s the long stagnation that followed the fall of Rome
yielded to a meaningful pace of economic development after the
first millennium, the search for the meaning of value became a
focus of increasing study and debate in Europe. A great debate
developed among the scholastics and the monks in the universities
over the definition of a "just price." Saint Thomas Aquinas
himself, in the thirteenth century, acknowledged that "It is true
that money is subordinated to something else as its end; still, to
the extent that it is useful in the quest for all material goods by
its power, it somehow contains them all.... This is how it has some
likeness to beatitude."' Gold is a fountain of beatitude.

Commercialization and trade cannot take place without money. Creating new monetary systems from the ground up is no simple matter, for nothing can function as money unless it comes in a format that will be acceptable to everyone who uses it. No decree establishing a system can work unless the arrangements match the values, traditions, and needs of the community. The history of money-and much else affected by money-is a long and tortuous tale of how people have tried to deal with these difficulties under widely varying circumstances.
When all money is hard-when all payments are in bullion and coin-the process is especially intricate, because supplies of gold and silver are determined by nature rather than by the humans who use them. Mines can be exhausted, countries can gain or lose from plunder, and supplies can move across borders when trade is unbalanced. But human decisions matter, too. People can hoard rather than spend their coins, which was a common practice in the political and economic turbulence of the Middle Ages.' Gold is a hedge against the risks of chaos, and persuading people to bring their treasure back into circulation as money is no simple matter in a world where money in transit is often plundered by robbers or lost in shipwrecks, and the insatiable demands of the state are a constant threat.
The impact of frequent changes in the relative supplies of gold and silver complicated matters throughout the Middle Ages, and would continue to mess up monetary systems in both Europe and America until well into the second half of the nineteenth century. When the amount of available gold began to exceed the supply of silver, or vice versa, the prices that determined coinage rates of each metal at the mint would vary from the prices at which people could buy or sell the precious metals in the marketplace. Under those circumstances, one or the other of the metals was likely to disappear from circulation or to be exported to countries where the opposite state of affairs happened to exist.
Nevertheless, in spite of these obstacles, and without any theoretical or even much historical background to guide them, monarchs and their citizens during the Middle Ages, and even at certain moments before 1000, succeeded in evolving-indeed, inventing-monetary systems that have developed over time into the financial world around us today. None of these systems worked without disruption for very long, but reversion to the moneyless and tradeless society of the early days after the fall of Rome was never an issue.
One of the most striking features of the great sweep of European history up to World War I was how the Europeans managed to integrate gold into their monetary systems even though Europe's indigenous supply of gold was always minimal. As a French economist writing in the early 1930s described it, "There is something strange to see these countries, which, from the end of the Middle Ages to our own time, would become the most vital forces of the world economy, while barely privileged by nature with the material that a great tradition-today more imperious than ever-obliges us to accept as the sign and receptacle of all wealth. "3 To an increasing extent, as our story moves forward, the issues in Europe shift away from a focus on the supply of gold as such and toward which nation would manage to accumulate the gold that was available and employ it to enhance their power and wealth.
The wonderful thing about gold is that its achievements in its critical role as the prototype of wealth and money did nothing to diminish its equally vital role as adornment and a radiant form of beauty. Unlike other forms of money, gold has never lost its poetic quality. It has always been both sacred and profane.

