Secundaire bronnen


Ackroyd, Peter: London: The Biography, Chatto & Windus, Londen, 2000. Adam, Hargrave L.: The Police Encyclopaedia, Vol. 1, The Blackfriars Publishing Co., Londen, (datum onbekend, circa 1908).

Amber, Miles (Ellen Cobden Sickert): Wistons: A Story in Three Parts, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1902.

American Psychiatrie Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, derde bijgewerkte editie, Washington, D.C., 19X7.

Aronson, Theo: Prince Eddy and the Homosexual Underworld, John Murray, 1994.

Artists of The Yellow book & the Circle of Oscar Wilde, The Clarendon & Parkin Galleries, 5 Oktober - 4 November 1983, Clarendon Gallery, Londen. Ashworth, Henry: Recollections of Richard Cobden, M.P., and the Anti-Corn League, Cassell Petter & Galpin, Londen, (circa 1876). Bacon, Francis: Proficience of Learning, or the Partitions of Sciences, Rob Young & Ed Forest, Oxford, 1640

Baekeker, Karl: London and its Environs, Leipzig: Karl Baekeker Publisher, Londen, 1908.

Baron, Wendy: Sickert, Phaidon Press, Ltd., Londen, 1973.

Baron, Wendy en Richard Shone: Sickert Paintings, Yale University Press, New

Haven en Londen, 1992.

Barrere, Albert en Charles G. Leland: A Dictionary of Slang, largon & Cant, Vol. I en II, The Ballantyne Press, 1890.

Baynes, C.R.: Hints on Medical Jurisprudence, Madras, Messrs. Pharoah & Co., Mount Road, 1854.

Bell, Clive: Old Friends, Chatto & Windus, Londen, 1956.

Bell, Quentin: Sotne Memories of Sickert, Chatto & Windus, Londen (circa 1950).

Bell, Quentin: Victorian Artists, Routledge and Kegan Paul, Londen, 1967. Bertram, Anthony.ed.: Sickert, World's Masters New Series, Londen, The Studio Publications, 1955.

Besant, Annie: An Autobiography, T. Fisher Unwin, Londen, 1893. Besant, Walter: East London, Chatto & Windus, Londen, 1912. Bingham, Madelcinc: Henry Irving and the Victorian Theatre, The liarly Doors, George Allen & Unwin, Londen, 1978.

Blair, R.J.R.: 'Neurocognitive Models of Aggression, the Antisocial Personality Disorders, and Psychopathy', Journal of Neuroloy, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, December 2001.

Blake, P.Y., J.H. Pincus en C. Buckner: 'Neurologie Abnormalities in Murderers', Department of Neurology, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington D.C., 20007, Neurology, Vol. 459, American Academy of Neurology. 1995-

Booth, generaal William: In Darkest England and The Way Out, internationaal hoofdkwartier van het Leger des Heils, Londen, 1890. Bower, Peter: Turners Later Papers: A Study of the Manufacture, Selection and Use of his Drawing Papers 1820-1851, Tate Gallery Publishing, Oak Knoll Press, Londen, 1999.

Brimblecombe, Peter: The Big Smoke, Methuen, Londen en New York, 1987.

Bromberg, Ruth: Walter Sickert: Prints, Paul Mellon Cent re Studio in British Art, Yale University Press, New Haven en Londen, 2000. Brough, Edwin: The Bloodhound and its Use in Tracking Criminals, Hu IHustrated 'Kennell News' Co., Ltd., Ludgate HUI 56, Londen, (niet gedateerd. voor in de twintigste eeuw).

Brower, M.C. en B.H. Price: ‘Neuropsychiatry of Frontal Lobe Dysfunction in Violent and Criminal Behavior: A Critical Review', Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, December 2001.

Browne, Douglas G. en E.V. Tullett: The Scalpel of Scotland Yard: The Life 1 >/ Sir Bernard Spilsbury, E.P. Dutton and Company, Inc., New York, 1952. Browse, Lillian: Sickert, Faber and Faber Ltd., Londen 1943. Toen ik dit boek kocht, ontdekte ik tot mijn aangename verrassing dat het aan Dorothy Sayers had toebehoord.

Browse, Lillian: Sickert, Rupert Hart-Davis, Soho Square, Londen, 1960. Carter, E.C.: Notes on Whitechapel, Cassell and Company, Ludgate Hill, Londen, (geen datum, waarschijnlijk vroeg in de twintigste eeuw). Casanova, John N.: Physiology and Medical Jurisprudence, Headland & Co., Londen, 1865.

