Chapter 6 FORTA



Actually, there were complications. Smilo had to be housebroken. That meant setting up a suitable toilet facility for him, which consisted of a monstrous box of kitty litter that had to be changed after each use. It meant setting up heavy curtains for him to stretch his claws on. And a place for him to sleep, close by me. He spent a lot of time sleeping, or at least resting; his huge muscles were capable of phenomenal feats of strength, but not of endurance. He couldn’t settle down on my bed; he had the mass of a small horse. But he was happy to snooze under it, after we set up a high enough mattress for me. We had to wash him fairly frequently, lest the feline smell become too strong; but soon enough we became acclimatized to it. He learned to like sponge baths. He wouldn’t touch cat food; he had to hunt for his supper. That meant returning him to the experimental complex, which was equipped with an appropriate hunting range. Certain zoos also had facilities, and some industrial complexes. Since the most likely marauders of state facilities were human, Smilo and his cousins were trained to hunt human beings. Because Saturn did not pussyfoot around with enemies of the state, any such marauders caught were left to the predators to consume; it was believed that this had a salutary effect on potential criminals. I daresay it did.

Smilo knew me, and was able to accept those others I spoke for, especially when he had fed recently and wasn’t hungry anyway. He would not attack a friend. But we were uncertain of his capacity for friendship in larger numbers, and preferred to keep the exposure low. So my circle of personal acquaintances was restricted, and that really was not such an inconvenience. As the Tyrant of

Jupiter I had been isolated for security reasons, and these remained valid; I was comfortable with a small circle. Spirit and Tasha were it, for now, and the assigned guards; we let Smilo get to know three of them, so that they could take eight-hour shifts continuously, and I believe they came to consider it a privilege to share the duty with Smilo. If any strangers approached, the tiger would rise and growl, and consent to be pacified if the known guard indicated that the intruder was to be tolerated. Once a supervisor made an inspection, and the guard arranged to forget to give Smilo the toleration signal; the three guards had quite a laugh about that when things were private again.

Yes, on the whole Smilo was a worthwhile addition to our group. He never quite accepted Tasha, but I demurred when she offered to resign. “If you did that, those who sent you would know of the discovery of their ploy,” I said. “They might then send another assassin. I prefer to remain with the known danger. Also, I suspect that they would not be pleased with you.”

She considered that, and paled. She decided to stay. “But what-what if you lose discretion and-?”

“Remember the game of bondage?” I asked. “I gave you to understand that I was not up to the completion. The truth is that I had the completion, but that was erased from your memory when you reverted to your normal state.”

She was appalled. “But if what you say is true, you ran a horrible risk!”

“True. That is why I propose no further affair with you.”

She mulled it over. “How was I?”

I remembered the illicit excitement of virtually raping a bound woman. “You were wonderful-but that is not the way I prefer to know you.”

“Can’t I be deprogrammed? I wish-“

“I wish too,” I said. “But I think only those who programmed you can deprogram you, and I doubt they would.”

She sighed. “You know I want you.”

“And I want you. But it is forbidden. I must take another woman.”

“Was it this way in your time on Jupiter, when you went from woman to woman?”

I hadn’t seen it in precisely that way, but this was not the occasion to quibble. “They learned to live with it,” I said.

Halfway satisfied, she returned to her work.

Meanwhile, the effort to renovate USR industry proceeded. We made wholesale replacements in the supervisory personnel of the key departments, eliminating the nomenklatura and promoting the most competent underlings, so that normal operation hardly missed a step. Then we introduced the free-enterprise incentives, in the name of progressive socialism, and reworked the basic organization. The most efficient and reliable workers got bonuses, and the best managers got promotions, and product pride was stressed throughout. The quantity and quality of output improved, slowly at first, then with greater authority. Like a giant and heavy-laden locomotive, the industrial machine gained velocity. In the name of the Dream, it accelerated.

