People and Places

ACOR OF HEL third king of Hel

ALOIL a Lungold wizard

AN Kingdom incorporating Three Portions (An, Aum, Hel); ruled by Mathom

ANUIN seaport in An; home of the Kings of An

ASTRIN Ymris land-heir; brother of Heureu

AUM ancient kingdom conquered by An; under Mathom’s rule

BERE Danan Isig’s grandson

BLACKDAWN, HALLARD a lord of An, with lands in east Hel

CAERWEDDIN city in Ymria, home of the Kings of Ymris, on the mouth of the Thul River

CAITHNARD seaport and traders’ city; site of the College of Riddle-Masters

CORBETT, BRI ship-master of Mathom of An

CORRIG a shape-changer; Ylon’s father

CROEG, CYN the Lord of Aum, with lands in east Aum; a descendant of the Kings of Aum

CROEG, MARA Cyn Croeg’s wife; The Flower of An

CYONE Mathom’s wife; mother of Duac, Rood, and Raederle

DANAN ISIG land-ruler, King of Isig

DETH a harpist

DUAC Mathom’s son; land-heir of An

EARTH-MASTERS ancient, mysterious inhabitants of the High One’s realm

EL Elriarhodan, the land-ruler of Herun

ELIARD the Prince of Hed; Morgon’s younger brother

ELIEU OF HEL the younger brother of Raith, Lord of Hel

ERIEL a shape-changer; a kinswoman of Corrig and Raederle

ERLENSTAR MOUNTAIN ancient home of the High One

EVERN “The Falconer“; a dead king of Hel

FARR the last of the kings of Hel

GHISTESLWCHLOHM Founder of the School of Wizards at Lungold

HAR the Wolf-King; land-ruler of Osterland

HARTE mountain home of Danan Isig

HED tiny island ruled by the Prince of Hed

HEL one of the Three Portions of An, conquered bythe Kings of An

HERUN a small kingdom ruled by the Morgols of Herun

HEUREU the King of Ymris

HIGH ONE an Earth-Master; sustainer of the land-law of his realm

HLURLE a small trade-port near Herun

HWILLION, MAP a young lord with lands in south Aum

IFF a Lungold wizard

IMER a guard in the Morgol’s service

ISIG a mountain kingdom, ruled by Danan Isig

ISIG PASS a mountain pass between Isig and Erlenstar Mountain

KIA a guard in the Morgol’s service

KING’S MOUTH PLAIN site of one of the Earth-Master’s ruined cities, north of Caerweddin

KRAAL port-city at the mouth of the Winter River, in Osterland

KYRTH trade-city in Isig, on the Ose River

LUNGOLD city founded by Ghisteslwchlohm; home of the School of Wizards

LYRA the land-heir of Herun; El’s daughter

MADIR ancient witch of An

MASTER, CANNON a farmer of Hed

MATHOM King of An

MORGON the Star-Bearer

NEMIR Nemir of the Pigs; a dead King of Hel

NUN a Lungold wizard

OEN OF AN King of An, father of Ylon

OHROE OF HEL a dead King of Hel; called “The Cursed“

OSTERLAND northern Kingdom, ruled by Har

RAEDERLE daughter of Cyone and Mathom of An

RAITH the Lord of Hel, descendant of the ancient Kings of Hel

ROOD Mathom’s younger son

TEL a Master at the College at Caithnard

TRIKA a guard in the Morgol’s service

TRISTAN Morgon’s sister

YLON an ancient King of An; son of Oen of An and the shape-changer Corrig

YMRIS a Kingdom, ruled by Heureu Ymris