Casper, Johann Ludwig: A Handbook of the Practice of Forensic Medicine: Based Upon Personal Experience, Vol I, The New Sydenham Society, Londen, 1861. Casper, Johann Ludwig: A Handbook of the Practice of Forensic Medicine: Based Upon Personal Experience, Vol. III, The New Sydenham Society, Londen, 1864.

Cassell's Saturday Journal, Londen, 15 Februari, 1890.

Chambers, Encyclopaedia: of an Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, (deel 1 en II), vijfde editie, D. Midwinter, Londen, 1741.

Cooper, Alfred, F.R.C.S.: A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Rectum, H.K. Lewis, Londen, 1887.

Cooper, Alfred, F.R.C.S.: Diseases of the Rectum and Anus, J. & A. Churchill, Londen, 1892.

Cotran, Ramsi, Vinay Kumar en Stanley Robbins: Robhins Pathologie Basis of Disease, vijfde editie, W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1994. Cruikshank, George: Punch and Judy. Accompanied by the Dialogue of the Puppet-Show, an Account of its Origin, and of Puppet-plays in England, S. Prowett, Londen, 1828.

Darwin, Charles: Het uitdrukken van emoties bij mens en dier, Nieuwezijds, Amsterdam, 1999. Vertaling van The Expression of the Emotions: In Man and Animals, John Murray, Londen, 1872.

Deforest, Peter R., R.E. Gaensslen en Henry C. Lee: Forensic Science: A11 Introduction t0 Criminalistics, McGraw-Hill, Inc.; New York, 1983.

Di Maio, Dominick I. en Vincent J.M. Di Maio: Forensic Pathology, crc Press, New York, 1993.

Dictionary of Modern Slang, Cant, and Vulgar Words, by a London Antiquary, John Camden Hotten, Piccadilly, 1860.

Dilnot, George: The Story of Scotland Yard, Houghton Mifflin Co., New York, 1927.

Dorries, (Christopher: Coroner's Courts: A Guide to Law and Practice, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1999.

Douglas, John E.,Ann W. Burgess, Allen G. Burgess en Robert Ressler: Crime Classification ManuaL, I exington Books, New York, 1992. Douglas, John en Mark Olshaker: The Anatomy of Motive, Seribner, New York, 1999.

Edsall, Nicholas C.: Richard Cobden: Independent Radical, Harvard University Press, Cambridgc, Massachusetts, 1986. Ellman, Richard: Oscar Wilde, Hamish Hamilton, l.onden, 1988. Emmons, Robert: 'The Life and Opinions of Walter Richard Sickert, Faber and Faber Ltd., Londen, 1941.

Evans, Stewart P. en Keith Skinner: Jack the Ripper: Letters frotn Heil, Sutton Publishing, Ltd., Stroud, Verenigd Koninkrijk, 2001.

Evelyn, John: Fumifugium, Or the Inconvenience of the Aer and Smoake of London Dissipated, National Smoke Abatement Society, herdruk van de editie van 1661,1933.

Fairstein, Linda A.: Sexual Violence, William Morrow and Company, New York, 1993.

Farr, Samuel: Elements of Medical Jurisprudence, |. Callow, Londen, 1814. Fisher, Kathleen: Conversations with Sylvia, redacteur Eileen Vera Smith, Charles Skilton, 1975.

Fishman, William ).: East End 1888, Hanbury, Londen, 2001.

Frith, Henry: How to Read Character in Handwriting, Ward, Lock, Bowden and Co., New York, 1890.

Furniss, Harold, redacteur: Famous Crimes, Fleet Street, Londen, september-novembernummers 1888.

Galton, sir Francis: Fingerprint Directories, Macmillan Co., Londen, 1895. Galton, sir Francis: Inquiries into Human Paculty and its Developnient, Macmillan, Londen, 1883.

Gilberth, Vernon ).: Practical Homicide Investigationtweede editie, ckc Press, Boca Raton, Fl.., 1993.

Granshaw, Lindsay: St. Mark's Hospital, London, King Edward's Hospital Fund for London, 1985.

Griffith, majoor Arthur: The World's Famous Prisons: An Account of the State ofPrisons front the F.arliest Times to the Present Day, With the History ui i i lebrated Cases, niet gedateerd (circa 1905).

