About the Photographs
Frontispiece—1916 portrait of Winston Churchill by the painter William Orpen, widely considered one of the best likenesses ever painted. (Reproduced with permission of Curtis Brown Ltd, London, on behalf of the Estate of Winston Churchill. Copyright © Winston S. Churchill)
Page 1—Winston Churchill, ca. 1880. (Reproduced with permission of Curtis Brown Ltd, London, on behalf of the Estate of Winston Churchill)
Page 17—Winston Churchill in 1908, a week before his marriage to Miss Clementine Hozier.
(Library of Congress, New York World-Telegram & Sun Collection)
Page 45—October 1, 1919. Winston Churchill at the Tank Enquiry at Lincoln’s Inn.
(Topical Press Agency/ Getty Images)
Page 73—Winston Churchill on his way to Buckingham Palace to receive the seals of the office of chancellor of the exchequer from King George V in 1924.
(Library of Congress)
Page 89—Winston Churchill, a keen bricklayer, at work on the wall around his home at Chartwell in Kent, ca. 1930. (Chris Ware/Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Page 107—June 6, 1941. Winston Churchill watches the arrival of the first B-17 Flying Fortress.
(Library of Congress)
Page 141—December 11, 1955. Sir Winston Churchill flashes his famous V for victory sign on the eve of the general election.
(Bettmann/ Corbis)
Page 158—February 1946. Winston Churchill at his easel. (Bettmann/ Corbis)
Page 159—Winston Churchill died on January 24, 1965—seventy years to the day after his father. (Library of Congress, Earl Warren Papers)