A lot of a writer’s time is spent in isolation;
our minds engaged in a fictional world, our thoughts shaped by the
imaginary characters, and the impossible demands we put upon them.
But no book is totally created in solitude. We need to come up for
air upon occasion and take inspiration from reality (no matter how
you define it), and from the people around us who graciously allow
us time alone, the right to be cranky when the plot ties itself in
knots, and rejoice with us when all the puzzle pieces fall into
So I must give hearty thanks to Tim Karr, my
beloved husband of forty years. Without you I couldn’t do any of
this or be a complete person. My brainstorm crew of Deborah Dixon,
Lea Day, Sara Mueller, Jessica Groeller, Lizzy Shannon, Maggie
Bonham, Bob Brown, and Big Brother Ed deserve more thanks than just
a mention here. These are also my first readers. They help lever my
wandering prose into a story that is actually readable.
The lovely filk song “Heart’s Path” by Chris
Dickenson is printed here with her kind permission. A recording is
available on the “Harmony Heifers” CD produced by Mystic Fig
Studios, available at or CD Baby.
Many years ago, ElizaBeth Gilligan and I sat in a
filk circle at Orycon and crooned “Where Are All The Aliens.” I
thank her for the loan of the lyrics we compiled together.
And I can’t forget Sheila Gilbert, editor
extraordinaire, the best in the business.