Guerin, Marcel en Bruno Cassirer. redacteurs: Degas Letters, Oxford, niet gi dateerd (halverwege de twintigste eeuw).

Guy, William Augustus en David Ferrier: Prineiples of Forensic Mali, ine, Henry Renshaw, Londen, 1875.

Hamnett, Nina: Laughing Torso, Constable & Co. Ltd., Londen, 1911. Hampstead Artists Council, Camden Town Group,Hampstead Festival exhibition Catalogue, 1965.

Harrison, Michael: Clarence: Was He Jack The Ripper? Drake Publishers, lm , New York, 1972.

Heywoode, Thomas: Gynaikeion: or, Nine Bookes ofVarious History Cont é 1 ning Women, Inscribed by the names of the Nine Muses, Adam Islip, Londen, 1624.

Hinde, Wendy: Richard Cobden, A Victorian Outsider, Yale University Press, New Haven en Londen, 1987.

Hone, Joseph: The Life of George Moore, Victor Gollancz, Ltd., Londen, 1936. Hone, Joseph: The Life of Henry Tonks, William Heinemann, Ltd., Londen, 1939

Hooke, Robert: Micrographia: Or Some Physiological Descriptions ofMinute Bodies Made by Magnifying Classes. With Observation and Inquiries Thereu-pon, |o. Martyn en Ja. Allestry, drukkers van de Royal Society, Londen, 1665. House, Madeline en Graham Storey, redacteurs: The Letters of Charles Dic-kens, Vol II, 1840-41, Clarendon l'ress, Oxford, 1969. Howard, John: The State of the l'risons in England and Wales, with Prclimi-nary Observations, and an Account of Some Foreign Prisons and Hospitals, William Eyres, Londen, 1784.

Howship, lohn: Disease of the Lower Intestines, and Anus, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, I.onden, 1821.

Jervis, John: A Practical Treatise on the Office and Duties of Coroners: with Forms and Precedents, S. Sweet, W. Maxwell, and Stevens 8c Norton, Law Bookscllers and Publishers, Londen, 1854.

Johnson, Samuel: A Dictionary of the Fnglish Language, Vol. I en II, tweede editie, W. Strahan, Londen, 1756.

Johnson, Samuel: A Dictionary of the English Language, Vol. II, Londen, 1810. Kersey, lohn: Dictionarium Anglo-Britannicum, J. Wilde, Londen, 1708. Krill, John: English Artists' Paper: Renaissance To Regency, Winterthur Gallery, Oak Knoll Press, Londen, 2002.

Kuhne, Frederick: The Finger Print lnstructor, Munn & Company, Inc., New Yórk,1916.

Larson, J.A.: Single Fingerprint System, D. Appleton and Company, New York, 1924. (Hen interessante bijkomstigheid is, dat de schrijver dit boek op 3 september 1938 aan een collega heeft gegeven mei de opdracht: 'met de diepste waardering in herinnering aan onze urenlange zoektochten naar de waarheid'. Onder de opdracht heeft meneer Larson een afdruk in inkt van zijn linkerduim gezet.)

Laski, Harold ). en Sidney en Beatrice Webb: The Socialist Review, (circa 1929).

Lattes, Leone: Individuality of the Blood: ln Biology and in Clinical and Fo-rensic Medicine, Oxford University Press, Londen, 1932. (Nadat ik dit boek had gekocht, ontdekte ik tot mijn verbazing dat het eens eigendom was geweest van dr. Bernard Spilsbury en dat bepaalde belangrijke passages over forensische toepassingen blijkbaar door hem zijn onderstreept. Spilsbury was misschien wel de beroemdste forensische patholoog in de geschiedenis van Engeland. Hij werd 'de onvergelijkelijke getuige' genoemd en zou in zijn carrière meer dan 25.000 autopsies hebben uitgevoerd.) Laughton, Bruce: Philip Wilson Steer: 1860-1942, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1971.

Laver, James: Whistier, Faber and Faber Ltd., London, 1930. Leeson, B. voormalig sergeant: Lost London: The Memoirs of an Tast End Detective, Stanley Paul & Co. Ltd., Londen (geen datum, begin twintigste eeuw). Lilly, Marjorie: Sickert, The Painter and His Circle, Elek Books Ltd., Londen, 1971; Noyes Press, New Jersy, 1973.

London, Jack: 'l'he People of the Abyss, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1903.

Luckes, Eva GE: Matron, 'The London Hospital 1880-1919, 'l'he London Hos-pilal League of Nurses, (geen datum).