The Europeans left themselves with no choice but to reject the Byzantine fashion of covering everything in sight with gold. On many occasions, gold was in such short supply that religious ornamental objects such as crucifixes and chalices were sacrificed to the melting pots at the mints to be transformed into coins. David Hackett Fischer, in The Great Wave, cites a theologian, Fulbert of Chartres, who justified the practice of melting religious objects into coinage "with the causuistry that it was better to sell sacred vessels to Christians than to pawn them in the hands of the Jews. "4
You will not find the gold mosaics of the Byzantine churches on Romanesque and Gothic churches, which have austere interiors and only stone carvings on the exterior. Their color comes instead from stained glass and small work by goldsmiths on reliquaries, the chalices on the altar, and the cloaks and mitres of the higher-ranking priests. When, for example, the Benedictine Abbe Suger, the great architect and regent of France, began building the first Gothic cathedral at Saint Denis in 1137 as the resting place of France's patron saint, there was no way he could emulate Justinian's extravagance at Saint Sophia. Even the fragile work of the goldsmiths scandalized Saint Bernard. Suger was not about to back down: "If the ancient law ordained that cups of gold should be used for libations and to receive the blood of rams," he retorted, "how much rather should we devote gold ... to vessels designed to hold the blood of our Lord?"5 How, one wonders, would Saint Bernard have reacted if it had been he rather than Moses who descended from Mount Sinai to find his people worshipping the golden calf?
The Europeans did follow the Byzantines in the delicate use of gold known as chrysography, in which a small amount of powdered gold was suspended either in egg white or gum. In this form, the gold was then applied in the illustration of books as calligraphy, which the Europeans developed into art of exceptional beauty. The technique itself had first come into use as far back as the second century AD via Egypt and Greece to satisfy the Roman demand for luxurious articles, but it was Charlemagne who launched the European art that has come down to us as the illuminated manuscript.
Charlemagne insisted on the highest standard for books produced during his reign and gave primary responsibility for that task to an English cleric, Alcuin of York. The most famous of the books produced under Alcuin's supervision were the Godescalc Gospels, which were written in 783 for Charlemagne, and the Saint-Methard Gospel Books, both of which now reside at the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris. The SaintMethard books were written entirely in gold calligraphy, illuminated with full miniatures in gold and silver on purple ground. The lettering was designed with great care, much of it adapted from Roman writing at the time of Virgil, with the letters formed deliberately and always taking the identical form. The cursive writing that we learn in school today is a direct descendant of Alcuin's golden script of twelve hundred years ago. We write faster in modern times, however: just one initial letter in chrysography took more than a full day to execute, which made carrying out these tasks a full-time job for the monk artists assigned to them.