There were strenuous protests, of course. To these Khukov spread his hands and shrugged and said, in effect, “What can I do? I promised to let the Tyrant have his way if he delivered, and he is delivering.”

“But it is not good communism!” they insisted.

“Well, the Tyrant is not a good Communist,” he pointed out. True words!

Again, I don’t want to oversimplify. We spent many months on this effort, and Spirit developed a formidable apparatus of implementation, and there were almost daily minor crises. Some aspects of industry suffered erosion, and some were disasters, but overall there was a net gain, and this gain was increasing with the passage of time. The Saturn esprit de corps was firming. More raw iron was being processed, more large bubbles were being harvested, more and better machines were coming off the assembly lines. Perhaps more important, the common man was coming to support the new order, as his pay nudged upward and his taxes nudged down and more goods appeared on the shelves at lower prices. Progress was only token at first, but the common comrade was quick to appreciate its nature. The Tyrant was gaining support in proportion to the economic improvement, as is usual in such cases throughout the System. Common folk care little for ideology in their secret hearts; they care for their own comfort and security.

Of course the nomenklatura was now desperate. My progress and Khukov’s seeming powerlessness were wiping out this class. It was obvious that I had to be eliminated soon, or the nomenklatura would be out of power. Yet still, any too-obvious attempt on my life would backfire (that term dates from the ancient days of internal-combustion engines; it means a counterproductive effort) against the perpetrator. Thus the number of “accidental” incidents multiplied, and it became evident that Saturn was no safe place for me to be, for now.

Khukov had come to a similar conclusion. “I think it is time for you to become an interplanetary emissary,” he said. “I will arrange it. Meanwhile, take a vacation.”

“A vacation?”

“Drop out of sight. Go to Beria.”

This was his way of advising us that things were becoming quite difficult in the mainstream of the Communist paradise. It had become a full-time job for him to protect me and hang on to his own power while the repercussions of the changes we wrought occurred. Here, the opposition tended to express itself with lasers rather than with votes, and a number of cities were under martial law. He had said he would back me, and he was doing so, but at the cost of the erosion of his power. In time, as the full fruits of the reforms were harvested, his position would strengthen, but right now it required much courage and conviction to hold the line. I had no stronger confirmation of Khukov’s belief in the Dream, and in his belief in my own commitment to it, than this; I was reaping much of the credit among the common folk for the reforms, but it was his dedication that made them possible.

We went to Beria. If life was hard elsewhere in the

USR, it was arduous here. We settled in Dvik, at the northern extreme, and the dread cold seemed to reach right through the bubble wall and into our bones.

Of course we had paperwork to keep us busy, but I was soon climbing the walls, figuratively. I found myself looking at Tasha and wondering what was wrong with bondage. But I knew there were only so many chances I could take before something went wrong.

Then Forta arrived. She was the woman that my wife Megan sent; it seemed that during these months Megan had searched her out and arranged for her to travel to Saturn. Such things are not arranged instantly; there are clearances to be obtained and private affairs to be concluded, and of course the voyage between planets takes several months. Thus about six months had passed since my message to Megan, and this was her response.

I knew my wife, and my wife knew me. Our separation, more than a decade before, had been a philosophical necessity without bad feeling. I would have remained with her until death, had that been possible, and she knew it; she also knew that all other women were lesser substitutes, the bread and water of my desire when I could no longer possess the cake and cream. There was no jealousy in Megan, only understanding and tolerance. I trusted her to know exactly what I meant when I asked her for a woman. As far as I was concerned, this arrival was just in time.

Her name was Fortuna Foundling. If that sounds stupid-well, so does Hope Hubris, when you consider it. What, after all, is in a name? It is the person who counts. Khukov was later to dub her “the muddy diamond” with no disrespect intended; he appreciated her value immediately. A good deal faster than I did, actually.

I was on tenterhooks as the complicated process of Saturn travel and security clearance brought her slowly to me in Dvik. Was she beautiful? Intelligent? Affectionate? An athlete in the boudoir? Knowledgeable in System events? What kind of woman would my wife send me? I had never before asked her for a favor of this nature.

