“We’re almost there.”

The gravel road doesn’t seem as menacing as usual. The tree branches don’t reach out like they used to, but each time I look at the tree trunks, I see faces. They still tell me to turn around and go back.

I should’ve listened.

Now I’m stuck in this mess. One I can’t clean up on my own. There’s no way I can move off to avoid my troubles this time. I must face them as they come.

“Have you told Mom and Dad?” I ask.

Beth shakes her head. “I’m leaving that up to you. It’s your place to let them know what happened, and what might happen. They’d love to hear your voice.”

“I should call them,” I say, suddenly feeling nervous. Mom will probably flip out. Dad won’t be far behind her. I sigh.

We pull into the circular driveway. Beth grabs her purse and jumps out, strolling around to the passenger side door. Blake stands beside me within a matter of seconds, almost scaring the daylights out of me.

“Here, give me your arm,” he says. He loops my arm around his neck and wraps his arm around my side, helping me to the house.

I make it to the living room, and slump into one of the chairs. Beth, Jana and Blake sit on the couch, across from me.

Moments pass before I decide to break the silence.

“So, basically they want me dead because our families hate each other,” I say.

“It’s not just that,” Beth says. “There’s more to it.”

“Like what?”

She props her elbows on her knees. “Whoever this is wants your gift, and wants you to be gone forever. The only way to do that is to—”

“Kill me,” I finish. My throat tightens, making it harder to swallow.

Beth nods. “I’m at a loss. I never thought it would come to this.”

I watch her carefully, unable to grasp what she’s talking about.

“Granted,” she continues, “I knew they hated us. What I mean is: I didn’t know it would go this far. Why not me? Why not Randy? We’re the ones who started this.”

“We can pick Candra up after school, and even for work. Whatever it takes,” Jana says. Her eyebrows knit together, and she looks exhausted, but I know she’s happy to help.

“Thank you. That means a lot. I need to discuss everything with Randy and see what our plan of action is. Mainly, it’ll be keeping you alive for a few more months,” she tells me.

Blake and Jana leave not long after our conversation. They want to tell their parents, in case we need reinforcements. I don’t want this to turn into a full-out war. I just want to stay alive.

Beth helps me to bed. I can’t sleep. Images from the past few days flow through my mind. Everything flashes before me—family, friends. I can’t lose them. They’re all I have.

My biggest fear is that this evil person will murder us in our sleep, and then walk away like nothing ever happened. I know I have to stay strong, but the reality of it is…I’m terrified.

So, I do the only thing that comes to mind.

I call Mom.

“Hello?” the voice answers on the other side.

“Hey, Mom.”

“Baby? Is that you?” Her voice is an octave higher than normal.

“Yeah, it’s me.”

“Beth says you’re doing well. I didn’t want to bother you. Your father and I—we’re ready for you to come home. We’ve talked about it, and we’ve decided you’re doing great, so we’ll pull you out during Christmas break and bring you home. We wanted it to be a surprise, but I feel like telling you now. I’m so proud of you, sweetie,” she gushes.

“Really?” For a moment I’m caught up in the surprise, but then reality sets in.

Mmhmm,” she murmurs.

I shake my head. I have to suck it up and tell her. “Listen, something’s happened that I think you should know about. Beth says I needed to be the one to tell you.”

“Candra, have you let your grades slip again? Your father won’t be pleased,” she scolds.

“No, uh, this is worse.” I cringe.

“What have you done?”

“It wasn’t me this time. I swear. Okay, just hear me—”

Mom’s voice cuts me off. She speaks to someone in the background, which is more than likely Dad. “Yes, she’s in trouble again. We’ll have to rethink this whole bringing her home now. Candra,” she says, getting back on the line, “your father is getting on the phone too.”

The receiving end swishes and sways, as Mom tries muffling the phone.

“What have you done now, kiddo? Your mother and I were getting good reports from Beth. What changed?” Dad asks.

“I almost got killed last night,” I reveal.

Silence greets me.

“By who?” Mom’s voice shakes.

“We don’t know. We’re still trying to figure it out. He’s a werewolf, I know that much.”

Mom gasps loudly. “Bill, we have to do something about this,” she tells Dad.

“Tell Randy and Beth we’ll be loading the car tonight and driving up there,” Dad says. “Hang tight until then.”

“Okay,” I say.

“I love you, baby,” Mom says.

“I love you, too,” I say.

“Be careful, kiddo. Love you,” Dad says.

“Love you, too.”

After they hang up, I toss the cordless phone on my bed beside me. The delicate chain around my neck twists with each new turn of the locket. I think about how my parents will feel if something happens to me, Randy and Beth. And Jana and Blake—they don’t deserve any of this. More importantly, how I’m too young to die, and how there won’t be any second chances.


Early the next day, Jana arrives to pick me up for work.

“All ready?” I hear a hint of pep in her voice. She smiles, but I know it’s fake. She’s trying not to think about all of this as much as me.

“Yeah, let’s go,” I reply.

“Anything new?” she asks once we’re safely in her car.

“My mom and dad are on their way up.” I pretend to pick at a hangnail.

“Well, that’s good. I told my parents last night, too.” She starts the car and throws it into drive, coasting down the long, gravel path.

“What’d they say?” I look up at her.

She keeps her eyes on the road, but replies, “That they knew one day it’d come to this. That the Conways will do everything to get rid of those who don’t follow them.”

“I really hope none of this ends badly. I don’t want to be at war with another pack, just because they want to rule the city.”

“Me either,” Jana says, shaking her head. She frowns. “I don’t want us to be separated. I’m going to talk to Livia and see if she’ll let Blake stay with us when we work. I’ll tell her something crazy, like I have a psycho ex-boyfriend or something.”