The most significant development in the story of post-Roman money in Europe took place in Britain, which was at that time divided into a number of small kingdoms. Credit for this innovation goes to Offa (757-796), king of Mercia, a powerful ruler, and a contemporary of Charlemagne. Offa's domain extended through central England as far north as the Ouse and Trent Rivers around today's York and Manchester and as far south as Kent, Essex, and Sussex. This territory was large enough, and sufficiently integrated into one large community by Offa, for some modest amount of trade to start. In addition, Offa had large armies to maintain, and armies in those days were made up of mercenaries who would not fight unless they had received in advance the money payments due them.
When Offa took over Kent, he found three outstanding designers and producers of silver coins, known as moneyers, who had the delightful names of Eoba, Babba, and Udd. They sound like part of a Victorian poem for children, but the combination would also have made a fine name for an eighth-century London law firm. Eoba, Babba, and Udd were master moneyers in silver and they inaugurated the longstanding leadership of Englishmen in that role.6 England has minimal local sources of gold, but Cornwall was rich in silver deposits whose output was now fashioned into a growing quantity of coins. The English did issue gold coins for about seventy years around AD 700, but they soon began to add silver alloy and then converted all their high-denomination coins into silver, with copper or brass for subsidiary coins.
The purity of the silver pennies produced by Eoba, Babba, and Udd was so well maintained that the coins were soon circulating throughout Europe, even out to the Volga and the Don. Smaller denominations were created when people cut the pennies into halves or quarters. Later on, shillings would come into being; the word means "a piece cut off."'
An abundant flow of Offa's pennies was soon coming out of the mints. Offa was so busy issuing pennies that he had to add eighteen additional moneyers to his original three-man staff. The production of Offa's fine silver pennies ran into the millions-a powerful commentary on how rapidly the demand for money would increase as countries groped their way out of the Dark Ages. An even greater demand for coins lay just ahead, as the English had to arm themselves against Viking invasions and, from time to time, had to offer huge sums to these Scandinavian invaders in an effort to buy them offs By the year 1000, England's coinage was the most advanced in Europe, produced by a network of more than seventy local mints spread around the country.9
In the year 800, not long after Offa had started minting his pennies, Charlemagne, king of the Franks and victor over the Lombards, traveled to Rome so that the pope could crown him emperor of the Holy Roman Empire as a reward. A short while earlier, in 798, Charlemagne and Emperor Irene of Byzantium had opened diplomatic relations; Charlemagne contemplated marriage with her, undeterred by Irene's lust for power. In view of Charlemagne's impending coronation, this would have been the greatest merger and acquisition in history. One of Irene's favorites frustrated the match, and two years later she was on her way to exile as a spinster.
Charlemagne took the Byzantine emperors as his model by focusing on gold rather than silver. It was probably Irene who stimulated his interest in coinage, although he was also a friend and admirer of Offa. Charlemagne must have had much more gold available to him than other European rulers who either preceded or followed him for a long time afterward. He reopened the old gold mines in Saxony and Silesia and attracted goldsmiths from Byzantium to his capital at Aix. He worked on a golden desk with a map of the universe etched on its top. He had many villas, each of which had its local goldsmith. When he died, he was embalmed and buried sitting on a great gold and ivory throne that he had imported from Constantinople, together with a gold scepter, shield, and sword. Plundering gold from beaten enemies, as always, was important as a source of gold for these luxuries. For example, when Charlemagne defeated the Avars in 796, an Asian tribe who had founded the first Mongol empire in AD 407,1 he needed fifteen wagons, each pulled by four oxen, to carry the captured booty of gold and jewels."
All that splendor would have been incomplete without a gold coinage. Charlemagne set his pound equal to twenty shillings and 240 pence and a pound weight of twelve ounces-like the Romans before him and like the system the English were later to follow. Charlemagne's coinage was to enjoy only a brief life span, however, despite the longevity of his system of denominations and weights.t2 His progeny spent as much time fighting among themselves as they spent in defending their domains, and his kingdom broke apart. Yet the difficulty was due only in part to his failure to establish a line of succession that would sustain the integrity of his domains. The evidence suggests that the process of recycling old gold for monetary purposes had reached a limit that could not be breached without the introduction of new gold supplies from some source beyond Europe.

Offa's silver coinage fared better than Charlemagne's gold coins, even though Offa's English kingdom also fragmented after his death. Offa's coins situated the penny as the core of the English monetary system: until about the end of the thirteenth century, five hundred years after Offa's innovation, pennies were the primary means of payment. Offa's penny was so well established when the Normans arrived on the scene in 1066 that William the Conqueror rejected a policy of debasement for the English money.
When Richard I-Richard the Lion-Hearted-was captured by Leopold, duke of Austria, in 1192 on his way back from the Crusades, and subsequently "sold" to the Holy Roman Emperor, the ransom of 150,000 marks (the equivalent ofL100,000) levied on the English people was transferred from England to the continent in the form of silver pennies. This was a pile of small change that would warrant a place in the Guinness Book of Records: £100,000 added up to 24 million pennies, enough money to employ over forty thousand skilled carpenters for a year.*13 It is remarkable that the English were willing to make such a heavy sacrifice at such an early stage of national awareness and for a king who spent so little time in England during his reign.

