21. Invitations
Krrrrrr... Krrrrrrrr...
Daniel grabbed the hydger and saw Ulaman's call sign. "Ulaman, best skipper of the planet, good morning."
"Daniel, you are becoming a lazy heap. Are you still in your bed?"
"Looks like it, yes," Daniel grinned.
Ulaman made a sound that conveyed disapproval. "The sun is already out. How are you feeling?"
"Not too bad. Still sore in places where the new skin takes longer to heal. Why, is something the matter?"
"Not really. The crew wants to know how you are. It would be good if you could come to the ship and talk to them. They worry about you. I told them they are wimps but they made me call you anyway."
Daniel did not grin, but he knew Ulaman was hiding his own concern. Had the crew been there, he'd have heard it. "I will come to the harbour tomorrow, okay? A friend comes over today to pick me up and visit his family. Mr. Barker, I told you about him?"
"Yes, I remember. Well, I am glad that... the crew will be glad if you can come over tomorrow. There is nothing like smelling the water to get you back on your feet, Daniel. And let me know if you cannot come after all."
"Certainly, skipper. I'll let you know. But I am rather certain I can show up."
"Good, Daniel. Now get up, man!" The big face grinned before the screen went grey.
Daniel laughed, winced as there was a sting from his belly, and dropped the hydger on the bed. "Ouch. Still no laughing today, Mr. Zacharias." He got up and showered. He worshipped the shower since the surgery: it made his new skin soft and supple and chased the little pains away for a long time.
He got dressed and waited for his friend to show up, spending the time reading.
"Daniel? Are you in there?" The question was followed by a careful tap on the door. Tomlin grinned as Daniel let him in. "You look less bad today," he stated. "Ready to go?"
"Ready as I'll ever be. I am curious to see where you are living, Tomlin."
The trip to Tomlin's house did not take very long. It was located in one of the better neighbourhoods of Skarak.
Tomlin pointed out several places of interest and historical fame as they came past them. The carriage took them up into the mountainous area, where almost every residence had a magnificent outlook over the town, the harbour and the sea. Daniel had never been up there, so he was astounded by the view.
"We're here, Daniel," Tomlin said as the carriage slowed down. "Prepare yourself to be invaded by my offspring."
After exiting the carriage, they stood in front of what in this area was an average sized house. Remarkable was the small building in front of it that Tomlin walked up to. He used his ring to open the door and let Daniel in. "Welcome to my humble home."
It turned out to be far from humble. The small building turned out to be a sort of reception area and it had a wardrobe. From there, they walked through a short transparent tunnel that brought them into the actual house. Tomlin's wife was a very friendly woman, and the offspring-based invasion Tomlin had warned Daniel for did not happen. Clearly the children, two boys and a girl, had been instructed very well about Daniel's condition. They were very careful and, Daniel found, polite beyond limits.
He had a really nice day out with the Barker family, and when Tomlin took him back home in the evening, Daniel was yawning.
"My friend," Tomlin grinned, "I think you have lost the ability to stay sober while drinking."
It certainly felt so, Daniel had to admit. "Thank you for today, Tomlin. I really appreciate it. It was great to see where you live. You did the right thing, staying here. You have a lovely family."
"I know. And thank you for the compliments. I'll carry them on. Stay well, and in touch." After shaking hands, Tomlin ordered the carriage to take him home again.
Daniel dragged himself to his apartment, could barely be bothered to hang up his suit and crashed into bed. He was out before his head had actually touched down on the pillow.
The next morning, Daniel was awake quite early, compared to the days before. After the relieving shower, which seemed less needed today, he dressed and went out for breakfast. It felt good, and he was pleased about that. It told him he was definitely on the mend.
As he left the restaurant, he called Ulaman. "I am on my way to the harbour now, Ulaman, but I come walking. The exercise is good for me, so it will take a while before I am there. I'm on my way, already."
Ulaman clearly was happy with that news.
The walk was a nice one. The weather was glorious. His coat held away the teasing sea wind. His thoughts revolved around Tomlin, families, and Rhonda. But he felt so good that this time nothing seemed able to destroy his mood. Not even the thought of Malcolm that floated by.
When Daniel approached the harbour he smiled. There is nothing like smelling the water, Ulaman had said, and bugger it all, there was truth in his words. Soon the large super-clipper came into view and he started the climb up the long gangway. It cost him more effort than before, but he had already prepared for that. Slowing down was the solution.
Daniel stepped onto the deck. The men were working various chores and did not even seem to notice him, at first. He casually sauntered towards the staircase that led up to the bridge, when Darigyn caught sight of the man in the suit.
"DANIEL!!" The man's voice thundered over the deck, and soon he was engulfed in sailors who all wanted to shake Daniel's hand, something he appreciated but was not ready for yet, he knew. That made for a rather awkward greeting, but it all came out well.
He answered to a number of the question they fired at him, until Ulaman and Lidrin came down from the bridge and liberated him from all the attention.
Xandree had gone down to the galley and brought Draiky along to greet Daniel. He bent down to carefully hug her. He saw how happy she was to see him back on board.
Draiky would have loved to drag Daniel along for some tea, but had to postpone that urge, as Ulaman had some things he wanted to talk about with Daniel. She therefore did the next best thing: she went to get tea and told them she'd take it up to the bridge.