I grin, glancing at Jana. “Think she’ll buy it?”

“God, I hope so.”

We park behind the store in the employee parking lot. The shop sits on a corner, so two main roads run on each side. Jana and I walk briskly to the boutique, trying not to be obvious.

“I should’ve made some coffee this morning,” I say, making a disgusted face. “I feel like a zombie.”

Jana giggles. “Since when do you drink coffee?”

“Well, I don’t like it black—that’s for sure.” I lean against the display window while Jana fetches her keys.

“Hey,” I say, pointing toward the glass, “when did these get fixed?”

“Oh, the windows? A couple of days after our incident. Turns out Livia totally bought the idea of us getting robbed and assaulted.”

“Really? I’ve never known of a burglar to bust big ass windows. Usually they keep it simple so they don’t attract attention. I’m surprised she didn’t think of that.”

She shrugs. “You never know with her. Want to grab some coffee and muffins? We could go right up the street to Corner Delights, if you want.” She stops searching through her purse.

“Actually, I could eat something. I haven’t eaten much the past few days.” I pat my belly in response.

“They have really good chocolate chip muffins. You have to try them,” she prattles.

Corner Delights is a block away, on the other corner. There aren’t many people in line, so we patiently wait our turn. Glass cake stands brim with cookies and muffins of all kinds—blueberry, chocolate, cranberry, apple. My mouth waters just looking at them.

I take Jana’s advice and buy a chocolate chip muffin. It’s sweet, but not so sweet that it will send me into a sugar rush this early. The coffee helps me wake up. I sip its bitter flavor, slightly burning the tip of my tongue. We sit at one of the tables in the shop, quickly downing our breakfasts.

“I know we’re supposed to stay safe and all, but this was so good,” Jana says, standing up to leave.

I get a refill on my coffee, carefully measuring out creamer and sugar packets to go in it.

“I agree. We’ll have to do this again soon,” I say, placing the lid back on my cup. She doesn’t know that I’m going home soon. I don’t have the heart to tell her. Not yet.

We stroll back up the street to Livia’s.

Jana digs in her purse for the keys again. “Ugh. I can’t find them. I swear I should start shopping in the luggage department.”

I laugh. Something I haven’t done in a while. There hasn’t been anything worth laughing about…

“Stop laughing at me,” Jana gripes. “It’s true. I can’t find anything—oh, here they are!” The keys jingle as she pulls them out of her purse.

“Okay, for future reference—leave them out after we park your car,” I say.

“Good idea.” Her lips form a straight line as she nods. She sticks the key in the lock and stops. “Candra…” she says, drawing out each syllable.

I have no idea what’s wrong with her. It’s like she’s frozen in place, only her lips are able to move. Even her hand is still stuck in the same position, holding the key.


“Get behind me,” she orders.

Without a second thought, I obey, scooting as close to the door as I can.

And that’s when I see all three brothers walking toward us. If anything happens, Jana can’t fight them alone. Oh, where are you Blake?

Ben’s eyes lock with mine and for a moment, we’re back in our place where no one exists but us. I can’t read him, though. It’s like whatever was there before has completely disappeared.

“Well, well, well, look who it is,” Cameron begins, interrupting my obvious show of affection. “I thought I might find you two here. I heard you got hurt the other night, Candra. Sorry to hear that.”

“Like hell you are,” I hiss.

Jana holds out her arms, like she can block anything they try to do.

“You three need to leave. Now,” she tells them. “We’re not doing this here.”

“It’s such a beautiful morning. I’d love to ruin it,” Ethan says.

“I’m sure you would,” Jana says. “But today is not the day.”

“Who said we’re going to do anything? Maybe we’re just out for a morning walk.” Cameron shrugs, glancing up at the sky. “The air’s so fresh.”

Jana remains in a protective stance.

Cameron chuckles, and then looks at me. His eyes turn into black pits. “You and I, on the other hand, have unfinished business.”

“Just because I kicked your ass doesn’t mean I want us to continue fighting. Grow up,” I say, my voice seething with rage. 

“That’ll never happen.” He laughs menacingly. “We were born into this battle, Candra. Neither you nor I can stop it. One day we’ll end it.”

“Is that why you had someone try to kill me?!” I yell.

“Candra,” Jana says through gritted teeth, trying to cut me off.

“Whoa. Someone tried to kill you?” Ben asks.

I’m so pissed at Cameron that I forget Ben’s standing behind him. His hands are snugly tucked into his front pockets.

“Yeah, someone tried killing me. Two nights ago in Hartford. One of your Followers.”

“Candra, I had no idea,” Ben says. His eyes plead with mine. 

“If Jana and Blake hadn’t saved me, I wouldn’t be standing here right now,” I choke. My throat constricts, forcing me to hold back tears.

“So it was—” Cameron starts, then stops himself.

Jana turns her head from Ben to Cameron faster than a human can. She lets out a low snarl. “Get out of my sight,” she growls.

“Go to Hell, bitch,” Ethan says.

Without thinking twice, I take the lid off my cup and throw the scalding hot coffee in Ethan’s face. He screams and flails, wiping it away as fast as he can. As the coffee runs down his face, something like makeup rolls with it, like he’s wearing foundation to cover something.

And that’s when I see it—the red shoe-print marking. It crosses his forehead and stretches down to his chin. I glance at my feet, my shoes, knowing instantly where it came from.


Jana glances over her shoulder. Her eyes expand. She returns her gaze to Ethan.

“What just happened?” I whisper, barely able to force the words to leave my mouth.

Jana murmurs only one word.