MacDonald, Arthur: Criminology, Funk & Wagnalls Co., Londen, 1893. MacGregor, George: The History of Burke and Hare, Thomas D. Morison, Glasgow, 1884.

Macnaghten, sir Melville: Days of My Years, Fdward Arnold, Londen, 1914. Magnus, Philip: King Edward The Seventh, John Murray, Londen, 1964. Maile, George Edward: Elements ofjuridical or Forensic Medicine: For the Use of Medical Men, Coroncrs, and Barristers, F.. Cox and Son, Londen, 1818. Malthus, Thomas Robert: A11 Essay On The l'rittciple of Population, As It Af-fects The Future Improvement Of Society, J. Johnson, Londen, 1798. Marsh, Arnold: Smoke: The Problem ofCoal and the Atmosphere, Faber and Faber Ltd., Londen, niel gedateerd (circa 1947).

Martin, 'I'heodore: The Life of His Royal Highness The Prince Consort, Smith, Elder & Co., Londen, 1880.

Mellow, J.E.M.: Hints on the First Stages in the Training of a Blooilhouilil l'uf py to Hunt Man, particuliere uitgave, Cambridge, 1934.

Morley, lohn: The Life of Richard Cobden, vol. I en II, Chapman aiul Hiill, 1881.

Moyland, J.F.: Scotland Yard and The Metropolitan Police, G.P. Putnam's Sou -. Londen, 1929.

Oliver, Thomas: Disease of Occupation, Methuen 8c Co. Ltd., 1916. Pennell, J. en E.R. Pennell: The Life of James McNeill Whistier, deel II, Wil liam Heinemann, Londen, 1908.

Pennell, ). en E.R. Pennell: The Whistier Journal, J.B. Lippincott Co., Phi ladelphia, 1921.

Petroski, Henry: The Pencil: A History of Design and Circumstance, Alfred Knopf, New York, 2000.

Pickavance, Ronald: Sickert, The Masters 86, (oorspronkelijk uitgegeven in Italië in 1963), Knowledge Publications (Purnell & Sons Ltd.), Londen, 1967. Poore, G.V.: London (Ancient and Modern). Frotri a Sanitary and Medical Point of View, Cassell 8< Co., Londen, 1889.

Powell, George: The Victorian Theatre, A Survey, Geoffrey Cumerlege, Oxford University Press, Londen, 1956.

Prothero, Margaret, The History of the Criminal Investigation Department at Scotland Yard, Herbert Jenkins Ltd., Londen, 1931.

Robins, Anna Gruetzner: 'Sickert 'Paintcr-in-Ordinary' to the Music-Hall', in Sickert Paintings, redacteurs Wendy Baron en Richard Shone, Yale University Press, New Haven en Londen, 1992.

Robins, Anna Gruetzner: Walter Sickert, The Complete Writings on Art, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000.

Robins, Anna Gruetzner: Walter Sickert: Drawings, Scolar Press, Gower House, 1996.

Rodwell, G.F., redacteur: A Dictionary of Science, E. Moxon, Son and Co., Londen, 1871.

Rogers, )ean Scott: Cobden and His Kate, The Story ofa Marriage, Historical Publications, Londen, 1990.

Rothenstein. John: Modern Hnglish Painters: Sickert to Stnitli, Eyre 8< Spot-tiswoode, Londen, 1952.

Rothenstein, William: Men and Memories, vol. I-I II, Kaber 8c Faber Ltd., Londen, 1931-1939.

Sabbatini, Renato M.E.: 'The Psychopath's Bram', Brain & Mind Magazine, september/november 1998.

Saferstein, Richard: Criminalistics, An Introduction to Forensic Science, zevende editie, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2001.

St. John, (Christopher, redacteur: Ellen Terry and Bernard Shaw, The Foun-tain Press, New York, 1931.

Sanger, William YV.: The History of Prostitution: lts Extent, Causes, and Ef-fects Throughout the World, Report to the Board of Alins-House O'overnors of the City of New York, Harper & Brothers, New York, 1859. Scott, Harold: 'The Early Doors: Origins of the Music Hall, Nicholson & Wat-son Ltd., Londen, 1946.

Sickert, Bernard: Whistier, Puckworth & Co., Londen (geen datum). Sickert, Walter: 'The Thickest l'ainlers in London', The NewAge, 18 juni 1914. Sickert, Walter: ongepubliceerd artikel 'The Perfect Modern', The New Age, 9 april 1914.

