is for Annabel. And here she is, out for an Airing, on Mary Poppins’ Arm.
Andrew. Miss Lark’s dog, is Asking for some of her Arrowroot biscuit And taking An Ample bite.
This is Against Miss Lark’s Advice.
“Now. not Another crumb!” she says. “It will Affect your Appetite. And you Are having Asparagus for dinner.”
Andrew is Anxious And Alarmed. Asparagus is All very well, but what he really likes is Almonds, with one or two Antelope cutlets And A slice of Apple pie.
Miss Lark takes Absolutely no notice. She is far too Agitated. “Actually, Mary Poppins,” she says, “we Are looking for Robertson Ay. I want him to Assist me in Attacking the Ants in my garden.”
“He’s Asleep in An Armchair in the Attic,” Mary Poppins Answers.
“Asleep? In the Afternoon? How Amazing!” Miss Lark is quite Astounded. She is not Aware, Apparently, that Robertson Ay. though Agreeable. Always Avoids Activity. And he falls Asleep At Any time. Anyhow, Anywhere.