At length the bus-bubble arrived at the Dvik station. The passengers straggled out. Most were tired workers, glumly back from meager vacations in the more pleasant bubbles to the south. The last to debouch was, by her clothing, from Jupiter. She must be the one.

I don’t want to be unkind, but there is not any really polite way to describe my disappointment. This woman was tall and trim and evidently of mixed blood; there seemed to be touches of Mongol and Saxon and Negroid derivation in her. Her dark hair was bound back into a bun, and her face was shadowed by a feminine hat that might have been six or seven centuries out of date. She wore a suit that was almost military in its stern cut, though of no service with which I was conversant. She appeared to be in her mid-thirties. She was definitely no showgirl.

She glanced about, then spied me. She strode toward me, extending her hand. “Worry?” she inquired in English. “Forta Foundling.”

She was the one, all right; no one in Saturn knew my old nickname. Well, no doubt the secret police did, but it was not the sort of appellation they would think to use.

I took the hand. It was as calloused as that of a physical laborer. I looked up and saw her face clearly for the first time. It was a shock.

Forta’s face was so badly scarred as to make it hideous. It looked as if she had put her head in the blast of an accelerating spaceship. Patterns of scars matted her forehead and cheeks, and the eyebrows were lost in the ruin. Her ears hardly showed; perhaps they had been cut off. Her mouth seemed to be little more than a slit amidst the tortured tissue.

“Childhood accident,” she said matter-of-factly, evidently used to the very kind of stunned reaction I was evincing.

I found myself tongue-tied in the manner of a teenager. I could not see Megan as practicing either a joke or any kind of obscure vengeance on me; neither type of behavior was her way. But virtually all of my women had been beautiful, herself included; she knew my taste in that regard. How could she have done this? There had to be a rationale.

Spirit stepped in. “I am his sister. We have a place for you. Let’s get your baggage.”

“This is all,” Forta said, hefting her single suitcase.

We went to our rented car. I drove while Spirit and Forta talked. Spirit arranged this, knowing that I needed a pretext to keep to myself.

“We have been very busy,” Spirit said. “We have been reorganizing Saturn industry, and that entails a great deal of research. My brother interviews the personnel, and I see to much of the implementation. Are you trained in this area?”

“I regret I am not,” Forta said. “I do, however, have secretarial skills.”

“We already have a secretary,” Spirit said. “We really had not thought of you in that capacity.”

“Naturally not,” Forta said, evidently smiling. I was not looking at her; I kept my eyes scrupulously on the netted channel ahead. The mystery of this woman was growing, and it was not a mystery I was enjoying.

“Are you trained in diplomacy?” Spirit inquired.

“By no means.”

Even Spirit was somewhat at a loss. But she rallied. “Perhaps if you would fill us in on your background . . . ?”

“Gladly. I was found on Mercury thirty-two years ago, during one of the civil-rights altercations there. My parents may have been killed by the authorities of South Mercury, or merely driven out and prevented from returning. It is possible that I was left for dead, because of the injury done my face. I was picked up by a relief mission and taken to the Amnesty Interplanetary office in Toria. I understand they tried to investigate my background, but of course things are difficult for those of mixed race in that part of the System, and they had no success. So I was christened Fortuna Foundling, being fortunate merely to have survived as a foundling.”

“Apartheid,” Spirit murmured. “I understand that torture is employed in that region. But why a baby should be subjected to-“

“There is no proof of torture,” Forta said. “It could have been a mining accident. The conditions in Mercury’s sun-side diamond mines-“

“What was a baby doing in a sunside mine?” Spirit asked, an edge to her voice. She had seen a lot, and was toughened to it, but she was shaken by the obvious suffering Forta had experienced.

“Those of mixed race in that region must earn whatever type of living they can,” Forta said. “The wages of two would barely support a family, and it is possible I had only a mother. She may have had to take me to the mine, lacking any way to care for me separately.”