Once tea and a few biscuits were on the table, and the people were around all that, Ulaman started to talk. "The workmen discovered and fixed a few more problems with the ship, Daniel. We won't be taking her out for cargo in the coming days, it is merely tests after fixes. Nothing serious, but I am sure you want to know this."
Daniel nodded. "I'm sorry to hear that. It worries me that such a small pirate ship can cause so much damage."
Ulaman nodded. "I have never heard of this kind of attack before. The Seigner is looking into having the hull strengthened, but that could mean it makes the ship behave differently. It was designed to be the way it is."
That, of course, was a serious thing to consider. There was little reason in making the ship less reliable.
"There is something else, Daniel. Something you should feel honoured about." Ulaman got up, went to a drawer and took an envelope from it. He handed it to Daniel.
It was dark brown, carried a blue seal and it was written in a beautiful hand. 'To the attention of Mr. Daniel Zacharias', it read. The seal was the symbol of Seigner Dandra ko Galem, Daniel recognised it as he had seen it on his hydger a few times.
"What's this?"
"Open it," was Xandree's simple solution.
He did so and pulled out a letter, written in the same way as the envelope.
'Mr. Daniel Zacharias,
The family of Seigner Clelem Dandra ko Galem cordially invites you to attend a soirée at their house.
The soiree will be held on the eighteenth day of this month, you are welcome to arrive at any time after the sun starts setting.
Appropriate attire will be appreciated.'
The invitation ended with a series of numbers, which made up the carriage address for the house.
Daniel read the invitation twice, then stared at the people at the table. "They are inviting me for a party?"
"Yes. And rather you than me, Daniel," Ulaman said. "You will be able to fit in there. The Seigner sometimes has such a thing, and the mouse, who gave me this, told me you were invited as you have been so crucial in saving the cargo and the Pricosine."
Daniel looked at the paper. "The eighteenth day. That's tomorrow!"
"Yes. That is why I wanted you to come over today. Otherwise I would have brought it to you," Ulaman grinned.
"Right. Should I be worried about the bit on appropriate attire?" Daniel had the distinct feeling that his regular suits would be far from appropriate for a soirée.
"I suggest you find a clothing shop that can help you, Daniel. Your ship's clothes are probably not nice enough. Even when washed." Xandree was definitely right. As usual.
Daniel drank some tea. "I was afraid you were going to say that." It was well known all over the ship how he felt about suits, so there was some laughter and a careful pat on the shoulder for encouragement.
Daniel spent some more time talking to Ulaman, Xandree and Draiky, and then he went on deck again to spend some quality time with his sailor friends. They all were very curious, so he took the time to tell them about the events in hospital as far as he could and listened to their stories. Time flew, so he joined the crew for a meal on board. After that he wished them all good luck in getting the ship in shape again and left the harbour, in search of a clothing shop. For the appropriate attire that would be appreciated...
"No, sir. I must strongly disagree, with your permission. You should put on the blue suit again." The face of the man in the clothes shop made it clear that 'no' was not an option. "It suits you, the colour looks perfect on you as well."
Daniel did not like blue. The fact that his skin was still slightly blue was bad enough, but this man, who insisted on selling him a sky-blue suit, was driving him mad. The worst thing was that the other two shops where he had been had also suggested blue suits. "I think that more blue is not a good idea, sir, considering the present colour of my skin," he tried. The brown one he had on now was good.
"Oh, really sir, if that is the whole problem, we can simply arrange for a light toning powder to make your skin look more its natural complexion again." He rushed off, leaving Daniel behind. In a blue suit, in full view of a large mirror.
The man returned with a young woman who carried a large box. Daniel recognised the thing as a beauty case and shivered. "Look, dear sir," he started, "this is just for a soirée, a one time affair."
"Oh, but I do understand, Mr. Zacharias," the clothes addict responded, "and especially if that is the case, you should not do less than the utmost to make a perfect impression on your hosts. Now if you would please take off your coat..."
Daniel was relieved from the suit, planted in a seat, and the young woman got to work on his arms, face and neck. He tried to object only one more time, but that did not seem to reach any ears, so he gave up and in.
After an hour of being brushed, painted, powdered and rubbed, the young woman was satisfied. The clothes man invited him to put on the blue suit again. He complied and looked into the mirror.
Daniel got up and looked. "Wow."
"Excuse me, sir?" the woman asked. "Is something not to your liking?"
"Oh, no. I do apologise, miss. I am surprised, you did an outstanding job," Daniel had to admit. Even the blue suit did not look so bad now. The procedure had been more than the 'light toning powder', but it was worth it.
The clothes advisor smiled. "I am glad you approve, sir. I do have an idea now. If you would excuse me..." Again he rushed off.
"Will you be needing me, sir, Arvin will know where I am," the painter lady said. "The colour will stay for several days, and it will hold in a bath. Do refrain from one today, please, though." She smiled, curtsied and left, her box in her hands.
Arvin the clothes man returned, another suit in his hands. "This, sir, might be more to your liking."
The suit he brought was dark blue. Daniel put it on. And he liked it. The pants and sleeves were too short, but Arvin promised that their tailor would be able to correct that without a trace.
Daniel left the store, a small business card tucked in his pocket as well as the address coordinates of the shop in his hydger. The suit, the new shirt and the tie to match would be waiting for him the next morning.