

Chapter 1: Beer Geeks: An Introduction

The Geek and the Snob

The Beer Geek Ten Commandments

Quiz 1: The Beer Menu

Beer Drinkers Commonly Confused with Beer Geeks

Quiz 2: Are You a Beer Geek?

Chapter 2: Beer: The Root of all Beer Geekery

The Ideal Beer

The Importance of Knowing (and Ignoring) Beer Styles

Beer Types: The Good, The Bad, The Trendy

Glassware: Always a Proper Vessel

Serving Temperature: Maximizing a Beer’s Profile

One-offs: The Ultimate Attraction

DONGs!: The Exclusive Draft-Only, No-Growler Beers

Beware the Collaboration Brew

Beer Cocktails: The Scourge of Beerdom

Chapter 3: Breweries: The Exclusive Club

Formula for Cool

Quiz 3: The Beer Geek Formula

The Classics: Pioneers of the Geek Frontier

Has-Beens, Sellouts, and Other Garbage

Cult Breweries: The Pinnacles of the Brewing World

Quiz 4: Are You a Fanboy/girl?

The Beer Geek Hall of Fame

Staying Current: Internet Forums

Chapter 4: Procurement: The Beer and Other Geeky Goods

Liquor Stores and Their Beer Guys: Types and Strengths

Straight from the Brewery: Filling Growlers and the Like

Online Beer Sales: A Last Resort

Beer Trading: The Dark and Winding Path to Bankruptcy

The Value of Beer: Learning to Recognize (and Disregard) the $/oz. and Other Metrics

Brewerania: Coasters, Signs, and Other Junk

Beer Geek Essentials

Chapter 5: Drinking: Where & How

Bars: Types and Strengths

Brewery Taprooms and Tours: Yet Another Mash Tun

Restaurants: Drinking Beer with the Kiddos

The Basics of Beer and Food Pairing

Beer Festivals: Geeking Amidst the Debauchery

Hosting a Beer Tasting . . . with Style and Grace

Chapter 6: The Beercation: Seeking the Source

Belgium: The Motherland

Germany: The Fatherland

The Pacific Northwest: Beerlandia

Colorado: The Napa Valley of Beer

California: Beaches and Brews

New England: Leaf Peeping and Beer Drinking

Beerymoons and Beer Geek Weddings: Consummating Your Geekiness

Patience is a Virtue: Being the Spouse /Significant Other of a Beer Geek

The Beer Geek Dictionary

Commonly Mispronounced Beer Names and Terms

More Books for Beer Geeks


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