“And if a Saxon mine-boss discovered you-he could have poured acid on your face, and left you, just to spite your mother for bringing you,” Spirit said. “Then fired your mother and driven her away.”

“That is the conjecture,” Forta agreed. “But I must say that I was well cared for by AI. My face healed, but of course they lacked the funds for plastic surgery. I have spent my life with AI; when I became adult I joined as one of their agents. That has been the story of my life, until this point.”

“I wonder if there has been a misunderstanding,” Spirit said. “We are not engaged in the investigation of human rights, here. We are on assignment for Chairman Khukov of the Union of Saturnine Republics, being in exile from Jupiter. I should not think that you would care to be connected to this enterprise.”

“I did not come as an AI representative,” Forta said. “I came as a woman.”

“You are not on assignment?”

Forta laughed. “Naturally not! Megan would not assign anyone to duty of this nature. I volunteered.”

Still I stared straight ahead. Spirit was guarded. “You volunteered-for what?”

“To be your brother’s mistress.”

There was a silence. Spirit knew my tastes, and knew that I simply was not turned on by this woman. Under what illusion had Forta made this major decision?

“I have had experience,” Forta said after a moment. “I am competent. And I very much admire the Tyrant. I consider it a privilege to serve in this capacity.”

It was time for me to tackle my own problem. “How well do you know me?” I asked.

“About as well as any person not of your family or prior staff knows you,” Forta said. “I have made a study.”

“Then perhaps you know that I do not have relations with strangers,” I said.

“True. And you seldom have relations with unpretty women.” Aware of my reticence, she continued: “I intend to be the exception.”

“I am sure you are a well-meaning person,” I said cautiously. “But-“ I was unable to voice the thought.

“I think that once you come to know me, you will appreciate my qualities,” she said. “If you care to read me, you will see that I am confident of your eventual satisfaction.”

“Show me your power,” I murmured under my breath, in the old Navy idiom, with irony.

“Read me,” she repeated firmly. It was definitely a challenge.

I realized that it would be better to settle things now than to let them drag on. Spirit took over control of the car, and I spun my seat around to face Forta, who sat in back. I read her, using my talent.

The first thing I picked up was, indeed, her complete confidence. This woman believed in herself. This belief did not seem to be based on ignorance; she had had experience in many disciplines, and had verified the accuracy of her perceptions. She knew herself to have significant liabilities, but also knew that these had been compensated for to the extent that they had become net assets. She approached me not as a stranger but as a long-familiar subject, and regarded my conquest as a matter of convenience rather than challenge. She had suffered formidable privation, not merely that of the face, and survived with increasing strength. Indeed, that strength of character, forged in a very hard school, surrounded her as if she wore a suit of medieval armor; yet she was not resisting my probe, she was facilitating it. I had known hard women, and talented women, and combinations of the two, but none harder or more talented than this one, except my sister.

My sister-who also had a scarred face and hands. Spirit, as a child of twelve, had saved me from death at the hands of pirates by taking hold of a rocket-propulsion unit and firing it inside the bubble boat. She had wiped out the pirates, but had burned her hands and face, for the thing was no toy. Today she wore gloves in public to conceal the scars and the little finger she had lost in another aspect of that encounter, and could pass for a weather-beaten man when she showed her face but not her body. She had never had restorative surgery because she wore her marks with pride.

Forta was of this nature. She resembled my sister, though her scars were far more apparent. Evidently Megan had seen this in her, and believed that I would be pleased. Yet I did not care to take a woman like my sister as a mistress, and not merely because of the appearance or the implied sense of kinship. I preferred softer flesh for love, even when it was resisting me, as was the case with Tasha. I preferred a yielding, accommodating attitude, rather than a hard and challenging one. In short, I did not regard an Amazon as a suitable love object.