Sickert, Walter: 'The Old Ladies of Etching-Needle Street', The English Review, januari 1912.

Sickert, Walter: 'The International Society', The English Review, mei 1912. Sickert, Walter: 'The Royal Academy', The English Review, juli 1912. Sickert, Walter: 'The Aesthete and the Plain Man', Art News, 5 mei 1910. Sickert, Walter: 'tdealism', Art News, 12 mei 1910. Sickert, Walter: 'The Spirit of the Hive', The New Age, 26 mei 1910. Sickert, Walter: 'lmpressionism', The New Age, 30 juni 1910. Sickert, Walter: manuscript van een artikel 'Exhibits', niet gedateerd. Sickert, The Fine Art Society Ltd., New Bond St. 148, Londen, 21 mei - 8 juni 1973-

Sickert, Walter Richard, Drawings and Paintings, 1890-/942, catalogus, Tate Gallery Liverpool.

Sickert, Walter, Centenary Exhibition of Etchings & Drawings, 15 maart - 14 april, Thomas Agnew & Sons Ltd., Londen 1960.

Sims, George R., redacteur: Living London, Vol 1, Cassell and Company Ltd., Londen, 1902.

Sinclair, Robert: Easl London, Robert Hale Ltd., 1950.

Sitwell, Osbert: A Free House! Or The Artist as Craftsman, Being the writingsof Walter Richard Sickert, Macmillan & Co., Londen, 1947.

Sitwell, Osbert: Noble Essences, Macmillan & Co. Ltd., Londen, 1950.

Slang Dictionary, The: Etymological, Historicai, and Anecdotal, Chatto and Windus, Londen, niet gedateerd (circa 1878).

Smith, luitenant-kolonel Sir Henry: From Constable To Cotnmissioner, Chatto & Windus, Londen, 1910.

Smith, Thomas en William J. Walsham: A Manual of Operative Surgery on the Dead Body, Longmans, Green, and Co., Londen, 1876. Stcvenson, Robert Louis: De vreemde geschiedenis van Dr lekyll en Mr Hyde, Hoogland & van Klaveren, Amsterdam, 1999. Vertaling van The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Longmans, Green and Co., Londen, tHHfi Stoker, Bram: Personal reminiscences of Henry Irving,, Vols I & II. Willliiin Meinemann, Londen, 1906.

Sutton, Denys: Walter Sickert: A Biography, Michael Joseph Lui., Londen, 1976.

Swanwick, H.M.: I Have heen Young, Victor Gollancz, Ltd., Londen, uhs. Taylor, Alfred Swaine: The Principles and Practice of Medical Jurisprudent c. John Churchill & Sons, Londen, 1865.

Thompson, sir H., Modern Cremation, Smith, Elder & Co., Londen, 1899. Treves, Sir Frederick: The Elephant Man, and other Reminiscences, (lassell 8< Co., Londen, 1923.

Troyen, Aimee: Sickert as Printmaker, Yale Center for British Art, 21 fehruui 1 '979-

Tumblety, Dr. Francis: The Indian Herb Doctor: Including His Experience 111 the Old Capitol Prison, Cincinnati (uitgegeven door de schrijver, 1866). Walford, Edward: Old and New Lontlon: Vol. III, Cassell, Petter, Galpin & (la., Londen, (datum onbekend, eind negentiende eeuw). Webb, Beatrice: My Apprenticeship, Longmans, Green and Co., Londen, 1926. Welch, Denton: 'Sickert at St. Peters', in Late Sickert, Paintings 1927-1942, Arts Council of Great Britain, 1981.

Wheatley, li.B.: Reliques of Old London Suburbs, North of the 'Hunnes, gete kend in lithografieën door T.R. Way, George Bell and Sons, Londen, 1898. Whistier, James MacNeill: The Baronet & the Butterfly: Eden Versus Whistier, Louis-Henry May, Parijs, 10 februari 1899. (Dit exemplaar is eigendom geweest van iemand uil de kring van kunstenaar en schrijver William Rothenstein).

Whistier, James MacNeill: Mr. Whistier's Ten O'Clock, Londen, 1888. Whistier: The International Society of Scalptors, Pointers & Gravers, Catalo-gue of Paintings, Drawings, Etchings and Lithographs, William Heinemann, Londen (circa 1905).

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Portret Van Een Moordenaar