

by Paul Kater




Published by the author at Amazon - Copyright 2011 Paul Kater




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1. Daniel


2. Training


3. It just sucks


4. Moon base (1)


5. Moon base (2)


6. Tailored


7. NGC6637-VIII


8. The mission


9. The Pricosine


10. Sailing


11. Home is where the ship is


12. All aboard


13. A night on the town


14. Jailbirds


15. A new trip


16. Rayko


17. An unexpected visitor


18. Huajo Dogom ko Tzuy


19. Under sail again


20. Bactine


21. Invitations


22. Soirée (1)


23. Soirée (2)


24. A strange call


25. Soirée (3)


26. Under sail again


27. Walking the plank


28. You're out


29. Need job, will sail


30. Where Flish went wrong


31. Action, where are you?


32. No music and bars


33. Shipyard


34. Strange Aldrick


35. Getting ready


36. Airship


37. It's dangerous


38. Win one, lose one


39. Missing


40. Daniel Detective


41. Senator Sygra Dirrit ko Asac


42. Kitty cat


43. Blood shed


44. An unexpected encounter


45. Investigations


46. When things blow up


47. Another shed


48. The cellar


49. Guerilla


50. The start of things


51. Preacher


52. I come to help


53. Clelem


54. Kernak


55. At the shipyard


56. Coping


57. Time waster


58. A job for a hero


59. Preachers and inventors


60. A cloaked person


61. The Litany of Nahmyo


62. Awakening


63. At the big house