Gold coins were so valuable in the Middle Ages that they did not circulate much among the common people.t For the most part, gold coins were used in transactions by merchants and traders involved in foreign trade, by tax collectors, by the retinue of the monarch himself, and, as we have already seen, by monarchs as a means of buying off enemies and ransoming friends and family members. All these people exercised great caution to avoid accepting gold coins whose weight or composition was below required levels of purity, thereby rendering a public service for everyone else.
A favorite method of testing quality was the touchstone, which functioned in these times in precisely the same way as it had functioned more than fifteen hundred years earlier under the Lydian kings in Asia Minora stone rubbed by gold objects and then compared against a set of needles containing varying proportions of gold and silver, gold and copper, and all three metals. Many merchants kept touchstones for this kind of roughand-ready test. In cases of controversy, coins were taken to goldsmiths, who were skilled at the use of touchstones and their companion touchneedles; for over seven hundred years, the Goldsmiths Company of London has been the official arbiter of the purity of the British coinage. 16
The most important and reliable tests of purity were held at the Trials of the Pyx, in which a public jury of "twelve discreet and lawful citizens of London with twelve skillful Goldsmiths" presided over public examinations of coins freshly or recently issued by the Royal Mint. This ceremonial procedure probably began under the reign of Edward I in 1282; on the occasion of its seven hundredth anniversary in 1982, the trial was attended by Queen Elizabeth II and the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
These uniquely English Trials of the Pyx were serious affairs. The trials served a real purpose, because the goldsmiths and their jurymen had no conflicts of interest, performing their task in the open before the public, not in secret, for no reason except to assure the integrity of the currency. Today, we would refer to this as transparency. The whole process discouraged the monarch from debasement and encouraged people all over Europe to accept and execute transactions with English coinage.

The Trials of the Pyx are not the only evidence of the English intolerance for low-quality coins. Punishments were swift and unpleasant for moneyers and other employees of the mints who crafted poor coins or who were suspected of activities in the mints for their own benefit.
In 1124, with public confidence in English money having been destroyed by deterioration of the coinage, Henry I called before him all the mint-masters in the kingdom, about two hundred men, and punished almost half of them by chopping off their right hand. This was a punishment that fitted a crime for which higher authorities had the ultimate responsibility. As Glyn Davies, a distinguished British economist and historian, observes, "At least they were spared the stiffer penalties of being blinded or castrated or both, which were occasionally administered."'s Similar types of punishment were by no means unusual until well into the seventeenth century. Moneyers seem to have been an unruly lot for most of history. Gibbon's The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire reports that Emperor Aurelian, about AD 175, complained that the workmen at the mint "adulterated the coin" and then rose in rebellion, requiring the emperor to recall seven thousand soldiers from Dacia before the uprising could be suppressed.19
This English tradition of "sound" currency stood in sharp contrast with the irregularity of continental currencies. The resistance to going off gold that haunted the British from 1925 to 1931 had deep roots. In 1344, for example, when the weight of the English penny had been almost unchanged for two hundred years, Edward III attempted to finance the great war against France with a small reduction in weight and followed with a deeper cut in 1351. The Statute of Purveyors enacted by Parliament in 1352 "expressed the hope that the king would no more tamper with the coinage than with the standards of weights and measures. 11211
Contrary to popular myths about the eagerness of the state to debase the currency whenever possible, the monarch had a strong vested interest in maintaining the purity of the coinage when coins were almost the sole medium for effecting transactions and for paying taxes and debts. Good coins with royal authentication stamped on them tended to exchange at a significant premium over their intrinsic value as metal, because they were so much more convenient than any other means of payment. This difference provided a source of profit, known as seignorage, to the kings who maintained a monopoly on the process of minting coins; anyone else engaging in that activity would live to regret it. The monarch's eagerness to earn seignorage in the Middle Ages explains why wholesale recalls of outstanding coins occurred in many countries in three- to five-year intervals, to be replaced with new coins of different design. The process was often a welcome one, as old coins constantly deteriorated from handling or were clipped by those who hoped to sell the odd pieces in the black market for money.

Offa's pennies and the Trials of the Pyx reflect the growing importance of money and commerce as Europe emerged from the darkest days of the Dark Ages. Significant as these developments may have been, they were just a beginning in which gold played only a minor role. Far more exciting developments lay just ahead. Gold was about to combine with growing economic and financial sophistication to rival political and military power in shaping the course of events around the world.