Then something strange happened. The face of the person before me blurred and changed, and so did the body. The contours rounded, the expression changed, and the body signals flowed into a different pattern. I had never observed this type of change in a person before; normally the unconscious signals that I read are fixed, varying only in intensity as the mood shifts. This one was becoming a different person, somewhat as Tasha did when her mole manifested.

Then I perceived the presence of Helse, the girl I had known when I was fifteen and she sixteen. The first of my two great loves. She had initiated me into sex and romance and set her stamp forever upon me. She had died, but lived on in my awareness, coming to me when I most needed her. I knew that I still faced the body of Forta, but it was Helse who faced me. Helse could assume the body of whatever woman I was with, and give me the joy of herself through that body. Helse, my love!

Then the signals changed again, and Helse faded. For a moment there was the confusion of mixed signals, like that of a palette whose colors have flowed into each other inartistically. Then they formed into a new presence.

Now it was Megan who met my gaze. Megan, my second great love, and my wife of more than a quarter century. She was older than I, and physically frail in her age, but her indomitable sense of decency and fair play shone through, and I still loved her. Had the separation not come upon us, I would never have touched another woman, as I have explained here, and this she knew. Technically, I was guilty of adultery, many times over, but she understood: I would return to her the moment I could. In that sense, each lesser woman was a complement to Megan: my effort to gain some partial share of her through sublimation. Megan, my love!

Finally that presence, too, faded, and I resumed my awareness of the original: Forta Foundling, whom Megan had sent. And of myself: my mouth had fallen open, and my eyes were glazing. For I knew that this had not been any idle vision of my own; I had not gone into any trance state or alternate awareness. I had experienced both often enough to know them when I chose to. I had been reading Forta-and the signals had changed. She had become each of my loves in turn-without speaking a word.

I spun my chair again, facing the front of the car, breaking the contact. Dazed, I stared into the atmosphere of Saturn as the bubble coursed along the netted channel, one of a line of such bubbles. Spirit glanced curiously at me, as if to inquire whether Forta had shown me her power.

Indeed, she had done so.



Bio of a space tyrant: Statesman
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Anthony, Piers - Bio of a Space Tyrant 5 - Statesman_split_003.htm
Anthony, Piers - Bio of a Space Tyrant 5 - Statesman_split_004.htm
Anthony, Piers - Bio of a Space Tyrant 5 - Statesman_split_005.htm
Anthony, Piers - Bio of a Space Tyrant 5 - Statesman_split_006.htm
Anthony, Piers - Bio of a Space Tyrant 5 - Statesman_split_007.htm
Anthony, Piers - Bio of a Space Tyrant 5 - Statesman_split_008.htm
Anthony, Piers - Bio of a Space Tyrant 5 - Statesman_split_009.htm
Anthony, Piers - Bio of a Space Tyrant 5 - Statesman_split_010.htm
Anthony, Piers - Bio of a Space Tyrant 5 - Statesman_split_011.htm
Anthony, Piers - Bio of a Space Tyrant 5 - Statesman_split_012.htm
Anthony, Piers - Bio of a Space Tyrant 5 - Statesman_split_013.htm
Anthony, Piers - Bio of a Space Tyrant 5 - Statesman_split_014.htm
Anthony, Piers - Bio of a Space Tyrant 5 - Statesman_split_015.htm
Anthony, Piers - Bio of a Space Tyrant 5 - Statesman_split_016.htm
Anthony, Piers - Bio of a Space Tyrant 5 - Statesman_split_017.htm
Anthony, Piers - Bio of a Space Tyrant 5 - Statesman_split_018.htm
Anthony, Piers - Bio of a Space Tyrant 5 - Statesman_split_019.htm
Anthony, Piers - Bio of a Space Tyrant 5 - Statesman_split_020.htm
Anthony, Piers - Bio of a Space Tyrant 5 - Statesman_split_021.htm
Anthony, Piers - Bio of a Space Tyrant 5 - Statesman_split_022.htm
Anthony, Piers - Bio of a Space Tyrant 5 - Statesman_split_023.htm